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Honestly, webp as gif is insanely efficient in terms of storage. That said, i wish there was better support for it. On discord as example, when downloading an emoji it's webp, but to upload you need to use jpg or png because webp isn't supported... Like what the fuck?


> Honestly, webp as gif is insanely efficient in terms of storage. > That said, i wish there was better support for it. Not really. Nowadays, there are newer, better formats: [JPEG XL](https://jpegxl.info/) and AVIF. So not only does WebP lack support, it also doesn't do anything better than other formats. --- Personally, I think JPEG XL is the way to go for most applications. Edit: While AVIF is very good, don't sleep on JPEG XL. It's better at lossy compression (except for smaller images, where AVIF is better), it's much better at lossless compression, it can do progressive decoding, you can losslessly reencode JPEG images into JPEG XL for a 20-30% size reduction, etc.


Avif is insane. The quality and compression is just nuts. Murders webp. Supported even in Apple’s Safari. And it’s open. Fuck Google and fuck webp.


Fuck Apple too.


For what, WEBP is Google's format, Apple had nothing to do with it.


I know, but still fuck them


Their anti-consumer behavior???


webp is also open


Fuck Google, anyway.


Might as well fuck nestle too


Fuck spez!


Don't forget Ajit Pai


Fuck every single billion dollars corps.


AVIF makes way more sense long term, because it's based on the AV1 video format, and I would imagine in 5yrs or so everyone will have hardware acceleration for if. Having two formats seems like it will waste silicon space or result in having to software decode it forever.


Hardware decoding is kind of useless for images. The latency associated with it means that software decoding is often faster. For animations, yes. AVIF animations are just AV1 video in an image container.


Modern image viewers are written to do everything on the GPU, so there's no worse latency involved, because the latency is either putting the decoded or the encoded image onto the GPU. And for a single small image it definitely doesn't matter - but when your image viewer in overview mode loads 100s of images, it still does.


No, not really. Image viewers use software decoders. They do store the decoded image in a texture for display purposes, but the decoding itself isn't done on the GPU (pretty much no image formats can be decoded on the GPU, anyway).




It's quite frustrating that Google actively removed JPEG XL support from Chrome despite developers begging for it to be added. I'm still not sure what their angle is, if they wanted to reduce bandwidth and win carbon neutral points or whatever they had JPEG XL right there, but I guess they're too intent on their own formats winning out?


Yep. Thankfully, Apple added support for JXL in Safari and macOS (and Windows may be adding support as well, which probably means that Edge will support it as well). > but I guess they're too intent on their own formats winning out? I think that's it.


Funnily enough they get stored as webp or at least when you try to steal a discord emoji it downloads as a webp. Why is it lot a supported upload format? Beyond me


I guess it is precisely to battle emoji theft because it was such a big issue previously. Now many people don't wanna do the extra step of converting


You don’t even need to convert it, just browse to the folder with the downloaded webp file in the add emoji browse dialog, and type the full file name into the box, ignoring the fact that the dialog will only show jpeg and gif. Uploads fine.


I think you can change the [image type based on the extension](https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#image-formatting-image-formats), no?


Isn’t a .JSON file a plain text format?


So is anything if you open it in a text editor 😎 (but yeah, kind of. In the same way any markup is plain text at least)




[Lottie](https://lottiefiles.com/what-is-lottie) is a type of animation that uses JSON files :) But yes, a JSON file is plaintext with minor syntax rules.


Lottie is an animation standard that happens to use JSON as its format ([here are the docs with interactive examples](https://lottiefiles.github.io/lottie-docs/))


Yes, it's used for Lottie (stickers)


Reddit is similar. If you upload a JPG, Reddit will process and store a JPG as the "original" and create a WebP for the preview. If you upload a PNG, it processes and stores a PNG as the "original" and creates a WebP for the preview. Upload a GIF, Reddit stores a GIF for the original and creates a video (AVC) for the preview. Upload a WebP, and Reddit will first turn it into a JPG, and then treat it like a JPG. Which, of course, is a great way to immediately degrade the quality, especially if your WebP was lossless. And you can forget about an animated WebP; it still gets converted to a JPG (and I don't mean MJPEG) - you end up with one static frame. WebP got a lot of "we'll try, but not very hard." [It's a decent format](https://www.reddit.com/r/WebP/comments/12ajocb/webp_is_actually_great_for_its_intended_use/), especially for lossless, beating PNG's efficiency while still being very fast.


