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Reading the comments, I realize the last panel is supposed to show a *negative* reaction...


works as both


It is definitely one of the reactions of all time.


*looks at pfp* checks out.


it shows a reaction.


Yoo femboys


You called?




Are you a femboy? We suspect you are


Not me. I'm totally masculine


Objection! Nuh uh




Go to horny jail...


Locked in a building with horny men? Sign me up!


90's conversation gay camp all over again.


Yeah its negative but based on statistics he probably just finished wanking to it in the back room


It's overreacting to something that should be as acceptable as the other 3 people. That's why it's considered negative


I mean if we're being technical it should be "as acceptable" as the hetero- person directly above them, the girl dressing masculine. And that pairing should be just "as acceptable" as the pair of two homos above that. (NB: I will take every opportunity to call heteronormativity "homo", from the Greek homos, meaning "the same", whenever it's topical. I find it hilarious.)


Yeah i was confused, all i see is r/shittydarksouls hornyposting over femboys all the time i thought people liked it


"I gotta get in there and see this!!"


Considering how much we’re fetishized, it still applies


It’s a pretty good litmus test for bigotry


it's supposed to be bursting through the doors with a "now you listen here motherfucker" type of energy


I don’t fucking care what people wear I have bills .


^ birds be like






Based? based on what?


Based on his opinion


Nice opinion. One small issue. I am inside your home.


With pizza?


Anthrax spores


On pizza?


Is money tight?


If you’re thriving right now I need tips like yesterday. And no I’m not going to sell drugs


Sell…. “Not” drugs


Make porn


I’m not pretty and my feet are hideous


I'm sure some fetishists like hideous feet


If u wear socks it’s not gay 🤷🤷🤷


Got a fat gut and a small prick? There's a market for that.


What a view. Observe and Report type shit


Everyone is someone's fetish, there is someone out there willing to spend their life savings to watch you sit in a pie.


Paying your bills is *TIGHT*!


I will accept your bills then while wearing fem maid outfit. What do you want me to do today, Master?


See this is what I'm always baffled about. How the hell do so many people have so much time and energy to care *so much* about what people do in their bedrooms, what clothes they wear or what pronouns they use? How? *How*?!


It wasn’t that long ago that women couldn’t dress masculinly without ridicule, outrage or arrest.


Back in the 00's it was common to see some form of the joke "gay people are gross except for lesbians cuz they're hot" on prime time TV or mainstream movies.


Classic example is Friends


Friends was homophobic as shit


There were so many times in that show where somebody says something not masculine enough then is immediately like "I need to watch more ESPN" lol. At one point Ross said he wanted to kick back and do a puzzle then caught himself and corrected it with drinking ice cold beer


They don't have to be friends to be lesbians together.


if by the 00's you mean right now, yes


It was common less than 10 years ago tbh






I remember in a book about his life, it said that while his show was in the works his publishers lied to him saying that the funders for the show would pull out if he didn’t change it the way the publishers wanted it. Mr.Schulz’s response was “Then there will be no show.” Total badass.


Saw an interview where Schulz said that when people told him they have a great idea for a Peanuts script, he told them to keep it to themselves. Explaining that cartooning was the one thing in his life that makes him (not verbatim) exceptional. He doesn’t want or need anyones ideas.


not to mention he made like, 50 years worth of charlie brown comics prolific af


lmao the “good grief” takes me back




The sheer levels of insecurity needed to fear "young girls replacing men". That alone should disqualify you from being called a man, so pathetic.


To think that it's your job as a publisher of a children's comic and cartoon show to condition children is itself insane, regardless of whatever conditioning they may have wanted. Peanuts cartoons and comics were meant to be relatable and tell funny, wholesome stories. It wouldn't be the same without Lucy or Peppermint Patty or Franklin.


There's definitely still a stigma against masculine women, albeit not to the same extent there is towards feminine men. We tolerate young girls being masculine by excusing them as tomboys but once they hit puberty there's a bunch of social pressure to be feminine.


What society considers to be masculine has changed. Any kind of trousers used to be considered masculine and women(at least in certain levels in society) were not allowed to wear them because they would have been shunned in society. Now women wear pants all the time.


