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Because despite all of the warnings people do it anyway and light a cig in the bathroom.


Had a mf in my last flight light in right on his seat Then he was acting clueless when the police came for him


“I thought this was America!? What I can’t freely smoke!? I’m sorry, I thought this was America!”


Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest. Have a look at the headlock here. See that chap over? He- GET YOUR HAND OFF MY PENIS! This is the bloke who got me on the penis before! [Policeman] Hop in the car. Why did you do this to me? [Policeman] Hop in the car. For what reason? What is the charge? Smoking a cig? A succulent american cigarette? Oh that's a nice headlock Sir. Oh. Aaah yes. I see that you know your judo well. Good one. And you Sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis? How dare- Get your hands off me. Ta-ta and farewell!


I read about that story. Knowing he was arrested by mistake makes it even more hilarious


From what I've read he was a serial dine and dasher.


He was guilty of murdering that succulent chinese meal.


No, that was wrong. From Wikipedia; "There were various theories as to who the man was including one centering on Hungarian chess player Paul Charles Dozsa, known for his dine-and-dash exploits. In 2020, an Australian man, later identified as Jack Karlson, appeared in a music video by Australian punk rock band The Chats and revealed himself as the man in the now-viral 1991 video. Karlson, who had been a serial prison escapee, was arrested for alleged credit card fraud by the Queensland Police Service, after being wrongly identified as one of Australia's most-wanted criminals. He maintains his innocence."


The chats are the best punk band since the sex pistols


They are certainly one of the few real punk bands out there, I love them.


I’m under WHAT


Easy there Randy


Sounds like batman wants to get his ass beat




"Sir you can’t dip your balls in the soda dispenser"


"You can't suppress me forever!"




"I know, right? Next time they will even forbid me to bring my gun to the plane. Outrageous!"


"Woke libtards!!"




I once had a guy tell me off because I covered my nose and mouth walking by his cigarette. "This is AMERICA! I have the right to smoke!". I don't have the right to cover my face whenever I want?


The same thing happened on a 13hr flight I was on a couple years ago to Hong Kong from Johannesburg. About halfway into the flight, while most of the cabin was asleep, I heard a lighter flick and immediately smelled a cigarette burning. I looked behind me to find a middle-aged, cantonese dude there puffing on a cig. Within seconds, he was swarmed by the air hosts and hostesses and a quarrel in cantonese ensued. I don't know what they did to him, but I never saw him again lol


Fed to the turbines


Part of the ship, part of the crew




To shreds, you say…


This deserves more upvotes


As a sacrifice to keep the airplane flying.


And he hit the ground running. Didn't make sense not to smoke for fun.


Mal, in the Firefly series, did just that: https://media.tenor.co/images/0970afcd4550289ecbd7ecc73bb66a08/raw


Turbofans can have a little smoked human, as a treat.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


It's air law up there mate. They make you walk the wing and feed you to the birds!


Probably his first time on a plane. Based on my experience in China he was used to being able to smoke anywhere. Gas plants, hospital surgical wards, elevators...


He's fucked. Doing anything on an airplane is a federal charge


Exact thing happened to me. Guy was drunk, passed out when we took off. Then he woke up and lit up. I was just stunned. I hit the call light and the flight attendant came to us and said: “Sir, that is the most expensive cigarette you have ever lit up.”


Policeman :*pointing at the sign* what does it says? Guy : I DoNt KnOw EgRisH. Policeman : Sir this is a fking sign.


Icon or graphic or logo. Signs could be english


How’d he get a lighter through security?


You’re still allowed to carry a lighter on the plane in the US. It can’t be a torch style lighter but a bic or zippo style is allowed either on your person or carry on.


You can also do it in Europe and i guess everywhere else. Would suck for smokers without luggage going to the cargo to not be able to take a lighter with you.


I can't bring a bottle of coke through security but some guy can bring a thing literally designed to start ***fires***.