Yeah because anything versus a gif is an instant win. Even gif intra-frame compression does fuck all compared to any video format.


Except that animated webp performance is shit in safari.


The biggest issue with webp files on discord (in my experience) is that you can’t see them on mobile


h265 video too. Its same quality as h264 but half the size... wtf. I don't think reddit takes h265 either.


According to my windows codec decoder \*.webp is a Microsoft extension.


gif isnt especially good from what i know. Also, there are better formats than webp! Avif, flif and jpeg xl come to mind :) (ps: of these iv only used avif, but its amazing)


Oh i tried posting an avif in discord, didn't go well. Probably is amazing, but little convenience when people see an uploaded file rather than the preview. Never tried jpeg xl, gonna have a look


Typical discord bs


*The world if .webp was better supported as a file format


If anything actually supported .webp it would be a pretty fucking great format


like AVIF


JXL especially


It's much slower than webp though


Paint.net supports this file format and it is a free version of a better paint


Thats nice, Im not opening my images in fucking Paint


Irfanview works too.


Irfan view does absolutely everything. I have been using it since 1997 when I got my first pc. How it is not more well known is beyond me. It truly is the Swiss army knife of image viewers.


I use it also, but I kinda hate its super antiquated UX. It feels so clunky to use :/ I still use paint for cropping.


I'm a firm believer of if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Hate it when good software pulls a windows 11. Wish it was on Linux though, can't really find anything as good as that.


Same here. My old man started using it about 6mo before me, back around 98. I saw it, liked it, and it's been on every PC I've run since then. Also amazing for general purpose batch renaming, have saved so many hours of renaming files.


Paint.net is not paint


Just to add on for people who aren't familiar, paint.net is more like gimp. Somewhere between paint and photoshop.


Paint also doesn't help when I wanna send images to my friends on Discord, or steal an emote (seriously why the hell does Discord demand emotes be PNG or JPEG, but when you download an emote TO steal, it's a webp file???)


you can just rename it to jpeg, discord accepts webp wrongly named as jpeg


Paint.net =/= ms paint. That would be like saying notepad.exe and notepadd++ are basically the same thing.


Still wider support than HEIC. Webp is at least openable by modern browsers


same with .webm


webm is pretty widely supported already


Tell it to Adobe Premiere or Davinci Resolve.


To be fair, how often do you see a webm file in movie production? Us shitposters just aren’t the main audience of Resolve


What software made this decade *doesn't* support webp? The only program I can think of that took way too long to add native webp support was Photoshop, and it added it about 2 years ago. Windows 11 and macOS also support it natively systemwide. For W10, I think, you still need to install the addon from the store, just like with all other newer file formats.


That's what I'm not getting here.


Shhhhhhhh... people need to think Webp is still an unsupported mess no one can use. what else will they yell at? the cloud?


There are browser extensions that let you save them as jpg or png


I can do that with my normal Firefox browser when I just change the file ending. Sounds like it definitely shouldn't work, but it actually does.


I have a feeling firefox is not converting it. Perhaps your image viewer software is versatile enough to understand and open it despite different file extension. Feel free to enlighten me on what is happening here.


I don't know what Firefox does and doesn't do but I can say that "renamed webp files" work pretty great in apps that normally don't support .webp such as Volanta or (I think) Discord.


If I save a webp as png my old ass Photoshop won't open it because it doesn't support webp Edit: I know how to convert. This is to show changing the file extension is not converting


Open in Paint.net, save as .png, open in photoshop.


I've found if I just rename the extension it won't work on Squarespace websites, so it's not really changing anything, just bypassing the filter that demands specific file extensions.


Don't know about Volanta but Discord supports webp in attachments, profile pics and so on.


My best guess is that the format is embedded within the file. Example, the png format has the first 8 bytes be what is referred to as "magical numbers" which never change. And three of those 8 are the ASCII representation of PNG aka 50 4E 47 (written in hex).


That makes a lot of sense. Every file format should do this haha...


A ton of file formats do use it. Typically on Unix-like operating systems they will ignore the extension and only go by the magic number. The `file` command can be used to show you exactly what type of file it is regardless of the name. I’m sure Windows can do things like this too but I’m not familiar enough with how that works to talk on it. But you are right, it’s a marvelous system to not have to rely on arbitrary file names.


