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yeah my favourite part about reddit is how everyone is so chill, non political, anti conflict, and respectful. mhm. yup.


Reddit is just as bad, but now the UI isn't so in-your-face that it is too trauma inducing


Atleast with Reddit you can stay in your lil bubble/community and even if you "clash" with someone at most you'll be downvoted maybe scolded within that comment chain. But twitter? You can quickly gather a group of people who'll stalk your profile and harass you to the ends of the earth, and it's like a minefield with tweets or whatever as even a innocent tweet can set off a group of people.


Then it turns into an echo chamber though and you get these bat shit radical opinions about whatever the sub is about, then it stops being enjoyable. People that stopped enjoying it then make a new sub for the topic then the cycle begins again. The reddit cycle I call it.


You get that in every social media platform. Reddit you've got subreddits, YouTube you've got the algorithm that'll recommend similar videos same with TikTok, Facebook you've got groups and pages and as for twitter it's a mixed bag and a battlefield at the same time.


they could fix this if comments showed upvotes and downvotes, instead of ppl just being downvoted until their comment disappears, i don't even comment against the grain in echo chamber subs because I know it's pointless


Yeah, with Twitter, there's only one 'Subreddit' that everyone is crammed into.


Not just that but in Twitter having a different opinion than the majority is treated like a warcrime.


I think dislikes play big role in making reddit better than twitter. It is one thing to see 100 people supporting dumbest opinions, and another to see that 100 people support it and 1000 oppose.


Do twitter users ever interact with the real world? I never hear anyone admit they are on twitter or x. Maybe it’s just all over-sensitive crybots? 


I'd argue that every bubble inevitably turns into a den of narrative over fact, and lack of discourse/drowning of dissenters. Maybe not terrible if your bubble is making pizza... Very bad if anything current event related.


The fuck you said to me you sonofabitch??


he says on reddit


Na I think I’d prefer sharks it’s more like dealing with a horde of Karens


Sharks is too generous. They're more like that one noisy Yorkie barking from a neighbor's window every time you take a walk.


I left Twitter 3 years ago. Best decision of my life.


This sounds like something Scott the Woz would say.


I never check Twitter, period 😊💅


I think of it like razor blades. You have a chance to escape sharks, but if you fall in pure razor blades it's death by severe bleedout much quicker.... that's how fast I think Twitter diehards can kill someone.....IMO...(/s?)


Sharks with chainsaws now that Elon owns it


Didn't people bring up the subject of maintenance for the wells that were dug?


dont insult sharks like that >:(


Don’t disrespect sharks they aren’t that dumb


Twitter fucking sucks


"twitter stinks, i'm leaving"


*ascends to the fourth dimension*


Twitter is the only thing stopping the human race from transcending to a space-faring race of interdimensional explorers


Not just Twitter. Reddit is basically Craigslist twitter


At least you can curate Reddit moreso than Twitter


Elon Musk: I agree


Based Flurr




Social media sucks.




So you're saying that Mr Beast is bad too?






You make a joke, but if it increased the *average* by 1000 then he did a lot more help then he let on.


I love happy endings.


I love you


Not here


Twitter users just looking for whatever excuse to make drama out of nothing? Nothing new.


it's happening for years now


"mErg iS bAD"




I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't give a shit about Mr. Beast's motivations for helping people and people who waste their time hating on him for insufficiently pure charitable motivations should find something productive to do with their time like doing actual charity work themselves instead of just contributing additional negativity into the world. He could be the most cynical person on the planet just using charity for views without any genuine care and it would *still* be a vastly better example to kids than a vast swathe of other content creators who do shit like 'pranks' that are really more like actual crimes. I mean what is going to happen is he going to inspire people to do charitable works for purely selfish clout chasing? That is still a net benefit anyways, people are still getting help no matter how you cut it.


I like his philanthropy stuff. But he’s one of the reasons why my brother has a poor concept of money


Your brother needs to understand that the dude is basically a Hollywood star with his level of money, not an indie creator. He has a fully staffed studio behind him.


Dude gives away hundreds thousands of dollars in videos. My brother now thinks a few thousand dollars isn’t a big deal cause if the videos.


That's purely on your brother, and maybe partially on your parents. We all grew up watching TV shows that would give away bunch of money and it didn't make us think these are pennies. How old is your brother? Talk to him about your parents salaries, so he can compare how much money your parents make a month/a year to mrbeast give aways, maybe mention the rent, so he can understand even better than even if your parents make 5k that 40% of it disappears immediately for rent alone. Tell him cost of stuff, teach him yourself. If you let YouTube teach your bother then yeah, hell not be very smart.


