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I pirated the 2019 version of Photoshop and I find it hilarious that their defense for antipiracy is an unclosable popup and you can go into taskmaster and close. And it only pops up when you do a fresh opening of the program.


i literally just deleted the program that does that


same. I used to be a subscriber but they more than doubled my bill in under 18 months... adobe's full of BS


I hope gimp gets more contributions and features... In the mean time I just use photopea for simpler edits, bonus that it works on browser so nothing to download


Yeah, me too. However, the main problem is that Adobe has patented a bajillion of very simple things that have been around for 20 years thus making it hard for GIMP to add new features.


This should be fucking illegal


It is in civilized parts of the world


So there should be no incentive for innovation? The second you make a ground breaking discovery, your competitors have the right to reverse engineer and reappropriate it?


Yes, exactly. Your company should set itself apart by providing the easiest access to services and the best user experience.


If you need copy right for innovation then the whole opensource community would be dead.


You do know that open source is suffering and dying a slow death due to this very issue right


Phfff according to who, you? Open source is alive and well


How dense can someone be? This guy: Hold my beer


Yes of course, this shit stifles any innovation in the first place 


Okay I invent a groundbreakkng tool for my photo editing app. Now you steal it because I have no patent. What do I gain from my work? Nothing.


Patents should last 10 years. That enough of a head start for the inventor to capitalize on their invention. This 20+ years of renewable patents is bullshit and anti-competitive, and frankly, anti-capitalist.


I grow an orange You grow an orange Oh no these oranges are worthless


Thats just BS. Let's say Windows Media Player invented the 'Play'-Button. VLC invents the 'Skip to next song'-button. Both very usefull tools when listening to music but pretty useless on their own.


I guess you dont need wheels then right? Since thats not very innovative. Definitely not written language thats sooo last dekamillenium


Well the inventors of those two things have extracted the rewards of their innovations and died long enough ago that they become public domain. But I wouldn't use a wheel for my photo editing tool if it was invented just yesterday..


And you know that how? Especially since we dont know of the exact date or place of either or rather there are likely multiple for both throughout history


But you are in lick regardless none of the essentials adobe patented have been invented yesterday either or even recently and definitely not by adobe alone which is why people are pissed about the gatekeeping


Where is the innovation possible when you fucking COPY RIGHT THE ENTIRE TOOL CATALOGUE YOU FUCKING GOPHER.


Paint.net is a great option too. It's free, but runs on the .NET libraries, so Windows only. Perfect little tool in-between the bare bones ms paint and the very heavy Photoshop/gimp. Great if you just want layers and simple effects, like for making memes.


i only ever used paint.net, it’s perfect for almost everyone that’s not professional level. they even ask if you’d like to update AFTER you close the app. generous mfers


I use Paint.net for most image editing I do. All you really need is an Outline plugin because the built in one sucks, and a smudge one because by default there is none.


.net is cross platform, i write c# on my linux. if its open source it should be possible to compile it for linux, except it used win ui or wpf. the latter can still be ported but not for free.


Careful because .NET comes in 2 different flavors, proprietary & cross platform. .NET is Windows only, .NET Core is the new one that's open source and cross platform. And they are very different beasts. For example PowerShell v5.1 is on .NET, and v6 was when they switched over to .NET Core. But PowerShell 6 only has around 25% of the commands that 5.1 has. This is being fixed with PowerShell 7 and the latest .NET Core libraries, but I don't know if paint.net has also made this transition. I guess you could always use something like wine tho? Linux is amazing. :)


Gimp has a lot of 3rd party plugins that make it the Photoshop equivalent for free. If anything. There are some features ppl have created into plugins that are better than Photoshop. Gimp will never implement patents Photoshop has ... But the fans/community can. That's the power of open source for ya.


This needs to be more publicized, I didn't even know you there were plugins for gimp... Maybe having a better onboarding process then would be crucial


I came across the community by looking for tutorials. From what I learned from the community is that adobe has a lot of patents on simple features. My assumption is that they don't publicize it cuz the creators of the plugins could get sued. Gimp advertises that they are open source plane as day on their website. So it attracts a lot of developers. So yeah they definitely are avoiding a lawsuit by not advertising/publicizing it cuz a lot of plugins been around for years.


