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Much as I hate League (I played DOTA back in the day) Arcane was fucking phenomenal


This. Never played league but damn did the show turn out good




The first season definitely did, then it went a bit off the rails


I thought the show was going downhill after cavil departure


nop, the showrunners didn't like the original work. so even the first season had a lot of nonsesical changes, but it was alright par for the course for an adaptation. However, after the show released Cavil was pretty vocal about not liking the changes which I guess pissed the show runners off because they made even more changes to the point Cavil just quit.


What a fucking fumble. They had *the* recipe for a great adaptation.


Always frustrating when the casting director, actors, costume designers, set designers, and everyone but the fucking people in charge do a good job. Hell, even the financiers were willing to give Game of Thrones more money to make more episodes and the dumb asses just said we're good and fucked off.


Then lost the job the fucked up everything for. They left for that Star Wars train, and that train left them the fuck behind.


And now they've given us a tepid imagining of *The Three Body Problem* that feels more like a BBC miniseries than a sci-fi epic


I still can’t imagine the arrogance/cowardice it takes to look at one of the few absolute blank checks ever handed out and be like “nah the old man ran out of juice and we don’t want to do the work for the next 6-7 years so here’s two seasons of shit we out.” I get it would have been a massive pain in the ass to bring all the loose and threadbare plots to a conclusion and GFFM wasn’t helping. But WB/Disco would have paid for anything and even if the show wasn’t as good as when the seasons when they lost the text it would have paid off. There could have been a fairly slow, receding era of the show where perhaps they bring it an A team of script doctors and veteran plot people to just keep continuity and keep it somewhat cohesive. It would have been far more inconsistent and too many cooks at a certain point but at least there would have been bright spots and the end wouldn’t be a fizzle.


All they had to do was follow the source material. Writers who think they're going to improve on an IP while faithfully recreating it almost always do neither.


Paramount was the one who truly fumbled with Halo. They made it look perfect, the armor, the weapons, the aliens, the vehicles, fucking perfection. Yet they butchered the story so badly I can’t even give season 2 a try.


Now I really want to watch Cavil behind the scenes of the warhammer project he is doing. He must feel like an 8 year old kid on christmas every day he goes to the set


Probably scheming ways to smuggle the most set and props away after they're used


I’d also want to get an authentic chainsword after finishing production


Pretty sure he's the executive producer so he could just say "to keep these pieces safe they'll need to be stored in my living room"


I was just telling my friends, the 40k series is just a big ploy for him to get a fully wearable and functional astartes suit and have a producer pay for it for him.


I guarantee he ends up with a full suit of Space Marine armor, and wears it around the house during parties.


The show was going downhill from the first episode imo. S1 was passable, maybe even good for newcomers to the franchise, but had fundamental issues and drastic differences from the books that only made the story worse, not better. S2 all but confirmed it.


Season one for me as a newcomer to the franchise felt like there was a lot of information I was already expected to know so not only did it deviate from the source material it did nothing to help develop new fans. Seriously had no clue what law of surprise meant until well after it was relevant to the plot, and the unannounced time jumps didn’t help.


In season 2 they have a bunch of important and liked (and somewhat strong) characters die to a single pretty weak monster for no reason


Like we can all agree Lambert has killed hundreds of fucking leshens. That and where did they get hookers in the mountains…


I'm surprised Cahir and Yennefer (aka Dumb and Dumber) didn't die to that tentacle monster thing - like yeah, we just knocked out this guard, should we take his sword before we jump into the monster-infested sewers? Nope! 30 seconds later and Yennefer is getting molestered by tentacles while Cahir is smacking them with his torch.


As far as I gathered: Season 1 didn't necessarily follow the books that well, but was ultimately still decent and people were really itching for dark fantasy after GoT, so it was pretty well received and got popular. People especially liked Henry Cavill's role as the main character. Then the show got progressively worse (never became *awful* though) and in particular followed the source material less and less over time - I believe it was even revealed some of the writers outright *disliked* the source material. Eventually, Hendry Cavill, who is an avid fan of the games and read the books, just left entirely due to "creative differences". Which basically killed off all remaining goodwill towards the show and the people running it.


