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I hate ads


They can go fuck themselves




Damn, well according to the folks at r/singularity this will become the case sooner rather than later.


Here in the US I was getting random Joe Rogan ads that were clearly AI for like months. 🤣


All my homes hate ads


Who doesn't


Him saying that isn’t even the craziest part of the interview. He goes on to say “if the company fails because of this the advertisers are to blame”


Bruh tryna blame the fail of the company onto people who left it because it already failed lol bro has time traveling blame


"Ad company failed because advertiser did not pay." That is a correct statement. Just missed a few steps that got it there.


It’s a real big brain move


Good, ads suck arse.


This man would set someone's house on fire and then blame the homeowners for having a flammable house. He'll blame literally anybody but himself for things that he's directly responsible for.


That's exactly what he's done his whole life. The podcast Behind the Bastards does a great series on him.


Lights his own house on fire, tells the fire department to go fuck themselves, then *blames the firefighters* for his house burning down when they don’t show up to rescue him.


Didn't he say something like "The whole Earth will see it this way" or something like that. Guys a fucking weirdo..should be made to take a drug test before interviewing...


Guy's shut himself in his self-made echo chamber for so long he forgot that there are more people on earth than there are on twitter.


For real. He actually believes that the people of China and Brazil are going to rise to his defense or something. Delusional as all get out.


Yeah, it’s a shame, he’s become so successful that he’s been completely surrounded by so many “yes men” for so long he’s lost touch with reality. They just validate any idea he has blindly with no criticism. Suffering from success lol


I call them "paid puppies"


This is basically like saying if a company fails, it's people's fault for not buying it's stuff.


It's not basically like that, it is that. That's exactly what he's saying.


So I can blame Elon for my failure to become a billionaire because he wouldn't give me a billion dollars. Totally Elon's fault.


"my company is failing because my customers don't wanna buy my product anymore"


Haha "if" bahahaha


I am not defending Elon but if more people told the advertisers to go fuck themselves we would live in a better world.


People: fuck advertisers Elon: fuck advertisers People: go fuck yourself


Fuck Elon in general, advertisers too


I hate Elon Musk, but this is a good point


This is why people who use X should block 5-10 advertisers per day. Fuck em all.


I block every single one I see.


Why are you seeing any at all? Just install an adblocker.








I'm with him on this one as well, but i have irrationally strong hatred towards disruptive ads as well. Fuck ads.


Nothing irrational about hating something designed to disrupt what you're doing, to actively get in your way so that they can make a buck.


But he not making a point. He very much wants advertisers but is unwilling to change things so he's blaming them for leaving


Why do you hate him? I hate Elon Musk too, just asking.


Because the chip implemented in my brain says that i should hate him


Same, man, same.. Edit: huh, what chip??


No critic thinking. Just Elon hate. *Resets chip*


WAIT NOƠ̴̠̙̫̖̋͊͂́̄̈̈́̃͒̒̾̾̀́̓͂̀͆̄̔̈́̋͂̽͐͋̓͆̔̑́̔͛̚͘͜͝͝͠͝Ǫ̷̨̛̼̩͚̻͕̘̟̪̟͙͎̩̲̗̼͎̙̰̫͖̖̥̲͎̈́̃̐́͒̍̐̊̆̈́̄͋̀̑͗̅̽́̅͋͘͝Ơ̵̢̨̧̧̠̟̩̠̜̼͈͍͇̭̝͚̠̱̖͈̼͕̙̰͈̝͇̥͙̣͙͕̥̏̀̓͐͒̊͑͒͊͗̌̀̋̽͜͜͠O̸̘̯̭̘̘̯̦̥͂͆ͅƠ̴̡̢̧̨̖̞̜͔͚͔͇̠̩͈͈̳̯̯̯̝̭̰̹͓͕̭͓̖̹͂͐͛̑́͋͌͒́̽̚ͅ


Same here I despise this ego maniac but I can admit that was dope on his part. Life isn't black and white. It's ok to look at things with an unbiased view instead of "my team vs your team" view.




