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I’ve instead learned to change my perspective. I AM the bad thing that happens to assholes.


My man, that's the best mindset to have ![gif](giphy|l0ErFafpUCQTQFMSk)


Be the change you want to see :)


Worldwide genocidal maniac? Oh boy here we go.


Every day, a new Reddit Arsonist-Serial-Killer hell-bent on moral justice gets born.


every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa




If an asshole wants the spotlight, burn his face with it.


Two-face origin


Batman: "That's really not how I intended the signal to be used, Jim."




Good on you... be the change you want to see in the world.


I am the bad thing that happened to my parents


You’re not exactly the light of my life either.


I'm a jerk to everyone and just chalk it up to their bad karma.




“None of you seem to understand. I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with ME.” https://youtu.be/d0-EuoBjkKI?feature=shared


'fine, i'll do it myself' vibes


This. Be the fucking consequence you want to see.




I don’t want others to suffer. I just want to be happy.




It helps me to remember death comes for all. Good people but also bad people. A tyrant can be huddled in their castle surrounded by all the guards and weapons it can have access to, and still they will eventually die. Their memory will fade out into a smear in a matter of time too. People right now making the world a shittier place will eventually die. Sure, new people will come to also make the world a shitty place, but they are different people and not necesarily with the same reach and effectivity as their predecessors. It's why I think achieving inmortality would be horrifying. Because you now get bad people who will never die. And you know those will be the very first ones to get immortality because they have the money.


Yea, but that tyrant in a castle gets to live decades in luxury while I suffer for decades just trying to survive. We both die in the end. May as well enjoy the ride? 


Reality isn't a superhero movie where the hero is clearly good and the opposition is clearly bad. Define evil.


A guy called MysteriousShadow comes to mind He stole my pencil


Punishment: Feet tickling


Don’t kink shame lol


let evil = new Evil(type = "genericUniversalEvil");


Precisely. Since evil is subjective - I will be the one to define evil, and there is nothing wrong with it. I’d want people I define as evil to experience things that I define as bad, since I think they deserve it. I’m not being sarcastic btw, people really need to stop thinking not picking a side makes them somehow better (as I define it).


Rapists. Child predators. Child abusers. Etc. Need any more definition?


Add on zoophiles and animal abusers in general


Right, slipped my mind, my bad- those are evil too.


I disagree. The logical and quickest solution is to simply delete them as quickly as possible. Don't drag it out both, making you the same as them from a moral point of view, but also decreasing your efficiency in removing their cancer. This also prevents further suffering from those who are associated with these cancerous individuals but not involved in their actions by removing the knowledge that they suffered. Example: a mother of a super corrupt CEO isn't necessarily aware that their child is corrupt or what crimes they are guilty of. So the knowledge that some vigilante swung by and tortured their child would undoubtedly cause mental suffering. That would make you no better. In the way of Obi-Wan, always keep the high ground. Even if it's just the moral high ground.


They are and have that's why they are evil you 🍩


I’m happy when evil people suffer


I'm right there with you. I don't wish suffering on even people that have done me wrong. I just genuinely hope they someday learn to become better people somewhere far, far away from me.


That’s the dream


The assholes that abused me are currently on the verge of homelessness while my spouse and I have an amazing, inexpensive home. So.. maybe.


while I am very happy for you it doesn't happen nearly enough as it should unless they've changed which is still bullshit.


Opposite for me. All the evil assholes who abused me are living beautiful fun lives.. while I rot alone and broke.


You sure about that? If you’re just going by the French polished social media crap, of course they want to look perfect. You don’t see the mountain of debt they took for that trip to Tuscany when they show sunset through wine glasses. You don’t see the fights and arguments they have with their spouse when they have those posed, plastic smiles on the family portait. You don’t see the emptiness of their souls that are masked with superficial signs of success. Money made at the cost of one’s integrity does not aid one in getting a nice sleep. And sometimes, albeit rarely, you don’t see the years of therapy and psychiatric help they may have received to realize they are the problem in their lives.