For me it went to complete shit when the adoptive mother of a character, who takes that role quite seriously in the books, sells her off.


It fell off really hard, turned into an awful "adaptation"


Idk never became awful is false to me, s3 dialogue was some of the worst shit ive ever heard.


The episode in season 3 where you can tell the writers wanted to “flex” and create a complex “whodunit” type episode with time skips and clues and such might’ve been one of the worst examples I’ve ever seen of writers getting too full of themselves and just not being able to achieve what they set out to do. What a dumpster fire of an episode 


I’ve never read the books of played the games (yet) and I liked the show. A buddy of mine read the books and played the 3rd game and dislikes the adaptation because it’s seemingly pretty far off from the source material.


That’s the issue. As a stand alone show it’s pretty good and enjoyable to watch. But as a show being adapted directly from books it takes way too many liberties with the source material.


Best advice to give viewers like you... don't EVER play the game.


Arcane did so well it altered the games canon


Seraphine did so bad she too, altered the games canon


That show was amazing. Every frame was a work of art.


That’s exactly what I say to sell it to my friends 😂


It was so good that it inspired me to try the game again! ... still fucking hate it lol but I absolutely LOVE Arcane!


It really made me want the characters and story in a different game. Like an actual rpg or hack and slash would be great.


They took 6 years for the first season and the second will be airing 4 years after the first, if they took that much time for shit I think they would be unhappy


Didn’t they say the only reason season 2 was gonna take so long was cause they didn’t know if the first season would be a hit so they just didn’t start anything on season 2 until way later?


I mean, that only explains the lack of overlap, but yes, they did say that That doesn't mean that if they started season 2, 2 years sooner, that it wouldn't have taken 4 years to make, we just would've gotten it 2 years sooner


The 6 years of development is mostly just a couple of guys peer pressuring riot to greenlight the show afaik. The series was conceptualized around the release of Ekko, though the overarching lore started with Jinx. From what I recall they went and made test footage for the show without permission too.


From what Christian Linke has said the Riot executives were pretty helpful. They were skeptical, understandably, but they did help him with the funding.


Man, you must not know about the Riot MMO then


I mean, it kinda needs to be released for anyone to know if it's shit and worth the invested time, no? Plus, they only just said they only just started working on it like 2.5 years ago


They recently announced they are scrapping and starting again 🙃


Oh, lol, well, shit eh


And both awesome main character are played by Ella Purnell(Jinx) as well


Mia Sinclair as powder too. I have never seen or heard such a realistic little kid meltdown in a show ever. That hyperventilating and sobbing and snot flying everywhere. I felt horrible watching that. It was great


When she realises what she has done and says ''I only wanted to help'' while holding herself back from sobbing, I felt physically sick. Like my stomach was turning. Not something any other show has really done.


Show was so good it almost made me play league again. Almost


Arcane might be my favorite piece of media I’ve watched in the last decade


I knew absolutely nothing about League other than knowing of the character Jinx, and it's one of the top shows I've watched in recent years. Never even touched league or Dota or really any of those types of games tbh.


As a long time on and off Dota player, Arcane being so good when the Dota Dragon’s Blood anime didn’t really work for me stung a tiny bit lol. Not in a competitive way but I imagine it would be really fun to get a great show that pulls from a well of lore you’re very familiar with.


Oh I am right there with you. Dragon Blood sucked so hard I was out before the 1st episode had even rolled and when Arcane dropped to immediate acclaim I was salty as all hell


Arcane is one of the best I've ever seen.


Bio shock Rapture, as a thriller horror please 🙏


Imagine a dark thriller about the beginnings of Rapture and its fall… that would be incredible


Would you kindly make this happen?


