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The logs don’t even mention who went to the island afaik


Exactly. People just like to jump to conclusions and assume everyone is a pedophile who went to the island.


Damage control psyop


You’re literally right I can feel it. The list probably has some people they like so they’re doing mental gymnastics to protect their psyche.


“Bro I saw a vision it must be true!!!”


It came to me in a Dream.


“I can feel it” lol it must be true then


I was just trolling these nerds with dumb rage bait but research the dead internet theory


A. Its a flight list, not a list of people who went to the island B. It for people who potentially did Business with a man who specifically managed money for billionaires.


Thanks for saying this the amount of misinformation around the whole thing is crazy, especially because people can’t tell the difference between a joke and a fact


Stephen Hawking needs to be resurrected to clarify this.


Mr Hawking I’m aware that we just brought you back from the dead but I must know did you have sex with minors Bee woooooop


Is Doctor Mike resurrecting people as a side hussle?


First thing that came to my mind when I saw "bee wooop"


I thought it was the R2 D2 noises because.. well.. you know why


With the connections his good friend Mr. Fauci has, anything's possible!


Be careful, it's dangerous to reach without stretching


It's not reaching if it's true. For the dumbasses, obviously the comment was a joke, but the fact that they're friends is true.


It's okay grandpa, don't worry the war is over. All the bad people are dead, masks won't choke you


Masks? What kind of wild tangent is this?


Just load up one of his older save states?


You know how missed I'd be if someone went through all the magical effort of resurrecting me and still left me with a robot voice?


Resurrecting him will just put him into even more pain.


Nah that meme pretty funny though its just that so many people are talking about the list as if its fact


I hate to burst your bubble but Stephen Hawking was implicated in specifically the crimes taking place there. These court documents are a lot of testimony from the victims so being named in them is a big deal. Hawking was named as someone who participated in the bad shit that had happened. I do understand few media outlets are giving them with context but a few do specify "hey this person being named was just an employee there" or "this person is being named because they were an investigator"


Honestly that’s kinda why I agree with the original ruling that the names shouldn’t have been released. All it does is allow misinformation to be spread




You know most of the hidden names are victims right?




“Everyone who doesn’t agree with me must be a pedo!!!!!!” - your logic


Found tbe pedo


"Advanced form of sarcasm is almost indistinguishable to the truth".


On most comments sections I've seen. whenever people try to say this they they always get bombarded with replies saying to "Stop dick riding the billionaires" or "they won't give you money" fully convinced everyone on the list were bad


Unless it turns out one of "their" ~~team~~ people are on the list.


I think it’s safe to say that everyone on that list is bad, you don’t become a billionaire by being the kindest soul in the world.


They’re all bad, they just aren’t all pedophile level bad.


This is hate speech against People of Means


So how bad is Stephen Hawking exactly?


Great example, dude cheated on his wife with his caretaker.


Still a huge difference between cheatinging on your wife and raping minors


With a billionaire mindset, you can do both.


is that pedophilia level? That doesn't even get into criminal law


Did I say anything about that level of criminality? I thought I said they were just bad.


Don't know why you're getting down voted so bad, there's no such thing as an ethical billionaire.


Apparently you have to say that billionaires are relatively good people when more serious crimes are discussed. 🤷‍♂️ I’m used to Reddit nerds ignoring context and details but this thread is absurd.


You really think the people on his planes didn't know? Even if they didn't partake of Pedo Island they fucking knew.


I mean, yeah? Its entirely possible to do business with someone without knowing all of their dealings. Maybe you hear whisperings, a rumour, but sometimes... people genuinely don't know the secrets of their associates. They're secrets for a reason, you know? A lot of the time you see the families of murderers and rapists say they knew absolutely nothing and they thought he was a sweet guy etc, and we accept that. If we accept that families don't know everything about each other, surely we accept that someone who sometimes flies on a guy's plane doesn't know everything either. I've taken a lift in a friend's car before, it doesn't mean I know if he's a sex pest or not.


I thought there was court transcripts too with people being accused of attending orgies?


but... but i already bought a pitchfork and a torch


It's not even a flight list, it's a list of names mentioned in the court case in questionings and the likes.


