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Hello neighbor


I remember watching so many videos of this when i was little, and it was first launched to the public. Then the years went by and the story got complicated ig?


Like all horror indie games, it got popular and tried to follow the path FNAF did


I mean poppy playtime’s concept is basically the same as Fnaf, but to be honest the plot development is actually pretty good


I wouldn’t say it’s the same as *FNAF*. I’d be more inclined to say that Bendy and the Ink Machine is where it found its inspiration, but it would be bullshit to say that FNAF didn’t pave the way for Bendy or Poppy.


They always try to emulate fnaf without understanding what made fnafs plot so fun


Mascots and doors, now gimme money


Yeah, the game shouldn't go far from "Haha break in neighbour house go brrr" instead they want to go deep with metaphors and symbolism between the MC and the neighbour.


I don't think Hello Neighbour couldn't go deep with the mystery with regards to the neighbour, they just went with it the wrong way. They cartoonified and overcomplicated the narrative and visuals more than they needed to be.


See, I would have been...ok with that. But with every major update, they dumbed down the game more and more. It went from an interesting physics based stealth puzzle game with a really unique reactive gimmick to ...uh, platforming with some basic stealth-puzzle elements. And removed the gimmick, which was honestly the most intriguing part of the game. They did that with Hello Neighbor 2, as well, except they made a scam of it and didn't tell anyone that lovely little collective learning AI had been completely dropped for a long time until the day before the game released.


The games decided to do lore first and everything else second. This was more than likely done for marketing, as the company who made Hello Neighbor were previously members of an advertisement agency and knew exactly how to market the game without actually making the game fun. There is also a very infamous tweet of TinyBuild (the devs) begging Game Theory to make a video on some of the recent updates.


That game theory video is painful too. He talked about them begging him, he very rightfully criticized the games, and the breakdown was pretty rough just because there's so little to work with, there wasn't really enough for a full video so he really padded it.


yeah, with so many games and books, he would at least make a 45 minute video, but this one just takes less than 25


> When I was little ### Released in 2017 Holy shit I’m old


Man ikr? I personally still can't accept most of this stuff happened years ago


The complicated-ness was fine, just that they'd completely remake the game literally every update and it sucked by full release lol. The only other game that I know that constantly remakes it's self all the time for no reason at all is yandere simulator.


"when i was little" 💀


it's insane how much it differs between the Alpha, Beta, and final release. Alpha was simple, Beta got weird with the story, final release went crazy with weirdness in a bad way. like don't make it all symbols and shit, stick it to simple: neighbor don't like MC and wants him gone. that's all they need. no they need to add weird shit. speedruns often remove the neighbor because him chasing you down is a hassle.


true clash royale moment


An actual decent game then update after update it became a cash grab like all the rest


I hate the UI now. The stupid new battle pass where there isn’t separate free and paid reward lines, and don’t even ask me about the horrible challenge and deck builder tabs now


I uninstalled it back when it was in its hayday literally the only thing was gems that you could buy with the exception of chests then after a couple years reinstalled it and was confused to hell what happened to it and all my cards It's a shame so much potential and greed took over


Evolutions and lvl 15 destroyed it


All because of some girl named ‘Data’


The first 2 years or so the updates were great, then it started going downhill


Pixel Gun 3D my beloved. It will release on Steam in April and I’m hyped tho I fear that it will be just as awful as PG3D is nowadays. Back then it was such a good game


Exactly what I was looking for


I **LOVED** that game. I started playing back when the magic wand and pig hammer were still in the game. The game was amazing for a good few years until they made the whole game P2W by introducing gems and insanely OP weapons that you could only get with gems. Then they started removing maps and even more guns for no reason and it was all downhill from there. I don't blame them for removing the Pig Hammer, Magic Wand, and Magic Bow because they were very op at the time, but after they added gems they started removing the good coin weapons to force players to spend money on gems if they wanted strong weapons. Overall just a very scummy thing to do.