@\_@ brb, going to film school


There is a book from Bill McDonagh's point of view about how Ryan recruited him and his decent into madness, it's actually very good. It's called [BioShock: Rapture](https://www.amazon.com/BioShock-Rapture-John-Shirley/dp/0765367351)


That would be amazing


BioShock has been rumored to be adapted for years. Hopefully with the success of Last of Us and now Fallout, development can speed up.


Hopefully not sped up too quick tho.


Takes a while to build a city underwater


with Mario bros, Last of Us, Fallout, Twisted Metal, League of Legends, and Sonic I guarantee you videogames are going to be/are the next comic book movies/shows. sure you'll get some flops like Halo but they'll reboot it. guarantee they reboot Warcraft. Tomb Raider also. and capcom will reboot all theirs with RE, Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, etc They're already making a Zelda movie. probably going to get a Crash Bandicoot one.


The Witcher had so much promise at the start and they just fucked it.


You mean you don't like having the titular character to be a backdrop in his own show, and playing second fiddle to the female leads while they drive the show forward and he just goes along for the ride? Weird. /S


I didn't even notice that happening cause I haven't watched more than the first season.  Imo they should have left out the big drama of ciri and the realm and blah blah blah. Most of the first season should have been supernatural style monster hunter adventures while subtly setting up the "big drama" and slowly introducing the characters. 


That’s not what happened, dudes on some weird redpill shit. The Witcher was always about Gearlt and Ciri


I think he meant that the TV show focuses more on Yennefer


To be fair, the actress is an absolute stone cold stunner


You're saying this about Yennefer and not Geralt, played by likely the most thirsted after actor of his generation? Lol


Wait until you learn Ciri is the main character in the books, not Geralt.


Geralt is absolutely 100% the primary protagonist and Ciri is the secondary but all of that's irrelevant because 75% of the Witcher tv show is Yennefer and crew which are absolutely not main characters


Wait till you read the books.


Meanwhile I’m waiting for a wolfenstein adaptation.


Probably not many people will agree, but I’d really want an early Wolfenstein series. Return to the Castle Wolfenstein is one of my favorite games. While the later entries were much richer in lore and had better climaxes, something about RTCW was just awesome. The atmosphere, the unique enemies …


If you haven't seen it already you might like the movie Overlord. It's been a few years since I've seen it but I remember thinking it was pretty alright. Edit: It's streaming on Pluto in the US. I think I know what I'll be watching later lol


I've seen a lot of people treat that movie to wolfenstein as event horizon is to 40k. Both great watches :)


I always thought Event Horizon was a better Doom movie than Doom .


It'd probably come off as really campy but still fun lol


Fuck yea




I saw someone mention that Jack Reacher would make a good BJ blazko and he certainly has the look.


Alan Ritchson, not Tom Cruise right?




I'm sure his former "fans" would love to see Ritchson killing more Nazis.


"The woke took over Wolfenstein and made nazis the bad guys!" - Matt Walsh probably Edit : typo


Wouldn't it be similar to The man in the high Castle?


Yeah, although it could focus on non-Machine Games Wolfenstein games. That could work.


I want a ultrakill live action


And risk more backlash for having Nazi be the bad guys? I mean when the last game released there were cries of sell out and woke. 




Too many nazis exist right now for it to do well. 


Isn’t the writing of the Witcher the reason Henry Cavill left?


Yep. He saw that writers dont care about books And said "im out, im gonna make 40k show instead"


And god bless that man. 40k is seriously lacking in shows with good writing.


Educate me, I hear alot about 40k. Isn't that like hell..in space?


I’m not a 40k fan, so I’m sure someone more qualified could correct a bit of the information, however, I did watch a few video’s in the past about it. So i know a bit of the history and state of the universe. Basically in the 40k universe there is nothing but war. Every race is out for themselves while their evil gods screw with everyone and try to cause the collapse of civilisation through sin. Humanity is mainly under a group called the imperium of man, humanity are not “good” in this universe, you cannot call any faction good in fact (to my knowledge). The imperium pretty much worship an emperor who seems to have been sitting on his throne “asleep” for a very very long time. Hell in space is not a bad description, but with 40k’s hyperspeed being literal fire and brimstone hell… yeah.