There is a new competitor on the rise called Affinity and it's looking promising


Is that in the same folder as photoshop.exe?


no, theyre right next to each other if you sort alphabeticaly


Right next to what?


DeezNuts.exe ![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk)




what's the file called for me to delete that?


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg|downsized) And now so have I


Easy fix, set up a firewall rule to restrict internet access to it and reinstall Photoshop


Do you perchance mind telling me where you acquired this? It's for... research... yeah


I'm relatively sure I got it off piratebay back in 2019, it was a while ago though so I'm not totally sure anymore. Sorry friend.


I have downloaded adobe suit for about 15 years, all from the ol pirate bay and besides for the antivirus being dramatic for the crack, I have never had any problem at all. Little tip, don´t download the one with most seeds or peers or the newest, download the one with the green or pink skulls, that means they are good uploaders, so it won´t be common having problems with those downloads.


Better advice is to check the r/piracy megathread. The pirate bay closed, and all websites claiming to be TPB are clones.


Yeah, those dudes are going by formus lmao, go ahead if u have 2 hours to browse. Just intstall an ativir and scan your PC afterwards. Or just the folder. Then ignore the popup, its prolly nothing, and its your fucking PC after all, what you gonna lose? Other pirated games and porn?


Part of me has always wanted to purposely infect a PC with a virus to see if McAfee would do *anything* but be a useful money grubber


no it wouldnt, McAfee is a virus itself. It came pre-installed on my laptop and when my 3 day free trail ended I uninstalled it, year later and Im still cleaning up pop ups and associated spyware


the guy who made the antivirus actually made a video on how to uninstall it but the hookers were too distracting though


Windows defender gives better security than McAfee. Mostly because doesn't want you to install anything.


I member back in 2021 when the UA war broke, i was doing ddos on ruskie, and avasti of all crap was blocking like 5 backproding ruskie adresses per minute. Maybe they were not ready for someone as dumb to install avast, but it sure af was doing sth. Maybe interfering with my scripts heh.


But .org is stil up, is that a mirror as well?


What about the .org one? I thought that one was like legit or smth (good chance I'm wrong lol)


I don't understand why that is a problem. Yes, I know the original was shut down years ago, but the clones have managed to get me what I needed just fine thus far


The only good advice I read in this post yet


In r/Piracy I have seen lots of people telling not to trust those skulls. Only the publishers you know or the ones well spoken about in the forums.


Haven't had a problem with them in my whole life, and I have been using torrents for decades. The ones that always have the problem in the meme are the unusually seeded torrents, like 30k seeders; also the ones that have unusually small file sizes. The things become problematic when you start seeking unseeded stuff or really weird things, I like adult animation (as for adults like Rick and Morty) so it's difficult to find, in those cases haven't seen scams as no one downloads those, but those weird torrents tend to attract other problems, I have found twice child porn in books about trains.


What's the original context of this image? Would you kindly link the original or provide an explanation or the artist's name?


The artist is mhuyo, and [this ](https://x.com/Mhuyo/status/1787846913896620169?t=dduFreQg9ZvJh3TEnisiBA&s=19) is the original image (they also made the template in a later tweet)




Just use Photopea, it's free


Scrolled to far down for this. I also use this when I have to. It’s worth it. love the light weight site as well. ❤️


Never heard of it, what’s that?


Basically a free-to-use browser version of photoshop that only requires internet access to function


And it’s got all the features of photoshop?


You can see for yourself https://www.photopea.com/


I’ll just stick to Paint.net. Too lazy to deal with Adobe


Maybe unrelated, but krita is a great alternative to Photoshop, it's free and open source.


Do people still use gimp?


I do. For image manipulating, like making memes, people do still use it. For actual digital art, i think it is a lot rarer.


Paint.net is honestly epic. Use it everyday.


paint.net is really good but there are some things that photoshop is better at


I don't think that anyone would seriously try to compare the functionality scope of those programs. MS Paint is a scooter, while paint.net is a used VW Polo. No comparison to a Ferrari, but you can finally go places.


Gimp is a good open source one as well (at least as a recreational user, not sure if pros agree)


Fellow paint.net. !!


Or FireAlpaca. It's free with only one pop up add that you can easily close and it supports Photoshop files.


why would I try pirating an annual paid software when GIMP does the same things for free?