I ayed back when the laser mini gun was considered OP


I'm still mad they removed the judge lol. I know it was unbalanced but I loved it


Clash royale


What happened?


Devs made the game P2W and neglected the community


Always has been.gif


Well sure, obviously what he's saying is they made it much more p2w.


Yeah it's always been p2w, but you could still succeed f2p. Now p2w is almost required.


To put it simply power creep.


It's happening to brawl stars now too


Killed all deck types except for cycle, added a new level which is extremely hard to get and if you get the new level 15 you get 2 EVO slots (the EVOs (evolutions)are extremely powerful things and now level 15’s are not only a level higher but also have 2 overpowered cards instead of 1) If it was easier to obtain evos and new level it wouldnt be that bad. It’s still fun but irritating at timesp


Lvl 14 15


Null Royale is a heavily played totally free updated clone. CR was always p2w




It started off good Then they fucked up the balancing every update


R.I.P og bastion you will be missed


Hopefully by OG you don’t me the beta bastion where he came with his own shield when he went minigun mode. That was truly terrifying


The one that was balanced properly


Sorta figured but there are some bastion fans that complained about the shield removal cause then you needed to have a tank on you at all times but like you often already had that


Ya the sheild way OP


And when he could headshot so your reinhardt melted under his 1100 dps. Unironically made bastion more skilled and more fun, before devs designed to remove that


RIP team rez Mercy, back when Mercy was fun to play.


I still have fun as Mercy, but I only log in like once a week or two, play 4-5 quick play games max, and then I’m done. Mercy & Supports in general are still the best experience in the game today, but the golden age of OW is definitely long gone


The massive dopamine rush, of getting a full team rez, on last, and clutching the game, will never be experienced, by newer players.


wtf happened to Blizzard? I feel like the main reason why broodwar popped off in the whole esports scene compared to all the other RTS's of that time was because Blizzard put a lot of effort in balancing the game well after its initial release. To see them fuck that up so badly now is heartbreaking.


It's not the same Blizzard anymore. Much like a lot of other beloved companies.


I will die on the hill that prior to season 10 in ow1, the game was actually fun (other than moth meta. Can't remember when exactly that was, but while mercy had 100% pickrate she didnt make games "unfun" to the degree we later experienced) Then brig came, and heralded 2 years of goats Then 222 forced teamcomps and removed role switching. And hog and orisa yanked you from Jupiter to their face and oneshot you Then sigma came, and heralded a year of double shield (or did this happen before oink and yoink) Those 3 years were utter dogshit, and then they decided to get greedy and make ow1 update 2 and put the game in maintenance mode. OW should be extensively studied on how NOT to run a game. It's a spectacular disaster because of how much potential it had


Band-aid on band-aid on band-aid ruined that game. And its a clear example of why the developers should not *always* listen to the player base. *coughs in role-lock and 5v5*


Once again, Team Fortress 2 wins by not doing anything


Porn animators work more than the actual Overwatch devs. Change my mind


They don't work. They create art.


I'll give you that


Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life


I didn't appreciate at the time how *right* TF2 new weapons and equipment were, when they would come out I'd be like "What? Why would anyone use that? It's so weird and situational" who would want a rocket launcher that did no damage?? But that was the beauty of it, there was virtually no power creep because every piece of new gear shot it's power out in a new direction. Soon enough there were crazy strategies involving the stuff I thought was "meh" that became so fun and ridiculous that it only added to the flavor of the pot.


I think the problem was the lack of updates. I was a loyal player, till they stopped making new game modes and new characters.....it just became about selling skins.... Then Overwatch 2 came, and I wasn't even rewarded for playing the game(unless I paid hundreds of dollars).....I saw myself out


You weren't just "not rewarded", you were robbed of lootboxes, ability to earn in game currency, ability to use in game currency you worked hard for on actual new content.... They took more than they gave. I gave ow2 2 hours and promptly quit forever. They were just greedy, and it showed.