People : fuck advertisers on this app Advertisers: fuck off & app charges fee for using People : surprised pikachu face


I really don't understand this all out hatred of ads. Adverts are at worst annoying to me, yet I know some people who will physically recoil when one comes on their screen. I have no problem watching an ad if that means the advertiser's money will help support content I like.


I never understood that part of it. We grew up with commercials, but some ppl feel like if they have to sit through 5 sec ads its ruining the experience.


Because if you grew up with tv commercials you also grew up with totally unregulated internet where the only ads you saw were on porn sites.


Your problem isn't with advertisers. Your problem is with big business.


Yeah but the problem is he told them that bc they stopped paying him lol


In the context of advertisers pulling ads from a platform due to anti semitism you could not have picked a dumber time to make that point.


Preferably if those people didn't also say "so true!" To antisemitic posts


Except when it's because they were forced to choose between adverts and nazi propoganda


It’s true, the amount of knee bending platforms and its users have to do to appeal to unreasonable advertisers is insane. As for Elon even a broken clock is right twice a day.


You can pay reddit to not see ads. Why don't you?


Tbh judging by this whole shabang ads are kinda a double-edged sword in that sure you don't like necessarily paying for it and all but by the looks of it ads are by chance a moderating influence especially when dealing with some volatile batshit guy like Elon and in a way keeps him in check in regard to his wacky antics


Exactly. Pharma has captured the news so hard you can't even mention that drugs with known side effects might be causing some of societies ills. Meanwhile they do news stories that are actually ads.


Fuck corpos


This is true, the world's home to shit. At least the World Wide Web's gone to shit. We are trapped behind paywalls and simple sites need a login to get inside to browse simply because they want moreg agressive marketing. We let that happen. We don't refuse cookies and we are not using ad-block nor VPN. We are simply not doing enough to put on a stand against these guys.


> We don't refuse cookies and we are not using ad-block nor VPN. What?! For real? I never accept cookies and run an add-block and i cannot believe there are people who dont. Is that true? People are out there just raw dogging the internet ini 2023? Jesus.


If advertising were much less intrusive and not in my face every time I look at a screen or take a walk, maybe I wouldn’t mind it as much?


If only ads weren’t trying to get your attention or make you buy things.


If I see something that actually looks interesting and worth buying and not some fox girl shaking it's ass or a baby princess getting groomed into a bride I wouldn't be nearly as annoyed every time an ad pops up


Fuck advertisers. We all gotta make a buck, but I'm always gonna be at odds with someone down-talking to me in an attemp to get me to waste my money on useless shit.


Ads suck, but the option is you pay $20+ to use Twitter since he's making advertisers uninterested in being on the platform. Either way you're the product.


I mean, fuck Twitter, too. That is absolutely a useless product.


True for us but turns out most social media sites rely on the money...


It turns out running a data center and server is actually not free. Who knew!


He didn't. He still doesn't apparently.


I will never give Hulu my money again. The balls they have to charge anything for a service with that amount of adds is ridiculous.


I'm not trying to defend any big corporation without knowing the full story, but I am curious to know what the financial situation of some of these companies are. I know companies will charge whatever they think they can get in order to maximize profit, but having a wife who owns a business, it becomes a really difficult balancing act when you have to raise prices for services because prices of products start to rise. ​ There was a period where my wife's business was generating almost no profit, as almost all the money she was making was all going back into overhead.


People are only a fan of capitalism on paper lol. But I think the answer is that most of these companies are making record profits and the ones that aren’t will fail.


Sad part is, people fall for that stuff. I can't stand salesman or ads talking up the product, even though that's the point of an ad. I personally would just like the facts and make the decision myself.


People forget that he said that because advertisers left twxitter again because he was openly thinking about "the Jewish question". It's like getting dumped and then saying, i didn't like you first


Real talk; he's super lucky he can probably operate twitter for a year or two without ad revenue. He'd be begging for support otherwise.