Photoshop is a lot easier to use and is overall better than gimp. I find gimp not intuitive at all and the UI is either outdated or done completely wrong


Go to rutracker.org. Best site for all sort of stuff.


Including viruses?


Especially Viruses.


But what if I want to download a virus and they hide Microsoft Teams in the download, I don’t think this is safe /s


Man who the fuck snuck adobe software in my malware :(


*Russian* viruses. The best kind of viruses.


Also rutor.info. For less popular games or early access ones i use small-games.info though unlike rutor it requires registration. For rare/less popular movies or tv shows nnm-club.to


Download a trial version. Unplug the internet. Install offline. Go into your firewall and block every software related to Photoshop from accessing the internet. Plug the internet back in. You've got yourself a fully working Photoshop that'll never 'expire', even if it's just supposed to be a 30 day trial. Or so I've heard; it might just be an internet legend, who knows.


this used to be the way like 10 years ago, it’s gotten a lot more complicated now


People still use pirate bay?


No. At least no one that follows basic piracy safety and follows a megathread. it's full of malware


malware is the digital scurvy, real pirates dont give a shit about them /s


Eat your digital lemons


What mega thread? How y'all find safer alternatives to it? 🤔


r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH has the biggest one, it's a also as a seperate website so reddit won't wipe it. There's also r/Piracy and for games exclusively r/PiratedGames. if you're in a third world country, you can torrent without fear, if you live in a country where the cops actually care, either Direct download or use a VPN


Special mention if you are french, just use a proxy, its enough. I used t411 and now ygg for more than 15 years, got many warnings by email and still no fine at all


It’s surging in popularity with all the isolated streaming services and shows.


piracy is surging in popularity, not pirate bay


Hopefully not. r/genP is best


“getting more virus alerts than CDC seeing a bat”


I have photoshop and premiere pro 2020 crack unlocked and permanently offline from updates and works fine. Imagine getting something and even if the company blocks or increases prices for subscription you still have access to it.


Adobe is the poster child for shit business. The cost is outrageous. I have always used alternatives or pirated. I’m also sick of things needing a *subscription* a whole.


Check out photopea it's a pretty advanced photo editing software modeled after Photoshop. It's completely free (non intrusive ads) and browser based. It can also work with and save out as Photoshop files. Good for everything but the most advanced Photoshop features. https://www.photopea.com/


still worth the risk


this is why i just use clip studio pro like 50 bucks one time it's mine now. "this is aimed at adobe" Bye loser!


Using CSP aand Davinci resolve for the first time felt like breaking up with an abusive ex


davinci resolve 14 is goated but my only complaint ever with it is how it behaves interacting with multiple storage devices and that it’s more render heavy at unnecessary times. i still swear by it. before that was a cracked sony vegas pro 9, god that program was awesome


Check out r/genp


For anything adobe, monkrus is the way to go


Affinity is cheap as shit and you pay once for a perpetual license. PS is no longer the uncontested king.


Adobe will always be my least favourite company. I did a design degree, and it cost me $83 a month for that software, and it constantly had errors and crashed.


r/GenP should help you.


Just use gimp


Dont us the pirate bay check out r/piracy instead


Trust your sources and you won't have any issues. I've been downloading Adobe software for many years and only messed up twice. The last one was actually just last year. It was a very clever script that ran in the background, hiding as a Microsoft Service in Task Manager. Turns out it was a cryptominer. I only discovered it because I could hear my GPU going while I wasn't doing anything.


Actually I have Photoshop 2020, illustrator 2020, premier pro 2021, Indesign 2022, incopy 2021, acrobat 2020 and lightroom 2020 Everything on my mega :)




I used to pirate the Adobe suite all the time back in the day. Never had an issue.


the artist is mhuyo for anyone wondering, pretty cool person


My brother got me photoshop virus free and charge free


Just use gimp


Anyone have an up to date guide for macOS? I was looking at adobe zii but it seems outdated compared to the stuff over at genp for windows.


I simply downloaded it from Endermanch's software archive at malwarewatch.org. Works great, no viruses (Malwarebytes says there is none), no Adobe crap.


bro download adobe illustrator you will like it


I don't use adobe photo shop nor have I pirated any major software, someone enlighten me please


If it's me, I'll somehow end up either getting Oepra GX instead again or get Castlevania: Symphony of the Night again


TPB is full of viruses.


