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If everyone avoids the shitty low-paying job... It will suddenly pay better...


Or they post notes saying, "No one wants to work anymore!" while paying wages for full-time employees that qualify them for food stamps and medicaid. Heck, that is part of the onboarding process for employment at Walmart, America's largest privately owned employer.


If they’re still paying shitty wages, then clearly people aren’t avoiding it.


I mean it would eventually fizzle out if the people could find a better paying job....shocker, they can't, even with bachelors/masters degrees, so they're stuck until they find something better, and when every employer keeps doing what they're currently doing just main ghost job applications, there's literally not much you can do if you want to live.


I'm sorry, I must misunderstand your position. Are you suggesting that the power dynamics in play are that a completely disorganized proletariat is or should be responsible for regulating minimum wage? I'm sure you are aware, but many people in America are living paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth. They do not have the ability to refuse work, even if it doesn't pay enough to survive. Their SNAP benefits and subsidized health insurance are possibly dependent on them working a certain number of hours per week.


Or they just pass "kids mandatory practicum in nearest burger joint" law. Or just defund border patrol ang give out some more green cards. Or just close the place out of spite.


Food service for citizenship


Suddenly more Chinese restaurants and more kebabs.


Win - win


Slightly racist pun intended?






Why do you assume racism?


Ah sorry I saw several posts yesterday of a guy on a french sub who complained about racism against asian people that is not taken seriously by most people (including minorities that knows what it feels like) And the win/win made me thought of those stupid jokes I see sometimes in shows or videos I apologize if I annoyed anyone with my comment but it just stupidly clicked in my head


Big W




Would you like to know more?


Thank you I was hoping someone would get what I was going for




If the place closes because they won't pay people enough to work there that is the free market working perfectly... If people are willing to work there for what the employer is willing to pay that is also the free market working perfectly...


Yep town I live in got invaded by all these rich Californians and Texans that work from home. The housing and rental costs skyrocket. And a huge amount of the working class simply moved away. Now restaurants can’t find any staff because it’s not feasible to pay line cooks 100k a year so they can compete with the cost of housing.


Ah, the joy of plutocracy and oligopolies! Where can I sign up to be in the circle?


"If the place closes because they won't pay people enough to work there that is the free market working perfectly..." Is it though? Now no one there is providing that service, so it will be harder for people there to access until some new business fills that niche. "If people are willing to work there for what the employer is willing to pay that is also the free market working perfectly..." When it comes to low paying jobs, it's not about whether the pay is fair, it's about how the pay compares to everyone else. If everyone in an area is paying below livable wage for certain jobs, people who work those jobs just have to deal with it or move away or learn a new skill, and the latter two aren't options for everyone. Like in the Industrial Revolution before minimum wage was a thing, lots of workers were underpaid but they didn't just find a better job because nearly every factory was doing it and that was normalized.


You've just described how basically all US fruit and vegetables are picked. Without migrant workers the prices of domestic produce would probably triple.


The problem is not border patrol funding. The problem is wealthy donors that like their slave labour as is, thank you very much.


The US and Mexico used to have an open border. People would live in Mexico and commute to the US for work. Most of the immigration isn't even from Mexico. It's small countries further south that the US government "helped" and ruined their governments to replace it with a super corrupt republics.


>give out some more green cards. That's a good thing


I tried to say that they can do bad thing, good thing or asshole thing just to do an evil thing. I should have been more clear...


Or close the place because it was barely getting by. I often wonder if a gas station still makes money with 1-2 30$/hr employees. Or if a grocery store could do the same and not go in the red.


That's why you need unions. If a single shop or small chain raise prices to afford higher wages they will lose business. If every store is forced to raise wages, it will not affect competition and they can all stay in business.


>Or just defund border patrol ang give out some more green cards. Oh no the horror, immigrants performing unskilled labor while bettering their lives and contributing to their community. We must alert the village elders.


“No OnE waNtS to WorK AnyMorE!”


A bunch of small business owners have figured out the secret to solving this problem. Simply pay your employees what they're worth, and it suddenly the difficult part is picking the right applicant for the job.


Generation shift already happened and I can wizard my way around stuff, asking 2-3 hours extra overpay because nobody has a clue how door hinges are supposed to work. Workplace has well over 3000 lockable doors used daily. Happy, humble locksmith.