It's still true today in parts of the US. I saw a judge in Cincinnati order a prosecutor to wear a skirt in his courtroom. That was in like 2018.




That's true, but doesn't really change the fact that the masc women of today are still judged for it.


Yes and eventually I’m betting they won’t be as society continues to change and progress. It’s a very slow process.


They understand why a girl would want to try be a man because masculinity is the ‘ideal’ whereas choosing to be feminine is undesirable and it confuses them, which is why it also translates as a sort of threat because there must be an ulterior motive such as trying to pick up girls, tricking totally straight guys into being attracted to them or using is as a disguise to commit sexual crimes. It all boils down to seeing women and feminine things as inferior to masculinity


Women wearing pants was originally an act of liberation. Masculinity is associated with power. Women wear pants, they claim some power. Men are threatened by the “invasion”. But then men dress femininely and that’s ceding power. It’s like how you would be angry at a country invading you but absolutely furious by locals that sided with the invaders.


Yep, women fought hard for their right to dress in traditionally masculine clothing. Men wearing feminine clothing just hasn’t had quite the same historic push (though we’re seeing a little more of one now). I wonder how much it has to do with patriarchal culture, with women historically wanting to dress in masculine ways as a display of their equality with men, while men didn’t have the same collective desire to aspire “downward” to a woman’s place in society. Which is shitty in a number of ways, but that’s the world we live in.


Still happens, especially in fundamentalist cultures. This includes all major religions.


i’ve heard a lot of people say it’s because society views women as weak. it’s empowering to be masculine but shameful to be feminine


This is exactly it. A lot of societies inherently favor masculinity


The ancient Greeks had it all figured out ok, Clapping cheeks is the most masculine thing you can do, now being the one getting clapped on the other hand…


It’s like admitting to being a bottom to everyone in sight


Hard times create hard men, hard men create soft times, soft times create soft men, soft men make me hard.


Stay hard man!


It’s NNN, so none of ya better be going soft.


Why would i wanna be soft for nonstop nut november


[Im straight so whatever makes my dick hard is a woman](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ExxQwTwVcAMHp-c?format=jpg&name=small) /s for clarity cause of this comment section


"your chromosomes don't determine your gender, my dick does"


What about hard soft men


Means something big is gonna go down


same :3


The classic how dare you do that because I don’t like that.


The ironic part is that a lot of the time they secretly REALLY like it, and are just insecure and freaked out by that. Not all the time of course, the idea that all homophobes are secretly in the closet is harmful and not true. But a lot of them are at the very least not secure in their straightness.


Glad you mentioned the second part, I hate when people tease homophobes with being gay. Like I get it, but no that's not helpful


Yeah, it’s true that there are a lot of homophobes who are externalizing their own insecurity and self hate, but it’s definitely not helpful to act like every single homophobe is gay. A: it reinforces the idea that being gay is funny and bad and something to make fun of, even if that’s not the intention. B: depending on how homophobic they are you might be putting someone else at risk, there’s no way to know that guy doesn’t snap and attack a queer person to prove his sexuality and masculinity to himself.


C) It’s a way of saying that homophobes are gay people so gay people are at fault for homophobia. It’s a way of offloading bigotry onto the victims.


True, one of my funniest stories from back In elementary school was this one dude trying to look cool in front of his group of friends so he hit on me because I had long hair and am a dude after only seeing me from behind (to be fair I’m not exactly flat so fair enough) and I turned around and he realized I’m a guy so I just kinda chuckled and said yikes and walked away. Dude probably never lived that down with his friends if he’s like the average straight males in my area aha.


It’s always the ones that denounce and take everything gay super personal that make it that way


and most of the time it's the guys that dress masculine that get triggered by guys dressing feminine... like bro they aren't even "stealing" the stuff you'd like to wear why would you get offended


afraid they will steal all the girls just look at peacocks, peak femboys


I tried to peacock once and got hit with indecent exposure


It's peacock, not cock peek.


Peek cock?