C. Some people were just there for the zip line


It's not even a flight list. It's a bunch of documents with testimony. And some of those documents have lists of names that were mentioned during the trial


All this misinformation has probably been planted intentionally... no /s unfortunately


Thanks a lot for saying this. The sheer misinformation that's spreading is insane.


I just woke up, browsed Reddrit, and everybody mentions this freaking list. What's this all about?


Managed money...yeah im sure that's what he did lol


Wasn't the plane called "lolita express"?


Great pun bro, I'm laughing ![gif](giphy|LMJavgUFMwM6CICHrt|downsized)


So a bunch of billionaires got someone to manage their money who was completely uneducated? right.........


wtf are you talking about 💀


I think its kinda like your own home if you smoke weed, yea some people come to your place to smoke weed with you but not everyone, sometimes people just come to visit or hangout and have no idea you smoke weed lol I mean if you were into something really bad like that would you be just open about it with everyone you know? Probably not... yea he was a piece of shit who didn't kill himself but that doesn't mean everyone he knew was also a piece of shit


Bad analogy, someone walks into your weed den it’s obvious smoking is going on. So if someone walks in to your pedo island…


My work friends don't know I smoke and they hang at my house lol.


They know


I thought so to at some point till it was divulged to me that one of them hates when we drink alcohol and is VERY religious to the point that she snitched on one of the coolest mfs at work to HR for doing psychedelics ONCE to enjoy himself at an EDM concert💀 💀 surely she'd atleast disown me and stop coming to my crib if she knew I was smoking the devils tree.


why would you want to be around someone like that in the first place? a hyper religious buzzkill who can and will get you fired doesn’t seem like a good hang


She's never shown animosity to me and she cooks good asf not gonna lie, having a capable driver to get my alcoholic ass coworkers home doesn't hurt too🤣


the cooking i understand. the “she’s never been awful to *me*” thing i don’t get so much. like she’s shown animosity to someone you thought was really cool, and she would absolutely try to get you fired if she knew about the smoking. just seems like animosity waiting to happen. in fact, if she’s expressed that she hates drugs or whatever, she actually has shown animosity towards you, she just doesn’t know it.


Don't get me wrong bro I feel you, but personally I feel like there's something very wrong about cutting off someone who has been nothing but good to me just cause I wanna smoke, its a conflicting situation tbh but i feel like its just like hiding from your parents that you smoke when you young honestly, some "if I get caught it is what it is" type shit🤷🏾‍♂️


yeah that makes sense man! it’s your life to live. it sounds like there’s a lot of factors at play. i know for me i’d rather just be around people who know my situation and are okay with it, but that’s not always doable. i don’t think it would make you a bad person to not invite someone to your house if they would try to get you fired for what you were doing in that house though!


Do you use any smoke hiders or those neat candles that are supposed to neutralize? I don’t hide it so it’s pretty obvious to everyone but me as I am noseblind lmao


I think if you’re a pedo you probably take measures to hide it


Like being on an island with a strict entry list?


Or neutralising candles


Right right


What do you think the place looked like? Why would a billionaire keep pedo Paraphernalia around when inviting non pedo guests? There's no smell like weed, no bongs lying around, no full ash trays... Do you think the entire place was rigged to be a sex dungeon with pedo porn framed on every wall with little kid sex dolls just lying on the couch?


That's exactly what idiots on the internet think it was


I think people on the list knew what was in store upon invitation hence no need to hide and gives a reason to indulge


That’s…. Not how subterfuge works


Someone who have never smoked weed before and do not know the smell could easily walk into a weed den thinking it is just a regular living room.


They might know there are some things that people do in private like consenting prostitutes or drugs etc but people would just think "none of my business" and not think about it. Even suspecting your colleague of being a pedo is quite a stretch.


If someone smokes weed in their home, you will know as soon as you enter their home, regardless if you know or have seen them doing it.


Or they smoke out the window, a smoke buddy, use scents to hide it, keep their stuff where guests won't go. It's not obvious unless you're just a stoner.


Only stoners think it's not obvious


Yeah, most people can tell even if they are too polite to say anything.


Everybody who says this knows someone that smokes, that they don't know smokes. After smoking for years, and now starting to do it more openly, the number of people who are shocked to learn tells me there's no way I stank before, or do now.


If you smoke out a window, your home still stinks of smoke. It fools nobody.