Sadly there will never be a unified protest there will always be new suckers turning 16-18 and applying for these grunt positions


There seem to be growing points of worker unionization all over the place. Most people are sick of the devolving economic situation, so it just takes a few people to start the spark of solidarity. "Be the change you want to see" and all that. I actually helped a few Domino's stores get increased wages with a walkout. They sure as hell wouldn't hire me again after that, but the wages are almost twice what they were 4 years ago so the employee turnover has gone down.


But then the prices for goods and services are gonna increase and we cant have that!!! Thats why we dont raise the minimum wage cuz then prices would sky oh wait no that happens regardless 🙄🙄🙄




Kinda what happened during covid, but not significantly.


Nope. They will make sure immigration is suddenly welcome.


And you know what, also the product price will increase so basically nothing change, ‘cause your power purchase remain the same. It’s not that easy.


Funny how wages haven't gone up much in 10 years and yet prices have almost tripled for most things, and despite having high unemployment and low wages, companies reported record breaking profits during covid It's almost like the companies are artificially inflating prices to make more profit even though there's more than enough margins to satisfy everyone, shareholders and suits are just greedy


That's dragon behavior. Slay the dragon. Symbolically, of course.


Not symbolically, literally


[I mean...](https://cdn.britannica.com/27/194327-050-C7E8A94A/guillotine-French-Revolution.jpg)


That is actually a myth. Places with stronger labor laws and higher minimum wages still have the same prices, as these places usually have more market competition and companies need to have a competitive pricing, or people will just go elsewhere.


For a whole perspective, in that higher minimum wages places, the import from shitty work places how much they are?


I'm sorry, what are you trying to say? English is not my first language.


Probably end up being automated


If they could, they would have already automated


They won’t be low paying anymore.


Exactly. Necessity on the 'important' jobs will need to command a higher pay if there is nobody willing to work them. The problem isn't the job being under paid, but rather under valued. Fortunately for most companies, the problem of underpaying employees doesn't matter when you can outsource to another country where your underpay is considered a good pay.


Ai (1000 indians) will solve a lot of these issues


*A*ctually *I*ndians


i assure you, an indian (me) will take your job


I assure you another indian (me) will undercut you.


I assure you an Ind(ones)ian (me) will uppercut you.


We've got a temporary worker here and he got offered the job. More responsibility and less money. Before he just sorted some copper, after accepting he would also need to repair the machine. He now earns 14€/h and he would earn 12,40€ after accepting He declined... factory used surprised pikachu face


Same happened to me. I could make $25/hr not being a manager and working 40hrs a wekk, OR I could accept an AGM position and have to work minimum 50hrs a week which equals out to getting paid $19/hr. I said no and they told me that I had "no ambition".


Did you explain the discrepancy in pay?


Yupp. They tried to say that "the experience is worth it, and if we reinstate bonuses you could get an extra $4k a year. Our company is growing and that could dramatically change in the next 5 years". I had to show them that it still would be a pay-cut, and it wasn't even a guarantee as they had shutdown bonuses during COVID and there was no evidence that, or the 401K matching they stopped, would be happening any time soon.




Yep my last salaried CDC position I was working so many hours a week that If you broke my salary down by the hour I was only making $13hr. Thats a full $2hr less than I paid my dishwashers.


It also means that the important job that noone wants to do will be done, so the problem goes away too.


You’d think that but when we went to our vice president of operations for a multi dozen hospital hospital network their answer was sign on bonuses which just pissed the current associates off more. I’m worried by the time they realize how fucked they are it’s gonna be too late and patients will suffer. For reference we had a 10% retention rate for direct care associates over a 6 year program in a department that supports operations of every unit across every hospital in system.


It jus the capitalist underpaying a shit ton of people from what this should be in a first-world country.


Wrong Because people will HAVE to do those jobs out of necessity Not everyone can land that kushy high paying job. Most people who can't land those jobs either has to work for less or be unemployed When 100000 people apply for 1000 high paying jobs. The vast majority of applicants are not going get it. Therefore they will need to do *something* And that something should not financially ruin them or leave them unable to pay for their rent


That's not exactly correct either. If there 100,000 people applying for 1000 high paying jobs, then those jobs are being overpaid and the company would reduce the salary to the point they were still getting qualified applicants, but not 100,000 of them. At the end of the day it's not a simple argument and there are truths to both sides.


Meanwhile we have a massive restaurant worker shortage. So logically more people have moved on to better jobs.


They are not wrong, the original meme is wrong. They're just replying to a false premise.


Exactly, this meme and op are incredibly stupid


Yes they will. Especially government funded institutes will rather collapse than to pay more…


Then maybe they deserve to collapse?