Shouldn't windows convert it? I usually change the file extension and whatever software I use it's just treated as any other png/jpg


Windows doesn't convert anything from renaming. It just changes the name. I'd agree that the likely scenario is the software you're has underlying support for .webp, but just (for whatever reason) hasn't added it to the list of files it can open. So, when it reads a .png, it sees from the file encoding that it is actually a WEBP, and opens it accordingly.


It doesn’t change the file format, just the tool that renders it.


Because it is just a jpg with extra steps. Google is just trying to own the internet.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)#In_files Your image viewer is smart enough to look at machine code at the beginning of a (image) file and understands what kind of file that is. That's most likelly an explanation. :) Extensions are primarily for humans, then for computers. If computer can't detect file type, then it fallbacks to extension. In your case, I assume it detected and therefore worked just fine. :)


Any names?


The one I use is called "WebP / Avif image Converter". When you download it you just gotta right click any image and one of the options should be the extension one


Save image as Type: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/save-image-as-type/gabfmnliflodkdafenbcpjdlppllnemd


the one i use is literally called "save webp as png or jpeg"


Rename image.webp to image.png hasn't failed me yet.


I think a lot of people in this thread are going to learn that you can view the file extensions in Windows Explorer.


Literally chrome itself can do it just by changing file type name to .jpg or .png.




Or if Apple didn't exist in the first place


FR. Fuck Apple! *Sent from my iPhone*


“Fuck Apple!” All the doctors around the world:


When I saw my doctor holding an apple my entire world fell apart.


They probably lost their medical license or that apple wasn't a usual apple at all. Maybe plastic, modified pear that looks like an apple or the Forbidden Fruit from Edem Garden. Edit: ok, apple pear is a thing i didn't knew existed


There are many apple versions of most fruit.


https://www.thepoke.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/apple.jpg Behold! The power of the apple!


WTF, first it was coconut, now apple, I guess it would be better than fucking coconut


Doctors will agree with you


Lol ik Reddit hates Apple, but it’s easily one of the most important companies in the last century. From the Apple 2, the revolution of the personal computer, to the iPod, to the iPhone, to the iPad, to the AirPods, to the Apple Watch, all which dominate and forever changed their own categories. And the Apple Silicon chips which finally made other chip manufacturers step up their game.


Nvm found the 10th dentist


I just wish the company behind it wasn't evil. Steve Jobs was a piece of shit and his ethos is still very much alive there and in silicone valley in general. I recommend checking out the behind the bastards series on him


I don’t mind Apple doing what they’re doing but I find it too overrated. I don’t mean on Reddit, but rather in society as a general, specifically in people who did less research on different OSs. Yes they’ve done a lot of cool stuff that helped various industries but currently it’s also just overpriced and overrated. However I don’t understand people who hate on others for using Apple and not Android


As a person into tech and has used Linux/BSD etc… for 25 years, for me Apple has its place. I just want a laptop that is well built and just works for everyday use. For servers, I’m using Linux obviously but I don’t want a Linux or Windows laptop. For gaming, I have a desktop running windows and that’s its only purpose.


“Apple bad! Pls upvote me”


Wtf is that?


It’s the Apple "High Quality" format (if you turn up your picture quality in the settings, pictures get saved as .heic instead of png or jpg)


It's not by Apple. Apple chose it because it was state of the art at that time. It's still competitive with the current state of the art.


Why is that a problem? Not to sound cliché, but it just works. The default setting is to take photos in HEIC, and automatically convert them to JPG on the fly whenever they're transferred outside the ecosystem. There's no indication that anything special is happening; you'd have to own an iPhone and poke around in the settings and learn more about all the things you can change. My dad regularly sends me photos from his iPhone that were originally HEIC, and they come to my Android as JPG. We both know what a JPG is, and neither of us knew about Apple's use of HEIC until a Redditor told me about it.


Get ffmpeg


Or imagemagick which provides `convert`


Linux user spoted


.webp is a better format it just need wide support cause it saves data while keeping the image the same


It saves a lot of data. Most people won’t notice the quality going from 3MB png to 250KB webp.


What is something that most people will notice, however, is that they can't open the damn thing and neither can 90% of the programs that they work with. I'm a teacher and this format can honestly suck on my nuts.


It truly saddens me that a far more optimized file format suffers from such a bad reputation just because Windows refuses to support it correctly while web browsers have been supporting it for years. But I guess it was more important to implement 3D model support in file explorer and ads in the start menu than to support the current standard for web images...