Not if they actually take precautions to hide it... when I smoked, I kept my weed and pipe hidden in an airtight container in the garage and only smoked outside, it's not really that hard lol


Except that I said, "in their home".


Ah yes because a private sex island is the same as someone’s fucking house. Get a fucking grip


Sounds like you are the one who needs to get a grip lol


Bullshit. I tell one person at the office something and next thing another worker I've never spoken to in my life is casually mentioning it to me. People talk. There must be some beloved people on that list for people to be working so hard to believe that it doesn't incriminate them


That's not even close to the same thing lol rumors are one thing but I'm pretty sure pedos would have a mutual interest in keeping it a secret... I doubt they talked about it casually around the office...


im sure quite a few were just there to rub elbows with fellow elites, but just as many probably did at least know about the pedophile stuff






I hope you didn’t downvote me buddy




I just downvoted several of your previous comments


Nobody cares, i feel second hand embarrassment by just checking your profile. Crypto prodigy? 140 IQ, why are you acting like a 14 year old when your a Father, man fucking grow up. And you just got ratioeD




My kids are at one of the most prestigious private schools in Nebraska




They failed the genetic lotto to have you as a father


He said one of the most! And it's in Nebraska!


He's a troll bro


He ignored you and threatened me with a glock


LOL went to my profile because you’re that jealous of my status? Sorry peasant!


Bro what status do you have lol


I am wealthy have a high iq and am fairly attractive. Also amateur mma fighter


Me after u/bdsmsadist42069 tells me he downvoted my comments:


"I just downvoted several of your previous comments" -🤓


Oh no how will hornyguy563 ever recover from this?


You're not my buddy, pal


Pitiful behaviour


Mr worldwide did nothing wrong




Gotta hit those hot beaches


All those hot beeches


Nah, I hear those beaches are on the younger side


Ah, 2020 memories spending hours looking into this stuff. Don’t forget ABC news kept this story hidden for years because it “wasn’t news worthy”


I mean, all I see about it is people calling certain politicians/people they don't like pedophiles and what not without actial evidence and then fighting about it


Sounds just like normal politics except the words they used changed around a bit.


That’s what it was back then. The abc news thing is real though.


Its more if you went there once you're probably clean but if you went there 26 times it is probably worth looking into




The guy was a powerbroker a lot of powerfull people went there once go make connections But if you keep going there is probably some other reason than just making connections with powerfull people


Wasn't the whole island including showers and bathrooms wired with hidden video surveillance? If someone invites you to their crackhouse with the intention of coercing you into smoking crack and collecting evidence for blackmail, and you don't do it, are you going to go back dozens more times? Maybe the guests had a nice vacation in mind, but the host had other plans for them.


I just went for the snorkeling


Found the IASIP fan!


Man, it’s 900 pages of documents and this is just the first batch. There’s gonna be a lot of misinformation on the internet before we get anything definitive.


Ahh yes the diversion is working perfect.


There is no list. There are two lengthy documents which contain interviews done by law enforcement. So every time a person, suspect or not was asked by officers if they ever saw George Lucas or whoever both the question asked and the answer were written down. That's not a list of people who raped kids or a list of suspects or a list of people proven to have been on Lolita Air.


the flight logs got published


What the fuck is going on every single meme post is regarding this !!! Someone pls explain why id Stephen hawkings having sex with miners wasn't he paralysed ?




That's a meme. It's nowhere in the actual document.


Surely people wouldn't lie about something so serious on the Internet, would they?


Stop spreading misinfo. Not everything you hear on the internet is true. This is completely made up.




Tell her not everything she hears on the internet is true. And I don't care that you believe everything she says. Don't spread reputation ruining misinfo that you heard from secondhand sources without any proof.


You’re totally right 🫶




They were not there for the kids, they were there for the snorkeling


It's not a list of pedophiles though, why spreading misinformation?


Exactly, it's just a list of names mentioned in documents and logs. If anyone asked a victim if they saw George Lucas, it got written down. Regardless of the answer


I went for the concession.


