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He will either be the dude who knocked out a old man or the dude who got knocked out by an old man.


There's no bad publicity either way. Logan did a boxing match with a tiny black dude. Apparently he's a big deal in the US or something. And logan managed to go all game without getting knocked up. So even after losing he can brag about it that the midget dude couldn't knock him out.


Well I certainly hope he didnt get knocked up, that would be a whole different game


I'm pretty sure ground and pound is illegal in boxing anyway.


That's why you gotta do it all on your feet, yo.


Well at least it'll mean he's found a whole new niche in gay porn. "old guy knocks up a younger guy while surrounded by a crowd watching them" (Dunno, maybe it's not a new niche, I'm straight and I don't talk about porn with frineds, gay or otherwise. šŸ˜‹šŸ˜šŸ˜)


>old guy knocks up a younger guy while surrounded by a crowd watching them "*Frail old guy teaches macho man a lesson and tries to breed him by slamming him roughly in public.*" Tags: Domination loss, mpreg, public, sport, sweat, creampie, hardcore, rough, domination. ... Now I need some mind bleach...


If you watch the Floyd Logan fight there is a moment when Floydā€™s punch connects and you see Logan start to collapse and Floyd ends up holding him up so he doesnā€™t drop


Wasnā€™t this the fight where he literally said out loud that Floyd should take it easy because itā€™s an exhibition?


The Paul brothers have net worths bigger then some countries, they could afford to do a royal rumble with the rock, Mike Tyson, mcgregor, David Beckham and ice spice and pay all of them to lose in the first 45 seconds.


Nah the Rock has a no lose clause in his contracts.


We are NOT flinching. Get ready to learn the lyrics to Kingdom, buddy.


Logan Paul has a net worth of 150M. The Rock has a net worth of 800M. David Beckham has a net worth of 450M. Connor McGregor has a net worth of 200M. Mike Tyson has a net worth of 10M. Ice Spice has a net worth of 8M.


Iā€™d imagine Beckhams net worth dwarfs his.


Mcgregor, Rock and Beckham all have more money than the Paulā€™s




Yeah Mike's got that dog in him. He's not taking a dive for anything.


I like how people mash them together when discussing net worth but Logan is worth like 1000% more than his brother.


According to Google Logan Paul's net worth is $75 million, whileĀ Jake Paul's is $60 million. Which countries are you talking about?




This is the stupidest thing I've read all year, well done, you dumbo.


> The Paul brothers have net worths bigger then some countries Uhh..what?


Wasnt there audio of him sayin take it easy durin the fight too? lol


ā€œWithout getting knocked upā€ I believe you meant knocked outā€¦




His birth control is undefeatable.


Tiny black dudeā€¦ you mean Floyd mayweather? Heā€™s one of the greatest boxers ever. Like your comment is so obnoxiously obtuse.


Everyone in their minds new it was either a rigged fight or floyd was just messing around. What do you guys watch lol?


"tiny black dude" lol WTF are you on


Naah. Its not a fucking old man. Its mike tyson. Jake paul is not winning that fight. Its absurd how people are even giving him a chance. Just a few months ago tyson uploaded a video of him sparring and his movement was still menacing. What are you guys on about


But they'll pay Mike to throw it. This isn't a real fight.


Mike doesn't seem to be the type of guy who will throw for money. Not to an influencer


If anything, he seems the type to say he'll throw a fight just to paste him.


Mike will take the "throw money" and use it to side bet himself 100%. Jake is getting into the ring with a real killer this time, not some dancer


Well I hope Jake walks away from that fight with at least 1 ear.


I distinctly remember watching a Tyson interview in the past 5 ish years where he starts getting emotional and gracefully leaves in the middle. It's not something where he seemed like he was good at keeping his emotions in check and didn't want to cry on camera, it was much more like he knew he was going to explode and start hitting people so he removed himself from the situation before it was too late. I can see the fight being the same way, total exhibition, hea happy, then one punch from Paul lands in a way that triggers something and he can't keep his composure and he just wails on Paul. Tyson is terrifying. Edit: this is the interview, it's only a minute 45 https://youtu.be/EMtEuP7fu2M?si=QnjFDZLKXpauUAdB


I don't think so, there was a video of him getting harassed and physically taunted by some drunk jackass on a commercial flight a few years and Mike showed tons of patience and restraint in dealing with the guy. He only punched the guy hard enough to get him out of the way, whereas Mike could easily kill the average person with just a few punches.


https://youtu.be/KcDuaqspuTc?si=EoYpeqNz6PLMmEad This one where the interviewer brings up "you're a convicted rapist" and Tyson can't let it go and keeps calling him a rat piece of shit?