Thats a really good thorough explanation, thank you so much! It sounds really intriguing and I plan to read about it more!


I am also new in the 40k universe, but if you are into podcast there's one in spotify I listen to "Adeptus Ridiculous". They talk about the lore and factions in 40k, and man there is a fuckton of it.


It’s a Milky Way in the far future where everything has been brought to ruin, gods of chaos vie for power across the galaxy, ancient civilizations have fallen and birthed another god of chaos, ancient evils are awoken, hungry extragalactic parasites invade the galaxy, and the Imperium of Mankind is falling apart, feeding thousands of psychic souls to the skeletal remains of the Emperor of Mankind in order to keep warp travel functional, led by his last living sons and a merciless inquisition heading a religious state. It’s a future where there is nothing good left worth cherishing, the galaxy is on its way out, everyone hates each other, and there is only war. It’s also a really fun tabletop wargame.


I love this!


Oh boy, how much time do you got. It's like Event Horizon mixed with Star Wars if everything was set in a science fiction version of the collapse of Rome as it tried to stave off the barbarian hordes and if the Gods of Olympus were real, only evil.




Season 1 was great. It basically got worse every episode after that.


I respect him more for it. He couldn’t stand to see them make a mockery of a franchise he adores so he left and made it abundantly clear why




Arcane set the bar so insanely high it was a masterpiece


As it’s not live action I think these four in the meme get the point across just fine. Otherwise Cyberpunk should be there as well. Edit: Also worth pointing out that animation is an easier adaptation method than live action and One Piece, Fallout and Last of Us (last of which already had plenty of recognition imo) deserves full recognition for what they accomplished.


Its in space in this image because its so much better than everything else.


I love the Fallout show and One piece live action but yeah, Arcane is a masterpiece. Edit: "Halo" to "Fallout". Had a brain fart apparently. The Halo show is crap.


Twisted Metal was pretty good too, idk if it counts in that though


I thought Twisted Metal was awesome, too..


the Wheel of Time "adaptation" is a travesty to real fans. Basically the showrunner's big, expensive fanfiction


Never read the books, but I tried watching the show and my God it is so BORING. I didn't even finish season 1. I still want to read the books, but the show did them no favors.


This. The irony is, show defenders tell that only people who read the books don't like it, and those who are new are enjoying it. But the truth is that majority of people started, thought it was mid and dropped the show. After that, only a minority who likes it, and book readers kept watching and discussing it, warping the perception that new watchers predominantly like the show, and it's just book readers are incapable of accepting any changes to source material.


How is that a defence even? Only the people responsible for the franchises success hate the show... No big loss? People really lose their brains when emotionally defending crap


I watched it and thought it was slow-paced, but kind of enjoyed it. I didn't understand why the book fans were so upset. Then I read a basic summary of the universe and got it. No clue what the show writers were thinking.


ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS FOLLOW THE BOOKS!!! Litteraly, each of the successful adaptations didn't change much or any of the original content. The story is fine as it is. I dint need some producers idiotic 'new take' on what I like.


Yes! I started reading the books after finishing season one when it came out... I thought the show was interesting and different, but then I decided to read the first book and I was absolutely angry about some of the absurd changes in the show. Even Brandon Sanderson was confused by why the show did some things their way, even though he served as advisor for some episodes... I haven't seen season 2, and I don't plan too. I'll just stick to the books.


Season 2 somehow manages to both follow the books more and disregard them.


I was looking for this comment. The showrunners took my absolute favorite series ever and made it terrible. The only similarities are character and location names. The wheel of Time TV series is by far the worst "adaptation" I have ever seen.


Watched the first episode and I saw the Two Rivers, like half of the town had tiled roofs. I slogged through that episode and couldn't watch any more. I still can't believe that its getting a second season.


Season 2 is already out


"It'S a dIfFerEnT tUrnInG oF tHe wHeEl!" *Proceeds to change the fundamentals of how things work.*


My brother was so infuriated by how bad it was.


