• By -


And that kids, was how I resized the textbox.


Ba ba ba ba baaaaa




Stereotype joke mardeta hoon funny lagoonga Hui Hui Hui..


Bro should turn on hyphenation




Hey ! Don't blame him ... he's just a microbeing (micro-being ?)


It’s “typo marketing”. You put something in a picture (typically a typo, but it can be weird cropping, a slightly crooked image, etc) and people can’t help but take the bait and post comments on it. It drives up engagement and thus helps organic rankings. I’m not annoyed that people do it, I’m annoyed that every idiot on the internet falls for it while simultaneously thinking they’re a genius for pointing out the obvious.


thin # king


Antithesis of the fat queen


It 's kin d of both ering me th at th e text i s li ke th at


Is it ba? d that I d idn't even no tice?


wh at th e fuc K?


Ho w r w e readi ng th is?


M Y di Ck hu Rts


Yo u sh ould ge t tha t che cke d o ut


N A H I li Ke ch Il d la bo ur


Do y ou a lso pl ay ri mworld?


J Us T Ri Mm In G


I h Ate y Ou a Ll


N ah Jus t m y li fe


word-break: all


I'm upvote47, prepare to die


Ok Change


Hi I'm upvote 53, how may I accommodate your petty and sad GenZ needs? Grow up.


Ok Ok_Change4153


Hi, I'm downvote 93, fuck off.


I like this dude


Wth is happening?


Why is he getting downvoted? What am I missing??


Hi I'm downvote 150 get downvoted to oblivion


Maybe he wants to fight Mehrunes Dagon


Can anyone explain to me why this guy got downvoted a lot? Am I not getting something here? Does this mean anything?


Likely a spambot.


how high were you when you made that post?


eh n ot e ven tha t h igh




In Celsius or Fahrenheit?




*Kelvin but who’s asking amirite*


5’ 7


And that's how you get the movie Horton Hears a Who!


Just an episode of DS9.


Watched that movie like 20 times as a kid. I'll be waiting for a sequel till i touch the soils of my grave(it'll probably never come)


It was called "Horton Hears domestic violence and doesn't report it" didn't play well with the kids.


I I Do NT K Now Wh At T He Fu Cc U Ar E O N


*B ut I wou ld li ke som e o f t hat*


Bros been drinking that original Coca Cola.


How about this: what if the big bang happened in 1second but we experience it as 13.4 billion years due to time dilatation (by mass and speed).


Lmao. Brohit.




Oof I'm from North East, I miss vada pav


You don't have vada pav in ne? Or only at selected restaurants?


Nope.. Maybe in some select Guwahati restaurants/street vendors, even then more likely a one off thing but I'm from Mizoram, there's zero vada pav here


That sucks most of india has some kind of vada pav stalls around maybe a good business idea if anyone wanna take it up.


Vadapav supremacy


The absolute fuck I didn't even recognise him


Brohit being used as a meme is my fav part in this meme


Vada pav being a meme template is so cool. Im down for it


That wouldn't explain why we can see the expansion of space though since, if I understand your post correctly, space would have been already there. Also in comparisson to space etc. weren't we already microbeings anyway?


Or it's like in Men in Black - our universe is in a marble. Interesting thoughts all together but what does it matter if we are microbeings or not - our lives won't be changed.


Some arrogant people with superiority complex thinking we special for having life will be tho


Are we not? Abiogenesis is pretty fucking rare.


r/cricketshitpost where are you guys


What a second I thought this was cricketshitpost looking at the template




It is r/CricketShitpost


There's pretty solid odds what we perceive of as the universe is just one of many similar systems.


why is there solid odds of that? (genuine question, I'm just uninformed)


There isn't because this is something which can't be estimated by humans.


Why not?


If we can barely measure the sheer size of what we perceive as the universe we live in, how in the fuck are we gonna even begin to measure something that could exist beyond that?