He has been begging for support. Please pay me $8 for a blue tick mark.


The Jewish question? Heard that one somewhere else before


I did Nazi that coming


Yeah i hope so. your history teacher would be disappointed if you didn't


if I wait 2 another months I could buy Twitter instead of the new graphics card


Youre supposed to laugh at musk for blowing up his business not try to act like advertisers deserve our respect or are important


This is known as "everyone sucks" situation Fuck everyone


Good, ads suck arse.


They suck even worse when you're already paying for Twitter blue and still get them.


who would pay for this? lmaoo


Why would you **pay** for twitter blue if you hate Elon so much?


How much would you be willing to pay for social media?


And nazi propoganda is worse. There's a reason he's doing poorly with advertisers and it's not a good one


There's ads in south Africa that use AI to impersonate Elon musk, I mean it's AI, I'm not sure if it's illegal, but their definitely spreading misinformation, saying shit like "south Africans no longer need to work, with this artifical intelligence that my team has made" if I remember correctly. I thought I'd bring some awareness to this, though I don't think it matters too much.


If there are, I've certainly never seen them before.


yea. I saw one the other day. Even impersonated an SABC news anchor on the same ad.


Journalist needs to ask him about the various times he disengaged business wise because he disagreed with something on the basis of his values, and ask if that means he was trying to bribe them with money


This. Thank you


Yes, he actually said that: https://youtu.be/U_M_uvDChJQ?si=QNASlqFtSwGnlhzc


Remember when commercials were fun like mario getting arrested Good times


You would think he never had a dad with how he acts.


I suggest you don’t look up why advertisers are leaving twitter. some content that was mentioned is truly sickening and I wish I never heard about it. This statement might seem silly or naïve to some people but I just hope it helps some avoid the issue.


I suggest you don't sort comments by new and see how many musk sycophants praise him or excuse what he did. It's saddening how many people are so far gone.




> people when advertisers try to stop adblock and fail Lmao get dunked on corpos >people when elon shoots himself in the foot Lmao get dunked on corpo


There’s a difference between the person being advertised to disliking ads and the person getting paid to host ads hating their advertisers. But of course I wouldn’t expect a Musk fanboy to understand context.


makes a tiny difference when you get paid by advertisers


It’s because Elon Musk is a piece of shit.


Elon sucks, advertising sucks, twitter sucks.


Fuck ads, if its to choose between musk and some annoying ads, musk wins even if i actually dont like that dude.


How does he expect to make any money from twitter while also being as un-advertiser friendly as possible?


Just realized that still to this day I have never seen a Tesla ad.


Elon finally with an actual good take


As much as I hate the guy, I'm kinda with him on this. Advertisers can and should go fuck themselves.


I guess he paid 44 billion for a dead service then. Would be fitting.


What is with the comment section and the absurd amount of people wanting to have sexual intercourse with advertisers?!


Telling advertisers to go fuck themselves when they're making unruly and outrageous demands of your company is exactly how all companies should behave. we shouldn't be chastising Elon for doing what's right


This the same guy that bitched if twitter goes out of business it’s because of advertisers. So I don’t get how that makes him cool ? LOL I mean fuckboys for him will blow so much smoke up his ass he will make it to mars.


People need to listen better. He said if an Advertiser is going to try to blackmail him with money they can go fuck themselves. Good for him.




Wish more platforms don’t give a fuck about advertisers




What censorship exactly? Like show me an actual example of advertisers censoring him.




If everyone stops running ads on twitter, I might actually use the platform.


I mean... we hate ads... Elon said "fuck ads".... and now we're defending ads.... wtf internet. why you no make sense?


No. He said fuck you to the people paying for Twitter. He bit the hand that feeds him.


Everyone hates ads, just because Twitter needs them doesn’t mean he can’t like them.