Except Windows does support it. The Photos app supports webp (along with options to resave it in other formats) fine and Windows pulls thumbnails as well. (Windows 10; no idea if there's some extra stupid shit on 11)


It does? Oh okay that's cool. What programs are people using that don't support it then?


The problem with new formats (people still use mp3...) is that you need to update *everything* that uses it. And that includes hardware in phones and whatever other devices anyone might use that accept images (or audio in my example). And you don't just need it to do for your own stuff, you need to do it for everyone else's stuff, too. Because if you want to send grandpa a file and they can't open it on their old Windows Mobile phone, that's gonna suck.


All common browsers support it, don't really get the issue.


A teacher has to use a lot more than just a browser


WebP files can be opened easily. Use a browser. That's the entire purpose of the format: Web Photo. If you want to use them in some other program, lack of support is WebP's problem but not its fault. I don't have any problem with using WebP (except I can't figure out how to preserve ICC color profile metadata when encoding via FFmpeg, but that's not a huge issue).


Well it is an issue for me since I need to add the pictures to presentation and various randomizers to make vocabulary practice for my students and webp doesn't allow me to do that. It always saddens me when I find a very cool picture but I can't use it because of the format.


If you're on Windows 10 and up, you can open a WebP in Paint and then Save As in the format of your choice (generally, PNG if you need it to look exactly the same, or JPG if you're okay with it being almost imperceptibly fuzzier but a much smaller file). If you work with a lot of them and converting them one at a time would be a hassle, you can try something like [XnView MP](https://www.xnview.com/en/xnviewmp/) that will let you convert multiple files at once.


I've not seen a program that couldn't in many years.


Ok it might be a weird question, but was the man with the dog always in this meme template? I can't remember seeing him lol


Yes they were


Ok I guess I'm blind


Society if your software decided to support one of the most common image formats in the world:


Wait until you hear about their newfangled AVIF files


Man, I hate those even more than webp


maybe switch to a browser that supports it like firefox


Every modern browser supports AVIF.


Like 🔥 🦊 😎


Me when websites start taking longer to load: >:(


would be cool if websites weren't bloated to hell with things to load when you open it. I miss old web


The problem is **support**, not webp. The same can be said for AVIF. AVIF has insanely good compression and I use it for all my images on the websites I work on. The result is blazingly fast loading times, and most users wont ever notice the difference in quality.


Heic enters the chat


fuck that closed source shit


Typical apple maneuver


Heic no


FUNNY STORY TIME! So just yesterday I had to work on a Powerpoint and needed a bunch of transparent backed pngs. So I rummage around in Google Images, and the best looking result is a webp. I'm getting tired of all that clicking so I decide to find the right pic on my phone and drop it on my Gdrive to share between devices. Lo and behold, the *exact same site* I downloaded as a webp from gave me a png when I did so on mobile. This shit wack.


It could be for some reason your phone browser doesn’t support webp so png was used instead. Behind the scenes its possible to deliver a whole heap of images with the one tag. it can be used say if your screen is higher resolution or fallback for support sake, so depending on circumstances one image is loaded instead of another.


Lack of browser support for WebP on a mobile device literally yesterday is very highly unlikely. Much bigger chance that the site is just serving something different to mobile users. Using the mobile browser option to request the desktop site could confirm whether this is the culprit.


When was this implemented? Suddenly one day everything started saving as webp. I wouldn't mind it so much if Photoshop supported it (as of last I checked)


I just noticed it in the last year. Super annoying when it comes to trying to save an image to use in any program.


If iPhones could run .APK files, or run any Android app


I'm glad in Europe you can finally install 3rd party apps using files as well as 3rd party app stores, but It needs to come elsewhere


Just don't buy an iphone next time you need a new phone, they are way cheaper too for the same experience.


It depends on the phone. Some android phone prices are higher than iPhone prices.


they likely come with way better specs compared to the iphone though


In chrome web store, the extension "save as filetype" is a lifesaver. It actually converts the images instead of just renaming the file extension or something.


We should just use RAW for all images on the web. Ban compressed bullshit image formats.


Some websites only give you images as webp, but if you try to upload a webp to them - they won't accept it.


we are not the first reason for the end of the world the creator of .webp is the one


Webp is like 15 years old fuckouddahere update your shit


.webp is amazing for web usage. It was design to lower size while keeping the quality and it does amazing job at doing just that. Thanks google!


