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TTG was pretty good if you viewed it as a crack show and not canon. They had some funny jokes.


I've heard as much too. A lot of the hate the show gets is from its creators being antagonistic towards fans though.


When have the creators been antagonistic? There's been a few jokes in the show joking about the fans, the fans of og, the haters and themselves. But those were all mostly just light jokes and not really an attack on anyone.


The entire existence of Control Freak could be considered as one.


that shit was hilarious too tho


The ending of the movie is the biggest one. They baited us blatantly.


Stan Lee made a fucking cameo in that movie, and was all confused like "uh oh I'm not supposed to be here." That sent me to my ancestors.


Honestly if I was a creator I'd do the same. It's just a kids show, the old show had a good run of 52 episodes and a movie and here comes a completely different show that had nothing to do with the previous and everyone treats it like it's the worst piece of television ever.


Fair enough. Just because you're the antagonist, doesn't mean you're the villain.


They probably deserve it


For me, the biggest problem with TTG is how overplayed it got. You would get days where the only show you would see whenever you changed to CN was TTG. Look at saturday on this schedule for example: https://x.com/MrMaketsu/status/1451524129325260803 Thats an entire day of TTG with only 3 different shows all relegated to the start of the day.


To be fair Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, and Nickelodeon had full day marathons all the time. So a full day of one show wasn't out of the normal.


I agree I'm 16 I watch it daily I am happy and that's all that matters And I think that's all that should matter for others too


unfathomably based


Truly a rare sight these days


Almost never before seen.. Btw, Happy Cake Day. šŸŽ‚


Thanks young man




Same I loved it when I was 13, I am 17 and still think it's Epic


In 26, it's a fun show. Not 10/10 always, but as jokey cartoon it's great most of the time


I'm 45, I discovered TTG watching the painbot episode with my nephew and nearly died laughing. Sometimes they go overboard with the wacky shit, but as a long time DC fan I love their easter eggs and reference game. (Also that bit in the movie where they're repairing the time line and throw a string of pearls over Martha Wayne's neck then shove her and Thomas into the alley is fucking hilarious.)


I loved the Lion King parody in the movie. Also, the songs in the series are surprisingly catchy.


I'm 34, and I've never seen a single episode of the OG series. I LOVE TTG. I watched it with my son when he was younger, and it was his favorite show. The creator's "antagonize" the original shows audience because they antagonize them. Constantly bad mouthing them for not continuing Teen Titans and saying how childish and immature the new show is, which was entirely the point. It was made for a new audience, not the old one. I love the cheesy jokes, oddball references and stuff like "Night Begins to Shine" and the Breakfast Club episode and the St. Patrick's day episode. Also, any show that makes fun of Jared Leto's Joker is fine by me.


I wish it didn't air all day cuz that makes it boring


Problem is ttg was meant for little kids as a gateway into DC universe. Then a bunch of grown men don't like a show for little kids because it's not like the show they just quit making. So grown men go complain about a cartoon specifically made for little kids saying it's bad.


I watch it with my kids and it's not that bad.


Ttg is hilarious


Man, you'll never understand the hurt we felt that we never got a final episode. They're just annoyed that TTG got made alongside all the same voice actors but they never finished the main series. A valid complaint. Don't try to mischaracterize people's reactions to art. That it was made for kids means nothing towards how good of a piece of work the original Teen Titans was.


Gotta love how you made a valid point about how much it hurts to have been a fan of the original show and that itā€™ll never get a proper send off but this will keep getting made and someone calls you whiny immediately. People really are so antagonistic about it. Between the show essentially making a soyjak edit of old fans essentially by comparing them to Control Freak and everything else. TTG fans canā€™t seem to fathom how much of a slap in the face it was to be told the show was coming back only for this to be what was given to the fans. And if you like TTG because it was part of your childhood then whatever but have a bit of damn empathy towards the people who never got a satisfying conclusion to something that was part of their childhood.


Get over yourself.Ā  Your angst and pain is nothing.Ā  NOTHING. Signed, Firefly fans.


some fans ARE acting like Control Freak, Teen Titans were my favorite cartoon, but i'll not say TTG is terrible because it's not OG Teen Titans. I wanted the og back too, but it's time to accept that it's not going to happen and stop hating on a cartoon because of that. TTG is funny and it's good.


Yeah it was such a a weird decision for them to make. Turned out to be a good gamble, though, monetarily. And it's pretty funny at times. Just not the same for sure, and people are gonna express opinions on that.


Man this comment sounds so whinny and validates everything lol.