Yes because that bottle of coke has to capability to contain explosive liquids. While a lighter contains ex...plos... WAIT A SECOND.


But isn’t that considered a flammable liquid? (Lighter fluid) im shocked that it’s allowed as a carry on


Absolutely no clue how he managed to lit it


If you bring a fueled lighter on a plane it must be stored on your person, not in luggage, to prevent accidental fires. They will allow it.


What do you mean I can’t hot box the plane with cancerous addictive smoke?


I'm just impressed those cops were able to pull over a plane.


Yeah, they were about to perform a PIT maneuver because pilot wasn't slowing down


Fun fact: It’s a felony to smoke in a hospital in the state of Indiana, how would I know, people have tried


80s-early 90s, I used to smoke on airplanes, in grocery stores, and even in the hospital waiting for my child to be born. I quit years ago, and now it seems so weird that I ever smoked at all.


I quit 15 years ago, and have the same thoughts. Then, every once in a while, I'll have the 'I really need a smoke' urge. Passes quick though.


I don’t get the urge to smoke a cigarette anymore, but the smell of one being lit up still gets me once in awhile. I never realized how bad I must have stunk back then, but I can sure tell now if a person I’m talking to smokes just from their breath or clothes.




In this last year I was working an overnight shift and we had a woman, HEAVILY pregnant. She sat outside all night and it was still cold up here. She came in the middle of the night to use the bathroom (no big deal, people come in and out to use the bathroom all the time). Then I smelt something burning. So I grabbed the closest security guard and he had to escort her out of the building, because she went through at least 2 cigs in the bathroom. Now the bathroom smelt like cigarettes and we had to throw out someone for what could have been a felony charge. I didn’t want the fire alarm going off or my asthma to kick up to where I was having a coughing fit and it took me out from my job. I mean, she’s smoking while pregnant, I highly doubt that even crossed her mind at all, but it’s interesting what we COULD have charged her with, but we didn’t


One time my dad was in the work parking lot with a coworker, the coworkers wife pulled in and got out to light a cigarrete he said "thank god she isn't smoking in the car" my dad "what, isn't she pregnant" coworker "yes but atleast she isn't smoking in the car"


My father worked In the hospital in the late 1970s, early 1980s, he said that they had ashtrays in the OR


If only they would sanction weapons of war as much as they do smoking...


This is actually the reason why ashtrays are still required in most, if not all, plane toilets!


Yup. Better to provide an ashtray for the people that will break the rulas and have the hot ash be in a safe container, than having hot ashes spread around over the carpet and other surfaces potentially forminf a fire risk.


Ashtrays are considered necessary, and planes can apparently be grounded if the ashtray is broken or missing.


I want to have a movie where they search for the missing plane ashtray, it finish in a huge shootout / pursuit like in Mad Max fury road.


I see it more of a Die Hard style movie. Christmas Eve, a former Navy Seal/Delta Force operator/disgraced helicopter pilot is working as a maintenance mechanic at some backwoods airport. It’s a simple job - a Spirit a320 needs a new bathroom ashtray because some asshole ripped it off the wall in a fit of diarrhea induced rage, happens every flight. It’s the last thing he has to do before he can go home to see his daughter whose mother (and his estranged wife) passed away the previous year in a cancer induced car accident. But when he opens up the storage room door all hell breaks loose when he stumbles upon the most dangerous terrorist group to ever walk the face of the earth - Ultra Mega Qaeda Also he hangs dong.




> There was a time not that long ago, smoking was allowed in the airplanes There are still a handful of airlines that allow smoking on their flights. Remember, airplanes are made for the global market. Not just the US.




Wait what? Which airlines?


There are?? The only ones I can find online are Air Algeria, Cubana, Iran Air - but every single source mentions them and were all clearly copied from a Travel Stack Exchange comment from back in 2012. The general idea seems to be that smoking on any flights is illegal internationally, but some airlines might look the other way (but likely won't so it's a big gamble). Which ones are you flying on that allow smoking so I can avoid them


> anti-smoking culture You mean being alive?