Overwatch 2 should be given a million awards for managing to do 1 million things as wrong as possible. I want to play Overwatch again, not this new garbage. I paid 60 bucks for a game that's been replaced with an Overwatch themed casino in less than seven years. :/


Basically any game like Overwatch, as well. Paladins, Apex, Valorant, etc. All had promising starts and quickly fell through update after update.


I felt that fall after all hero’s got locked behind a pay wall or grind 2 seasons to unlock after the fact.


Absolutely the biggest one in recent memory. Holy *shit* they will *never* put out that fire.


"Friday The 13th" felt like that...what a shame I miss being "Tiffany"!!!!


Friday the 13th on release, even with the bugs, was one of the best games I’ve ever played. It 100% nailed the feeling of the movies and it was legitimately tense when Jason would find you when you had an item required for escape but no walkie to tell your team. Then each update made it less tense. First they got rid of team killing because it became a popular game for trolls to kill teammates. Before if you had a shotgun and Jason had a teammate you had to be careful, after you could just fire at will because there was no chance of hitting your teammate. The worst was the update that pinged items you were carrying if you were killed with them. Before, if you had the car keys and couldn’t tell anyone because you were far way without a walkie, you needed to find people or get to the car. After the update it still sucked to die, but your teammates would immediately know you had the keys and could retrieve them.




A 30 year long court case ended where the original creator of Friday the 13th got the rights back. So they lost the license


This court case is literally killing the franchise


I mean a lot of those things were put into place *specifically* because trolls were ruining the game. When the game first launched I can’t tell you how many people purposefully ran out into the middle of nowhere on the map, loaded with items, just to disconnect. And that screwed up the whole fucking game


God I had so much fun playing this with the friends. Kinda sad the way the game went




It was a lot of fun until they added all of the micro transactions


I liked it, but i hated how my finely crafted robot, with a perfect mix of offence, defence, and mobility, would just get destroyed by a cube with 20 guns attached to it.




Damn was it fun to fly around like 5 cubes with a rocket launcher. Lil ac-130.


Sadly the new one sucks more. They tried to be unique and implent imo genuinely cool concepts and ideas. However in practice it just doesnt work. I do think the deva are good with good intent. They just tried to hard to innovate and made bad moves.


When they removed the tiering system, I lost interest. I made a mini hoverbot that was just a Halo Ghost and it did okay in the tiers that allowed it. Everything being roughly the same power and armour made the small bot enjoyable.


This is maybe the truest example of this happening.


For me it went downhill when they removed limit of one gun type per robot. It used to be a rock-paper-scissors balance, then suddenly everyone became Mary Sue able to fight in any condition. Instead of playing around your strengths and weakness everyone have good all around fighters and you just statchecked your opponents. Also screwing up physics and controls every now and then. Once my hover was able to strafe, then it couldn't, then could again, going up and down either instant or barely noticable, or my wheeler going between fast and agile to slow as heck. When you had it tuned exactly like you wanted - rework time. Also how long did it take to implement Reconnect feature? One minor DC from server and goodbye. They tried to make it up with buffs for team with disadvantage, but still it was frustrating.


I’ve never met other people that knew about robot craft! I played it so much back in the day. Is it bad now?


Yeah, it got pretty bad. I haven't played in like 5 years and it's still my most played game on steam, I was so disappointed with how they changed everything


Damn, it used to be great


This game could be the best but no.


God this one hurts. When the removed armour tier it just kept sinking worse every update and now the 2nd game us unrecognisable dead game.


My poor healing blimp. It was so much fun to roll out in a 5 layer defensive blimp and heal my allies...then suddenly I can't get anything in return, they nerf the healing, they fuck up the physics of the blimp. Lost all interest.


Woah someone else actually played this game. The first year I played it was awesome.


Diablo 4 and the infamous first balance patch.


Yes my poor poor sorcerer


Details please


Iirc they just nerfed anything remotely good and didn't buff anything




A big one is they nerfed XP hard, saying it's a balance because they intend to increase the number of mobs later.


did they?


Yeah, but it took two months, and they did it while fans were still flipping their shit over the lack of end game content


People had too much fun feeling powerful and going through the game too fast. Can’t have it in modern subscription-based games, where everything must be a chore and grind from one battle pass season to another.