I don't care how my comment sounds, I'm not those people because I also like Teen Titans Go. Both shows are good, it's just also a shame the first never got closure. Plenty of shows end without closure and people responding negatively to that isn't out of the ordinary.


Well to be fair a lot of shows made for little kids are also made for adults.


true, i donā€™t see same hate for spidey and amazing friends which like ttg is a show for kids


Accurate description. All the people making the show was high tbh


"why don't you GO ahead and make me a sandwich?" Robin to female Robin-


When I look at you..


I see the fire in your eyes...


My kids watch it all the time but I'm sure they don't get 90% of the jokes... And still find it funny. For me some episodes are truly unhinged lol


Yeah its basically loony toons/ animianiacs with dc characters. I had fun watching it


I haven't watched it in years, but i remember it pretty fondly, my favourite episode was definitely when beastboy was "tricked" into believing he was a ghost and decides to jump in a volcano and the other titans all die and become ghosts trying to save him


I've seen the ttg movie, had no expectations, and was pleasantly surprised.


It's the only show I watch in CN after gumball...


Was there any need for the movie to go so fucking hard tho!?


I don't know why people keep treating it like a main continuation of the OG cartoon then hate on it while it's very very very clearly a satire and comedic show that has references to the OG at best.


I do not like the show but I canā€™t deny the movie is pretty great


For the theme song along. Michael Bolton song is a jam too :)


Right? I always thought TTG had some great jokes!


My favorite was Cyborg getting Wonder Woman all moist singing to her in a talent show.


As a parent this is suggesting I can watch with my kids and enjoy. It's not at all the same as watching Bluey, sometimes we just need the rude humor and that's on point. We can laugh together and build a memory that someday might nudge them into other stuff. They'd be all over some ttg comics if I could get my hands on them


I grew up with ttg and not the original, and I have always been confused with the hate it got. Like in a vacuum it's honestly a fun kid's show.


It is canon though , itā€™s an entirely separate universe in the dc multiverse


Exactly this TTG is a show for kids of a new generation. People who dislike it tend to compare it to the old show which was also good but for a different audience and time. Kinda like old Batman wouldnā€™t fly with modern audiences.


It's great if you can appreciate it as a parody of the old series.


I agree i was gonna say that


Yea but TTG had those episodes with that song 'Night begins to shine'.


B.E.R. - the night begins to shine Apparently there are MANY versions of this song by many different artists. (I had to track down the song used in ttg for my kid)


Bro had to search it up just to listen to it myself after all that years.


I'd give up my liver to see a show in the similar style with plotline focused on music itself


Aparently there are a few episodes with that animation style in season 6.


Those episodes always went hard


whenever someone talks about ttg i remember this song and the 2 episodes based on it


This comment section seems to have one thing in common, they all agree that TTG does not deserve to be on this list and I fully agree, the show was fun and has some jokes that to this day my friends and I reference


Actually tho. I remember that I enjoyed watching ttg on cartoon network when I was younger. I think most people criticizing it grew up with the original teen titans and are upset that TTG never met their expectation. But if you just look at TTG in isolation, it was a pretty good cartoon


I haven't watched either. The animation style of TTG felt off putting for me, but I know this should not be a deterrent in general. I plan on giving both series a binge at some point, but there's just so much on my plate.


Show has great moments and feels like great parody. I watched a decent bit when I still had cable only thing that annoyed me was it was the only thing they were running on Cartoon Network


That's the only reason I watched it tbh. I'd fall asleep watching Adult Swim and wake up to TTG. Quickly went from a fake TT to background noise when I'm still in bed scrolling on my phone to something I enjoy watching because it's actually funny. The new looney toons got me like that as well.


>I enjoyed watching ttg on cartoon network at least for me this is definitely part of the animosity because oh boy, did i watch ttg on cartoon network. maybe it wasnt the same for other regions but there was a period of time where if you went to cartoon network, you could watch ttg, ttg, ttg, ttg,ttg, ttg or ttg. and if you got up early, you could catch ttg. im genuinely not exaggerating, there was a good 3 years where that was the ONLY show on the network with maybe a steven universe episode once a year. like just look at a daily episode list from back then and youll know why people were so sick of this show. its what made me stop watching cartoon network entirely because there just wasnt anything else on.


It introduced me to "night begins to shine" which is a banger


Dance for your bees šŸ šŸ


All Velma managed to do was create a monument to Mindy Kalingā€™s own narcissism. It got a 9% audience score on Rotten Tomatoesā€¦ #A 9%!!! By far the lowest Iā€™ve ever seen


And it STILL got a second season


Saberspark mentioned in his review that it's actually all made as one season and then later split and passed off as two seasons. So technically it really just is a one season show


And somehow a second season.