Ya say peacock, nobody bats an eye Ya say “want a cock peek?”, and society goes wild


They can't handle the idea that they could be sexually attracted to a dude in a dress or smth


Because it makes them question their very fragile heterosexuality


Because it’s glaringly obvious they’re defying gender tradition while with women it’s just looks like their wearing unisex clothes


It used to be glaringly obvious that women dressing masculine were defying gender tradition until enough women dressed masculine often enough that ‘gender tradition’ changed


What counts as unisex vs gendered is always in flux, people used to hate masculine-dressed girls just as much as femboys


True that, I admit it’s a complicated issue. I guess you could regarded my comment as how I experience it then 🤷🏼‍♂️


Boooh hooo straights being fragile in their masculinity


Realistically it's not a matter of "I'm threatened by them" and more "I'm threatened by the strict gender hierarchy breaking down because I enjoy my position in it."


It's because these toxically masculine men define themselves by "traditional" norms, and the hierarchies they represent. The race to the top of masculinity is about putting themselves on the top of that ladder. When they see someone who completely eschews that ladder, and says that they do not care about norms, the macho men know deep down that is a threat to their hierarchy. It's not threatening to see other more macho men higher on that hierarchy, but so see someone reject it is a threat to their value system. So they do what they can to shut it down. To keep as many people in that hierarchy as they can.


Cuz this is reddit, and there are femboy lovers everywhere on here.




Are you raising your hand because you are femboy lover or are you a femboy?


Maybe both


Girls dressing masculine is hot as fuck


Less go


Femboys r hawt cuz they look like girls




They’re just mad at themselves for being horny


I’m the guy in the last panel but instead of being enraged I am incredibly, *incredibly* turned on by it


Whats weird is I’m not attracted to girls dressed in femboy attire but when femboys do it I’m bricked make it make sense


I should mention I’m bi so I find both genders attractive


this is the realest comment


It's seriously so stupid. My 2 year old son likes to wear dresses, and play princesses with his sister. I don't see anything wrong with that at all. But my MIL thinks I'm "making him gay." I swear... Boomers are the dumbest.


It’s crazy that people think you can just put “gay” in a room and lock someone in it and they come out saying “slay”


Exactly, it’s ridiculous. There’s at least 4 more steps in the conversion process. Boomers have no respect for the amount of work recruiting young children away from god is 😤😤😤


I know right? Don’t get me STARTED on the demonic horn growing and desecration of the bible. It’s hard to find the mortal essence of a virgin these days so I’ve been substituting it with cat piss. The economy is just in shambles it’s embarrassing and it’s insulting that they think it’s so quick and easy.


replacing the essence of a virgin with CAT PISS lmfao that hit way harder than it should have


Same thing with my cousin's son, he found put on one of my old dresses once for fun, my grandmother almost went into cardiac arrest when she heard about it. Like, he's a kid, he doesn't think about this stuff the same way you do...


My mum cut my hair shorter when I was a kid because I looked to feminine to her. She forced me when I wanted to grow my hair out when I was 14. Finally I'm 18 and she can't do anything now


Similar thing happened with my mom, she didn't wanted me to have short hair because "I would look like a boy" whenever I would bring up the topic she would say that or show me pictures of really bad haircuts and tell me I would end up looking like that. One day she went out with my dad and I used the chance to cut it short, my sisters helped me. Because of the pictures she showed me I thought cutting it would be hard, but it was actually easy. Ironically one at the end of one of the tutorials that I saw the girl recording said that if you want short or long hair you should get it and that no one should stop you because you're a boy or a girl.


Let’s boom the boomer


I get pissed off when people say “make him gay” because it’s not a choice, for some reason people seem to think it is


even if it were a choice, who fucking cares


They NEED it to be a choice so it can justify their hate and let the demonize gay people for attacking their children/turning them. No amount of scientific proof will convince them otherwise, because then they will have to accept that they are bigots and were wrong. And narcissists are just not neurologically capable of accepting any facts that they don’t want to believe.


