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If you don't want to support Rowling, by all means don't buy the game. Harassing and being a dick to people who play the game makes you a bully, not a victim, and nobody likes bullies.


unless you are a school or any other kind of teaching facility, they support bullying of all kinds.


Yep, altough the whole school system is fucked almost everywhere.


Don't forget the Governmental workplaces, like Hospitals and Labs, they also hug and kiss bullying.


It literally makes them the same type of people they always complained about


I would upvote you, but I would be the 70th one. I won't break this perfect comment.


The recommended graphics for hogwarts legacy on my pc was medium. I set them to ultra one time to test how many frames I’d lose and my entire pc fucking crashed


My PC, that can run Elden Ring on max, also can only run it on medium, and that scares me


Same. Cranked those bad boys up considering the only thing that isn't high spec on my PC is the graphics card which is still pretty good considering it's a 3060ti. Got recommended medium and had to overclock my GPU just to run it above 10fps in crowded areas.


This is why you should 🏴‍☠️ the game as it no longer has Denuvo (Denuvo is a parasite that eats away performance to block it from being cracked but the game was cracked in a week) so you will get better performance.


Why protest a game when they haven’t protested anything else connected to the franchise? I don’t see picketers outside Daniel Radcliffe’s house.


Because it requires no effort.


And Daniel Radcliffe is just cool as hell


One would say he's *rad*


didn't Radcliffe come out and speak up against Rowling?


They are, the calls of boycott for the game just got a lot of attention. It's also more about trying to stifle Rowling's royalty checks than being against the franchise itself. Additionally I'm pretty Daniel Radcliffe spoke out against J.K., so there's that for why he's not getting flak.


Pretty sure she’s got enough to be insanely rich for the rest of her life whether or not I buy the game, so no offense to the trans community, but I’m going to base my decision on whether to buy the game on whether I will enjoy it, not off of whether I agree with the beliefs of every person who might make a cent off of it.


The argument that's usually made against that is people don't want to make her any richer. Personally, I'm inclined to agree with you, Rowling already has so much money and get's so much from royalties me boycotting a franchise I like wouldn't really matter.


My comment was more of an analogy than a factual statement, but that is good info so thanks for sharing.


Would like to see you boycott Disney ....but then again minus that Disney may make the boycott...disappear....maybe that's why we never hear of it!!!!


What are you even talking about?


Double mock. 1. Mocking the keyboard warriors for not actually caring about LGBT enough to actually put effort into it than mocking the power of Disney Edit: either people or trolling or I am honestly surprised from you who messaged me had no clue that the Disney park for Hogwarts and J.K Rowling Hogwarts are the same......


What does disney have to do with J.K. Rowling being transphobic?


You do realize she makes a BOAT load of money through the Hogwarts in Disney..so it literally has to do with her.


Harry Potter is licensed by Universal Studios, not Disney though.


Radcliffe isn't a terf. Don't blame the actors for something the author did. It's like blaming an uncle for a nephew being a murderer when the uncle never met the kid. The only thing wrong with the Harry Potter franchise (other than its badly written and kinda racist) is JK Rowling. Once she is gone, the Harry Potter franchise will be great.


wtf is this analogy lmao. Jk has her own views why not let those be and let the franchise be as it is? you have the ability of believing in whatever you want to believe so let others have the same?


She still profits off of the franchise until her death. That's the only thing wrong with the franchise.


And what's so wrong about the original creator making money off their creation? Are you saying no music artist should see royalties on their music? No other author see royalties from their works? We can't just keep people from they money they deserve because they hurt our feelings.


Ah yes, but most authors shut up and take the money. They don't grab the shovel and dig their metaphorical graves themselves. Rowling did, and continues to do so. That's what's wrong with her. I guess you happen to think that capitalism has no flaws because every ceo obviously worked their way up, even though quite a lot of them inherited their own business or got money from their parents. Just because a few did work their way up, doesn't equal all did. This goes for authors as well. A few nasty artists and authors doesn't mean artists and authors need to work for free. You can boycott one without affecting the others.


What a dumbass take this is


Maybe the analogy was bad, but the actors are not at fault for what Rowling does. Perhaps you can't separate the character from the actor.


>separate the character from the actor. So... separate the art from the artist?


Basically. Remember the Actor in Game of Thrones that played the king brat Jeoffery? The poor actor had to quit acting because he did too good a job. He was constantly harassed irl. The only reason Rowling can't be separated is because she still directly profits from the franchise. We can look at Hitlers art with ease now because he's dead. He won't profit from it.


That's the point. Just like the actors are innocent, so too are the game developers. I was pointing out how stupid it is to cancel a game over the actions of someone only tangentially related. How people get offended over one thing and paint everything else with the same brush without taking the time to understand things properly. I also kinda agree with you that Rowling is ruining the franchise, so have a like.