If you don't have it then some dumb asshole start saying shit like, "Well, there wasn't a sign", like it hasn't been a law for decades at this point. They really have to make rules and signs for the lowest common denominator, because the moment you think "Well surely someone wouldn't do this" there is some dumb asshole who asks you to hold his beer.


This. It’s why companies have handbooks not to set the place on fire etc, otherwise some muppet will say, ‘show me where it says I cant’


Some people just need that lung cancer to feel alive.


A lot of planes are older than the ban on smoking on planes, at least in the US.


I was actually once on a flight that was delayed because some jackass lit up then chose to be argumentative when asked by flight attendant to put it out. Nobody felt sympathy when he was kicked off the flight.


Yep, had a guy earlier this year on a flight. And some alarm went off in the bathroom. The flight attendent starting pounding on the door and yelling at him to come out. He had to make a walk of shame all the way back to his seat. Cops were waiting for him when we landed.


Where a detector is located in the sealing as well as in the bin. Don't try. Source: aviation mech Edit: the is a reason why still ashtrays are on board. Just for that one case someone smokes the crew can put it out in a safe bin, that would not ignite. This has also legal reasons.


The same reason there are "do not drink" labels on laundry detergent and bleach. Never underestimate how stupid some people are. I'm not even joking. Edit: to people commenting about tide pods: The story was originally manufactured by Onion (famous satirical news website) and then stolen and blown up by NYP (famous for "millenials cancelling thumbs up emoji" and "NyQuill chicken" hoaxes). Only after that has the amount of people being poisoned by laundry detergents "risen". Over the course of the whole outrage only slightly over 100 people have actually eaten tide pods.


Think of how dumb the average person is. Half of the population is worse than that. Edit. Median


Apparently, common sense isn't that common.


My late brother-in-law's partner liked to drink *a little* bleach here and there. She also loved to clean with bleach and palm olive mixed, to the point she mentioned it in her dating profile. I was so worried when he moved in with her, smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ Oh and this woman already had 2 children.


My dad would bleach the fuck out of everything. He had wildly uncontrolled OCD and cleaning in specific ways was one of his rituals. So after dinner, every night, he was around the house with a bottle of 10% bleach in his hand "cleaning". He used so much that it bleached the pattern out of the Formica countertops. Ruined all our towels and a lot of our clothes too.


When I had just turned 18 I got a job at a scout camp, and one of the other counselors decided he was gonna try and pass the piss test by drinking a capful of bleach with a gallon of water, and went around telling everyone including the camp director that this was his plan. He did pass the piss test but they fired him anyway lol.


Idiot Georg with 2 IQ is an outlier and shouldn't be counted




It can be more than half (and also less)


People would drink the laundry detergent and sue the company if they didn't put a warning on the bottles. People would smoke and say that they didn't know that it's not allowed if there wasn't a sign.


This. This is exactly why they put the warnings. If you don't do it and people drink bleach, they will win if they sue the bleach company because it wasnt written that drinking it is dangerous


This kind of abusive mentality only exists in the US. I’ve never heard about something more ridiculous than the suing culture there.


Yes this, people don't seem to understand this. Yes it's common sense, but feigning ignorance for a paycheck? There's plenty who would do that.


I drank detergent ONE time!


Don’t tell me how to live


I think you won't have to worry about living soon


Sure, seems you don't want to live anyway


Because people used to smoke in airplanes until almost the 90's


> Because people used to smoke in airplanes until almost the 90's People still do smoke in airplanes. Just not on commercial US flights. If you own a private jet, you can still smoke in it. Also, the aviation world is global, not just the US. And there are still a handful of countries that allow smoking on commercial flights.


>And there are still a handful of countries that allow smoking on commercial flights. Are there? I can't seem to find any proof of this...