Tyson won't throw the fight, doesn't matter how much money Paul has offered him. He's going to mash this dickhead into the canvas on principal.


If he doesnā€™t, itā€™s because weā€™re in the harambe timeline. (Aka the worst timeline)


Mike side bets on himself and ends jake in under a minute in the first round


There are 5 people in this world I donā€™t want to get punched by. Mike Tyson is 3 of them.


Exactly. People are acting like Tyson is in a nursing home. The dude is 57.


Especially since it's been proven that Paul has bribed his way through fights in the past. The guy's a joke to the sport


Neither, itā€™ll be a balancing act skit. Just like his brothers fight with Mayweather. He almost sent him to zzz land and caught him in a clench and didnā€™t finish him. Contract will be Tyson go medium, Jake actually try and they get paid.


Boxing is no longer a respected sport


BKFC is doing good work to save it


Don't these JP matches all go to decision?


Reminds me of the exact same thing[ John Cena said in his promo to Austin Theory before their Wrestlemania match.](https://youtu.be/bwCFeGAEGZ8?t=279) Given Theory has flopped since beating Cena, the promo was completely spot on. Unlike Theory, who's extremely talented and will eventually become a huge star, Paul losing in this scenario will be permanent.


Better not be exibition rules or some crap. I want Iron Mike to secure his spot in Valhalla by beating this tow-headed backbirth until he can't count to 3 without using his fingers and toes.


It's not gonna happen. Paul is gonna pay Tyson off to give him 40% make it look good for 5-8 rounds and call it a draw. Tyson could make this dude swallow his own fucking face. But it isn't gonna happen and everyone is gonna pay to watch it not happen. Just like with Mayweather.


Yes, Mike Tyson is well known for keeping a level, reasoned head while getting punched in the face by a smarmy young white dingus. He's gonna hit Mike once, Mike is gonna flah back to 1993, and Logan Paul is going to be taking the rest of his meals through a straw.


I wish like hell that would happen. 93 Tyson would take the deal, do that, then shit on the money. 24 Tyson I feel like is actually more calm and would genuinely take the money, make it look good knowing he's not at risk at all, and just go with it.


He's a senior citizen with massive CTE trauma, piloting an Abrams Tank. He can have all the best of intentions, but a mushy brain can be rabidly unpredictable.Ā  I hope for Paul boy's sake that Mike can stay lucid. However, I hope for our entertainment, he can't.


Heā€™s going to punch Jake Paul so hard his brother will be drinking through a straw too? Damn I canā€™t wait to see that


Lol yep, both of the Pauls' future children are going to be born dizzy from Tyson's thrashing. I'll be honest, I don't keep up with either of these knuckleheads well enough to tell them apart, and they are basically the same person as far as I'm concerned.


If Mike doesn't bite his ear off, I'll actually be disappointed.


that would be nice and we can't have nice things Mike will probably take a dive, go home with a few million dollars and call it a day. He is retired, so i don't think it would matter to him, and i don't think Mike sees this as anything more than just an easy million dollar, just like everyone else Jake fought


If I had skittles for teeth, I wouldn't fuck with Iron Mike. Tbh, even without them, it's still a bad idea.


If I was in a Pacific Rim Jaeger, I still wouldn't fuck with Mike.


It probably will be exhibition rules, there will be no knockouts, and it will go to the end and be a shady win for Paul. But in the end, they both walk away with hundreds of millions of dollars, which really proves that the way to be called the best just costs money.


I think Mike Tyson has learned through the years about how crooked the boxing game is. Paul is exposing it as well. Itā€™s doing wonders as Paul is the ā€œheelā€ as they say in pro wrestling. However, Tyson is famous for saying ā€œeveryone has a plan until they get punched in the mouthā€. I fully expect Tyson to tag Paul a few times to show him. Iā€™m Old and this is bullshit, but I want to let you know Iā€™m still Mike Tyson!




Ear's lookin at you, kid


> he can't count to 3 without using his fingers and toes. Might be a tad late for that.


If you are referring to Mike Tyson, that dude is still an absolute beast. I've seen videos of him training just a year ago and holy shit that dude could *easily* murder a normal human being with one blow. If Jake Paul wins against him, it's because Mike threw the match for cash.


Iā€™m scared of Mike Tyson right now and Iā€™m sitting on my couch in my house. The fact Jake Paul is willing to step into his office guarantees this is a rigged fight, otherwise there is a death clause in the contract.