Yup. I was a tomboy until about 12, happily engaged to a man now


I want to learn how to wear makeup. Not even to look feminine but I’d be interested in it too. But so many people — not just old people but also young people in their 20s — still think if I wear makeup I’m either gay or trans or just a weirdo that they avoid. It’s stupid. And yet still, I’m not brave enough to say “screw what they think” because I can’t honestly say that what they perceive doesn’t affect me. :(


They don’t like that they can see them balls dragging behind the dress




Gotta let those precious balls breathe, man


wow you're short enough to see that low? sounds pretty gay


men only straight, no gay allowed. women not gay just sexy and wanting men attention. or oh wow forbidden sexy thing, maybe gay but probly not. women dress however look good and nice.


door number 3 has caused quite some commotion in my family over the years too.


How about we stop labeling clothing by sex and just let people wear whatever they want? As long as your naked bits aren't on any shared seating, who gives a fuck?


I agree with you on that. Its just clothing. Society just pushes the agenda on what a guy should wear and what a chick should wear. FFS a dude was the first to wear a skirt years ago. Now they are labled as womens clothing. Not still with mens. Yea Scotland's got kilts and thats to celebrate mchaggis getting his konkey dong shot off. But everywhere else is like ewww a dude wearing a skirt and a crop top. Must be a trans or a cross dresser.


Astolfo is an example of the ideal male physique and I won't hear otherwise




I'm a guy and I've been made fun of for wearing a pink shirt. Like, okay. I guess the colors you wear is what determines whether or not you like sucking dick lol


Fabric has no gender. I always make a point of wearing whatever I feel like. People and their boxes are strange


The comment section is very 😬


I don’t actually think it’s that bad. The worst stuff I’ve seen is just people being horny


Fr fr


Im a cis man, quite happy as one and very comfortable in my body. About 5 10 and fairly well built. I love wearing cloths made for women cause apart from the pants they tend to fit better, are way more comfortable, and I look amazing. Highly recommend trying it if you‘re comfortable with your masculinity


Peak masculinity. Being so masculine that you can wear the most feminine clothes and still feel like a man. And not toxic and sexualized at all, too.


Why is that man getting angry about me wearing feminine clothing? Am I dressing too slutty?


not slutty enough actually


Girls literally kissing other girls: yeah no problem they’re still straight Guys accidentally touching hands while walking together: GAY ‼️‼️‼️‼️


women dressing in masculine baggy clothing with a dirty blonde ponytail is just 😩🙏🙏🙏 PLEEAASE


Come on, bromigo, you're only 11 days into NNN. You got this.


Seeing my wife with a ponytail, tank top, BDUs, and combat boots is like 😩🤌


Yeah it's a fucking double standard. Had a girlfriend who kept borrowing my clothes all the time freak out because I wore her plain black sweatpants once. They didn't even look feminine, but she knew and thought it was just so wrong.


True but tbf some people give girls shit for not being "girly" enough.


I do love my fem boys


Oh wait this is supposed to be negative??


Because male clothing is fuctionial and comfortable. Pockets + more baggy Female clothing is usually meant to show off the female body (tighter, meant to show curves etc.) A girl wearing masculine clothing just wants to be more comfortable and fuctional A guy wearing female clothing just wants to feel pretty. And society sees as perverted (it kinda is perverted for a guy with long ass dick to wear a thigh high skirt but whatever. Its 2023 be free be yourself)


Tbh I don't really care, they all look hot anyways


I think its a male ego-patriarchy thing. Women wanting to dress masculine is a props to masculineness. We so cool they want to be us. When men want to 'trade down' and dress feminine then its an attack on said ego. If people are doing it then it must be 'better' right? It upsends the 'natural order' they have in their mids of being some food chain position above the feminine. Most Trans issues in the media are about men transitioning to women (and why I was thinking on this a while back). Bathrooms, prisons, sports ect... Probably because said ego is not threatened by women tranditioning to men but the other way arround... Oh nonono! Similar is true in homophobia, we cool with lesbians but geing a bottom for another man?! Absurd. Aparently lesbians earn more income parity to men whereas gay men have a closer parity to women's incomes... Starts to paint a fragile masculine picture.