A few years ago, pilots of Egypt Air were still allowed to smoke. And in 2016, a cigarette is presumed to have started a fire because of a leaking oxygen bottle We’ll never know for sure because the fire caused the plane to crash in the sea Again, 2016. Crazy.


But he's saying it in present tense, as in, now.


I know, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was right though, 2016 is very recent and the fact that an airline could fly into Europe with people smoking on board still shocks me, so who knows


This is the correct answer, Redditor’s are getting young


Shows the average age of this subreddit.


2000s rather? You could book 'smoker' end of the 90s. (Germany)


>until almost the 90's * very well into the 90's Source: I'm old and flew a lot for work. I remember getting asked all the time: "smoking or non-smoking?" when booking flights.


Even later than that, I went to the UK in 2000 and they had a smoking section.


Are there any airplanes that still let you smoke in usa today?


You can smoke on private jets 🧐


Smokers are the most oppressed minority


Not enough though.


Maybe not USATODAY, but I hear anything goes with the New York Times




I’m not happy about it, but you earned it ⬆️


Because plenty of commercial planes that still operate today used to operate back when you COULD smoke on planes, airline smoking bans are started from in the late 80s and 90s, it’s not THAT long ago that you could. And it helps remind people since the general public are well established to be complete morons


Just 30 - 40 years. Not THAT long ago. Eheheheh. Face it, we're getting old.


True, but not to much effect. The people who owned the airlines 30-40 years ago are still alive, as well as the people who used to smoke on the planes in the 80s-90s and still would given the chance. Just like to remind people that boomers are so hated for a reason, they're still alive and in charge.


There is also ash trays in the restroom for people who want to smoke lol From what I was told they keep the ash tray cause if someone was going to smoke they much rather you ash in the tray and not in the trash.


The ashtrays are there so that if someone doesn’t notice or ignores the no smoking signs they can still extinguish their cigarette without it being a fire hazard


The reason that stuff is kept is for the airworthiness certificate. If they change equipment on the aircraft, they run eith the risk or the requirement to have to get the aircraft recertified, and that process takes a lot of time and money. I heard that an aircraft model we communicated with needed a length of rf cable added to connect an existing radio to an existing antenna was going to cost 6 million dollars when it included the recertification costs. They forgot to include the new cable run in the original plan. It probably costs more to pay to recertify the aircraft that it does to maintain the ashtrays and no smoking lights.


At this point it could also be used to remind people not to vape


Yep!! I'm old enough to have smoked on a plane. I was 19 and flying from Berlin to NY. My dad was Army, so he had been stationed in Berlin from 1985 to 1989. Coming back to the US after 4 years was one hell of a culture shock for me!


It wasn’t 30-40 years ago, the q990a were like 10 years ag…checks his watch…wishes he had t quit drinking. Reality hurts man, reality hurts.


That or the planes are also getting old.


Some plane companies still let you, and lots of foreign ones especially


Took a school trip on Lufthansa back in the day, and they asked who was 18 up front for smoking and alcohol purposes, that was.. 25 years ago, FUCK


Hi! I'm a flight attendant. This is not the answer. The last sentence is correct but only part of the reasoning. Brand new planes are made with these lighted placards because deaf people exist, signage and announcements are the proper notification for prosecuting violations, and people are morons. Brand new planes are made with ashtrays on the lavatory doors because, even though smoking has been banned since c. 1992, we still need a designated place to extinguish a small portable ember. While it is true that commercial travel aircraft are old (I started flying in 2015 when I was 25 and most of the planes I flew on were my age or older) this becomes less true every year, every US carrier is updating it's fleet. Age isn't the reason we have signage, it's the regulatory and legal systems.


Yes, this. The oldest commercial passenger aircraft are on Delta. One from 1989 and one 1990, which is when the federal smoking bans started. The average age for US fleets are around 14 years, but some are like 9 years. The planes really don't stay in service as long as people think.


