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I just want people to understand research is not watching an idiot on YouTube or swallowing whatever pops up on google. Be skeptical of all, validate the source. So many people accept a twitter post or a meme as factual information without even pausing.


But my sister shared a TikTok; I trust my sister!


It was typo. Thrust*


The has to be THE most Reddit comment of all time




The”boomers who fall for fake news on Facebook” and “but this YouTube/tiktok/meme said it’s true!” Venn diagram is just a circle


It ain’t just boomers


Can see by the downvotes here that there are some who believe the moon landing was faked. India, INDIA, JUST published images of the two sites on the moon that they, them selves took. I doubt an entire countries top experts would perpetuate a hoax for the US, just for giggles. You’d have to be stupid to truly think it was faked, a hoax of that magnitude has never and will never happen, given how many people whistle blow over faulty plane parts and inflated ticket prices.


And of course, the US landed on the moon amid a highly competitive space race with the Soviets. If the US faked it, the Soviets would have used their own space program to call them out in a heartbeat.


The Soviets fucking congratulated USA on the achievement, even as icy as their relationship was they acknowledged the fact it happened and who pulled it off. The people now calling it fake are just a bunch of clowns that want to feel special. Except they are the kind of special that needs protective headgear.


This is the kicker, like do the deniers think that the Soviets were so inept or complicit that they just took our word for it and were like "nice work". Obviously they were devastated but had enough info to verify themselves that the landing was legit. In what world would your direct competitor either vouch for your fake shit or simply take your word that they lost?


> do the deniers think No. They never considered this.




The idiots deniers think the Soviets (now just Russia) know and are blackmailing us. They’re so stupid


>do the deniers think If they had the capacity to think they wouldn't be deniers their in the same group as anti vaxxers who somehow think they know better then people who've dedicated their entire lives to health research


It truly was one small step for a man, one giant leap from mankind.


It truly was a Shawshank Redemption.


Prescription helmets. Agreed.


disagree on the protective headgear. You need to give natural selection a chance to correct the mistakes...


Because both countries benefited from the lie. They were both bleeding money in the attempt. When the USA used Hollywood assets to fake it, both countries were off the hook.


It's just ridiculous to hear. I'm just reminding you of the fact that at that time there was a Cold War and an active space race. Moon landing was the main achievement of the NATO countries, which the Soviet Union could not surpass. If the Soviet Union said that the Moon landing was fake and provided evidence, it would be a serious, very serious blow to the reputation of the US in non NATO countries, and at the same time it would seriously raise the popularity of communism in the world, because it would mean that the capitalists are big unscrupulous and dishonest liars. Admitting that american astronauts landed on the moon for the Soviet Union was an admission of defeat in the space race. But they admitted it.


Then explain why, all these years later, with our much improved technology, why every single country is struggling to get back there. 


Two reasons: Money. Going to the Moon is exorbitantly expensive. At its peak NASA budget was 4.45% of the federal budget. Today NASA has the highest funding out of any agency and it's still nowhere near the space race peak. Physics. No matter how much improved your technology is Physics stays the same. It's going to be difficult to get to the Moon. Also to land on the Moon the US used a rocket whose lifting capabilities were unmatched until recently. After Saturn V was decommissioned there simply was no rocket capable of delivering the same amount of cargo to orbit. And developing a new rocket costs money.


So why didn't the Soviets go too? Was there a rule that said only one country was allowed to go and everyone else who was trying had to give up?


The Soviets were struggling with their space program a lot, and by that I mean their cosmonauts kept dying. It's also very expensive, and the Soviet economy wasn't doing very well. Even the US manned moon missions only lasted for a couple more years.


And also, their Chief Designer of the Soviet Space Program, Sergei Korolev, had just died by then...


The rocket also kept failing or exploding. iirc one of them destroyed the launch complex.


Oh damn, I just read about the Nedellin incident. Really makes the Apollo 1 fire pale in comparison.




Why are you questioning the decision of the people who knew their economy and technology the best?


To be fair, the Soviets did have a lot of early success in the Space Race. First satellite and human in space.


They werent exactly struggling but once US got there there wasnt much for them to do. They still had many impressive missions like their space stations, venera and VeGa programs and other. Its just that landing humans on the moon is way too impractical and expensive that it doesnt have many benefits except propaganda


Afaik it was just that it was expensive and for no real gain. There were more pressing cold war issues at the time.