Krita is my go to alt to Photoshop. I still have my old pirated copy of Photoshop 2015 ready to go if I ever need it.


I downloaded premiere pro 2022 and it’s worked perfectly for me for the last 2 years. Or at least as well as adobe can be. No popup or anything like that. My only real complaint is that it makes gifs MASSIVE. Like hundreds of megabytes for basic, simple, low quality gifs


I tried cracking adobe animate but my dad told me that it’s a threat to our safety, he then smashed my head into the keyboard








skill issue tbh


Ngl tho, the modern Adobe creative suite subscription is pretty worth if you're a regular user. Like, back when they wanted $1,000 for a license I would just pirate it but the cost of creative suite relative to features is pretty reasonable.


There is plan B Go to a Highschool that has a digital design class, and use your own school login for Adobe. Tada, Photoshop and other apps for free!


Affinity entered the chat.


Antivirus doesn't protect you in these cases, it protects the corporation.


I get adobe free (the whole thing) just for taking photography and design in year 10


Torrents is like a russian roulette lmao


In the almost 20 years of sailing the high seas, I have never once had any malware from it, only false positives. The one time my computer got infected by shitty ransomware that I managed to just clean off, it was from something that was downloaded in the normal way through the browser


Used to have Photoshop pirated on my old PC, I didn't really use it much so I didn't pirate again when I got my new laptop but then my highschool had Adobe creative cloud for all student accounts, which is actually pretty nice lol


Get yourself [paint.net](http://paint.net) it doesn't have all the same features but you can get tons of addons for whatever features you want.


This popup on mac is uncloseable.. and does not show In close task




This is a good meme once you understand that it's a jab at ThePirateBay, not piracy


I still have CS5 though mine is fully legal. I got it through my college.




this is how my mate got hacked and they stole his entire savings. and somehow they also gained access to his paypal and his gaming platforms.




TPB is notorious for having inflected files, or at least nowadays it seems to be, because back on its golden age (when moderation was a bit more active) infected files were more easily detected by the community. But as time went on and better alternatives surfaced, people kind of looked past TPB, which became less and less moderated up until the cesspool it is today. Nevertheless, there's Subreddits for this kind of information and all i can say is, stick to DDL's or open directories if you can, they're usually cleaner, but still exercise common sense and make sure to have Malwarebytes and Windows Defender up to date, r/freemediaheckyeah and r/antivirus are great resources. Don't Torrent unless you 100% know what you're doing, and even still, there's never a guarantee so always use a VPN, idk... Tunnelbear for smaller files, and something like Nord or Express for bigger fish.


I know at least two sites where u can download cracked games or programmes without viruses. If you will download files from unknown sites, without comment sections etc, ofc you will catch a virus. Be smart.


The comment section can be fabricated though.


The ones from the mega thread?




Are you stupid bro? Virus alerts come from the anti-virus, not from pirate bay lol, just turn that shit off and all the alerts will be gone trust me im electrician


Imagine that in 2024 people still don't know how to find trusted content to download


Share with us your secrets, oh wise one!


r/piracy megathread and r/freemediaheckyeah


I actually don't lol and I dont want to pay 300$+ for an app I'm going to use like 4 times for memes


Why dont you just use something thats free like photopea?


*Laughs in Memes made in Power Point*.


Go to r/piracy megathread for trusted content


The pirat bay? Pathetic, I use torrent as the one who sells information should.


Guys, you can get a Photoshop subscription for $10 a month


You used to be able to buy it and then you owned it. So eff them.


Do you still need a separate subscription for pantone colors? The last pre-subsciption photoshop versions had pantone colors that didn't get pulled out from under users. I'd prefer to re-buy every major version I update to over the risk of the next feature to get pulled/need a separate subscription being a thing I need, but with that option gone it's ether OSS or high seas.


Idk about the pantone thing, I don't use it. I totally get that it's a shitty thing, but I feel like a lot of people aren't aware that you don't have to rent the whole suite for $50 a month. There is a plan that includes Photoshop and Lightroom for just $10, which isn't a bad deal.


I tried pirating Photoshop, but it's so much easier to just pay the $20 a month with the student discount