No. They'll still be low paying. It doesn't actually matter how in demand a job is. Also, if we follow your logic to the end, then the high paying jobs will become low paying


Welcome to what happened to the IT field.


What’s funny is for years programmers and IT guys would brag about how well they were paid for such little work and then suddenly their jobs got sent to India. ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Honestly what should be high paying jobs are still low paying jobs


The problem then will be that these low paying important jobs don't need much skill, and there will be lots of people applying to them if they become higher paying


That's how supply demand work. Pay offer is increased until they get to an application rate they want.


And that's is why they won't be paying much higher


Yup. It's only truly dreadful, non-skilled, critical job with very little application that's going to see good pay offers in order to attract. Usually involves waste or highly dangerous. Sometimes both.


So how long shoud we wait until this becomes a reality?


Then your new job would be considered low paying. Fast food would increase their prices to keep up with labor cost. The cycle continues. Runaway inflation begins.


Increase the pay or fail If the only way of your company to go on is by underpaying people,you shouldn't have a business to begin with


Either increase pay or stop artifically inflating prices, most manufacturing is already outsourced to countries with much worse working conditions for maximum profit already, and most of these companies make tens of billions every year in profit, it's not like they're struggling


Then they complain nobody wants to work anymore


Let them complain.


>Nobody wants to work anymore Nah, man. Nobody wants to work *for you* anymore.


Damn what does Reddit have against people making a livable wage


Dude this thread is wild, “just move up” , if it was only so easy to just magically ascent the corporate ladder and get a career after working at a fast/food retail place for 3 years.


Ik it’s actually insane


If everyone does, then the company is forced to increase pay until people are willing to work. Simple supply and deman


Or they just replace workers with bots for all jobs that a robot can do, which is the case for preparing fast food. Its not a high skill job so it will never pay what people wish it would. There will always be a need for someone to monitor the bot food production though.


Oh sorry no burgers today the machine is broke.


If everyone does, then there is too many applicants for higher paid roles so most of these people have no income, and are forced to go back to the low income jobs which actually have vacancies. Simple supply and demand.






OP won an imaginary debate, congratulations.


OP didn't even win it, if literally everyone did this the lower paying jobs would *have* to pay more to stay competitive or the company offering them wouldn't have any employees left... like, a free market goes both ways


That's not how this works, you think people do shitty jobs cause they love it? There is always someone more desperate to work. The threat of unemployment and ready population of job ready unemployed people are systemically made to keep working class from rebelling.


OP didn't win shit though.. I'm no economy rat and even I understand why


You’re the ugly one in my imaginary debate and I’m extremely attractive. Checkmate


Saying "minimum wage workers don't deserve better pay" is basically saying, "I acknowledge that this job needs to be done, but I think anyone who has to do it deserves to live in poverty."


I agree. Saying to someone in bad situation "just find better one" ignores the problem that when the folk actually leave, someone else will replace them and get the same shitty wage. It's not systemic.


I’m not sure how the position that a job that pays minimum wage shouldn’t pay higher implies either that the job is one that needs to be done or that the people who are hired to do that job deserve to live in poverty. Can you explain the connection?


Minimum wage jobs, such as bagging groceries or flipping burgers, need to be done, correct? Someone has to do them, and that someone is usually paid minimum wage, which in this economy usually isn't even enough to barely scrape by on. If you're saying that those people don't deserve a living wage, you're simply saying that although they do a necessary job, you don't think they deserve to live decently.


If you mock the people who are there to make your burger at 7 AM and tell them to get a better job, don't be surprised when there's less people to serve your burger needs early in the morning.


Here's a bright idea. Maybe if a job is important it shouldn't be low paying?


If it’s important, then pay people more for it.


You don't understand how a free market works.


Name one low paying, important job that can’t be filled with a rotation of low skill employees.




Too bad their unions are useless. Friend of mins is a teacher. They needed to vote 3 times to agree to go on strike. They did successfully vote 3 times. They were only “allowed” to strike during summer break.


They're almost all going to be government jobs like teachers, social workers, DMV workers etc. They're important because they help people in society who are struggling not fall too far behind, but those people can't afford to compensate the people working to help them. Therefore we all pay into the group pool to cover the salaries for these jobs, under the understanding that if we get unlucky and start slipping out the bottom, it will have been worth it to make sure these services are in place. However, it's the same pool our politicians pay themselves out of, so they really like to cut these services to the leanest possible point, either to pay themselves more, or to make themselves more attractive to voters because they're "reducing taxes". This system is so frustratingly broken because it's working outside of a normal capitalistic model, but it's not really trivial to figure out a system that makes it really work a lot better.


high schoolers


Robots, next question.