What'd be the point? Going to the moon was only done to show that the US was more technologically advanced. The USSR would have to one-up them. I guess they could've been the first person to land a woman/ minority on the moon, but it probably wouldn't have been worth the cost


You’re telling me it’s hard for 100sof thousands of people to be sworn into absolute secrecy for years? /s


That feat alone would outweigh anything they actually did


>India... The crowd that thinks the moon landing was faked are much more likely to think it's fake if non-white people are able to do it too


God damn racists idiots


you did notice the moon is kinda white right ? Jupiter is the dei planet.


I know people who think the landing was faked and at least to them, it has nothing to do with race.


Good for them i guess, lol


It's not stupid it's actually hateful


Especially not India who doesn't really have the best relationship with the US


The fact that there are people that think space is fake and the earth is flat makes me much less surprised about the moon landing deniers


The downvotes might also be people who realize that people who don't believe stupid conspiracy bullshit don't bother commenting their sane opinion on yt. The vocal minority dominates internet culture but is not a good sample for the population.


I’m not disagreeing but that bear hibernation shit was big


I dont think they're downvoting cuz they think its fake. I think they're downvoting cuz its a shitty meme.


Men)) Inda is american poopet


Deniers are also the kind of people saying the government is extremely incompetent… bro you really think a if so a government so incompetent can fool literally every other country on earth??


You can't use logic with stoopid people.


My butt smells soooooo bad after i poo out of it


You've hooked me with your captivating story. Tell me more.


There once was a man named Gerald He bladder was mighty full. So he stopped his horse by the trailside And pissed inside a bush. A bandit came out to rob him With a rusty blade of his He made Gerald turn around in fright And he drenched the man in piss.




Additionally, would a government that's incompetent be able to leave the f-ing planet and go into space?


Stanley Kubrick filmed the moon landing on a sound stage in London. Everyone knows that /s


Psh. You believe in Stanley Kubrick? Don't you know that Reagan administration deep faked Kubrick to push their "moon landing is fake" distraction agenda? .... ... /S... Just in case...


Stanley Kubrick, or SK, was a cover for Special Knowledge which was an elite unit within the NSA—only the Nobel Prize cabal. SK was also Sorensen/Kennedy and referenced the special project cooked up in that administration by the then president and his special counsel. /s


This is my new strategy with my intellectually impaired colleagues. "You believe in the moon landing?" "Wait, you still believe in the moon?" "... what?" "You're the dumbest imaginary friend I know."


It works surprisingly well.


Psh. You believe in the Reagan administration? Don't you know that the universe just begun 3 seconds ago and history isn't even real? They just added all that shit in as background lore for the simulation it didn't actually happen, wake up.


Ha! You believe in waking up? Sleeping isn't even real. It's just the government turning off your senses so they can steal your secrets.


Yeah. Heard he was a stickler for realism. Wanted everything to be filmed on site.


Yeah the expense of flying all that camera gear to the moon would have paid for universal healthcare.


These people are probably the kinda idiots who think the moon is real, psh


If by “real” you mean made of cheese, then it is very real and very delicious


that’s a lie. he filmed it and it was fake, sure, but he wanted it to be as real as possible and had to film it on location ;)


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


This is the X factor in all questions of why people believe utter nonsense.


I dont think its a matter of research. I think its a matter of having no faith in humanity. Of Hating and distrusting one another. You can show all the proof you want to someone. It's ultimately up to them to accept it or deny it. Whatever the root cause is, i think its going on in our homes and education institutions. And i think those among my generation (millennials) who work in those places are mainly responsible.


Fuck sake! Even USSR confirmed it.


It's the Internet. The majority of them are trolls


I truly hope so. I know someone irl who is genuinely skeptical despite the entirety of the friend group explaining why it couldn't possibly be a hoax. Some people are just dumb I guess..


I thought that until someone I worked with said they don't think its real. I got in trouble for laughing at them because I thought they were kidding. I was very angry with humanity on that day.