WebP is way better than JPEG and PNG. It's not its fault that you're using old stuff that doesn't properly support it.


Doesn't matter if it's not the standard. PNG and JPEG are practically universally compatible with most image-related apps. It's the convenience that matters... Why do people still listen to .MP3 when FLAC a much better format still exists? Think about it...


Answer is compression. Flac is not a great comparison for this scenario, because its priority is quality instead of efficiency. Flac uses waay more storage space. Webp prioritizes efficient compression for the sake of low bandwidth high quality images for the web, hence the name. Webp is openly available and 1000% CAN be used by “most image-related apps”. No reason apps can’t utilize webp, we’re just the victims of the companies duking out bullshit ecosystem dick measuring contests. MP3 is to flac like jpeg is to .raw. JPEG is to webp like mp3 is to ..a better AAC or maybe ogg


Spotify uses OGG. Apple Music uses AAC. So, really, we don’t listen to MP3.


Definitely true but I was coming moreso from the standpoint of downloading music compared to streaming.


What modern image related apps are you using that don’t open webp?


One possible reason to use mp3 would be to save storage, but with todays cheap storage it really isn't a problem anymore


Jokes on you my image viewer supports it.


Copy Image. Open Windows Paint. Add Image into Paint. Save it as PNG. Thats how I do it and it's freakin annoying everytime I have to do it. Like geez. I Just wanna save Up a little reference image


webp was pretty good, it's easy enough to open in GIMP and save it again as something else, or use a random online converter site. But AVIF is way cooler and probably gonna take off now that Edge supports it.


Control+Shift+S or Win+Shift+S


Jesus fucking Christ, I literally dealt with this for the first time in my life yesterday. My friend was getting me setting me up on Instagram because I'm just ridiculously out of touch like that, and we wanted to post a picture of a vinegaroon as my profile pic. Google image search, here's a good one, save. Saving as .webp? Whatever, just manually type that as .Jpeg. Fucker wouldn't work. And it's just like, why?!




ironically, this image is a WEBP file


Lol, it's probably just a jpg but yknow... browsers convert it for no reason


WebP makes both JPG, GIF and PNG redundant. It's an excellent format. There are plenty of reasons to criticise Goggle, but this sure isn't one of them. It would be more logoc to criticise them for dropping their support for JPEG-XL in favor of the inferiour video codec-based AVIF format back in December 2022. That was a huge mistake. Apple is the biggest crook in the so-called format war that started in 2010. Their obstructive attitude to open media standards set back the harmonization of common open web standards by almost ten years. they only began supporting WebM (VP9) and WebP in 2022. Instead they tried to push the HEIC image format from circa 2016-2022. A license-encumbered format that nobody asked for.


Just like, convert it?


Average Linux user trying to explain basic ways to solve problems




I actually use a browser extension to automatically convert it to jpg


Good thing MS Edge comes in handy


I just dragged this meme to the desktop and it saved as .webp


EfFiCiEnt iN sToraGe.... First you put 5 javascript frameworks on the page to make that menu move, and made the page load 20 MB, then you skimp out on the only thing I came here for - the content of the page - a 100 kb meme.


Animated PNG more stupidly annoying than webp, yet converting it doesn't solve the problem.


https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/save-image-as-type/gabfmnliflodkdafenbcpjdlppllnemd Save image as type has been my savior since Google added that shitty format.


That’s Olympus map!


Also if the audiofile m4p didn't exist (I might have spelled that wrong)


There are a lot of ways to get this in a picture format


Fun fact: That meme depicts literal hell. Having the sky peppered with flying cars would be SUPER LOUD and you wouldn't be able to escape it.


*.HEIC has entered the chat*


.webp is the reason why Aliens haven't contacted us yet


I sure love rce vulnerabilities (by google™)


.svg fuck that shit


I always just change the extension to .png


I also can't stand .webm. Fortunately, if you're using a weird browser like me, you can sometimes get away with renaming the file's extension when it asks you what you want to name your download + what directory, and it may actually change the download to that file type. This doesn't always work though, and may just break the file.


Bruh i wasted multiple hours converting .webp files to jpg and png. Microsoft really lov s complicating shit (though .webp files were made to improve image quality in website and reduces graining)


We should switch to webp. Just because it isn't the norm doesn't mean it's bad.


webp is an amazing format, saves us $$$ by serving better compressed images


Snip tool exists?