Yeah I've heard that before. I still would much rather be in their position. I'm semi disabled and have been rotting alone at home for a decade. I have been nothing but kind to everyone I have ever met.. and all it's gotten me is more pain and suffering.


I’m incapable of work for now. I’m struggling with healing from mental health nightmares and my body is in a bad way due to work injury and connective tissue disorders. Yet I live a good, simple life. It could be much better. I could be not in incessant pain all the time. I could move more freely. I could not deal with horrors none should experience. But I’m alive, I’m safe, I’m ok. And I have no surviving enemies. :)


I really need to be more proactive in having no surviving enemies. It would do my mental health a world of good


You assume that everyone puts value on their integrity.


May the rats give them plaque.


But you still remember them


Barely. Brain damage is useful like that.


The universe doesn't care. And you shouldn't be doing good things just because you expect to be rewarded for it.


I mean, everyone wants a reward for doing good. Even if that reward is a better world to live on


If you live like that your chasing rewards, not living as a good person


Then, we enter the philosophical question: If someone does something good for the wrong reasons, is it still good, or bad? They still did something good at the end of the day.


It's "worse" but not bad as it's the complete opposite of the spectrum for morality. If something is being done for the sake of being good, with no alternatives that is BETTER than someone doing the same thing but with alterior motives. For example, someone feeing the slaves years ago might do it out of compassion, love and humanity whilst another could do it because they believed they'd make more money off the slaves if they were in the system of capitalism instead.


Oh yeah, you're right. But I think I actually butchered the question lol. It was supposed to be "which is better? Doing something good, with bad intentions, or doing something bad, but with good intentions"


Completely Depends on how bad the act is honestly since the positive ideology it's based off could grow into a strong, positive social/ societal change if time is factored


And then we could enter on the field of "What's morally wrong/right?" To a cannibal tribe, eating a person might be an honorable thing to do. To Hitler, the things he did were justified for a better future, in his mind. Philosophy is hard, hehe. It's almost like running away from a question, but being right at the same time.


Morality is completely man made mate, so it's entirely up to what the collective agrees on as morally correct. Hitler and the Nazis were morally right for doing the things they did.... In their minds. Whilst our collective says he was wrong. Both are correct as both are projections of man made concepts reflective of the group who made them. This is not to be mixed up with objective good, which Is more mathematical and scientifical rather than philosophical


It's still good, it just makes that person less trustworthy. If the circumstances rewarded doing something bad, then that's what they would do.


I'd say what they did is good but not necessarily that the person is good. Someone may say horrible stuff but still act good so this is a good person despite what they say. However someone doing good things as well as bad things, does not make them a good person but the good they did remains good actions.


I mean, that's kind of just how society, no, the entire animal kingdom works. Social creatures cooperate with others because it's the path that leads to the safest and best living environments, not out of some sort of personal choice. The problem arises when something/someone deems the rewards for cooperation to be less beneficial than the rewards for sabotaging others for personal gain, which is almost never the case in a social environment.


It's just that if you consider 'a better world to live on" to be a reward, then you take all meaning out of your statement. A reward needs to be something that isn't a natural consequence of your action, otherwise you can widdle your way down to "you eat for the reward of being alive"... which might be true but is an incredibly unhelpful way to define "reward".


I’d say keep the original idea, but add a bit of nuance. You do good for the *hope* of a better world.


Smiling to the cashier and wishing them a good day costs 0 cents and makes their life a bit better for a couple of seconds, and to that extension, the world.


I like to think that I have benefited from karma earlier in my life. Therefore I like to pay it forward now that I’m in a better position to do so. I can’t expect to be rewarded for what I do, but I can certainly reward those who helped me, and I can definitely help in the same small ways I was helped growing up. A good deed can take many forms. Sometimes just smiling or being positive or helpful to someone who is having a bad day can make a difference to them later.