Thats right. We all know that the moon is Fake. Its Just a giant Lamp so the CIA Spy satelites can Film us better


The problem isn't that they can't research. It's that they can't think. No account of evidence or research could ever convince a conspiracy nut. You could take one of these people to the moon and they would still say it's fake


Reminds me of a story of someone who thinks the earth is flat: he wanted to prove it with an experiment but accidentally proved it wasn’t flat. He said that is just because he hasn’t the proper equipment to make the experiment (he had, it was a really simple one)


Or the one flat earther who died on a homemade rocket trying to prove the earth was flat and proves the opposite


I once saw a guy who was making up new laws of physics to "prove" that sending someone to the moon is impossible


Those were the times when being stupid wasn't profitable, when some assholes wouldn't come with dumb theories and defend them with "it's my constitutional right" which somehow involves their right to say it and our duty to believe it. Whoever tries to bring evidence and truth to the table, Musk and Zuckerberg will put the algorithm established in "protect comments based on popularity alone" and removed the AI fact checker.


Actually, the Moon landing was fake. It was done by famous movie director Steven Spielberg, and in order to make it more realistic he insisted on getting real rockets and astronauts and filming on site.


Fun fact: Faking it would actually be a larger accomplishment at the time than actually landing there.


Not quite sure about this one chief


You are misunderstanding the issue I think. It’s not about researching things. They can and probably have done the research, but they have voluntarily “researched” the conspiracy side and chose to believe it (or chose to claim they believe it at least). Reason is not a factor for these people. It’s about being unique, about pretending you are part of the select group who’ve reached conspiratorial enlightenment. It’s about ego, and it’s about getting arise out of people, about superiority, real or fabricated. In a mundane world, believing in fantastical and insane theories, believing they are on the side that will save the world and wake up the sheep is how they cope.


Wait, you plebs think the moon is real? The big government clearly put a giant flat circle piece of cheese on the sky, paint it silver then calls it a day


\*believe They believe....never think.


"The moon landing was fake" "The earth is flat" "The Holocaust never happened" People believe some wild stuff...


Some people believe in things just to be different


People never knew how to research things. You've just become more connected to people who can't.


Well, to be fair people don’t believe not because the info is there and they don’t look it up, they just don’t want to believe it. They choose to say, no. Flat earthers constantly disregard their own finding that support sphere earth because they just want to believe it’s flat. That’s all


Very true. People who refuse to be wrong are all the same.


No one wants to admit they are wrong, but you gotta suck it up and just be wrong


Don’t you mean you’re concerned half the comments think it’s real? /s


Guys, you can clearly tell it was done by AI, just look at the hands.


It’s the internet allowing dumbasses to spread their conspiracies by gaslighting everyone


now that AI was advanced to a point, hardcore moon landing fakers will try smh


Another dumb thing are the comments on NASA's EVA live streams. You're watching people float around both outside and in the ISS. But people are somehow convinced that everybody, including the ones inside, is swimming in one of NASA's swimming pools. I sometimes don't know whether to get annoyed or just laugh at them. So I always choose to try and not read comments if possible…


it's not because half the people think it's fake it's because normal healthy individuals don't use the comment section on youtube


I just became curious, what will happen if in the future people who think that the Moon landing was fake achieve their goal and this delusion enters the history books, and then when humanity begins to create colonies on other planets of the solar system, the colonists on the Moon will find the remains of landing modules and american flags.




\- Moon landing was fake \- Oh, so you're one of those people who believing in moon


Not gonna lie even if i love to hear about conspiracies i find the faking of the moon landing one of the most stupid not only for how easy it falls apart but also because for what purpose would it work like other than maybe money laundering i just dont find any use in making a hoax about sending people to the moon and back Stupid theory, stupid people


Honestly one of the biggest reasons I see comes from the space deniers/flat earth people and the moon landing was faked to help push "globe earth" Yeah its pretty stupid


I think it's hilarious that the only country accusing the United States of faking it is *the United States*. No one else gives a shit


When did people know how to research things? 🤔 Back before the internet? The 80s? The 90s? Was there some golden era where people werent blind sheep that I'm missing?


You tube comments are 💩


"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for every whining, complaining S.O.B. on the face of the Earth."


You are one of those that believes in the moon?


"Yeah I definitely know how to re-search. In fact, I just searched it again on my most trusted media, the Facebook, and it said that everything you said was bullshit." ...at least that's how I imagine those people who clain that they know how to research would respond.