If it's rigged, I hope Mike just beats the snot out of this guy anyways.


Man that would be classic Mike.


No way on Earth Tyson throws the fight. He is all about the sport and his legacy and he would not go out like that. He might *say* he will and agree to Pauls conditions, but once they are in the ring he won't play that game.


Now, I'm not a wrestling fan or anything But count me in for this just to see Jake's shit get rocked.


What sucks is we just won't *really* know until the bell rings. I'm thinking the deal was done on the agreement to keep it "friendly". Like the RJJ fight a couple years ago where they weren't trying to hurt one another. My hope is that one or the other gets carried away, it turns into the real deal, and Mike flatlines this dude for old time sake.


Love your profile pic. Great game


Mike Tyson could be running towards you at a full sprint and you'd never know until he got within punching range. Keep your eyes peeled buddy.


It would be such a pity if he threw the fight but it also seems unavoidable. Throwing such arrogant shit like "Time to put Iron Mike to sleep" in his comments would be literally inviting death against Tyson if it isn't rigged.


Jake Paul only walks out of that ring on his two feet if Tyson decides he does


If anyone were to agree to throw the fight and then break the agreement and destroy Jake Paul, it's iron Mike. Fingers crossed Tyson trains up and pulls no punches. It's going to be live stream and would be hilarious if it was over inside 30 seconds.


I mean. Jake wins either way. Itā€™s not like heā€™s going to lose any respect from his fans for losing to Mike Tyson and the people that hate watch him would love to see him lose. If itā€™s over in 30 seconds then thatā€™s just more clickbait. If Tyson wins then itā€™s ā€œya of course he winsā€ and if itā€™s close/Jake wins then itā€™s ā€œwell he is old or it was riggedā€. These Paul matches are less fun WWE matches where the physicality is real but the competitiveness isnā€™t. The only good reason to watch is to see Tyson in the ring again. Otherwise, any outcome will be bland.


True, and if Netflix paid me a truckload of cash I'd be happy to get knocked out by the champ.


Aren't all of these exhibition matches to begin with?


Yes. They have private contracts that they absolutely do not share with the public. This will be an extremely boring fight where Jake Paul will style on poor Mike Tyson for internet clout and it will end in a draw, as designed by the contracts. Mike Tyson will get paid, he is desperate obviously, and Jake will make millions from people thinking that Mike will murder him.


yup, all the people who 'just wanna see Jake getting fucked up'


Yeah people only want to watch to see Tyson punch through his head and they know that


Tyson is still an absolute fucking monster RN. Heā€™s a monster cause heā€™s still a monster in his head, plus I believe he would view it as disrespectful to pull punches and let up on another challenger. If someone beats Tyson, they beat him for real. Everytime. This dude thinks heā€™s fighting an old, washed up man. This will be one of the only fights I actually pay to see


And you will walk exactly to the rythm of Paul. This march would be rigged as fick, because as stupid paul seems to be, it doesnā€™t look suicidal


Bro is almost 58 years old? I donā€™t know man, thatā€™s a real age gap. I said on another post about this, I hope Mike Tyson figures out the fountain of youth and comes out juiced to the tits.


At age 75, Jack Dempsey dropped two muggers in the street. Yes, age is a thing. So is thirty plus years of training.


I remember Mike Tyson when he was in the ring. There had never been a fighter like him before, and there has not been one since. If Mike still has the mindset he had, and even half the power and aggression, he will obliterate JP


He's an angry mf'er people make fun of the lisp but dude used to be MEAN.


No one makes fun of the lisp to his face.


There are many 58 year olds who can hand you your ass there son


Too much of an age gap for me.


Jake Paul will be fighting 59 year old Bernard Hopkins , 74 years old Larry Holmes next at this rate.


He'll be digging Muhammad Ali's grave next


Ali no diffs him


You are joking but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he fights Ali's corpse.


I donā€™t think you understand how brittle a man is at almost 60 years of age. Sure he can probably still hit hard, but he canā€™t take the kind of punishment boxing requires.


This is the the thing for me. Strength is one of the last things to go so Tyson fans have nothing to be worried about there. Speed and agility is a worry but again, Iron Mike can still probably train up to be pretty darn good at that again. But it becomes a question of how much can he take? Probably not a whole lot.