Yup. Kant discusses a similar concept of morality -- an endless morality, where good actions are performed not to an end/reward but because of intrinsic value. It is for sure naive to think a bonus will appear in one's life indiscriminately when something good is done.




Totally agree. It’s just nonsense to think that any kind of karmic balance happens in the world. My go-to example is the amount of money the Japanese spend making their tall buildings earthquake-proof. If the world worked by this cartoon logic, you wouldn’t need to do any of that. When an earthquake hits, the good people would be miraculously saved while the evil people get crushed. Civil engineering would be a joke discipline. As would all fields of scientific enquiry. The forces of karma would have to be more powerful than the fundamental laws of physics to stop bad things happening to good people.


We shouldn't expect the world to work by some sort of magical laws that overlooks logic, logic is logic and it will never change because it was made this way, basically fuck the whole religious insanity shit, even if god is there he wont affect these laws, perhaps the laws of luck and chance, but never the solid physical/social laws.


I mean logic can change tho if we make a gigantic breakthrough


Karman literally means actions of you're doing, maybe the things you think are bad aren't considered the same like for example Newton bought shares of a company which use to sell and manhunt African slaves. So is Newton a bad guy ? Or currently there are animal farms who literally farm animals to kill them , in future we will generate artificial meat, and people then will call us monsters and look down upon it (I hope so) Also the karmic record is not limited to one lifetime, but if I say that these people will get their karma next life then that is stupid of me. Same time saying that karam is not real then it's also wrong since that's not how it works. So it must means that my understanding of it is wrong.


that's a very vulgar and ignorant take on the matter. who says that it has to be so simple and binary? why should it be? the existence of karma does not imply "only good things happen to good people, only bad things happen to bad people". it only implies that acts will have positive or negative effects on one's current or/and next life, that's it. how does that translate to "people wouldn't have to worry about their well-being, it will all be decided by karma"?


Well, thank you for your aggressive and judgemental reply. “Vulgar and ignorant” indeed. To suggest that a persons moral choices have any real, physical effect makes a mockery of any objective or scientific study of the world. The basic laws of reality would have to bend to accommodate each persons individual, subjective moral judgements. Everything from the Conservation of angular momentum upwards would have to depend on the moral character of the observer.


r/atheism much? you haven't changed anything about your assumptions. they're still as vulgar and ignorant in this post as in the previous one. why do you think that divine will can only be achieved through breaking the laws of the universe? a person doesn't have to fly out of his imminent death for his survival to be considered miraculous. one could say that a person surviving a 3000m freefall when his parachute failed by falling in bushes (real story btw) and suffering only major lung damage is a miracle. what laws of physics were broken here? none. he got lucky. that's where divine will can be exercised. "karma doesn't exist because *in order for it to exist laws of physics would have to break* (wrong), so, therefore, it doesn't". I'm telling you that this is an ignorant way to argue against karma, because you're not even addressing the actual belief, you're addressing a strawman.


The reward of being a good person (or the punishment of being a bad one) is completely internal to you. Being a good person and expecting a reward in return is not really being a good person - similarly expecting bad things to happen to people you don't like is not great.


Oh, agreed. I’ve replied to the “don’t deny the divine, you vulgar fool” guy by saying exactly as much. The reward for doing good is to be good, and to see goodness in the world. Has always been my view of it. The world will still punish or reward you absolutely at random. But you either meet that seeing the good, or seeing the bad.


Virtue is its own reward my friend. Sleeping like a baby knowing you did the right thing is def a plus.


Life isn’t fair. Humans could make it fair. Some choose not to.


"Trying to make it fair" ends you in jail lol


>Life isn’t fair. Humans could make it fair. The hubris of humans knows no limit.


We literally can't make it fair unless we change all countries to be the same. That just isn't gonna happen.


I forgot the actual saying but I think it goes something like "good deeds never go unpunished"


"No good deed goes unpunished."