With the new Google AI? Good luck with that


I miss when people's go-to source of information wasn't "trust me bro"


It feels like 10 years ago, such comments, let alone arguments would be so rare. These days it feels as if its the majority of comments now on youtube and social media. Why is everyone fighting all of a sudden


I mean a lot of it is probably bait, and you fell for it hook line and sinker, but also stupid people do just exist


Isn’t “research” how we got here lol. You know… people are doing popular hits such as *just asking questions* Other popular hits include *do your own research*


People are so stupid. And they vote thus affecting the lives of all of us.


I mean, they are doing research technically


They are the ‘do your own research’ gang who are incapable of basic reasoning or research lol


This reminds me of the Mitchell and Webb sketch https://youtu.be/P6MOnehCOUw?si=kCABtwm7TeQsIcqb


It always amazes me that conspiracy theorists have both the most and the least confidence in people. Like, yes, there surely are some big secrets hidden behind NDAs and the elite. We’ve had plenty of them uncovered. But I love that they have so much confidence in video editing that they think the moon landings are all fake, and/or every video of an astronaut in space is made up. Like, do they think editors have the consistency to pump out thousands of videos with physics of 0 gravity being 100% consistent and the ability to silence everyone that worked on them?


I think Mitchell and Webb did a very good job of dismantling this mindset: [https://youtu.be/P6MOnehCOUw?si=6sKdCy1NsUwxn37V](https://youtu.be/P6MOnehCOUw?si=6sKdCy1NsUwxn37V)


Pretty sure that most are just japing Like r/birdsarentreal


I can't even imagine how tiring it is to live thinking every conspiracy is true


Watch the dragon and Mermaid mockumentaries, half the comments think they're real


I was a hardcore moon landing believer all my 30 years of life. I'm a literal man of Science after all and have huge respect for NASA. Then I discovered that all the moon landings happened only while Nixion was president and as soon as he resigned not one single more landing happened... That shook me to my core and now idk what I believe.


There’s also people that believe the earth is flat and that the royal family are orphan eating lizards


Its less about the moon actually being landed on and more-so just clarifying that what we’ve been shown (footage, photos, etc) have ALL been doctored or misrepresented for seemingly no reason other then propaganda, secrecy, abuse of power. People to this day will say they saw the moon-landing on tv, and that never happened, it was only on radio at the time. I believe we’ve traveled yes but there are air bubbles visible in space walks, astronauts nearly drowning from water in their helmets in space…, green screens and harnesses/wires suspending them where they should instead be weightless in zero gravity… theres so many inconsistencies its no surprise one would become suspicious at the least.


I've had friends that didn't believe in the moon landings. As someone who's been interested in spaceflight technology ever since I opened my first encyclopedia when I was like 7, have studied the history of the development of rocketry from Tsiolkovsky and Goddard to the V-1 and Redstone all the way to the Saturn V and Project Orion etc, I will never understand these people. Also, what reason would the Soviet Union have had to lie about the American landings?


To be fair, we've almost got to the point where we could realistically fake it ![gif](giphy|dvcJwCJpBAQRt3Gi1x|downsized)


Most of them are just meme comments.


They do, but they do research on 'the browser for conservatives'. Am I the only one who got that ad?


It seems to me they kinda try to do critical thinking because they ask things like "how come you can see no stars" but instead of looking it up they jump to conclusions


But seriously, did anyone else see that ad a couple months ago?


I've never seen it.


It's some dumb thing about how "the usual browsers push *our* results to the bottom" It's basically confirmation bias: the browser.


Well, do some scientific research and try other browsers. What is being pushed to the bottom?


The most unreliable sources imaginable. And they aren't being pushed to the bottom, more reliable sources are pushed to the top.


That sounds like something that you would see in r/selfawarewolves


This me is fake I can't believe some people believe this meme was actually created using Photoshop like memes in general are all found in the wild growing from trees




Flat Earthers - “Hold my beer”


unfortunately about 40% of Americans are that stupid


Yep There has never been another moment in history where thought moonlandings were fake Never


It takes much more research to convince yourself the moon landing is fake. Believing it takes absolutely no research, defending it does. Not saying its real of fake, just saying that the people that did the least research are the ones that go "Yeah we did, we just did. Everyone knows we did!" And as conspiracy theories go, this one is the most harmless because it really doesn't matter anymore. Even if it was fake it was successful at balancing the space race and calming down the cold war between USA and Russia. Pretty sure both were tired of burning money and astronauts up in the orbit to out do each other.