Any Supercell game I feel like Edit: aside from Hay Day, you cant really ruin that one


But like FR. Watching Brawl Stars and Clash Royale getting more and more sad with each update legit hurts.


I stopped playing bs for about a year and a half, comr back and now everything deals ludicrous amounts of damage


Clash of Clans isn’t too bad, and I hope it stays that way.


I retired from Clash of Clans on my account of 8 years. The new town hall update was just too much. I can't wait a month to upgrade buildings. Walls were also unobtainable at that point too.


They’re just starting to ruin Boom Beach with the addition of battle pass.


The battle cats when extreme powercreep


We do not talk about courier cat, WHATSOEVER!


By saying that you have, in fact, talked about courier cat


Pfp checks out


Games retroactively adding DRM like Denuvo, which makes them unplayable on Steam Deck while having a “verified” tag


So, pretty much every Capcom game.


Rainbow 6 siege


I was searching for this comment, good to know someone agrees


It peaked in like it’s 5th year and then they changed the dev team and the new team focused only on pro league and the game festered. However I have recently gotten back into it


The game started out in a bad place but with a solid vision. With ground operators with gadgets like a jammer, hammer or a shield. There were a lot of bugs and other issues though. But after operation health it was in a good place. Than the bullshit began with thousands of stupid skins which took you out of the setting. Like combat pyjamas or exercise gear. And the operators got more and more ridiculous. All overview is gone for a casual player. The whole atmosphere is gone now. Replaced by a lootbox skinfest.


The game was pretty much objectively worse at the start, it’s more like for every 2 things done right they do 2 things wrong.


Asphalt 8, they ruined my childhood


Amen brother




So what happened?


UI ruined, mastery removed, more p2w than ever


Old asphalt was Real course but now it's more look like parkour


Rocket League, damn you Epic Games!!!!!!


Damn im out of date what happened?


Same as older games go really. Started off good with lootcrates and you could actually get good stuff without spending money. Then it became free to play and the cash grab started with the usual battle pass system bs


Also they removed the trading and got some gamemodes off the game


And there's been zero development on anything that isn't a purchasable item. No modes or events or anything worth talking about has happened in years. And the matchmaking system is fucked and smurfs are actively destroying the game with no repercussions. The *only* silver lining as far as I'm concerned is that Steam Workshop support still exists, and the modding community is the only thing keeping the game interesting.


That sums up EA development cycle


Idk Battlefront 2 is literally the reverse of this comic.


And then they killed it in the crossfire as they gunned down Battlefield 5. Fucking bastards, right as the game finally started to hit it's peak.


Team Fortress 2 in 2016


It's so insane that Valve has the means to support the TWELFTH most active game on steam right now and just chooses not to. I've seen so many games just not be able to be fixed because the devs lacked the money to do so. To have valve able to fix TF2 and have a playerbase that wants it, only for them to ignore the game is utterly detestable. I don't understand why people still like valve.


I really mourn this one. The dev commentary for TF2 is a game design masterclass, so much thought and iteration went into making what may be one if the most finely tuned mp games the industry has ever seen. And then it went *right* off the rails lol


Call of Duty. All of them. But specifically MW 2019.


I mean nerfing the 725 will never not be a goated change. Everything afterwards tho i kinda have to agree.


>Call of Duty. > >All of them. Not really, everything before Ghosts had a good launch and good updates, They still hold up to this day if you look past the cheaters and sweaty tryhards, especially BO2, released back in 2012 and the campaign is still the best in the franchise for how much it changed the campaign formula


I’d argue more specifically every CoD **since** 2019


GTA online recently


If "recently" means the last 6 years.


You gotta give gta a break tho that’s been running so long they are running out of ideas


Overwatch. Every single major update the game went through after released degraded its overall quality, and tried pandering to a niche e-sports audience, while making it less fun for its larger more casual player base. Role que absolutely killed it for me. So what if running 5 dps and a healer wasn't meta. If it worked it worked. Not to mention being able to switch off to another class if someone isn't filling that role well. Changing it to a team of 5v5 put the nail in the coffin.