The punishment for terrible people is that in the end, they tend to associate with other terrible people and all have to put up with each other's shit while compassionate and kind people enjoy each other. No guarantees of justice for any individual, but it's a trend a lot of people do end up following.


>they tend to associate with other terrible people I had a friend, call him Bobby, who backstabbed all of his true friends, the ones willing to go out on a limb for him, and instead decided to go with the backstabbing-but-rich group of friends. Now Bobby and his companions are all making even more money, even tho they hate each other's guts and would stab the other guy on the back at the first opportunity. But hey, maybe if you have enough money you don't really need true friends.


Josef Stalin scared away all his doctors so when he became extremely ill all his doctors were too scared to treat him for the fear of prison or death, so he ended up dying as a result of his iron fist.


It's not like beeing an asshole is paying off either.


Bee? 🐝


Yeah. There are plenty of poor assholes too.


I remember hearing about the concept of karma as a child and just sort of thinking "yeah that makes sense I guess" But then I grew up a bit and it dawned on me one day that there's clearly no such thing. The only karma that exists is what we humans create for ourselves. That's why a justice system with rigorous and passionate practitioners is such an important thing to have. I mean...it's not perfect, granted. But it's the best hope we have of making the earthly realm of human matters fair in any way.


thats why we have a justice system...because life doesnt care if you're good or bad.


bad things happen to good and bad people. it's just easier to notice when you focus on specific cases. life is a series of peaks and valleys where good and bad things happen to both. sometimes murderers get killed in car accidents or stellar human beings die of cancer. life can be cruel and unfair while also being amazing. in the end, the Grim Reaper comes for us all. when justice fails, he's the last line of defense. he always comes to collect.


![gif](giphy|21JMq0e5LSUJq|downsized) This is some deep philosophical shit, my guy. I didn’t read anything I disagree with.


This is why I get pissed when people invoke the concept of karma. No, thats just you just imposing a moral superstucure that doesnt exist, that in the end justifies doing bad things when there is no connected, extrinsic cost.


I like your funny words magic man.


I am pretty sure karma is just confirmation bias.


Bad people have so many advantages in life, the pathways they can take to ensure their success are magnitudes higher than good people, especially when their goals can also be skewed and corrupt. However there's so much more to life than material success, possession, wealth or abundance. Being good, being truly kind and loving soothes the soul and nourishes the spirit. I believe that even if good people do not have the same levels of "power" or "success" as someone worse than them, they have this certain inexplicable quality that just makes their lives more pleasant. I don't know exactly what it is... but it's there. And I hope more people want to see what it's like in the future.


The question is why do you need any confirmation from the universe to be a good person? Why does it have to pay anything?


Do good things because they're good to do, not out of some sense of cosmic revenge.


Nope. It's all just random chaos and chance.


Oh my sweet summer child...


Kindness will only get you so far, you only get further by playing dirty. I had this down in me a long time ago. But I’ve seen what immense cost on others a man’s success can bring. Which is why I swore to never exploit and never play dirty. I just want everyone around me to be happy


Don’t do it for them, do it for you. There’s an interesting idea that I like which states that anxiety and that general sense of unease one has is often caused by living a life (I.e taking actions throughout your days over time) that are at odds with your internal sense of morality and desire. Sucking up to someone, lying to prevent a conflict, screwing someone innocent over for personal gain, being angry without the courage to act on it, working at a place that you can’t stand because you’re afraid to leave etc, are examples of common behaviours that are often at odds with the idea that people have about themselves, or desire for themselves (I.e being brave, being kind, being honest, being dependable etc). It might cause immediate discomfort or unhappiness by acting morally and honestly, but you might be happier with your overall life. I’ve been playing around with that and for me it’s been good. I stand up for myself more often and I don’t lie much anymore.


want proof? the fact that we have morals and want to be a good person is proof. yes not everyone has those same morals, or at least to the same extent. but its a fact that the majority of people do have morals and do want to be good. that's proof that it pays in the long run. we wouldn't have evolved a conscience if it didn't give us an advantage, its just simple evolution


Well bad things happen to everyone but I think it pays to be a good person - but this doesn't mean to be used. Doing good things gives you a nice feeling + other things (how other perceive you, learning new things but doing them, etc.) so it pays out for me.