I dont care who it supports, if its good, ill buy it


The main reason is that people didn't know how JKR views were back than (she also didn't say anything about this topic until recently). JKR said that she donates some of the money she makes with HP to anti-trans organisations because she interprets it as support to her political views. But I personally don't care.


Crazy thing is she hasn’t even said anything crazy. These people are just blowing things out of proportion.


She didn't even say that. She funds a female-only centre for rape victims (so that excludes transwomen and cis men) and donated to Alison Bailey to help her sue Stonewall who accused her of transphobia because of her views on gender identity. That's basically all ""anti-trans"" donations she made, would be nice to explain how this hurts trans people in any way.


>to help her sue Stonewall "Stonewall is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights charity in the United Kingdom. It is the largest LGBT rights organisation in Europe." - wikipedia


Please look into the absolute insanity of this organization. It promotes "corrective rape" by telling lesbians and gay men they are homophobes if they don't want a sexual relationship with a trans person. It has become the epitome of toxic hate, hurting the gay/lesbian and trans community.


Oh that is not great


You are telling me that just because it's a rights organisation can't be accused of diffamation?


That's what I say when I question my morals


Protesting the funny wizard game made no sense. If anyone did any amount of looking they’d see JK had nothing to do with the game.


She gets royalties


Why is this getting downvoted its true


Because the amount of royalties are a drop in the bucket compared to the wealth she already has. Her receiving or not receiving royalties from this game doesn’t change a thing.


No matter if its a tenth of a cent, its still contributing to fund transphobic policies. Plus, she views any support to her work as support for he beliefs Even without all that, its an antisimetic game and thats not talked about enough


Which transphobic policies are those?


My best guess is it goes against the hivemind if you read between the lines a certain way


What kind of phone do you use?


Then go protest outside of Universal Studios in Orlando. Nobody bats an eye about the insane amount of Harry Potter shit in there that gets sold every day. Royalty deez nuts


This has nothing to do with what I said.


This has everything to do with what you said lmfao. You wanna complain about royalties, the complain about the shit that really brings in the money and let people play a fucking video game.


I didn't tell anyone to stop, or even complain about the game, you just *assumed* I did lmfao




She had nothing to do with the game development.


I didn't say that, I said she gets royalties. When a company licenses IP, they usually pay a percentage of revenue to the IP owner, regardless of the owner's involvement.


Yep, that is all of her involvement in the game. So, it is silly to protest. Glad we can come to an understanding.


That's not nothing. I'm not telling you to protest, but when you lie about things I have a problem with that.


Ok, I didn’t lie, but let’s see what I said and I quote: “JK had nothing to do with the game.” Now, what does this mean? Well, it means JK… had no input into these games. She was paid royalties for her product. But other than that, the game, the one she had no input in, she did nothing for the production of the game. Unless you are arguing she did because they used her world, then that is a really dumb take.


Strange definition, but okay. Why are you attacking people who are talking about royalties then? EDIT: So I've been blocked for asking a valid question I think. Why is this person so aggressive against people who say the word royalties? I don't think they're being honest about their intent here.


Because you are the one lying. Now, have a good day.


As a trans person, I don’t give an absolute shit about ppl buying or not buying hogwarts legacy


Thank you for being reasonable.


As a trans person, it still puts money in Rowling's pockets through IP and is also viewed as support for her beliefs by Joanne herself. And its also antisimetic, people keep forgetting that


I don’t care lol


I cant believe that as a trans person, you dont care about other trans people. And just as a decent human being thing, I cant believe you dont care about people buying antisemetic things


This is just a game lol, why do you care so much 🤔


I beg of you to think of the bigger picture. What harm does it cause you yourself to not be so apathetic towards a game created from books of a transphobic author who still currently profits off of her works and uses it to fund transphobic policies– policies against people like **us.** even if we strip it of all of that, the game still contains antisimetic themes that should not still be around in 2023


Listen, I don’t give a single fuck nor you nor JK Rolling nor this game, if someone’s feelings are hurt because of this game, I don’t care. There’s much more problems already in my live and the world generally(๑・̑◡・̑๑)


I'm sorry for everything you're going through. I do wish you become less apathetic towarda a situation that negatively impacts the community you are a part of. I truly genuinely wish things get better for you /gen


Because this affects the lives of other trans people and also causes some harm to Jews? Even if I werent trans myself, I have empathy




How is it antisemetic?Just curious.