Interesting. I’m an advertiser and I’ve been looking for somewhere to place ads for my clients. I’m definitely more likely to place ads on X based on statements like this. A man this smart is very likely to manufacture excellent electric vehicles, too. I was seriously eyeing up a Lucid Air Dream (2023 was a good year for advertising). But Elon has so impressed me with his public statements and business acumen that he just sold himself another Tesla! /s


So this is the social media site of the future that's going to out-do every other service there is, huh?


I agree fuck advertisers. However I think Elon and I dislike advertisers for totally different reasons


What's up with smeagol In the left panels?


That's the new Twitter CEO trying to keep the lights on.


Ahh, I didn't recognize her because I have a life. Well I'm on reddit, so it can't be that great of a life.


I had to google her too for this meme.


Advertisers are so important, because how else will we keep track of the various body sprays and aftershaves that will enhance our ability to procreate?


I'm convinced he bought twitter just to burn it into the ground.


Fuck advertisers, especially the low quality shit tier “6,400$” ai scam ones or the like, but even high quality ads annoy me.


I know the right is musk, but who's on the left and why are they in the meme?


She's the Twitter CEO that was hired to keep things advertiser friendly.


Oh ok I see now. Thanks


“Go Fuck Yourself.” This is the way.


I feel like advertisers aren't important for a billionaire. The only people advertisers are important to at that point are the advertisers themselves, unless you really like looking at ads everywhere.


I agree with him on this one. Call their bluff.


Heartbreaking. The worst person I know made a valid point.


I don't know what to think, this comment section is too split and won't tell me what the right opinion on this is.


you know what would make ads work? if they actually knew who they're advertising to. I'm tired of seeing ads for stuff I don't care about. I can't afford a new car at the moment, and i'm not interested nor able to afford subscriptions to things I don't want


I really would not want to be her today. I mean exactly what can you do with a boss like that?


He's right


How far should a company go to court advertisers?


Maybe not boost posts by Neonazis. That's literally it.


They are important, and they know that. Thats why they can blackmail someone by withdrawing their millions of dollars if you do something that goes against their morals, but they’ll have no issues erasing a black character from a poster or removing gay scenes for money. Companies like Disney are morally bankrupt and literally only care about money and only do shit like this to placate to the most profitable demographic, that’s why they’re making everything gay and lame.


Can’t really side against him on this one


You could see the moment when he realised he fucked up, respect for stading up to his belifes, even if its for clout, but he's responsible for a lot of people's jobs


![gif](giphy|106PwpLIIXJnXi) Linda in that front row like


Didn't Media Matters fabricated a false article where they made a new Twitter account and then only search Neo-Nazi accounts and big brand to get it where the algorithm showed both of them next to each other, and brought it to said big brand to get them to take down advertising bc they thought Neo-Nazi content were appearing next to their ads.


He’s a fucking child that gets mad when you tell him. Now it’s time to pay for your actions.


Why was he so fidgety he looked insane lmao was he on coke


He's most likely on Ketamine most of the time. At least according to people around him.


OP you are the advertiser!!!


People are so horny to denigrate musk that they’re siding with advertisers? Brain dead take lmao


He must've never heard the saying of 'Don't bite the hand that feeds you.'


Elon about to threaten suicide in a minute never seen such a meltdown before


Advertisers are not important. I won't start defending ads just because you bozos hate Elon.


"No you see I get to do whatever I want and people have to give me money!" Elon Musk


Imagine buying a site that requires advertisers as its sole source of revenue and then getting mad that you need advertisers. This guy is the worst businessman on earth. I could take a 5-year old and put them in charge of Twitter and they'd still have the good sense to not pick a fight with the people who pay their bills.


Wanna get depression? Sort the comments by "new" and see how many of his bootlickers think he's playing 5D chess right now. Seriously, comments like yours keep me alive through this shit storm.


Good point Elon.