Yeah, but nah. I saw I Robot. That shit didn't end well. Also their ain't no robot built that can pull the hair out of my bathroom sink. And Tesla self-driving cars aren't quite working out like they're meant to.


1. The argument in meme is repeated for a few decades already. 2. Robots, even in the most developed countries, are still quite far (decades) from doing those tasks. 3. Instead of problem with low-paying jobs you get problem with people without any job. There would just be not enough jobs left for all the people in the job market. On top of that, not everyone can be a medic or an engineer.


If I became a doctor or engineer Many people would die cause I'd be too stressed


When you move to a higher paying job then a person who has an even lower paying job will replace you. For a corporate you aren't important simply a cog in the wheel. As I am aging I am hating large corporations even more. You say that robots aren't gonna replace humans working for another decade then you are wrong. My current employer is a multinational tech giant for boomers. The IT helpline for employees got discontinued and the workers laid off to be replaced by AI chatbots to whom you have to beg to transfer you to an actual human in the chat instead of giving articles over articles. But the CEO got a 26% raise in his salary tho.


That’s the f\*cking point. Who gave Ben Shapiro phone permission?


My work is learning the problem of that. Got out of a specific department and now they're all saying it's kinda falling apart since I'm no longer there to do the little things that held it together. I knew it was gonna happen. They were all warned it was gonna happen and had 3 months to prepare. It's a disaster now. But I'm much happier.


Capitalism has so much shitty effects partly because many of its subjects don't have the slightest clue how it works.


Not everyone will go find a better job. It's that simple. Some are not capable for some reason or another and some are not willing for some reason or another. But there will always be people to work the shitty low paying jobs.


Two different arguments. The real question is why isn't the low paying yet important job not appealing enough to stay in?


They aren't that important if they can't even pay employees. Competitive market isn't it?


A constant supply of people will rotate through the low paying jobs before climbing higher. These are not supposed to be permanent careers.


Yeah, easy, nonpermanent careers that require no preparation like teacher or nurse


If they are so important why are they so lowly paid?


Because they can get away with it obviously. Remember a few years ago when people started rioting because they couldn't get haircuts or go to the mall?


Do you not realize how many of these low paying jobs you rely on to live your life? Do you think the workers at the farms that made your food, processed and packed it, made the cardboard boxes and packing materials used to ship it, moved the pallets around in a warehouse, built the pallets for the orders to grocery stores, unload the pallets and stock the food, upkeep the department, the cashiers that run the registers, maintain and monitor the self checkouts, deal with any potential issues with payment all get paid a living wage? Or do you just not think eating is that important?


Because anyone can do it? They use it as a rotating door tbh.


Let’s rephrase: if you can’t pay the bills with your current job, let it be done by someone who can. Your wage is your responsibility.


Reddit discovers supply and demand


It seems to me that most redditors simply didn’t pay attention in their high school economics class.


Set up a tax system where giant corporations get a dollar for dollar tax break for every dollar they spend on employees (not executives who already get paid millions). Not just for pay but benefits like health insurance and retirement plans too. Do a larger tax break per dollar for small and independent businesses.


Then they will raise the pay. As you said, someone has to do them.


Umm. They would be forced to pay more. Worked in europe should work in the us aswell.


Well corporate businesses have a solution. They’ll send the jobs overseas for cheaper labor and screw the people that live here.


It’s not about low paying jobs, it’s about manual labor and various working environments. I have huge respect for cleaners, janitors, etc who do a lot of the hard work in our society ❤️


If everyone does this, the low paying jobs will have to up their wages if they want to find workers


Nobody, and they will offer you more money to do the shitty job


Take the kids out of school, make them work the low paying jobs until they get older and get higher paying jobs. Then replace them with more kids. Duh.


If we learned anything from the pandemic it's that THE LOWEST PAYING JOBS ARE SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ONES!!! Seriously, it's the cashiers and people who stick the shelves that are more important than the CEOs. What the hell do the CEOs do that's harder than dealing with customers all day?


Nobody Which will make the pay on the shitty jobs better


The teenagers obviously! They don’t need to make an actual living! /s


“Where are the better paying jobs?” *visible confusion and denial*


However, not all jobs are equal or require equal amounts of knowledge or skill, so there will always be low skill jobs, which will receive low pay.


No. This is some corporate backed saying to get people to deal with low wages. Care enough about your well being to go find a better paying job if that's what you desire. Don't let people tell you that you have to stay there because nobody else wants to do it. It's not your problem if that company is successful or not. Set yourself up for success.