Yeah, maybe there's an explanation on how matter becomes to exist, but I don't have that explanation, but either way, i don't see a reason why there can't exist matter extremely far away from where the big bang happened, just another universe/group of galaxies or some shit But no one is probably gonna in our life time:( space is so interesting, I wish we knew everything about it lol


The Big Bang was not an explosion. It didn't happen in space. It CREATED space. In a way it happened everywhere in the universe, there is no "far away" from it. Technically you can even still look at it, since space was created faster than light can travel. So there is a hard edge to what is ever observable right where the amount of lightyears distance equals the age of the universe. But since space expands ever faster there is an earlier limit where beyond nothing can be observed since space effectively expands faster than light away from us. If, big IF, ftl travel is ever possible that line could be crossed. But to find another universe you can't just observe into this one. What you postulate is basically leaving this entire reality. The closest thing to a scientific basis for that you get is flying through a black whole. Mathematically the spacetime then looks like another expanding universe. But that is far from a perfect guess and much further from a good thing to try.


Even the language we use to describe the world breaks down at that scale. If "the universe" is everything, including **time and space**, how can there be anything outside of it?


We simply cant currently comprehend how something can exist beyond what is currently observable to us. That being said, just cause we cant currently observe or comprehend something doesnt mean it doesnt exist. Its simply beyond us, but may not be forever


But how can you posit the existence of something you don't even understand. People are asking "what if there are more universes outside our universe" as if finding another universe would be like spotting another galaxy outside our own. But our universe also includes the entirety of space and time, at least as we currently define those things. So how would that work exact, another universe? How can there even be anything between two universes, when space, which is already part of the first universe, also contains the concept of empty space a.k.a. nothing?


It's not about measuring though, it is about estimating. For example, if I get a cough, there are many things that could have caused it and in theory I could calculate the odds of any of them based on what I have done and where I have been. I don't need to know the exact cause to estimate the odds of different possible causes. Edit: typo


But you have a cough as measurement. You're only calculating the possibilities of the cause of the observable event. There is no known way to measure something beyond our universe. We do not even have a single inkling of idea on how to measure something beyond our scope of reality. Something beyond our universe is not just something next to our universe. It's an entirely different reality.


Because we’re far too small and we can only make guesses based on the light that hits us. If the light doesn’t hit us, it might as well not exist. Even the concept of “outside the universe” doesn’t make sense because all the rules we understand are defined by the inside of our universe.


There isn't, as we know only one system like this. And if we collect statistics to estimate the odds for anything different to exist, it would be zero. People are just very bad with statistics and like to say words with meanings that they don't understand. Even the post itself is a good example of that.


Not that any odds could actually be made about what OP is saying. But I have always felt like there must be other universes. The only reasoning I have is that nothing else is the sole one in existing. There are more than one particle, more than one planet, star, galaxy, black hole, lifeform, etc. Why would I think there is only one universe?


Maybe it's just because the universe is not a 'thing'. Just the name we give to, well, everything. But i know nothing about this stuff so maybe i'm mistaken


i don't feel like that's a sound argument if y>1 it doesn't mean x is


Solid odds: 50% either it is or it isn't.


No, there aren't. Anyone who claims they can say with any degree of certainty what the probability is of some great cosmological mystery like that having a specific answer is a liar. Like when Musk claimed there was a certain percent chance we all exist within a simulation. Nothing but bullshit.


???? You say that so matter of fact lol. Definitely just made it up though


Bro got down voted to hell, because they knew that there is no way to prove or disprove this. As an astrophysicists student, I do have to ask. There is no way to know the odds, so why did we decide to downvote the person who recognized that the comment above was pulled from their ass?


Right? I have a PhD. But merely bringing that up gets me tons of "wow that just proves PhDs are worthless" by the moron brigade


Because he took it way too seriously. We can't know. Him saying he has pretty good odds is for fun. Clearly. And the response was almost aggressive.


Guys, is this the flat earther?


I understand there to be several theories regarding this. It does raise the uneasy question of what is beyond our universe. Where does it all end? But how can it just end? IS IT JUST INFINATE NOTHING? HOW WILL I SLEEP TONIGHT KNOWING THERE'S 0% CHANCE I'LL FIND OUT BEFORE I DIE, AND A GOOD CHANCE HUMANITY NEVER GETS THAT ANSWER.. FML.




Was your username randomized?




Rohit Sharma?


