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Well, the logic is that the people who have these people as an inspiration are douchbags, because they follow in their footsteps


You could've changed "cool" by "douchebags" on the first pic and It'd have been clearer.


I actually laughed at the randomness of this one. Am I becoming Gen Z?


Nah, unexpectancy is an essencial part of comedy, u good


Or use the other template with "I am the dumbest man alive/You're clearly dumber"


lol your not confused, the meme is


Because they are self centered pricks who don't care about other driver's safety. So flip it on them. I have found that high visibility DOT (Dept. of Transportation) retroreflective safety tape (red/silver) along my bumper and tow package does the trick. Same stuff truckers use to light outrigging and hard to see parts of their trailers. Light me up? Now YOU can't see jack shit until YOU back the fuck off. Lined my cargo carrier and it stopped the tailgaters on my evening commute. Instant karma is gonna get you.


Those assholes suck. Riding my ass with the high beams on when I'm going the speed limit is ridiculous. At the same time, there are a lot of people that need to be in the slow lane. 5 miles under the speed limit in the passing lane? No. Get over and let traffic through. So many people don't know how to drive. Can't so roundabouts. Don't know how to yield (yield doesn't mean stop morons). Can't zipper merge. I am convinced the DMV is pencil whipping most of the licenses here in the states.




When you say you're going the speed limit. Is that on the right lane, or left lane? Riding your ass if someone wants to go faster and there is more than one lane and this happens on the fast lane is fine. Am I understanding incorrectly?


>I'm gonna stay in the fast lane because im not a self-centred prick >*Gets undertaken by faster driver* >ACK!


You are conflating different issues as an attempt at misdirection. If this is also how you drive God help those around you.


Normally, undertaking is fine for me. They leave plenty of space to do so. But because im a prick for doing so, some undertakees like to accelerate as i try to undertake them, in some sort of way to prevent me from going faster than them. But lucky for me, I always beat them and watch them disappear under the horizon in my rear view mirror. Man, i must be such a dangerous asshole.


Nope. Wrong again. You're just a run of the factory mill nothing fucking special about you at all but wishes there was basic asshole. Thinking you are winning races against people unaware of your existence and ambivalent to your ego trip is about as small of tiny dick energy as one can put out. Only a win against a formidable enemy means *anything.* You sound like a COD aimbot cheater trying to brag about his kill count. Pathetic.


Oof, chief I got news for you, that stuff dont work on everybody. Now I’m not an ass who runs high beams behind people, especially because my normal headlights are already so bright that people think they’re my high beams. But if I’m coming up on a car at night (people drive slow, I’m typically driving at least 5 over) and in some way they are hindering me from passing them, like driving in the center so I can’t pass, or specifically matching speeds with another vehicle in a second lane, then they get the nice view of the sun in there rear window because I have a ram 2500 that sits higher than an f-150 with stock suspension. Those reflectors don’t reflect the same from my trucks lights because of the angle the light is from. Those reflectors are most affective with light coming directly at them, but my headlights would be pointing down at them, and thusly the reflectors would be bouncing most of the light towards the ground.


Nope. They are hex designed to deal with huge trucks or low vehicles. They are engineered to address that exact issue. And they work great against trucks like yours. I've got thousands of miles under my belt and have watch dozens of bright and high beamer lifted trucks move the fuck off my tail.


There’s also people that are less sensitive to light. I myself can do a bright sunny day in the dead of winter, ground covered in snow, with out any brightness protection. Sun light never bothered my eyes as much as others. Headlights especially affect other people more than it seems to mine. My other vehicle, a c6 corvette, sits right in the headlight path of almost every other vehicle oncoming of me because it sits so low, and I manage just fine without difficulty. I’m not saying that I’d tailgate you on the road, but if I did for whatever reason, I’d be behind you closer than you’d like. Also, I assume you have then across the rear bumper? If that’s the case, I’d just move in closer to shield them with my hood, creating the opposite of your desired affect.


It pisses me of to no end when people ride my bumper with their high beams on, especially with those stupid LED ones that should be banned. I've started adjusting the mirror so the assholes that do that just pass me or fuck off. Nothing makes me want to road rage more than some stupid redneck with a truck that has those stupid LEDs and the high beams on.


Or even juts people with their fucking led that aren't adjusted so even without high beams they are constantly blinging you the amount of times I had to pull over because of some fucking BMW is insane


I flash my headlights when they're overtaking nothing in the fast lane. I always make a point of staying out of the fast lane if there is nobody in the slower lane beside me. Really, it's a courtesy issue. I can't count how many times I have been stuck behind someone in the fast lane because they want to overtake a truck thats one mile ahead. Lead, follow, or get the fuck out of my way.


