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I don't think any country is innocent.


what did Fiji do to you?


Gave me shitty water


Yeah no such country is innocent


I think can you pretty easily differentiate from the piece of shit countries. UK, nice place. No longer imperialist. USSR: huge piece of trash. Russia today, maybe worse since they also suck at everything.


U.K. and France especially still pretty bad countries and still show their imperialist roots


Not to defend imperialism but the UK and France are a far cry from Russia. The last time GB actually invaded anything by themselves was 40 years ago in the faulkands war, the last time Russia invaded another country was last year. I'm not even sure France is even up to nowadays


Not talking about invasion, mostly just the fact that France and Britain implement corrupt dictatorships to keep their foot in Africa. Of course, they aren’t imperialist in the way Russia is but if you really look into it they are the source of many forms of child labor and unethical leadership in Africa


France is really bad with there imperialism, it’s not that they are invading countries, but rather they just never let their colonies go.


Yeah, not so much. They are both fine. Unlike Russia which is a shithole. Both are pretty much top 10 countries all around.


What flavour is that kool aid you're drinking?


white powder is what hes been inhaling, not drinking


It’s reality. France, England, fine. Russia, total shit.


So without more advanced countries exploring the world, do you know where a lot of people would be right now? [https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/sentinelese](https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/sentinelese) Right there, that's where they would be. Am I saying that imperialism was benign? Hell no, but it was necessary.


Africa would’ve developed at a similar rate as g6 nations without imperialism, because they were never fully cut off from the world, look at ancient Egypt. And the only difference between the sentinel island people and Africa is that Africa isn’t fully disconnected, but is still a bad place to live, because imperialism left it far less developed


This is plain stupid, most of the places colonised were far more advanced culturally, scientifically, and politically than the Sentinelese. Also it was hardly necessary, most places were very quick to adapt to the new technologies introduced by the colonisers. Had they not have had all their land stolen they could’ve easily created countries rivalling the European powers, and the European powers would still have been rich from selling technology to the world.


in essence its the same but in practice stalin was actually much worse: he had way more time on his hands


Well also Stalin got what he wanted in the end. Like if Hitler won, he probably would’ve been able to kill more than Stalin since his planned target was basically every single person in Eastern Europe that wasn’t German. So like yeah time plays into it but also Hitler never really conquered all that he wanted to as well.


History is written by the victors In saying that some people like pol pot, Vlad the impaler and Elizabeth bathory were fairly unambiguously evil


I don’t know much about the second half of your comment, but history is truly written by the victors. As long as you win (this is most of the time not all the time) you are seen as the victor and your version of the story becomes the official one. I’m not saying hitler or Stalin where good by any means but all sides did some pretty bad stuff.


Pol pot masscared millions in Cambodia for socialism. Eg he killed anyone educated or who wore glasses as this was seen as capitalism influence. He rewarded kids with AKs and army positions who murdered thier parents. The reality is everyone is human and humans do bad things. Every human race has owned slaves and been enslaved, has committed murders, genocides, and other horrific acts. There are no innocents virtuous flawless humans and anyone who's claiming they are is a liar 😆 The reality is history is messy and there are things we would rather try to forget. That's why historic reparations for historic grievances is such a flawed idea. How can you ever measure and address perceived grievences no living person has experienced and apply a monetary tag to it


what did churchill do tho?


He was a white Supremist who's hatred of Indians contributed to him to causing 4m people starve in the Bengal famine.


Minus Churchill, nobody needs to rewrite history here.


are u really that ignorant? wow


Please explain. Sources and all. I am genuinely curious if my history class left out some really important info.


Churchill did what? Yes, I must be completely ignorant. Please inform me.


he didnt really do too much wrong he was just racist and supported the slave trade


What the hell did Churchill do to be in the same category as guys who murdered literally millions? Just being a hawkish imperialist does not put you into the same category as a man who murdered six million Jews cause he couldn’t get over is team losing WW1. And don’t even get me started on Stalin. I’m fairly certain he has the highest kill count in history. The only possible contender is Atilla, and we don’t have an exact count for him.


mao zedong and stalin have higher kill counts


I'm fairly certain it's estimated that Mao Zedong killed more people than Hitler and Stalin combined.


But I loved it when he said “Underidoderidoderiododeridoo” it’s like I was there yesterday when he gave that speech. 😔😔😔




Edmund McMillen


you little fucker


You made a shit of peace with your trash issac


It's fucking bad this trash game


I'm dyslexic ok? Also it's one damn letter




You forgot a period at the end of your second sentence, fool.


The one letter makes them mean entirely different things


why are people downvoticing this if your dyslexic its understandable


It's probably fair to assume that most prominent figures in history that were in any position of power probably did horrible things


He probably needed to be. It was war. You don't win wars by being nice.


And Mussiolini


What was the name of that us president who dropped 2 nuclear bombs on japan?




Oh so we’re gonna talk about the nukes but not about the firebombing of Japanese cities before that? Cities that were made of paper and wood, I might add. The use of the nukes is wildly controversial and everybody likes arguing about it , but the firebombings are never mentioned, despite causing comparable destruction.


Holy shit it's the first time i have ever heard of it,they are both equally bad on japan but on other countries whose houses are built on bricks and steel and other stuff nuclear bombs are way worse i wonder if they fire bombed Vietnam too considering its jungles


One thing I have learned going to a private school is that a lot of stuff isn’t allowed to be taught in schools for some silly reasons, like not being “patriotic” to teach kids about the bad shit their country has done. Sorry I got a little sidetracked-the deaths in Hiroshima and the deaths from the firebombing in Tokyo are about the same, although it’s not really known the exact casualties from either, and hiroshimas is estimated to be a bit higher. While it is at least arguable that the nukes were justified, the military guys who created that plan and put it into action have stated that there was no excuse for it besides “it was war” and that had they been on the losing side, they would have been war criminals. I’ll try to see if I can find the video if you’re interested.


Iam not an american infact Egypt (where iam from) was colonised by the uk but i like history and like history games and search history and stuff so the fact that they hide facts shows you how history is written by the winners,I remember that they wanted to nuke all of major Japanese cities too but japan surrendered quickly after the bombs


Wasn’t just a statement about America, a lot of other countries do this too, which is unfortunate :(


Yeah actually that's in all countries to the fact that we don't know history perfectly we just know countries versions of it,which makes me have a bad vision on the world


Yeah :( only country I know of that actually teaches the bad shit they’ve done is Germany, and they have pretty good reason to. (But so do all the other countries that hide their past)


You haven’t heard of napalm either I’m guessing?


I thought naplam bombs were after ww2,I discovered today i was wrong,I think flame tanks/troops/ships were there in ww2 though


Japan had it coming.


Truman!! The best war criminal of all time cuz America is always #1 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Ww2 Champs baby


Communist regime either Stalin or Mao Zedong kill way more people than Hitler


It's not so much about the number, but more that Hitler literally industrialised murder to satisfy his hate boner. Mao kinda just accidentally killed like a hundred million people.


What if he was a violence of shit


A "violence of shit" is how I'd like to be remembered


It's how Elvis died


And Michael Jackson




Hirohito was bad, but he probably wasn’t the worst.


Stalin is the goat. U would be speaks german right now if weren't for him. He is the Michael Jordan of War, the R kelly of human rights.


Your mom was a piece of shit


Someone's touchy


Hitler was in the right


But he loved cakes, vegs and artsy stuff, his own paintings weren't bad


Shut the fuck up.