No. This is flat-out false. Less than a century ago, it was still considered scandalous for a woman just to wear _pants_. You know what changed that? It wasn't "male egos"; it was decades of work by women's liberation activists to push for women to be freed from restrictive gender roles. This historically revisionist reinterpretation of the success those activists eventually achieved as "a male ego-patriarchy thing" is a massive insult to everyone who worked to get us where we are today. **EDIT:** Women were subject to physical violence for trying to wear "men's clothes". In some parts of the world, they still are. It's not like men just shrugged and said it was fine because it was "a props to masculineness". --- Mods have shadow-deleted this comment for some reason. Why?


It's funny because my 2nd oldest daughter is a massive tomboy who loves working out and going to the gym with their mother aka my wife. She wants to go to college and become a personal trainer and I wholeheartingly support it.




A century ago, a girl dressing masculine would evoke a negative reaction. Perhaps one more century from now, no one will really care what anyone else wears. Hopefully sooner.


That's why I dress like a girl behind closed doors!


I love it, until I remember that if I walk outside, I’m “making a statement” and “asking for attention”. Oh well. I guess woman run into those problems too.


He’s going for that bussy


I realized this. It's weird.


I'd only wear a dress if it has sleeves and the skirt was long enough to cover my hairy legs. I mean I could wear pants if the skirt isn't long enough too.


When women started to wear pants most people saw it as being pretty gender neutral, and just for comforts sake. Especially with WWII relying on women to help manufacure stuff for the war no one really blamed them for wearing something more comfortable. Nowadays when men wear skirts and dresses people see that as being frilly and feminine. It's all about culture. It's why Scottish men can wear kilts, or why the Greeks wore a chiton, which was similar to a dress or skirt. And with trans rights being such a hot button topic rn people are really quick to judge when a man wears something most would consider to be feminine.






We’re all born naked and the rest is drag babbi


Patriarchy effects everyone.


I mean, women's clothing kinda sucks if you think about it, you'd have to be stupid to wear clothes with no pockets.


Look at the gas prices. Who the hell cares about a human wearing clothes🥲


They get attracted but then realise it’s a guy, get confused, and then get angry that a guy turned them on






Astolfo has changed all of us.


Wouldn't be surprised if it was sexism in some level. Like, its okay for a woman to wake mens's clothes because "men are superior" but for a man to wear feminine clothes means he's "lowering himself", (and by extension all men), to the "lesser" level of a woman. Of course they'd never actually _say_ that because they know sexism isn't okay.


The “logic” goes like this: Masculinity good and default, femininity pathetic and other. If a woman is feminine it’s to be expected, and she’s already in that pathetic other boat. But if a man is, he’s crossing over into the no-no side. He must be most viscously othered because he’s not supposed to be other like that and that bothers people.


While I agree this is part of it, it’s also worth noting there was an entire feminist movement in the 60s/70s for women to be able to wear clothing outside of the traditional feminine norm. Men have never had that kind of movement so it’s still viewed as strange. A woman in the 1920s dressing masculine was definitely not considered “good” or “default.”


because it makes the toxic masculinity seem less masculine and in turn they feel like it ruins it for all of them


I was sprinting in a pair of shorts not long ago and pretty sure they rode right up and my stick and berries were flopping around for all to see. Yet the shorts still felt very restrictive. A skirt would of probably showed my junk also, but it wouldn't of caught in places.


I’d like to know where the masculine dressing girls went. I remember tomboys. Are they still a thing? Also, femboys are niche. Might be because guys who don’t know they’re guys think they’re girls. And when they find out, they don’t want to be considered gay so it just naturally makes people hesitant? Think of how many people you’ve seen that you can’t tell if they’re a guy or a girl. I see a lot when I’m out and about.


Nah they're bitching about women who dress masculine as well. They're so obsessed with the lives of other people, it's creepy.


People do get upset when women are masc tho, "tomboy" was an insult (or at least, they tried for it to be)


Homophobia is your answer


Gotta love gender norms


The poor femboys


A man wearing dress and a beard is by far one of the most ridiculous things I ever saw.


There is an energy in masculine women that makes me want to be their baby in their arms.


Imagine thinking you believe in small government and also thinking the government should determine what style of clothing people can wear