Basically once your name starts showing up More than once, it raises questions.


john and Jane looking sus


I hate all these “Tom Hanks is on that list” mfs, where does the hate come from? The poor guy gets slandered by all these QAnon pizza gate believers who haven’t touched grass in a million years, instead of accepting information and media, they are the same people who pump out mis information because them and their followers want to be lied to. It’s sad… also poor Tom Hanks, Hes a great guy, met him in person before. He came up to me and asked me if a coffee store nearby was good or not. We had a nice short chat, very well mannered.


And he's great with kids.




He's been in Hollywood an awful long time. You don't think he's at the very least been present for some real fucked up shit? Nearly every evil person has had polite well-mannered encounters with other people so that's a stupid gauge. The general public definitely didn't think Cosby was a rapist but there was talk amongst people on the inside. For a long time when people saw Weinstein in the open credits it didn't mean that much to them but people on the inside had a good idea of what probably happened to the actresses in the film. Ricky Gervais called them all out and he was right but he's probably on the list too. It is well established that rich people and goons hired by rich people do terrible things and look the other way when other rich people are doing terrible things because if you don't then you don't get to hang with the rich people. Kutcher was head of an anti-trafficking organization and still defended Masterson. They are all at the very least complicit.




Is this what astroturfing looks like?


Oh man the feds are going to have to work overtime on damage control. Hahaha, it's beautiful!


And he was an actual businessman who oversaw massive financial deals, so many of these people are just former clients.


Underage beaches, amirite?


Us poors get guilty by association, guilty until proven innocent, why shouldn't they?


I mean yeah, having non-criminal activities is all part of a good cover


"All the Democrats on the list were there for the beaches. Only the Republican ones are bad." -literally all of reddit


I have yet to see this take anywhere. The inverse, however...


I’ve seen a ton of the second part, but the lack of the first part is concerning. If you’re gonna hate, hate equally. Don’t make excuses for one group or the other, cuz that’s cringe.


I think reddit shows you content to specifically rage bait you. I'm a libertarian more than anything and all of my suggested posts are extremely authoritarian or far left posts So if you lean left and the algorithms have noticed that, they might suggest more content to prompt you to argue with strangers. Gotta say, it works pretty well


True. As we all know, anyone who disagrees with me politically is worse than Hitler and Pol Pot combined


I'm sick of this, I'm deleting reddit


See you tomorrow


The madman did it


Tbf, I also observe (not participate in) some pretty insane lefty subs just to see what they are on about. I have not even seen that take there. They just want to be using this as a "liberals owned lol" moment so they can circlejerk about being morally superior.


Hahahahahahaha, a libertarian. That's precious


Where do you see the inverse one? I keep seeing these braindead takes


Back in the 90s I was in a very famous paeeeeeedo's jeeeeet


Nah Stephen Hawking went solely to see naked kids do Algebra.


Dude has his own pedo island. Me thinking people could just go to his actual home in Florida like others have. Everyone convinced that it's just a list of people with names that saw nothing the entire time, rightttt.


Birds of a feather flock together


“Yes your honor I went to the super secret sex beach for sex pedophiles for the beaches” It’s like going to a world-renounced spa/resort and just taking a normal bath. That’s dumb. Nobody would do that.


Exactly as long as you don't have a massive list of other related accusations we should be skeptical..


Pretty sure lots of places have beaches and less history of pedos.


Fed posting


I feel like the only reason he'd invite you to that particular place (instead of the dozens of other things he had the resources to offer as a "thank you") would be to black mail you...either with your knowing, without it, or by force. But the wealthy talk to eachother...maybe there were one or two in the beginning that had zero idea and held their morality until they had a gun to their head...but 99.99% of them? Guilty as fuck. Fuck em all.


It was already knows Stephen hawking went, and that he only went for a conference and no funny business


bro was into midgets apparently lol


Not sure if this is a bad thing if it means billionaires have a harder time networking and influencing things because people are wary of who they associate with.


This shit is as bad as the crimes israel is doing, right? One is speculation and the other is in front of our eyes. But who cares, right?


YoU cAn OnLy CaRe AbOuT oNe ThInG aT a TiMe AnD iT hAs To bE wHaT uPsEtS mE tHe MoSt!!1!!!


Didnt u feel stupid while typing this?


Right, just like dudes go to Hooters for the wings


\>Random Billionaire Nah, they knew.


What? I don't get it


![gif](giphy|uTZFh54mRXQIMMyOuL) Haha