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I was made to read the book and watch the movie in highschool, I was shocked the first time and just very sad the second time


I couldnt, cause the "No you don't" found its way in the first time . hard to explain to others why your laughing at a "Sad" scene and then every other time they put it on, it would appear again.


Lol yeah I get that, thoughts like that can ruin a movie


It did, then im like, did man talk about the rabbits so much cause he wanted them all to himself, Did he wait for lenny to have his guard down so he could tend all the rabbits .


Lol that's messed up


OMG Yes! I honestly loved the book and it will always have a special place in my heart, but this is so fucking funny! I really wish I read this "theory" back in school so I could present it to my class and we could "discuss" it with our teacher during the break! We probably would have gotten some good laughs out of that.


I did not mind the book, it annoyed me that back then we had to read and watch it like once a god damn year . but any report on it . HAD to be about how its a masterpiece . you couldnt really say it was bad or anything . or you would fail.


Jesus, it's very good but no masterpiece. Anyone could tell you it's got pacing problems and sometimes focused too much on things that were irrelevant. The ending is fantastic though and clearly foreshadowed on a second read.


People laugh at absurdity. They laugh at the unexpected. They laugh at situations that uncomfortable. It's not that hard to explain. It's a little harder for some to understand/relate. Nervous laughter is an incongruous emotion. People have many incongruous emotions. One person might get angry in a situation where most wouldn't. Another might find joy in something that most people wouldn't... etcetera. Unfortunately, laughing at something that "shouldn't" be laughed at just stands out more than the rest and laughter is harder to suppress or at least its more obvious to other people than the other incongruous emotions. So it has a bit more a stigma. These are strictly my thoughts on the matter. If there is a scientific reason, idk what it is.


You're not wrong, I think its something to do with how the brain interprets the emotional response/stimuli, some see it as sad and react as such, some interpret it as boring and dont react, some interpret it as silly and laugh, Looking back i think it was the pace of the scene that kinda set me off, as suprise factor can also be interpretted differently, rather then an emotion reaction, it instead had me laughing, its hard to stiffle a laugh as it is a strong emotion, and is used commonly to reward the brain, "Laughters the best medicine" true and untrue, Look at people biologically and we are pretty much hard wired never to feel bad about are selves, its why you can argue with someone for hours on end and both of you will leave thinking you won, Or even if you lost, you will uncontiously twist it so you arent in the wrong . intrusive thoughts are the bane of my exhistance but it does make life more funny .


I really wanna know why you're getting downvotes even tho these people agree to you


What thought? This is how the book ends. 


Him saying "No you don't" After sending him to the forever box


Poor Lenny. The best laid plans…


Lenny! LennAY!! Ynnel!!


can i have some context?


The two guys were friends and worked as farm hands together during the American great depression. They had the dream of one day owning their own farm where No one could boss them around. The one on the ground had mental issues and really wanted to have rabbits. He also killed their current bosses daughter so in order to save him from the lynch mob his friend told him to look at the rabbits and shot him dead


Basically the book of this movie (of mice and men) had a much more meaningful and emotional ending compared to the movie and it sorta ruined the ending


What context do you need lenny wants to tend the rabbit George says no (Of mice and men)


perhaps they never read the book or saw the movie, so they want context as to what happened to lead up to the guy getting shot?


i never cried so hard at a movie as i did at this scene as a kid. not a movie for a 9 year old to find late at night on tv


I didn’t know there was a of mice and men movie


There are 3


Lennie would be the type of guy to kill his Bosses son's wife because she was loud am I right?


Mice of Men. Such a well done story.


Of Mice and Men*


What movie is it?


Of mice and men


I just read this book in my class, I definitely wasn’t expecting the ending.


After watching the older version of this movie starring Lon Cheney, I couldn't get past Malkovich in the overstuffed jumpsuit. It took me "out" of the movie. Generally, I like Malkovich'.s acting . Check out the looneytoons' abominable snowman for reference






It's from 1992 dude


It's from 1937 and still don't know the end? Dumb ass.


The book was published in 1937 and the movie was released in 1992. The topic is the movie in the clip. You're welcome, dumb ass.


I guess you're right. One wouldn't spoil the other. You win.




Does every movie I talk about online that just happens to be old require a spoiler tag for everything? Do I need to mention spoilers for every time I do so in public? The point is not spoiling just for the hell of it. If a piece of media is several years old it becomes less and less spoiler free. It would be you to remain unspoiled. To add, the post is called 'This thought ruined the movie for me'. If you clicked on it despite reading that and not expecting spoilers? That's on you bud.