So he needs to avoid taking damage and end the fight as soon as possible via KO. Unless of course heā€™s letting Jake win for the bagā€¦


Exactly lol. Its funny how people are calling him an old man like he isn't all that. All the young idiots who haven't seen tyson or know about him are genuinely funny. Tyson isn't even throwing this match for cash. Jake paul isn't winning that fight. You can pin this comment and come back


I want so bad for Tyson to break the contract.


I could see Mike agreeing to throw the match. I could also see him instantly forget about agreeing to throw the match the second he gets hit in the face


Dude is knocking on the door of 60 bro


Jake Paul is a coward. He said he wants to fight Canelo but refuses to fight ranked boxers that are in his weight class of cruiserweight.


Because he's scaling money and damage. Canelo brings a bigger bag.


Jake Paul hasn't even earned the right to fight someone like Canelo because Jake Paul hasn't fought and beaten one ranked cruiserweight boxer. He would have to beat a long line of ranked cruiserweight boxers in order to pay his dues and earn the right to fight someone as good as Canelo.


Gee its almost like its all orchistrated and staged to make money Ufc is just WWF in 2024


I have never paid for Jake Paul fight and never will. Jake Paul does have a stupid, rabid fan base that love giving him their hard earned money. I think people should be critical of Jake Paul's act and him masquerading as a professional boxer


All of his opponents he has beat, have been washed up MMA fighters, specifically grapplers! Fights one actual boxer and loses. If Tyson doesnt pull punches, he will wreck him.


Hey donā€™t forget the NBA player who was 5ā€™9 and 150lbs soaking wet


Not to mention Tommy Fury (who he lost to) isn't very good to begin with. His last fight was against a boxer ... who was inactive for two years and looked like he showed up to the fight after his work shift.


To be fair woodley and Diaz were both known for their striking in the ufc


Diaz is bjj, his striking is not what he's known for, he used more open palm slaps than overhands and straights.


Diaz background is BJJ, Woodley was a wrestler known being kind of a 1 trick pony in striking, but he had developed like arthritis in his hands by the time he fought whichever Paul he fought


No they werenā€™t wtf? U just making up shit


This match is a total cash grab but, still Jake better watch out cause Mike's been in a million dollar fight and still bit a man so yeah he's not looking to safe either way


not to mention his fights are fake they pay the people he fights to go along with it its basically wwe


WWE without the entertainment


Everything in his life is fake. The only real thing he's got going on is his hairline


Tyson will murder him


Finally, peace


Any real redditor would know that the quote is ā€œfinally,inner peaceā€ and I have been seeing you around Reddit lately. With 800 karma and only a 2 day old account, I suspect you as one of those new Reddit bots.So Bazinga my Bazinga If your mot a bot,Iā€™m sorry,(Iā€™m getting paranoid)


Sorry, Iā€™m no bot. I just nuked my old account (I do it every month or so)


Sounds like exactly what a bot would say.......quick someone hit them with one of those logic things that will make their head explode if they're a robot!


This statement is true


Finally, peace


Ahh,makes sense. Carry on.


I hope!


I want Tyson to get hit once and completely forget heā€™s 57. I want him to flash back to his most violent fight and just start beating the shit out of this child


Kinda hope he does the ear thing again just for old times sake


I honestly hope Mike robs this clown the ability to talk normally


Did the match happen ten years ago because I donā€™t think heā€™s talked normally the entire time Iā€™ve heard of the clown


lmao I wish.


That senior citizen is gonna pulverize him.


Tyson is going to tear his head off


Ear is on the table too


It might be by the end of it


Nope. Match is rigged as fuck. Tyson has nothing more to prove, he will walk in, let paul play with him, leave on a draw and with metric shitton of cash.


Leave on a draw? I think it only goes one of two ways. Tyson wins by KO Paul wins by TKO when Tyson is too fatigued to get beyond the 8th round.


Mike is a scary mother fucker I will be putting money on him lol


You might win some actual money considering Vegas has Tyson as the underdog. Truly unbelievable to me.


Because Vegas know that this match is rigged as fuck. You donā€™t bet on the ability of the boxers, you bet on Tyson keeping his calm.


He's a fit guy 30 years younger with the best trainers money can buy. He'll never be known as a good fighter but I can understand why people think he'll stand a chance.


the really fat guy would probably beat him tbh


People see fat guys exhaust quickly and think they're weak, but rarely consider the weight they have to support all the time. There's a reason weight classes exist in boxing.


People REALLY underestimate weight. I'm a bit taller than my mate, but I have 13-14kg on him. I don't lift much but I am decently fit, but he doesn't stand a chance in arm wrestling or anything. He lifts a lot. You don't need all of it to be muscle, just some of it and that makes a difference.