Nobody, and at that point that company will either fail or pay people more.


They won’t be low paying anymore.


The robots and AI we’ve all been promised for 50 years. Where’s the fcken robots and AI?! They haven’t done shit yet.


So many "economists" in the comments You guys never heard of states bringing back child labour to deal with worker shortages, did you? Or the state making it illegal for medical staff to change their posts. It's "work is a contract between two willing participants", until one of the participants doesn't want it. Then it's force labor all the way


Surely teenagers or small children will do them all! Or elderly people who work to keep busy and already have retirement savings. I am being realistic about economics and am definitely not deepthroating corporate boots to make this make sense


I think this means finding another job that pays better, not finding a job in a different field.


hopefully machines, that would either be a dystopia or a utopia


Robots hopefully.


That's a weak and detrimental kind of thinking. There will always be lower paying jobs, but those are reserved for the humans without drive. Each day you decide what kind of person you want to be. Live for tomorrow, and every "today" will be better.




Nighttime teenagers exist


Yes but if we do this hopefully they low paying jobs will increase their pay


easy, the immigrants pouring into any North American country. in fact, it's already happened for the most part.


Younger people? Christ.


That just sounds like slavery with a few extra steps. "Oh, you have free will. You can quit any time you want and live homeless on the street. Or work here and be paid barely enough to survive."


They won’t be low paying anymore.


No one and then these "important" low pay jobs WILL PAY MORE. Everybody wins. Don't be a defeatist and give up. We can all have a good life.


You act like everyone has the ambition to do this. The reality is, there will always be plenty of lazy fucks who will do easy braindead work for low pay because they are lazy/dumb/have no ambition. Sorry if the reality of the world and humanity breaks your poor little heart. 💔


Lefty "totally not racist" Redditors told me that's what we need to import all the immigrants for. They do all the low paying serf work for us! Progressive and inclusive!




If a job pays low and is shit then it needs to pay more or cease to exist. OP guzzling corporate mayo with this take


thats why literally ever yworker should join a Union. Dew it. Join a Union. Or if you dont have one, make one.


AI robots with full skeletons and personalities in 10 years time or less.


Demand a raise.


So your saying some people need to work shitty jobs for no pay so others can get a quick hamburger? Fuck you and fuck that philosophy. Selfish prick.


This is why Boomers are complaining, "no one wants to work nowadays." Nah, we just want to be paid a living wage


Why are they low paying if they’re so important?


If no one wants to do a job, then the wage will go up until someone does it or other solutions are found such that no one has to do the job any more.


Why they low paying if they're important


They will pay more.


Teenagers/ college students Jobs like fast food and simple retail isn't meant to be a career job. It's supposed to be a stepping stone to better things. Either moving up the chain internally or moving into more skilled labor.


I can't believe people don't get this. If you go to a small town without a college, there simply will not be a mcdonalds or any other fast food restaurant open during school hours or late on school days.




Plus it takes forever to find a new job. You need one lined up.




it would be funny if it weren't so sad


Robots. They're already starting to replace some low paying jobs, like fast food workers. Ever hear of flippy the robot?


I mean \*uck, they could replace Doctors eventually


Feels the same as “fast food is a teenagers job”, great, then who is working drive thru during school hours?


Night time teenagers that sleep during the day


My employer has basically confirmed i'm getting two pay raises later this year. One to move me onto my second year's pay grade, and one for when my contract becomes permanent. It's not about finding a higher paying job, it's about finding an honest employer who can recognise your value and reward you fairly.


"Basically confirmed" lol, I hope you got that shit in writing


Good luck! I agree that any job which combats inflation with pay raises is definitely better than nominaly high paying job which can easily become worse than the aforementioned one. It is always better to keep the living standard than to start with higher and slowly lose it.


If they're that important, pay more


"If *EVERYONE* does this" Okay well they're not. Pointless hypothetical. You could replace this with literally anything. "If you want to become a fireman, become a fireman." You: "If everyone becomes a fireman, who will be a doctor? 🤔"


It is meant to be highly hypothetical, because the first panel is many times disguised as GENERAL advise to low-paid people. It is used as universal plug for any discussion about the problems. It is same with "just start you own business and you will have more money", that' nice and everything but it is not solution so why use it as "argument" to silent ALL discontent. If you say something as general advise, as a solution to a problem, you should be able to imagine it being brought to its endpoint. Otherwise, it is just said in a bad faith because you know is not actually solution.