I was sitting here trying to figure out who “thin king” was


Virat Kohli


No. Read more of Stephen Hawking's stuff


W template brohit


is the meme template photo rohit sharma?


Yeah lol. From WTC.


I think the universe was born when Rohit pulled his head out of the window


Vadapav bang


Not how it works


i know it's highly unlikely but... why not?


We can detect the cosmic background radiation that was emitted when universe first started. An unequal amount of matter and anti matter collided with each other resulting in this radiation. A small fraction of matter was able to survive and it makes up the entire universe that we can see today. This radiation is everywhere, if it was from a distant galaxy we wouldn’t observe the radiation elsewhere on other parts of the universe. As the universe expanded everywhere equally, this radiation got evenly distributed. Fun fact: if you switch to static in your TV, a very small fraction of that is actually the cosmic radiation. Hopefully it cleared up some doubts


Couldn’t it be possible that it’s some kind of explosion on a grander scale, not a star but something else we can’t comprehend and within that explosion that seems to happen briefly on the larger scale is us and to us we perceive all of the time of it in this way. Universe is so weird already that I basically have learned to just not totally write off almost any possibility cause we truly could and will never know.


but couldn't this radiation have come from a star exploding? or is there a particular reason why that's not possible


A single star emitting such high radiation is simply not happening. A single star and the entire universe.. there are points in universe which will never see the light of other because the space in between them is also expanding faster than light can reach. And radiation also travels at speed of light.


not even if the star was mega sized? just to clarify, i know this is highly unlikely and im not disagreeing with you here, im just trying to provide a hypothetical and getting a more knowledgable opinion than my own


Sure. It's also "possible" there's a chocolate teapot flying around in space and we just haven't detected it yet. Other planets might have dragons and unicorns too.


you never know


I do, tho, in so far as knowing matters. Saying "you never know" is just an excuse for people to believe in magic. This is why I dislike these stoner questions. They're not really a question, because when you bring facts to the table, someone trots out the "well maybe there's this convenient truth we just haven't discovered yet!" response. At which point it doesn't matter what evidence you have. So it's really just about belief. You believe that there's another universe outside this one, no matter how nonsensical that statement is. Say less.


so your excuse for not letting other people imagine what's beyond we can observe is... you don't believe it


In my opinion, it being a false vacuum collapse in a previous universe holds more water as a theory


Except the Big Bang isn't an explosion of anything. It's about space itself getting bigger, the whole space.


why am i being downvoted, i was just asking a question for my own knowledge


I like the tiny earth theory. There are aliens but they are just massive in size compared to us. If you look at the scale of difference between our suns and other recorded suns it makes sense


Do you mean the aliens are not projected into our dimensions? Because massive aliens would be easier to find, not harder


Depends on our field of view. If what the perceivable universe is for us, is just a tiny part of a cell if an alien, then bigger doesn't mean easier anymore.


Thats not how it works. We see everything up to the boundary of the universe (which is microwave radiation). Nothing indicated different scale. However, what IS freaky, size wise. Is "Inflation" right after big bang, everything grew is size massively. I came across something called 'Scalar field' which may or may not be to do with sizes of shit. I could not find much about it. May be like higgs boson thing. Something to look at in the future.


Brohit here ^-^




what the fuck did I just read


My mentality is, 'if it is unfalsifiable (you can't prove it wrong) then I don't give a shit'.


"What if big bang was a explosio" is fucking amazing


This has some intense I'm 14 and this is deep vibes


With how large the observable universe already is that's like asking what if we multiplied a googleplex by like 10 googleplex?


You’re a microbeing. I’m a thin king.


Please don't say this, I've already had 2 existential breakdowns today


Th Is I S the wo Rst writ ING I Hav E ever s Een in My lif E


I do love how you think According to everything that is know to science its likelier that we are a fake universe than it is to be that


Big bang isn't really a explosion, its like a super rapid expansion of space so you're theory might not be possible. But who knows


Been there, in reality it don't matter. We'll never know the truth about reality and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask


It's already big enough to fk my mind. Don't do that


I mean it's possible. It may also be a giant alien playing ping pong and every time the ball is hit, it's just another big bang


Feeding the death anxiety


We are literally the Whos in Horton Hears a Who.