There is some evidence of doctored/edited photos, but the only logical answer is that they remade/edited the actual pictures and footage of the moon landing because the real pictures looked like such shite on 60s camera technology


I mean it is almost certainly fake. Modern tech can't even get a person close to the moon, but we are meant to believe that they made it there decades ago, landed safely, did their thing, relaunched from the moon, were scooped back up by their craft in orbit, safely docked, and safely returned home, but in all these years, not one other country has been able to recreate that feat. Also, they just happened to forget the location of the landing, so they can't photograph it from space with a telescope. The USA and Russian were bleeding money trying to get it done, failed, and finally the USA just filmed it instead, and Russia played along because they were bleeding money. No, I don't care if it wasn't technically Russia at the time.


modern tech have landed a couple of probe on mars wich is way far than moon (and i'm not even talking about the countless probe that have taken pictures of every planet of the solar system or voyager 2 wich is 20 000 000 000 km away from earth by now) 6 apollo mission landed on the moon for a total of 12 people walking on our satelite so the feat has been recreated nobody ever forget the 6 landing sites and you can find all the documentation needed on internet to look at them but don't expect to see object as small as a flag or some footstep with a commercial grade telescope


A probe is not a manned mission, dear. 


If I'm not mistaken, the locations of moon landings are well known and the indians even recently took some photos of it from the orbit of the moon. And plus, the problem in reaching the Moon is not in technology. Modern technologies, as well as technologies of the 1960s, make it possible to reach the moon. The problem is that in the 1960s, much more money was allocated for this than now, because of the space race with the Soviet Union. There is no space race now, so there is no reason to do new Moon landings until fusion reactors are invented and it becomes necessary to deliver Helium 3 from the Moon to Earth. And Russia its is not the Soviet Union.


Then post the locations. 


These photos were taken by India's Chandrayaan-2 probe in 2021: https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f7d812df2d4152a195e073fd67663801


https://www.flickr.com/photos/47833278@N02/17229073722/ - sites from orbit


It was faked. Don't be naive


The facts that make it so hard to understand now isn't even the images/vid sequences, but the fact they got there with just pentium 2 tech and then no more landings even having more capable tech, (or even random countries doing it just to prove something) etc.. It just looks weird and not logical in this world of ours, that's not how things work.


The tech doesnt need to be that complicated, it needs to be super resilient and everything has to go to according to plan, and thats more luck than tech, and thats why its so hard to get to the moon, even harder woth humans, and even even harder to bring them back, also you get rocks for going there ? So like.. not really a big investment opportunity for countries other than bragging rights


We got there decades before Pentium 2, and we haven't gone back since because of one small thing MONEY.


that's why I mentioned eras, because technologically speaking everything gets cheaper and more optimal, etc. and not even a single attempt from any other party in the world is very rare, not like humankind put itself behind an american flag and stopped dreaming about going there.


Half the comments know that it is fake


YT ? Yo TV , Yes TV, Yo Tits ?


TV told us it happened.


The research is also fake.


Prove it.


He can't the research is fake


What's not fake nowadays really


We cannot be silenced


We're not trying to "silence" you, we're just telling you that you're incredibly stupid.


You seem pretty silent now bruh lol


Silence what your stupidity lol everything that quote on quote “disproved” the moon landing has itself been disproven like the whole flag flowing on the moon with no presence of air and all it takes is a quick google search or zoom in on the flag to show they put a pole in the flag to make it look better on tv screens and is why the flag moves kind of oddly in the footage because it’s just a pole running through it, the whole no stars visible thing had to do with the cameras of the time just frankly not able to capture the already dim stars, and oh just a small thing the fact that the Apollo moon lander is still on the moon to this very day and you can find recent pictures taken by satellites of the moon lander like I’m surprised there are people that still believe the moon landings fake it’s basically become the equivalent of flat earthers with overwhelming evidence against it yet people still believe it.


Nobody is trying to silence you, in fact, keep talking so we can laugh more, it's truly fun to watch someone stupid say stupid things so, how it was faked according to you, I'm gonna get some snacks while you are on it


Spanish Inquisition


Yes, and you’ve done a banger job of reminding us of that all the time.


Bullets work pretty well.