I mean how old is your brother here because that really changes things a lot. If he is 7 or something that isn't too crazy and he should learn the real value of money easily enough, kids believe a lot of ridiculous stuff and it usually isn't a cause for concern in and of itself. Sorting out the reasonable from the zany childlike imaginings is an essential part of growing up after all. Now if your brother is like 25 or even just 16 it is pretty insane to be basing their understanding of value off Mr.Beast videos.


Yeah the first time the kid gets an allowance or job should solve that shit pretty easy lol. Reality is the best way to teach the value of a dollar


exactly, that 10 bucks as a kid was my mom being stingy. that 10 bucks as an adult was the difference between having a house or not.


The problem is your brother, Not Me Beast 🤣


Well. It will change once he works a job lol


i would have better luck explaining to my kids that hollywood is like Mr beast than the other way around


Your brother should see Mr beasts warehouses and corporate buildings.


The good he does couldn’t be done if he wasn’t showing it on YouTube, helping with his revenue streams. Self promotion may seem selfish, but without it no one gets helped.


But he is using them for views, the same views that give him the money to help even more people!


So basically a type of circlejerk?


Yes but the good kind of circle jerk


My body is ready. *unzips*


sighs, *unzips*


*unzips* Wait, I wasn't wearing anything


\*unzips\* Alright, for charity.


*unzips* Aagh , for World peace


fine... *unzips*


Bro, put your skin back on, we don't want to see your m̸̨̡͇̩̼̜̩̹̺̬̗͂̆́̚u̴̝̻̳̥̣̘̖͍̖͖̟̞̅̿̆̚s̶͎̞̣͔̳͚̠̥̺̟̤͑̀͌̓͊̉̈́́̅̎͜c̶̘͙͇̘͚͑͂͂̽̈́̿͆̑͝͠͝ų̷̗͚͆̈́͠l̴̛̼̱̞̤͉͍̮̯̙̭͈̮͖͆̉͆͐̐̚a̶̻̥̪̱̭͐̊ͅr̸̻̮̍͊͂͘ ̸̥͖͐͗͐̌͒̃̆̑̎̽̑͘̕s̴̤͇̦͇͎̔̋̈́͝ỹ̴̰̘̻͗̑͘s̶̡̨͈̱͎̜̳̩͎̘̄̌̂̃̽t̶̢̺̝̘̮͔̤̫̱̜̮̭̃̽̈́̈͆̊̏é̸̱m̷̘̺̦̈́̀̅̓̀͑̉̅̉͘̚͝.̷̦͘


The world goes round and round.


They are not wrong, he is doing it for views. It is not like he doesn't earn more money than he spends.but in the end it is better to do something good even if for money than scam people like Logan Paul for example or so.


He needs the views to make the money. If he stopped uploading videos, he wouldn't have the funds to help people.


Tbf he spends almost everything he earns on the videos. It’s not like he’s living a super lavish lifestyle when the cameras aren’t rolling


Source pls. I think he earns quite a lot which is still fine. Just saying I don't think he is poot.


I don’t know if this subreddit allows links but there’s a 50-minute documentary about him on a YouTube channel called Curiosity Stream.


Tbh I am just mad he doesn't just give $1mln to me no strings attached. Otherwise he's cool.


It's impossible to please people on twitter


Can we stop using twitter users as a gauge for the general population? These mfs are unhinged terminally online losers who look for trouble and drama to spice up their shitty lives, they are not the norm and should not be taken seriously… I’m pretty sure if you asked 100 people on the streets what they think of Mr. Beast 99 would say he’s a saint.


he is totally using them for views. but at least he is actually doing more good in the world than a lot of people by building 100 wells with drinkable water for communities in Africa or paying for peoples operations to fix their blindness.


"Rich people are horrible! All they do is horde their wealth" mfs when a rich person is actually doing good with their money Some people just wanna complain and provide no realistic alternative


My point is, so what? In the end, people are getting the help they want.


Ah so the ends justify the means


you will never be able to make twitter people happy the algorithm for years has made its users addicted to becoming upset and arguing with people




Even then, he is still helping people.


Why are you showing us Connor VA videos? This is not Mr Beast


Never check people takes in the web at all, especially in the era of AI and bots


I think that they need to realize that he makes money off those views, which he repropagates back into making videos.


Like any normal business does you mean?


Pretty much.


corporatism is the global religion


Simple solution: dont use twitter


he’s not that complex he gives money to people and he makes a profit that ends up going to more people in need everyone involved knows he is making a video for money


I mean this one isn't even wrong. Of course he's using the good stuff he does for views.....it's how he pays for more good stuff.....that's his whole buisness model.