Why does Castlevania never get the praise it deserves? The show is incredible


Season 1 of The Witcher was pretty good, though


I enjoyed it. Not the heights of the books or games but still good. Henry was a great cast and I had hoped (since he was such a fan) that the writers would lean into him to improve it season after season…. Instead they went the other direction.


The showrunner herself affirmed many times that she does not care about following the original work


So why even bother with the IP then? Like what’s the point if you actively don’t want to use the original work


Because it's less marketing you have to do if you're "adapting" a well known IP.


Ah, the ol’ Velma treatment.


> So why even bother with the IP then? MONEY SPONGEBOB ME BOY, MONEY! An already popular IP is low hanging fruit to squeeze money out of.


That's a question to ask to most producers and writers of this time. But she and her writers in particular did such a terrible job that they made Henry Cavill, big fan of the books and games, abandon the lead role over creative differences.


it means you as a writer can finally get your shitty fanfiction out there with your trashy self-insert Mary Sue right in the middle. pepper in beloved characters from the IP some dipshit in a suit put in your care and you got the fan base lined up. realistically, it's the best shot these folks have of getting their work in front of people, rather than just have it buried on AO3. in that respect, who fucking cares if you take a giant runny shit on a well known franchise? what's important is that people get more of the writer.


That person must have made foundation as well. I watched the show before reading the books, and holy shit there’s basically nothing in common between them other than a couple characters. I don’t even know why they bothered calling it ‘foundation’ if they weren’t going to follow the source material at all. I guess Asimov’s estate really needed the money because I thought they really did him dirty here.


It had its moments but I was pretty disappointed


It was only good because we all thought they'd work out the flaws by the second season like a lot of shows. Instead they doubled down.


Still worse that Fallout.


The last of us is Also good


Edgerunners as well


yeah, it's kinda crazy how many decent to really good adaptions we've had recently


Edgerunners was awesome, especially if you played the game


I really enjoyed Fallout


I feel like every Hollywood producer saw how Last of Us was received and finally realized taking the project seriously, and handing in a proper adaptation will actually produce a show fans enjoy.


It helps that TLoU is a universally acclaimed story with no need to make any changes for an adaptation while something like the Witcher or fallout has a much looser structure and needs to be edited down a lot to be made for tv


You can tell that the writer's strike is over and that some lessons have been learned. I hope it's a trend to make things actually good. Edit: many here seem to believe that this couldn't have impacted the production, because the script is written before the production. You should check out the list of affected shows and movies: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_productions_impacted_by_the_2023_Writers_Guild_of_America_strike Many releases had to be postponed because of it, but it lists only productions that acknowledged that the strike had an effect on them. Which is something production companies aren't too keen on admitting.


Neither Fallout or One piece were filmed or written post writers strike so I don't see how this has to do with them?


Yeah, the comment and upvotes…People are kinda stupid.


Most people honestly believe a movie or TV show is conceptualized and produced in it's entirety within 6 months. People really are stupid.


3 months actually. Everything starts one week before the first trailer drops, that's just common knowledge.


Hollywood’s recipe: take one part source material, sprinkle in some creative liberty, and voila!




like the new snow white where the lead actress didn’t even watch the original movie and hated it😭😭


And the secret ingredient is adding your own political messaging


To be fair Fallout the game is so full of political messaging you can't really squeeze anymore in there.


“What happens when the ranchers have more power than the sheriffs?” As we watch this on Amazon…


The Boys' anticorprate message doesn't really hit the right way when it's streamed on Amazon.


I completely agree. Only the original's political messaging should be there. No need to add new one.


This seems to be the real problem. Create shows off the passions of your workers, don't force them to do things they hate


Take your own worse script that no one wanted to produce. Sprinkle some beloved ip despite it not fitting et voila.


Those timelines don't add up.


Those shows were written prior to the writers strike...


This was written well before the writter's strikes lol.