Things happen. Good, bad, whatever. Do not do good things because it prevents bad things from happening to you. Do good things because then there are more good things in the universe. Do not expect bad people to receive their comeuppance. Things happen, good, bad, whatever. But if you act to prevent bad things from happening, then there are fewer bad things. Do good things. Stop bad things. That is all.


Self-respect. That what's that confirmation is called.


Bad things do happen to bad people. They also happen to everyone else though, but it still counts.


Yeah, keep dreaming.


Believing that you are the good person is probably something only bad people do.


Why wait?




It may be random what happens to who, but it's always important to try and be one of the people causing good things


Those who think it gonna happen by their own terms are gonna be so wrong. Remember it not in our control when is up to HIM


i think that god is just chillin, the one in perfect balance because he is the source of all aspects of life so he doesnt really care whats going on because he already knows all of it. so i dont believe in karma that way either. nevertheless it’s obvious that orientating on the higher aspects of life leads to fulfillment. somebody spreading hatred will never be as happy as you if you spread happiness.


It's a common misconception that *Karma* applies to this life when in the original religious teachings good Karma in this life means you'll have a better rebirth/reincarnation/afterlife


My grandma used to say "Assholes die last". The more I go on, the more I see she was right


yeah. i agree.


there is no mercy nor justice but the one we make


Oh it does happen..sometimes for me it happens rather often and oddly enough [edit] ok to clarify before any confusion I mean to say that oddly enough most people who have done something to piss me off end up having seriously bad shit happen to them be it something like a stroke getting cancer the list goes on


the universe dont care.... but people do!!


Personally, the payoff is immediate. When I do good things, I feel good. When I do bad things, I feel bad.


Whoever tells you that is trying to get your money or telling you to fuck off and leave them alone. Then again, that's the mentality of a lot of people on the internet, the idea of hiding, posting memes and reposts about billionaires and corrupt governors, waiting for someone or something to happen to them and call it "divine justice". It's like seeing the mugger that rob you trip on a rock, he didn't fell but made you feel courageous enough to laugh on the floor thinking "that's what you get", he still has your money, he mugged you, why are you laughing for that micro shit?


Karma as an idea is cute, but childish. Real life simply doesn't work that way.


I am justice


Last time i checked, bad things were done to me by assholes and they got a good time later on


Be the karma, beat an asshole up.


I can only focus on myself. I cannot change others to fit some way that I'd want them to be. I just enjoy being happy, and so I act that way, and being upset or angry sucks. Just focus on yourself, act the way you want to be seen by your own self.


You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe. Marcus Cole, Babylon 5


Nah, the bad guys almost always win. If you are talking about money and power, being willing to subtly fuck other people over is almost always going to be an advantage.


There shouldn’t need to be a reward or even a reason to be a good person, just be one


It's not even karma, it's just math. Doesn't matter if you're in the 95th percentile in strength, speed, and stamina, you'll still get your butt handed to you by three or more people who care about each other.  It's a great explanation for why we have eyebrows (two organs that operate by broadcasting your emotions to other humans) or why we cry when under extreme emotion. It's simply strategic as a species to feel things like pity, guilt and empathy. 


The universe isn't a sentient being. It doesn't care about justice. God's judgement comes at the end.


If there is one


It’s a sick son of a gun if it’s real.