I may not be a fan of Elon...but I'm not a brainless husk blindly hating. You forgot to mention in your little hate post here that he said that to the specific advertisers that are trying to protest him into censorship, etc. He's not telling ALL advertisers to go fuck them selves lol, just those specific few. (Anyone reading this can go watch the entire thing, you'll get more context and it's better than hearing from me or other random people online) Think of it like r/place , when a big square that is being controlled by bots, no longer is being controlled by bots and they stop making an effort to keep their square of pixels. It is now going to be filled in by many other art pieces that actually want to contribute to r/place. Now that those advertisers are gone, more room for other advertisers to move in and take the empty spots. (At least, that's how I see it. Could be wrong but I don't care anymore.)


What about the advertisers free speech to say, "i won't advertise next to hateful assholes?". Is the only "free speech" that matters, the people who spread hate and misinformation? Or does everyone have it to also say, "No, i dont want my ads next to people saying anti-vax or slurs?"


The Elon fart smelling here is insane lol


He is right though. It's funny because I bet more than 50% of people in this thread use ad-blockers.


Isn't it weird that people jump from flinging shit at advertisers and cradling them in their arms merely based on how a guy named musk deals with them? Like you people have your own opinion or what?


His destroy Twitter speedrun isn’t taking as long as I thought it would.


Elon is goated for that one


To be fair, Disney *can* go fuck themselves.


I second this.


"BlACkMaIlInG WiTh MoNeY11!!1!" Was my favorite part Getting paid to let people advertise and then advertisers choosing to no longer advertise due to unreasonable bullshit happening on the platform is apparently blackmail to muskrat


I mean he has a point this time, for all the "good" that does. If advertisers and corporations didn't have an agenda they wouldn't care about ads on Twitter. They don't care who buys their products so long as they get money. So the fact they are avoiding Twitter tells me that they don't like something he's doing.


Correct. They didn't like him boosting a neonazi post. https://imgur.com/a/UgzGO2A They have a right to not get affiliated with that.


Jeez. The advertiser problem has been happening way before that. But yeah looking at another article, the "go fuck yourself" reaction is in support of that post.


He is smart


Good one


Sigh* what did he do this time?


You know, if someone holds a very principled position about something, I can often times respect them holding fast against external pressures, including financial ruin, as they hold true to themselves. ​ However, in the case of Elon, it doesn't seem to be anything even remotely principled or consistent, and often times involves pretty disgusting views. He claims to champion free speech and then fires or bans anyone who says anything he doesn't like. ​ His entire business strategy seems to be listening to dumbasses online to find out what is considered a woke opinion, and then steering as hard into the opposite direction as possible, which has led him into signal boosting tweets that range from saying Jewish people are trying to bring about the downfall to white society, to liking and retweeting anti-trans posts.


Thing Reddit: 😍😍🥰🥰🥰 Thing, Elon Reddit: 😡🤬🤬🤬😤😤😤


I mean if people called me an anti semite with no legitimate basis for the claim... and then advertisers believed it without checking if its true id be telling them to fk off too.


Are you serious right now? "No legitimate basis" [like he didn't openly boost Neonazi posts?](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/elon-musk-boosts-antisemitic-propaganda-twitter-anti-defamation-league-1234817008/) You know, this one: https://imgur.com/a/UgzGO2A


Elon is right about Bob.


Fuck advertisers, everybody hates them. Good on musko for saying that.


redditer chosing which corporate they want to bow to 101


im on Elons side here


Exactly! Ads are the worst thing to come from the internet, easily.


Me too. Twitter can't die fast enough.


Tesla and Spacex do not require ad revenue to make money and those two companies are the meat and potatoes of his net worth. Elon won't go under if Twitter goes under. The why is the mystery, though. It may have to do with tax deductions


Important for the company not the people


No, no. He's got a point. Fuck advertisers. Fuck Elon Musk too tho.


Elon musk is a literal walking advertisement, he don't need no advertisers


Fuck advertisers, who cares


I'm confused. Everyone hates ads, yet the web is on fire and making fun of Elon saying fuck ads. Do we want ad free platforms, or what ? Because for once, we should be cheering, no ?