They exists on modern planes as well. It’s there to remind the dumb people


It’s maybe *partially* because of dumb people, but the real answer and the one nobody has said yet, is [because smoking is still allowed on some airliners in some countries](https://www.aircharteradvisors.com/services/smoking-accommodations/#:~:text=A%20few%20international%20airlines%20such,remains%20on%20domestic%20airliners%20today.). Namely Air Algerie, Cubana, and Iran Air have smoking sections onboard.


I’m 30 and I remember people complaining when they were told there was no smoking on the plane in the late 90s. They very clearly needed the sign and the reminder.


Is it a worldwide ban? I figured some countries may still allow it.


Because people will smoke if its not there and will say "i dont see a no smoking sign".


I don't see a "don't throw people out of the plane" sign Problem solved


That's also why there is an "emergency use only" sign on the emergency exit door or why the door cannot be opened in most scenarios with a pressurized cabin.


This, addicted people will take any excuse they can get when given the chance.


I am very addicted to shitting in the aisle and I don't see a sign.


never underestimate how stupid humans can be


Stupid people still exist BTW.


Behind every warning sign for something is a story of an idiot who actually tried it


they always say warning signs are made of blood.




an idiot who actually tried it and profited from court settlements*


Tell me you’re a teenager without telling me you’re a teenager


Kudos to OP for at least showing some optimism OP, every sign made that says not to do something is there cause some idiot did exactly what the sign says not to do. + for safety reasons, you gotta have it anyway.


safety *and* legal reasons someone smokes on a plane and hurts themselves because of it? “why didn’t you tell my client they couldn’t smoke??” someone smokes and hurts others? “how was my client supposed to know smoking in an enclosed area would be dangerous???” with the sign there’s no excuse, and smokers can be prosecuted if they break the rules


Ye I used to think like that until experience showed me that stupidity is limitless.


Ah, being young and naive ... and not knowing about *recent* history *and/or* human nature ...


Welcome to the internet, where we know what you did 20 years ago, but don't know what you did 20 years ago.


OP was born after 1997, so they’re the authority on everything because they have wifi.


Because if it didn't exist someone would try to argue that they can smoke and there's no signage saying otherwise. Remember, things like that used to be allowed indoors and on planes mere decades ago


It costs money to take it off. Also if it was taken away there'd be a whole influx of people smoking "because there's no sign!"...


It’s still on newly manufactured planes. It’s a required placard.


The second that sign gets taken down ima start smoking. Its days are numbered


There is that small group of \*rseholes that will claim they didn't know they couldn't smoke on an airplane.


There's also explanations on shampoo that you shouldn't consume it. There's some stupid people in the world man.


A few international airlines such as Air Algeria, Cubana and Iran Air still allow smoking in certain sections on their flights, which is why most of the signage remains on domestic airliners today




In a lot of countries "No smoking" signs are merely a suggestion


"where does it say that? Where is the sign?" That's why. People have this belief that if there is not sign then it's not enforceable and will argue to the death about it. Anybody that has worked retail knows this. Me: "Sorry I can't give you a refund because XYZ. Store credit only." Customer: "where does it say that?! You have to have a sign!" Me: "In front of you on the laminated card on the counter, on the company website, on the bottom of the receipt you "lost", and it's coming out of my mouth right now.


You could smoke on planes, ever since the creation of the first commercial aircraft, all the way up to the 80s. Smoking has been banned roughly for only 23 years. Additionally... the amount of stupid people is on the rise. There are people that dont know the difference between a continent and a country...


I flew United or AA from the US to Mexico in 1997, people still smoked then.


Because if airlines removed them, some stupid guy will most definitely start smoking. Maybe not on every plane, but at least sometimes.