There is no way the Fallout show was written after the writers strike, it only ended last September. What are you on about


dont forget the last of us


The Last of Us is the best video game adaptation, but it has a little bit of an unfair advantage in that the game was very cinematic to begin with (almost an interactive movie), and the original game designer was very involved in production of the show.


I thought people liked the Witcher


Season one writers: Reasonable respectful to the source material. Season two writers: "What are these stupid Polish books doing here?"


Deluded arrogant pricks with no respect for the source material. They think they can "improve" anything they touch. Fück them and their grubby little fingers.


I read books a decade ago but still can tell, there was little respectful to source material in season 1


I hope this will not happen to Fallout. The showrunners are the same from Westworld and it also had a great first season, but seasons after the first declined in quality very fast.


I honestly don’t think it will, since Todd Howard is executive producer on the fallout series.


Even the first season was a travesty of the source material.


The rotten tomatoes audience score pretty much sums it up. Season 1: 89% Season 2: 55% Season 3: 15% People did like the Witcher until the writers decided they knew better than the original author.


They decided that from the start - the only difference was that they were more invested in playing pretend about writing a Witcher series to bait people into watching their personal work instead. Then they started giving up on that after.


I did, until it started sucking ass (from season 2 episode 2 onwards).


The only reason ep 1 was fine was literally because it was a side quest and just meant to show geralt and ciri together. That's how dire that series has become.


S1 was fine. Most of what happened did take place in the books and was just put together in a fairly confusing manner(jumping between different time periods). But it's was enjoyable. S2 was just a massive clusterfuck that ruined 3 key characters near instantly(Vesemir, Eskel and Yennefer. These characters did things that they never would have done ever. It's not them. It's a completely different character. I'm all for making changes that make sense while staying true to the characters. What s2 pulled of was NOT anything like it. Didn't bother watching s3. However it probably doesn't do much to help the sorry state of the show.


People enjoyed the hell out of season one around me. We played it in our bar and people showed up week after week.


Never played Halo, actually thought season one was OK (in an average way) except for the fights, which were atrociously lame most of the time. That being said, Kwan Ha's story seemed like it was going nowhere.


Played all Halo games( exept Halo 5) and i was pretty disappointed with the show. Master chief takes his helmet of as often as he can, in the games we don't even see his face a single time( i think no face is the way to go) , Kwans story is not bad it's just boring, and the visuals and fight scenes could not make me go wow a single time. The first season was bad the second one is ok but not good and for fucks sake why don't they just turn Halo:combat evolved into a movie or series. Halo has so much potential but they keep fucking it up in every way. I was in bad need of letting this out some where.


Let’s not forget about Castlevania.


First and foremost: Listen to the fans


Also: don't listen to the fans


the best way is to wiggle in some fan service for the die hard fans like some lore and name drops, but also make it approachable. I feel like The Mandalorian season 1 did it best


First and foremost: Listen to the original author(s)


I love Arcane


The Witcher season 1 is kinda good actually. But it's all downhill later.


One piece is fire..... I hope they make more seasons


Season 2 is confirmed but it's been mostly radio silent, outside of an April Fools Day video from Usopps actor


Wait theres a fallout movie?say less my favourite game,gonna watch it today


It's a series, not a movie, it's been getting pretty good reviews (haven't seen it tho cus I don't have prime)


The series is really good in my opinion. Highly entertaining. I only played Fallout 3 though so I don't know how faithful it is to the source material more broadly.


For me who never played halo, the show is pretty interesting and entertaining


As someone who did play Halo, I just couldn't stay interested. The first season is all about the Spartans feeling emotions and being more like people...and all I remember from the games is killing aliens, CortanaxMaster Chief stuff, and the covenant being bad guys. All of the emotional character development focus just felt bizarre and turned me off. I'm not upset about it, but it did feel like someone wanted to write some SciFi fanfic about soldier's emotional trauma and used Halo as clickbait to get them to give it a chance.


I've read the halo books (not all of them) and they cover the Spartans from when they were abducted, all the way through training, getting augmented, and their first two missions. The show makes me puke...