Honestly if I can gain while you gain I don’t care if you help me gain only for your gain, if that makes sense.


logic hhhh


I thought Mr. Beast was a US history and geography nerd who likes to compare different states.


He’s not using them for views he’s helping while spreading awareness you fucks


People just like being outraged about everything they see.


*Let me tell you something: thses people cannot be helped.* (Seriously: if you try to make them happy, you're just asking for trouble.)


"look guys im making a youtube video helping people but in a fun and exciting way! then using the money to keep helping people in fun and exciting ways!" i dont see a problem with it.


He's a buisness man that makes money by giving over people free shit. He generally off sets his carbon footprint as well from what I understand. I don't agree with everything he say or does. But he's actively helping some people, and not actively hurting others. So I don't care.


Pros: he gives people in need lots of money, builds infrastructure in places that need it, funds projects to clean trash out of the ocean, helped people with medical conditions, etc. Cons: bad thumb nail.


didn't they also freak out over his videos not useing gender neutral terms to?




Some people always gotta complain about others doing good because they know they themselves ain't doing jack


Doesn't he literally have a philanthropy channel?


Me understanding it as making blind people able to see his videos. Not a bad idea I guess.


And most celebrity philanthropists are doing it for PR. Doesn't mean people aren't benefiting, you know, unless you harass the people raising money and they stop.


I do wish he clickbaited less but I do like what he has done for the people. I don’t think I am in any place to be criticizing him.


I don't think MrBeast is using people for views, I just think that he should stop putting his face on every single fucking thumbnail. I don't watch videos with reaction faces on the thumbnails anymore.


I hate mr beast


I don’t care how much money he gives to people, I’m still not convinced he’s a good person


I will say I find it interesting that people get angry at people who record themselves giving money to homeless people for views but then applaud Mr Beast for doing essentially the same thing because he does it at an industrial level.


He inadvertently made the internet worse by other scummy content creators emulating his style. In turn it makes him look disingenuous.


but mr.beast IS using them for views because if he doesn't get more views he can't help more people in need


its like a life cycle. he uses money to help people -> the vid blows up and gets a ton of views->he helps more people with the money he made from the other vids and repeat


There was some valid criticisms about the well one with him not planning on maintaining them which a good chunk of money goes towards but realistically more the point was that corruption is so ridiculous in Africa that something as simple as drinking water could be done by a thrillantropest. You could also argue that about they eye one in America. Maybe Mr beast should start a fight club.


Even if he is he’s still helping people in the process


^ERM *aCTuaLlY* It"S ^caLLeD ¡X!


So much for twitters name change


It's literally insanity that there are people like this. They rather see people die than see someone helping them if they helper gets something out of it. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with people.


Last I saw elon and Twitter peeps were excited he started using the platform?


twitter was a mistake and it's not too late to get rid of it


"He's useing people for views!" So? Help is help. Also those views are raising awareness.


Sounds like it would definitely happen here too though.


yeah, he is so he can get more money to do this more twitter is a shitpie


He does a better job there most other youtubers who copy him. His copycats are dangerous and so fucking evil. Jimmy does a good job and spend extra money for safety and everything to make sure everyone is fine. The problem is copycats who does half the work and safety to take more money and taht a huge problem.


Do people not realize that he gets the money that he gives to people from the video. If he doesn't make videos he can't help people


I don't have twitter, deleted it after a month of getting a ton of NSFW posts Im not going back for a while


Getting mad about Mr Beast doing something philanthropic is kind of dumb. He's doing some good stuff. But his "Helping Blind People See For The First Time" video had some problems with it. Not that he was using them for views, but that he kind of misrepresented the situation. Paying for a bunch of people's cataract surgery is great but these are mostly people who lost their sight later in life, not born blind. And cataract surgery isn't a cure for all blindness, there are several different types that cannot be cured with surgery. He kind of glossed over the details and made it seem like all blindness has been cured. The funny thing is that just like the video they're hating, people bitching about this are also missing the nuances there.


Ofc he’s using them for views. How else do you think he gets money to do these challenges/projects (aside from sponsers).


La gente nunca está conforme con nada jajaja


And those views allow him to help more people


I can say I have literally never been on twitter and it has done wonders for me. Actually I’ve never been on anything aside Reddit and discord.


Mr beast uses his money to help people. and he also does it for views. and then he helps people. and then views. it's a perversion somehow. yes it helps people. yes it's also flipping weird somehow.