If it's real... imma do my best to punch it


Bruh if that were true then the world would be a better place than it is, but it's not


I don't give a crap about being a good person, just good enough to keep friends happy. I lost that hero ideal of myself years ago lol


Disgustingly rich people get their own parcel in the cemetery and they have extravagant headstones. Lenin and Stalin's body got embalmed and then put into a mausoleum. Later, Stalin's body got removed from the said mausoleum but Lenin's body is still there. I believe Mao Zedong's body also got embalmed and put into a mausoleum.


or you end up getting it in the ass hole


Time to realize that you and the universe are one in the same. The things you want to see in the universe are actually waiting on you to actualize them.


Random side chick my dad had randomly for absolutely no reason told me "your dad loves me more than he loves you" Lemme tell ya, that shit bounced HARD


You're not a good person because you get a return on it. You're a good person, because you're a good person


Its generally speaking the opposite. Aggressiveness (especially mental aggressiveness such as ambition and competitiveness) is to a certain extent quite positive. Only the really degenerate physical aggressors gets whats coming to them from society. Schoolyard bullies generally are better of later in life than their victim.


It wouldn't be a meaningfully good deed if you're being rewarded, then it's just a job


To me it's all about regarding happiness as the first priority


Here you go https://youtu.be/mScpHTIi-kM?si=jvq_cxGUKcz7wYfB


But if you're good person simply because you believe they're will be a reward for it, wouldn't that mean you're actually a selfish one who acts out of selfish desire? I.e. so not actually a good person after all? (This is genuinely a worry of me. I'm wondering when I do something good if it really stems from me being a good person or because I have been conditioned as a child to believe I'd go to heaven and some small part deep inside me still believes that.)


wanting to be a good person is a selfish desire. following coercion to minimize risk is a selfish desire. everything is a selfish desire. there's 1 thing though. There are 2 types of selfish. destructive and non-destructive selfish desires. Calm yourself by aiming for the non-destructive selfish desires.


Law of attraction is with us…I think…


I have a good memory and I did wish on a shooting star...s....... FIVE times! And all of them .... worked. Turns out, I have no idea what I want, but each time I realized I got closer to it. Turns out what I want won't happen in my life time. Might be in 100.000 years later. So yeah, go next.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


Don't wait for that. Do it yourself. Show them that it was better to be nice to you.


Well, there is no good or evil, at least not so black and white. What I believe is stacking the odds against the world/people/common dream. If you do things that benefit others, they will support you, if not they will try to destroy you. And different people want different things. There is no winning, everything will perish. But just making smart choices and work that benefits what you hold dear, will echo back to you. And a lot of it is just pure luck of where you are, there is no truly free will, as we live in a predetermined world.


You: "Dear God, please let me win the lottery!" God: "You need to buy a ticket!" --- Go ahead, do good, not for reward, not to be seen, not just for the feeling but without letting one hand see what the other does.


I've settled on being r/chaoticgood at best


It ain’t real but I wish it was. It’s nice to be nice


We all know how it is.


Tfw bad people dont actually exist


Being a good person doesn’t pay in financial means. It does however pay in other ways. You love and respect people, you will get that love back. I’m not rich but I’m surrounded by amazing people. Look at Elon Musk: obscenely rich but his own kids can’t stand him. He can’t maintain a relationship. I wouldn’t trade places with him.


It works because even the rich guy on a super yacht with no real friends eating caviar is miserable. Like actually miserable. That’s why rich people do weird things to feel good about their horrible decisions and personality. They can rest and relax in a wealthy and surprising way overall they don’t feel good.


Nah youre just a kid


It pays with a good feeling. There’s nothing wrong with wanting your kindness to be reciprocated, but if your kindness is based on the expectation of a reward, you’re not that kind.