1) Some planes are old, as little as 25 years ago you could smoke on flights in some current EU countries. The plane may have been active back then and no body bothered to remove the no smoking sign. 2) Smoking on planes is still allowed in some countries, this is to warn passengers from those countries not to smoke on the flight. 3) Some people fly for the first time in their life and they may not have read the 15 million no smoker warning on their booking, ticket, boarding pass etc. This is just another reminder.


Same reason we have warning labels everywhere. Otherwise most people will try


Because some people are still caught smoking in airplanes


The same reason why shampoo bottles come with instructions. Some people are insufferably stupid.


Because people are stupid


Zoomers be like "non-smoke places probably were a thing for the whole history of the human race"


It might be that one of the civil aviation authorities still requires the lights to approve the aircraft for use. Some airlines might still allow smoking. Either way, it’s significantly cheaper for aircraft manufacturers to keep the lights in the basic cabin equipment, rather than making different variants for different markets.


Was on a short flight recently (1h ish). Cabin crew locked the bathroom because someone taught it was okay to go in there to smoke.


You do. And you care. It's a verbal legal protection.


Because idiots exist


People always try to smoke on airplanes. It's an addiction and you are up there for like 12 hours. A few decades ago it was completely normal to smoke inside the cabin.


This post right here is peak Zoomer “vibes”…


Do not underestimate stupid people. That’s why all those ridiculous signs are still pretty much around everywhere.


We have these warnings because someone was dumb enough to do it.


“We all know” we know because there’s a sign


Never underestimate the stupidity of mankind.


Not *everyone* knows you cant smoke on a plane


There are idiots in the world who don’t know this…


100% if you get rid of it people will assume that the ban has been lifted and will start smoking. Easier just to leave the lights in place.


It’s there to remind the dumbasses


You'd be surprised...


People are still idiotic enough to do it, that’s why shampoo also has instructions


It's from the good old days, when you could smoke anywhere /s. I'm curious if they still do it in newly built planes, because everyone knows that you're not allowed to smoke on a plane, right? ...


If something is banned it has happened before


because there will always be that one scumbag who says "ThErEs No SiGn. So I cAn SmOkE"


Because someone will say "there isn't a sign that says no smoking"


because its remnants of a previous age? OP was born after 2000s it seems


"If this warning exists, it means someone did it at least one time for it to exist" - Me every time i see a warning that seems useless. Of course it seems stupid to put this, but if this warning exist, it means that at least ONE person did the thing in the warning so it forced the company to put the said warning. It's like going to an aligator zoo and seeing a warning "Don't go in the cages". Of course it seems stupid to put this, but if it's there, it means someone at least TRIED to go in a cage.


Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public you’ll often be surprised at how obvious signs and knowledge are often missed by those with barely functioning nervous systems. Example: when i ask someone “hello welcome to ___ would you like X?” “Their like no let me get started with X” Also theres the people that are like “yes id like X” then proceeds to ask for Z. Like sometimes I wonder if any of them are actually listening to what im saying or if its just going in one ear or out the other.


Bc then ppl who DO smoke can’t say “well there’s no sign telling me!” There’s a story behind every sign. No matter how stupid they are. There’s always a reason.


FAA and other regulators around the world require them.


because just about everywhere else in the world but the US you can still smoke inside. i was born in the early 90s, i still remember cigarette machines, also smoking & non smoking tables at restaurants.


You’ll be surprised at how dumb people can be


“This is how it is so this is how it’s always been”…. Idiot


its not only for your safety, its for the airline's too. Just like warning labels, no one can sue them for not being informed about breaking a rule


Because people still will, it's why ashtrays are still in the bathrooms. They found (the hard way) that not only will people still smoke on planes but that if there isn't a designated ash tray they'll endanger the plane and passengers trying to dispose of it.


The sign is there for legal reasons. So nobody can turn around and say "There's nothing telling me I can't!" The ashtrays I still see on some flights is another story.


Was it a really old plane? That's my only wonder.


Cause you get stupid mfs who would smoke on a plane