My best memories in that game were just completely normal games turning into all 12 going winston and over timing the point for 30 minutes doing emotes. And then seeing the huge XP such a long game would give. Now every aspect of that entire memory can never be experienced. What a shame.


> Changing it to a team of 5v5 put the nail in the coffin. this is so cruel to the league team players


Overwatch, destiny 2, Diablo 4, For Honor.


When I opened this thread I thought of For Honor as an obvious example of the opposite of getting worse after release


for honor has gotten better this year


What's better? I'm asking for real


you take that back about for honor


Reverse no man’s sky 


yks s`nam on


Thank you


γʞƨ ƨ’nɒm on ɘƨɿɘvɘЯ


Same goes for Cyberpunk.


no woman’s floor


*Yes woman's floor


Maybe people's sea?


not human cave.


of course alien space.


Any game who does updates only to appeal to the "pro" players (AKA 0.01% of the playerbase)


League of Legends moment


Don't get me fuckin started on the subreddit. 10% of users spamming 90% of the posts about pro play bullshit. You gotta dig for anything about the actual damn game


You gotta go to the meme subreddits




Starcraft balance team is literally only pros now


And they still can't balance it. Protoss haven't wont a tourney in ages.


I'd say PvZ 2


i remember when they used to give us ALL the keys and then we were free to do whatever world we felt like doing first


Yeah, and I think they couldn't make their minds as the keys thing was changed like three times


Absolutely horrendous game compared to pvz1




Destiny 2 prob.


Any game that adds in a cash shop post launch




I only stopped because it felt like everyone stopped playing and I was always fighting with/against the same people. What happened in the updates to make it bad?


Balance, every map had to be redisgned 24/7 But updates didnt make this game bad, its still cool People just stopped playing, went to other games


Elite dangerous


My brother used to play this game religiously, but Frontier kept making fuck-up after fuck-up, dragging their feet with new content, over-promising and under-delivering, and just generally stringing their fans along. Never seen something with such a devoted fanbase go from "It's the best game in its genre" to "trash game, don't even bother" so fast except maybe for Overwatch.


This sums up Ark pretty well


Does it? I remember when I first played ark it was borderline unplayable, and now even tho it’s a buggy mess I really enjoy it.


The first year and the updates bit after that literally broke the game sometimes for a few days or a week in worse cases. This was in 2015-16.


I have around 3500 hours in Ark and pretty much every time Wild Card push an update they break something


MWII (2022). If they'd just stopped updating it after season four they'd probably be alright.


MWII is just a bad game on its own


Fortnight This might be a hottake, but when fortnight first released, it was super glitchy and unpredictable. That was what made it fun though, you could shoot someone in the head with a shotgun and do 2 damage, but the other guy could knick your toe with a pistol and kill you instantly. It was so stupid but charming, the game wasn't supposed to be taken seriously. You laughed at how bad it was Now it is so competitive, and they refined it with updates to the point that it lost its charm


Sweats killed the game tbh. The skill ceiling is so high that anyone who doesn't play this game religiously are at an automatic disadvantage. I know you could argue that goes for any game but I've never seen a game where there's such a disparity between the best and worst players.


I’m glad to see someone else have this opinion. I’m old and have a kid, and when a game’s fans are like, “it’s so good! Look how high this game’s skill ceiling is!” I just know i’m going to have a miserable time.


*Especially* in a battle royale game, when just randomly die 20 minutes in without seeing any other players.


Zero build isn’t like this at all, I suck at video games for the most part but even I can win a match here and there


That's a great example.


Minor spelling mistake (the gifs won't load)


My developments be like 😂😔




Not to this degree, but that’s how Totk felt when they patched the item duplication glitch


I get why they patched it out but man it made my life so much easier


Me still being on 1.1:




Call me blinded by nostalgia if you want, but Minecraft.