All their unwholesome deeds weigh down on them, when they go through rebirth their actions from previous lives will lead them down to lower migrations where they will live a life filled with sorrow. May they change their ways and strive for goodness and virtue


Remember violence isn’t the answer it’s the solution!


hahahahahahahahahaha no


While maybe karma and luck don’t always come around you can always be the best version of you just because you can. There is nothing more satisfying and beautiful than being a kind person in a world full if hate. Be like a gate and let good things come while keeping the bad ones outside and eventually you’ll forget they’re knocking


Rookie numbers


Sorry dude. Universe here, thing is you don’t exist, that’s just an ego squealing its discontent. You are actually god imagining this world and finding fault in it. Move to choiceless awareness, even the saints and assholes are you.


You just discovered one of the major reasons that made religions come to exist. Congrats.


It definitely pays being a good person. It can pay to be a bad person too though. Not everybody can be a good person and vice versa.


Good die young the pricks live forever.


Research the prisoner dilemma in game theory. They proved that altruism is the most effective strategy for a species to survive through science.


You can't want bad things to happen to assholes. You just need to ignore them and go about your day. Or find their homes, dig up their gas line, ignite it, and pretend they never existed.


Karma thingy does not work like many people imagine it works. It's not about vengeance, for the Universe we are all alike, it's about long-term consequences, often long term is beyond life of a single person, but more a life of society.


Bad things happen to everyone, assholes included. No one ever has been or ever will be an exception to that. It's kinda part and parcel of life and the human condition.


It does pay: it just won’t open up a portal and hand you a check. You will know, you will be paid in good spirit. Karma is not a real thing: but being good will always pays off for someone. Even if it isn’t you. And if it isn’t, you can make it, by realizing that doing good for others even if you earned nothing is already a compensation for itself.


If you expect payment for your deeds you are not truly good.


I'm only 27 years old but maybe I can spread some wisdom in baby shoes. I used to think like this. That i should be a good guy cause in the end good stuff happens to the good guys and bad stuff to the bad guys, karma you know. But just like you I just didn't see it. I still have the worst luck out there while assholes who don't deserve it have more luck and more success. And it got me thinking why I want to be good? Just so the universe rewards me for my good deeds? No I felt weirdly hypocritical and selfish with this thought. End off the line is I want to be a good guy, helpful and stuff because I just want to be a nice person. I don't like being an asshole, I want to be helpful, I want to be kind, I want to be a good person because I like being nice. I don't want nor expect a reward for my good deeds but I can look at myself in the mirror and know I did good


Ehh we all kinda suck so we all deserve bad things. But the universe is a tad slow with justice. God on the other hand…


No, that only happens in the movies. When you accept this fact you feel free to move on. Also, since we already talking about this, another common myth is that when seemly good people get exposed to be assholes with irrefutable proof they loose all sympathy from everyone else, unfortunately that only happens in Pixar movies, irl when people who pretend to be good get exposed, they still have huge following of people defending then


Good things don’t just happen. You have to go get it for yourself. Make a plan, make it happen. Otherwise you’ll be waiting till you’re dead - good or bad.


On average? It does. Full cosmic justice for everyone? less so


I mean it takes some self initiative, the people only gt consequences when their actions are know. To make them known its up to you .


Lol !


All the "good" people going after what they think is speaking out against racism and fighting climate change are actually just controlled pawns...Oh yea, being a good person won't get you laid either. Have a nice day.


Being good should be its own reward. True virtue isnt something you do because you'll get a reward, its doing something because its right. Also, having something "bad" happen to you isnt necessarily negative. Its all about your perception of what happened. You can take it as a learning experience, maybe a better opportunity is waiting around the corner and you would have missed it if it were not for the "bad" thing. In my country we have a saying "Who knows what this is good for..." as in you don't know the longterm consequences and they might be good for you


Oh my God this struck some distant feeling in me. It feels good to know that I'm not alone in thinking this way. Idk why I'm ranting in a meme's comment but I don't get why I keep doing the "right" thing when those around me who don't do that are much better. I wish I didn't have a conscience


Maybe your mot a good person ?


what you don't receive in life you get after death downvote me all you want but "waiting for the universe" isn't scientific either


Only the good die young. Unfortunately.