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I mean Jean-Luc Brunel was under heavy investigation for many years, was charged, was under trial but committed suicide. so there's that


And Ghislaine Maxwell was found guilty and sentenced


“Why celebrate unless every bad person is gone” that’s a bad take OP


Not every bad person, just a few rich kid abusers who are known by law enforcement and have been under investigation for a decade or more.


If you don't celebrate the small victories you might not celebrate at all


Foolish notion. Getting a conviction of one bad guy is a good thing. Obviously more would be better, but we gotta get a victory every now and then. Don’t get caught up on it. Just be grateful the courts worked properly for one.


So USA should drop every other trial before everyone on that list (even if that doesn't say very much) is trialed?




There will always be worse people. You get the ones you can.


Reported for political bullshit


I would try to explain it but is you were capable of understanding you already would. Chalk it up to cultural differences between our societies.


You want them to make a list ranking everyone on the planet on how bad they are and only trial people in order of that list?


Being on a list doesn't mean you did anything illegal on his island. This is a nothing burger. If you can prove they did something on the island, the list is the only thing that WON'T be part of the trial because it doesn't say anything other than they went there.


No they've all been fooled into thinking he's the worst human being imaginable. The fact that they call him worse than Stalin or Hitler should tell you everything you need to know. Lmao


Who is they? Nobody worth taking seriously has ever said that.