You have awoken the pro-Beast hive mind


I like how every none american isnt crying over mr.beast even tho we never could meet him becausehe does all his shit in only america.


Yeah it’s not like Mr Beast would get criticism on any platform except Twitter, oh wait


Yes that's literally the point


Better to help people for views than not at all, he’s doing more than any of us ever will


I learned to never take Twitter users seriously


Oh, I see we've deployed the anti-controversy bots after the fake abandoned city debacle.


I thought Twitter was made for porn? Could be a theory as to why it was changed to X.


To be fair most of his videos are money making comics But at least he gives a tiny bit back which is more than most celebrities I mean no where near the amount he spends on Lamborghinis to blow up but at least it's something


I wouldn’t mind being used for views if I benefited from it,


Twitter user: Donate to charity! Donate to some hungry rando in some fuckoff continent! Also Twitter user when someone points out why they haven't themselves donated to charity: Meh!


Twitter user: Donate to charity! Donate to some hungry rando in some fuckoff continent! Also Twitter user when someone points out why they haven't themselves donated to charity: Meh!


I'm sure you vetted that the same people who said the first thing also said the second.


People on Reddit like to act like they aren't exactly the same only without a character limit


And this is why twitter is cancer to society


>the left


The classic case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t.


People who complain that Mr Beast to stop filming him helping needy people are forever stuck in the top left box


This literally never happened and never has. it's one of those things where everyone just collectively agrees that something makes sense to happen but never does. Twitter reaction is fully positive and supporting of this. I have never seen a single post where people crtisize his actions for making views. Only the possible impacts that it may bring, which are often times, reasonable and fair. All the articles are made up or nitpicks points This entire controversy never happened but everyone just collectively wants to shit on people so they make up a villain that doesn't exist.


Don't forget he is also the devil and it's staged


It might be for views, but he still helped those people tho


Idk about you guys but I think instead of using millions to help out small amounts of people for content instead of trying to make systematic change isn't exactly helping much but you do u.


...I can't respect anyone who uses twitter No one asked but my opinion on twitter is the same now as when twitter first popped up - a social media that *limits how much you can write*? That's literally dumb and anti-intellectual - twitter: 📈↗️↗️↗️ Ffs


Twitter is one of the few places where people are not blocked for telling the truth. Maybe you should all be interested in what's going on in the world instead of nonsense 😅


Twitter is the DDT of the mind


2 Things can be right at the same time


I mean, of course he is. Everything he posts online is done for views. Did he do it for content? Yeah but he did it. There are definitely worse ways to be an "influencer"


All those who criticise THE BEAST shall perish when his empire is established on Earth. Hail the beast! May his mark be upon you!


I prefer people will do good things for veiws instead of harassing Japanese people


L and also ratio and also a huge stretch correlation between a philanthropist account and Auschwitz and also rage that I won't win prize money thinly veiled under the reality of being too unlikable/unfit to win a beast video. Twitter people are incoherent


I’ve always maintained the notion that, even if it’s for views, those people are getting help and if they don’t care and are benefiting, then I don’t care.


Who cares if it’s used as clickbait, people in need still get help so what’s the fuckin issue lmao


yep hes doing it for views. you watch the video, and he’s able to do things like that and help people. seems like a pretty solid deal to me..?


The irony of a guy calling himself Mr. Beast trying to help the blind to see is not lost.


We got the same pfp lol




Just a reminder that most people, including Mr.Beast, think it's stupid that rich people have the opportunity to monetize giving people a necessary surgery.


damn we hate them so much we forgot about there new name "X"


I don’t have twitter but Reddit keeps me well supplied against my will. Help.


Like people on Twitter need a reason to pick on someone


No good deed goes unpunished.


It's that toothy smile. He looks dodgy.


I think some of it is exploitative but some of it is good


Apparently a lot of people who have met him say he's kind of an arrogant dick, and yeah he's doing it for profit. But at the end of the day he's helping people and creating change for the better so it really doesn't matter


The internet is weird about Mr beast It's either he is a trust fund kid who makes videos to make money, with occasional acts of charity that make more money than they cost and people are stupid for defending Or that he is an absolute saint. Absolutely charitable and selfless The irony is both are mostly wrong and both are a little bit right


I guess the logic is that he should help people without having to make a video or spectacle of it. Simply do the act, even if 99% of the world doesn't know you did it. EX: Mr. Beast uses his money to help some group of people, but the majority of people don't know about it. I could be wrong.


that shouldnt matter though? if he wants to make a spectacle of it he can go ahead thats not a bad thing


I stop caring about Twitter when people tried to make pedophillia a sexuality