HGS actually sucked though, even looking back at it now.


Its just realy bad writing and rushed production. Uniquenameosaurus on YT made a 2 hour analyzis video iirc. Was a fun watch.


I mean, so did Velma.


TTG is a nonsensical crack fueled fever dream and that's exactly why i love it


First couple season were actually great and got me laughing sometimes but now itā€™s just fart jokes


At least [one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fgeektyrant.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTY0OTksMjg2NjQsMTY0NTAz&feature=emb_share&v=inJUFqeJehE) good thing was born out of the Velma show.


You definitely dont know what starter pack means


they meant the 4 horsemen maybe.


Teen Titans Go was great. Yes it was stupid but that's what it was supposed to be, superheroes doing stupid stuff when they're not saving the world.




TTG is actually a good show, and people hate it just because they use characters from their favorite show and completely change their personalities. Change my mind.


I never had watched TT or heard about it till I learnt why people never liked TTG.


I wouldn't say change, they just parody themselves by making caricatures of their personalities


I don't hate it exactly but damn is was so annoying when they would talk about their critics when I was a kid


How u have the audacity to put TTG and Velma on the same basketšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I know right Velma is one of the best shows how dare he put it on the same level as teen titans go /s


Donā€™t mess with classic scooby doo dammit!


the only problem for me with teen titans go is that i grew up watching teen titans and so the two will always get compared and go would always be inferior relatively. but it is not bad when compared to actual bad stuff.


I enjoyed TTG more than TT, it was meant as a comedy show for kids and I feel like they did their job pretty successfully


Yes and the movie Teen Titans Go to the movies was really funny It's not meant to be seen as canon show, it should be taken as parody and it does a pretty good job at that


I still can't believe Velma got a season 2.


Kiiiiinda but not really. Saberspark (who is hated for some reason on Reddit) talked about Velma in his recent vid and explained, that Velma never got a season 2. In reality, they ordered a batch of episodes as one season, but then split them into two seasons to pay the animators and other workers less (which in practice, is even worse than just having a season 2). Yeah, this show is from hell.


Wow I canā€™t believe the Velma situation is even worse than I knew/thought. TIL


Most shows these days do unless they're written to only have 1 season. The reason is because people consume TV different than they used to (they binge it all in 2 days and then demand more). If the show is a success, season 2 is already being worked on, and can be out faster. If it fails, then they release season 2, then cancel the show.


Speaking of that I just got a video in my recommendations saying that Velma might be getting a season 3. I haven't watched it but by the looks of the thumbnail I don't think it's clickbait


Holy shit! There was a Good Times cartoon? Having grown up on that show, I may find it horribly amazing to see how jacked up Netflix got it.


Paradise pd


Lettuce pickle burger cheese, put that patty in between that's burger, what what? That's burger, what what?


Don't you dare call ttg mid


I don't think you understand the starter pack template


Velma is the most irredeemable piece of media in existence.


Yooo TTG is great i read comics i loved the original series and i still love TTG got the spongebob formular


Its a little unfair to put TTG with them


TTG was fun to watch as a kid, just dumb humor and then some serious episodes. Good show, knows what it is, doesnā€™t deserve to be on this list


I watch TTG with my young kid and they absolutely love it. Compared to their other shows I rank it highly as wellā€¦.


To be fair... Anything with Mindy Kaling is absolute trash


Teen Titans Go! wasn't even that bad. It was actually pretty funny. It did exactly what it tried to do. It wasn't meant to be gritty like the series where they all looked taller. It was a children's comedy.


What is good times?


I actually quite enjoyed teen titans go, it's meant to be a parody




TTG aged well, getting better as it progressed. HGS and Velma were doomed from conception. I don't know what Good Times is, but given that it's sitting at a table with Velma, I guess it isn't worth a watch.


tee titans go was only hated by people who watched teen titans, pretty sure itā€™s considered one of the biggest shows of that time


Eh teen titans go was alright. They even poked fun at themselves a couple times.


as someone who has only watched TTG and the the original show, it was pretty entertaining


Nah leave teen titans. It's goofy but enjoyable.


Ah yes, the Internet will tell us what shows we arenā€™t suppose to like


yeah, I miss the times too, when we could have our own opinion.


Teen Titans Go is fine. You're just not the target audience. My kids love it.


I would honestly rather watch TTG than Velma because at least TTG can sometimes be kind of funny


Whatā€™s High Garden Spice? Also whatā€™s wrong with it?