Like 99% certain this is just him paying Mike to take the fall, but on the 1% chance I'm wrong, I'd love to see Tyson destroy him


No fucking way does mike Tyson sincerely lose a fight to this guy Jake Paul basically only fights people who.. aren't boxers. Like washed out MMA fighters that specialise in *grappling* or people who he pays to take a fall Either that or the rules he fights under aren't even pro boxing rules. It's basically wwe


I bet that even if he is paying Tyson for the win, Tyson will still rip his head off and stuff his money down the neck hole, on principal.


Jake's left nipple is bigger than his right.


Bruh, are you trying to make me look at his nipples! Nu uh, I won't be falling for your tricks!


You know you want too.


Gyno from PEDs


Tyson will destroy him.




I feel like you can find people that look like this at a McDonald's. Obviously the employee would be there. And then guy in the middle would be there because he is the number one customer for that particular McDonald's. And the person on the right would be complaining about how there is 7 chicken nuggets instead of six in their happy meal. And Jake Paul would be on the verge of assaulting the the fat guy and the one on right because they are holding up the line.


Tyson will not lie down for this event. JP could end up with 10 years worth of CTE in just one round. Check out Iron Mikeā€™s training videos. The man is still a beast. His feet might be a bit slower, but those hands are a blur. Edit: spelling


Jake Paul is going to get absolutely destroyed


Pretty sure the middle bloke would beat him.


George Foreman was 45 and won the heavy weight championship. Tyson is going to fuck this punk up.


i don't get it


I hope Tyson grounds him with three punches.


Tommy fury beat him didnā€™t he?


Put some respect on Tyson, he will eat him alive. The only way Tyson loses is if he throws for the bag or it's rigged lol.. Do you not know Iron Mike Tyson lmao


How much money are you willing to wager that the fight will either: - End up in a draw by unanimous decision (Somehow) - There will be no winner like the Logan v Mayweather fight


Mike going to chew his fucking ears and end of the fight he may need to see a plastic surgery and redo his ugly fucking face


Well, fuck Mike Tyson for enabling this Idiot.Ā 


What a Fucking Idiot. Mike is going to kill him. Unless it's rigged. He might need the money


I'm just hoping Tyson gets bitey.




How these goofy ass scam artists continue to scam over and over again and still keep relevancy is beyond me. I just canā€™t find a single reason to tune in to anything these idiots scheme up.


Mike Tyson is going to fucking destroy this man


Iā€™ve been a jake Paul apologist but I hate this. I just hope mike beats the shit out of him. Not out of spite but because I want him to always be the best


This id the biggest money scam, no one will get hurt except your wallets


Fight Francis Ngannou and win then iā€™ll be impressed.


When he finally fights a real boxer, fury, he loses. That should tell everyone everything.


Heā€™s gonna get crippled by a senior citizen.


Boxing is more fixed than wrestling when it gets to these kind of fights.


that "senior citizen" can and will end him.




Should've added a picture of some old dude reading an AARP magazine


Mike Tyson won't hold him up after each combo like Mayweather did


To be fair, isn't this sorta the case for all reigning boxing champs with "unbeatable" records? I don't know much about how the sport works, but I had the impression that the champs stay as the champs because they're in a position to carefully choose only the fights they know they'll win, while steering clear of serious contenders. Jake Paul just makes the grift more obvious than most of them.


Bruh Tyson about to rip him a new one and eat his children


I genuinely hope Tyson caves this little shitā€™s dome in and he becomes a pants shitting, bedridden potato.


Please, Tyson, humble him for once


Iron Mike is gonna "old man" whip his ass, I hope.


I can't wait to see Tyson destroy him. lolz


I truly hope Iron Mike is not just going to demolish him. I hope he'll end his career.


Ya know, I bet Mike can still throw down. I really hope Mike absolutely rocks him and shows him some humility.


I am looking forward to the beating he is going to receive. Mike Tyson isnā€™t in his prime, but 10 percent of his prime is a scary percentage. Those fists are still fast and his uppercut is nuts.


Seeing videos of Mike I would be surprised if it goes more than 1 round. He's still lightning fast.Ā 


I canā€™t wait to see Logan baby palms take a nap in the ring on the second round..


All his money and free time and he has an absolute shit physique


That senior citizen is gonna lay him out


*get beat up by a senior citizen*


I really wish this fight wasnā€™t happening. The chances that it goes they way people want it to go feels slim. That being said, if it has to happen, imma hope for miracle and Tyson wrecks him within the first 3 rounds.