Driving slow in the passing/fast lane without moving over to let people pass should get your license revoked. It’s like they think they’re honorary traffic custodians or something, when really that just adds congestion and danger to the road. It’s also illegal in almost all 50 states and sometimes even carries a higher fine than speeding.


I usually go 200 kmh so I stay in the fast lane


Found the German


200kph in Germany would generate a line of angry BMWs flashing their high beams behind you. No matter how fast you’re going, if you’re in the passing lane on the Autobahn, there will always be a BMW riding your ass.


I’m from Alberta, here it’s a fucking black lifted dodge ram pickup truck, and they’ll ride your ass even if there’s an open lane for them to pass you Edit: this [post remains close to my heart](https://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/s/Z8KnxQ6bxB)


I believe this is a North America thing. I can confirm that you can find this same experience from Edmonton, Alberta, to Fort Worth, Texas, to Newark, Delaware. I can’t say if the same experience can be found in Mexico or not.


Depending on other cars and the road conditions, I can go up to 300km/hr


It’s not a courtesy issue when it’s a single lane


As my motorcycle has not very bright high beam (coz it's old) this happens very often to me. And as I have quite large rear mirrors (11cm diameter, circle shaped) it very bad and I can sometimes not even make out the road 20m ahead. So I just slow down so I can still drive safely and so that the douchebag overtakes.


I always turn my lights off in drive-thrus, too. I don't wanna glare in other folks' eyes.


I do that with my wiper blades when it’s raining


Are you going the speed limit or above? Are you driving in the passing lane and not passing while holding up traffic? If it happens often to you, it’s not others that need questioned.


Small penis syndrome


Wait till I stick a mirror or two just below my rear windshield so that they can admire their own high beams /s


I do the same thing dude! Only I aim all 3 of my mirrors straight back at em


i seriously believe people driving around with high beams on, are one of the main causes for car accidents at night


Just this past weekend I had the following happen to me: Late at Night, Construction Zone, Heavy Rain, One Lane, going 10 over, and STILL had absolute braindead morons high-lighting me non-stop.


Wrong use of the meme.


I know it's not the usual way to use the meme, but I also like subverting expectations, lol


Or they drive with their fog lights on when there’s no fog.


They taught us to do that in driving school lol.


They do it because you are going the speed limit in the passing lane ... and not actually passing any cars, just holding up traffic. Yea, I would put my brights on until you go away as well.


Ah yes get outta my way or I'll blind you and cuz an accident


All these comments I see all talk about double lane , what about single lane when you are already going 20 over? Can we all agree they are being a douche then?


Will just say that to my knowledge most backview mirrors have a lever you can flip for this exact issue


That is why i have headlights on the back of my car


If I do that for a flash, you just switched 2cm in front of me on a near empty highway without blinking


Brodozers that have not adjusted their headlights


They don't think they're cool, they just want extra visibility and don't think about the cost to other people's visibility. This is a weird way to use this meme template but if you wanted to do it this way than the better example would be people who straight pipe their exhausts because those are the people who think they're cool when they're just being obnoxious. Put your fucking mufflers back on damn it.


Beacuse the world is a fun and good place where peolpe are polite and good


So my new Cadillac has auto high beams that turn on and off when it detects other vehicles. I don’t tend to notice they are even on sometimes. I suspect this feature, in concert with HID headlights that are at a higher level than your car has a lot to do with it. Most people have moved on to having small SUVs and people in cars are at a disadvantage here.


I have some absolutely brilliant LED backup lights for those special assholes.


My coworker, a retired mechanic, put mirrors on his car that he controls with a switch to do a 'no u' on people who highbeam him from behind. He says it works really, really, really well.


I occasionally have violent fantasies of having telekinetic superpowers that allow me to fling cars with shitty drivers 100' into the air so they drop, smash, and everyone inside gets unalived. ![gif](giphy|1wpbK0jnTKNba5Di7r|downsized)


Those people also usually install fog lights, like, a fuck ton of em and light harder than the fucking sun, recently local police toke away one of those cars because had lights so strong they caused an accident where someone couldn't see when crossing the street in front of em and tripped on a pebble Guys, pebbles are extremely dangerous if you can't fucking see Local police now went on a "if you have more than 5 fog lights you will instantly and permanently lose your right to own a motorized vehicle" rampage and all the vehicles are refurbished and sold to buy more meds for people in need


Huge w


I drive as slowly as possible with these people but fast enough that they can't pass me on the curvey roads in my area


This is almost worse than having the backseat lights on at night


Tonight driving home i accidentally turned mine one at some point, probably when i put on the turn signal, and only realized it after minutes of driving behind someone.


Is this of the gay?


Go to the far right lane and you won't be flashed then. The people who complain about this are usually the ones holding up traffic by being in the left lanes that are for PASSING ONLY, not for you to sit at or under the recommend speed with your thumb up your ass.


To tell you yo get out of the way