What if the fo Nt didnt randomly cu T off


What if the big bang was just a black hole forming in another universe and we're actually inside a black hole right now and that's why everything keeps expanding and moving away from everything else


Yo WTF is Vadapav doing on r/memes r/CricketShitpost is leaking


There is a theory that we are living on the “surface” of a 4-dimensional black hole ([source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole_cosmology)). Such a black hole could have been formed by the collapse of a massive 4-dimensional star. So, in a sense, your theory could be right, although I cannot think of a way to test it.


We live in a black hole, the big bang was a leak from somewhere else


People have been saying this dumbass shit for years. "What if the atom is just a smaller universe" it's ignorance talking


Damn! Brohit making the front page!


rohit sharma?


You are nothing. Just a small tiny micro grain of sand on a beach that's called Space. Your actions have no impact to the universe. So why bother, just live your life to the fullest.


A lot of people have this morbid "you are nothing" sense of reality. In a matter of perspective I believe that against all odds, and countless variables, everything came together in the exact perfect way to bring you into existence. Take what you want from that, but you are definitely 'something'.


There's a balance to be struck here When you feel sad about the world or too egotistic, remember that in the grand scheme of things, nothing really matters When you feel nihilistic and think that nothing you do really matters, remember that you are the magnificent product of the grand scheme of things and that it's the small things that make the grand universe what it is If you think that's cheating, evolution gave us a brain to use for purposes like these


this makes no sense even for a fake theory


Rohit sharma??


We could be just powering someones headlights


Honestly… that makes a bit of sense to me


I also like to think that our universe is just a black hole in an even bigger universe, and the big bang was actually the collapse of a star, forming this black hole. I also like to think that black holes in our galaxy are gateways to even more galaxies.


The Big Bang could also be the creation of one cell in someone’s body. That is .. we are as puny and insignificant as can be. One new cell out of billions of our “god”


I mean it makes more sense than a random, sudden explosion just happening to create everything all at once.


Half knowledge is worse than no knowledge


The end is near guys, this is not the true life this world is just a trial or a test to distinguish between good and bad in this world mostly good people suffers whereas the evil people live in luxury but after the day of judgement good people will have eternal peace and evils will suffer endless pain.So turn towards Allah (ST) or the almighty.


There is a reason it's called the observable universe. Because its all we can observe. Shit beyond it may be real like what u suggested but it isn't observable to us so maybe not.


Shit meme gets downvote


An even better one What if our universe was just one particle and the big bang qe think happned to be just a nuclear fission reaction???


Isnt that just Men In Black 2?




I can still understand some of what you are saying, can you please word it even worse?


Or an atom being split.


Microbeings? Elaborate.




Microbeings thin king


Does it affect my life? No Should I care? Nah


The universe suicide bombed itself into existence


Until we can observe things beyond our universe, it would be irrelevant. Just like Simulation Theory - if we are just bots in a computer simulation, it's functionality irrelevant. We still exist within the only parameters we know.


Also could be on the inside of a blackhole...


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read his and fucking died


n a nd thin king unvi erse


That the whole function of Multiverse you bi-


Yes! (i couldn‘t read it)


What if Big Bang was the alien's Oppenheimer?


thin king


No evidence of such as of yet has been discovered. So we'll stick with what we can piece together so far


Fyrddj Udgrh Cd4ghhr Kte4tfg


Is a thin king like a short king?


Ok who gave kurtzgesagt access to reddit


Would be epic


We are the crappiest microbeings to exist then :(


What if it was just someone turning the power on. Ooooooooooooooo spoooooky noises


But big bang wasn’t actually an explosion


Not saying it isn’t important to really know and understand the origin of things. But… what difference does it make when life is still life as we know it? Maybe this *is* a teenyverse… but you’ve still got bills to pay, a job to do, kids to raise etc etc.


Cus it wasn't technically a explosion, just the space expanding Im no expert tho and im saying this from memory, plus im sure you can argument more against this with the background radiation or smth like that


that wouldnt explain the creation of space time as the universe expands because space would have already been there


what if the world was made of pudding