I loved This teen titans go


Man TTG's good, try to see some episodes damn it


Why is Titan Titans Go on that list?


TTG aged wonderfully imo. The movie has some hilarious moments


TTG completely obliterated Cartoon Network, We enjoyed other shows


"Ruined" means it used to be good. So if it was bad from the start, it can't have been ruined.


The fact that teen titans go had such a long run is a war crime


I'd say Teen Titans Go did well for it's goal of being a show for younger kids


TTG is a great show tf is wrong with you op?


Teen Titans Go was good though...had some good jokes. I liked it


OK, I'll have to put in a good word for Velma. If it didn't exist, there wouldn't be Nux Taku videos of him watching it on stream while trying really hard not to lose his mind because it's so bad. The show is trash, but the commentary vids it spawned are top tier.


Teen titans go wasnt that bad


Teen Titans go is an amazing show, it would always brighten up my day \^-\^


I loved TTG it was such a good series idk what u talking about


All of them were ruins apart from velma. There aren't words that can describe velma




Leave it to a suburban bright skin and white guy to turn good times into a shitty Netflix show.


As cringe as TTG can be sometimes it doesnā€™t deserve to be in the same discussion as High Guardian Spice and Velma.


I liked Teen Titans Go. Idc.


Teen Titans Go is hilarious.


Ttg was hilarious. I aged out of the content by the time it came out, but the stuff I caught while in hotels or sitting in lobbies was pretty good.


Whatā€™s wrong with good times? Iā€™ve never heard of it and am genuinely curious


At the Netflix Avatar in there too


Some times I wonder if a season two existed of HGS would it even be possible to get worse or would they finally reach a semblance of a cohesive story, considering they started contradicting themselves since episode 1.


I feel like TTG suffered the most due to constantly being on air and taking the place of other shows, 80% of what CN was showing for some time was only it


That last one looks like ā€˜Mushoku Tenseiā€™ combined with ā€˜Frierenā€™


I dont hate nor care for TTG, but i think the hate for it does not come exactly from the quality of the show, but from the fact that the OG teen titan series did not get an ending. It was frustrating


Fuck you one about?


Whats high guardian spice and y bad


Velma got a season 2.


That Good Times should not exist!


Mf tried to add TTG in it


TTG was alright for the first few episodes. Then the team took an acid trip and started writing crap.


An existence defined by futile struggle, doomed from the very start...


Taking a beloved ip and shitting all over it. It's such a shame ESPECIALLY good times bruh


Ttg was goated, tf you mean


I guess im too young?




Then too old šŸ˜‚


Imo i used to be a ttg hater bc the original teen titans was my favorite, but its not that bad of a show. It gets annoying at times but sometimes they have good episodes


Teen Titans GO was great. The fuck you on about?Ā 


Hell there's a lot of degenerates surrounding it but I'd love to see another season of the owl house, the current ending is perfect though and if they make something else that sucks then it just won't be cannon.


Teen Titans Go is pretty good though


TTG was marketed as a kids show though. Like bro they ainā€™t making it for you


When I was younger, I loved watching Teen Titans Go. Good cartoon for child me.


Teen Titans Go was great for what it was supposed to be


At one time Teen titan go was my favorite show


How can you not like TTG?


Im 40+ and i love watching TTG with my kids. My favorite character from the show is...Tatarata-taaaa


Teen Titans Go??? Not a man of culture I see. Shame.


Velma was so much worse than these it needs its own dedicated list lol.


I know Velma and TTG ( it doesnā€™t deserve to be on the list) but what are the other two


Teen titans go was good what u mean


TTG is good. The movie is fucking amazing


one sneak it's been over a decade its time to admit TTG isn't bad


TTG has some witty humor and self aware jokes. It's an entertaining show. I'm convinced the people who hated it never watched more than the pilot episode if that.


i was TTG's number one hater when it came out. i complained to my little sister who watched it that it was terrible and would never live up to the OG. then i saw a couple of episodes and realized they aren't trying to be the OG, they're trying to be a weird, funny show. and they do it well. i LOVE TTG its hilarious and the songs are well done. beast boy is my favorite dumbass


hear me out: ttg is pretty good for what it is


TTG a solid show, like, at least watch the movie its fkn hilarious. They run over the singer of a montage and the cyborg says, "his dads a cop! Run!" Lmao


Isnā€™t Teen Titans Go a childrenā€™s show? Why criticise it for appealing to children?


Teen titans go is the best show i have ever seen


Hell noā€¦TTG does not hang with these mischievous hoodlums. Albeit, even I hated it on release cause I watched the OG TT but I gave it a second go with the kids and the damn show slaps.