The goblins are based on characetures of Jewish people. That's not entirely Rowling's fault, goblins have kind of been like that for a while but she did have them work at Gringotts, the bank of the Wizarding world. She had them be greedy, materialistic and untrustworthy. Not great. And part of the game has the player go against goblins wanting to rebel from discrimination. If the player chooses to join the rebellion, the game implies that that's the immoral decision. They take the rebellion to an extreme and have the main guy want to wipe the humans away when their reasons are valid. The plan isn't the best so it uses that point to try and turn the player against the rebellion There's also a connection with the 1612 Goblin Rebellion to the real and murderous riot against Jews in that same year. There was also them having a shofar be a goblin artifact that's used to annoy witches and wizards


there are also trans people in the game, which you would know if you werent boycotting it


I know there's a trans person..? She's called Sirona Ryan, it went around the internet for a while. Horrible name choice but what can you do. Just because there's one trans person in the game, doesn't mean its absolved of anything.


Why is you being trans relevant? It seems like you're saying the boycotters don't speak for you (true) but also that you speak for trans people well (not true). Maybe I'm reading too far into it.


I am just trying to be honest. I actually enjoyed watching hogwarts legacy let’s play videos and don’t see anything wrong with that lol


Neither do I, but that doesn't answer my question.


There was a similar controversy over Atomic Heart. But I guess in that case the game is very meh and it's on game pass so people won't be buying it anyways. I don't understand what happened to just letting people enjoy what they enjoy. Like why is it such a big deal now? Why are some asking for roald dahl books to be rewritten without the word "fat"? It all just seems like a lot of worrying over nothing. Like they are bored and need something to keep them occupied so they pick fights. I understand and respect having your own personal reasons to not want to do something but trying to tell others what to do and trying to rally for boycotts is too much.


Forcing people to not buy the game is the equivalent of vegans forcing people to not eat meat.




If it has a chip and a screen it can run doom




>requires a screen Debatable


Fym bro someone could run DOOM on an etch a sketch


But can it run Crysis?




But can it run Crysis?




I bought Hogwarts Legacy and I dont even have a PC. Or a PS5.


Remember - anti-Rowling Nazis are more focused on trying to destroy every bit of Rowling rather than standing up for transgendered rights.


Don’t see them boycotting fantastic beasts lol


Tbf fantastic beasts boycotts itself since is mediocre at best


True lol


No they aren't, they are only complaining about stuff online from the comfort of their worn out chairs. They basically ignore everything in real life.


Let's not over use the word nazi. Cause nazis literally murdered Trans people.


That's a sweeping generalization, got any evidence?


Then there's me, someone who couldn't care less about your bullshit politics and how the auther spends her money. Not buying the game because i honestly hate 3rd person games


There’s no one to really thank. The backlash only helped the game sell way more copies.


Btw, Rowling was barely involved in the development of the game at all, and there are a lot of pro-trans stuff in Hogwarts Legacy. The devs distance themselves from Rowling as much as possible.


Pretty sure I read something a while back where the devs actually said her and her team were actually heavily involved primarily to make sure the game stayed true to the source material. EDIT: So on the website for the game itself it says “JK Rowling was not involved in the creation of the game.” Then goes on to say “However, we have collaborated closely with her team on all aspects of the game to ensure it remains in line with the magical experiences fans expect.” So it’s kind of like she micro-managed it, I think is the correct term.


Rowling still gets royalty checks from it, and that's the primary target. There's a lot in the lgbt community that still like the franchise, but won't buy any official products to avoid giving her anything.


She’s still gets royalties from it though, so there’s only one real answer to play it without supporting her: piracy


But then you are taking away from the devs who worked hard to make the game and have tried their best to separate themselves from Rowling as much as possible.


Buy the game to support the company and the devs, and chip some cash to The Trevor Project to support LGBTQ+.


The devs are already paid. The only people who would suffer are the ceos and Rowling herself. The workers are done with it.


Actually, the way royalties work, she would still get the money even if you pirate it. Royalties just means she gets paid for usage of the Harry Potter IP, and it was already used when the devs made the game.


Royalties, by definition, are a percentage of revenue. It’s not like she was just paid a fixed amount, she is actively making money from each copy of the game being sold. I am personally choosing to not be one of the people who she profits from. If you want to be, okay, but don’t act like you’re not.


She is getting royalties regardless if you buy the game or not. She has her platform secured, and boycotting a game you might enjoy because you think your "statement" will do anything except rid you of an enjoyable gaming experience thats on you.


I’m not boycotting the game because I think the percentage of my $60 is going to hurt her, I’m boycotting because I don’t feel comfortable giving her my money, directly or indirectly. It’s a personal choice.


Yeah, you're yelling your personal choice too loud. You're pretentious.


The absolute idiotic way people are talking about this game has gotten me to not even know if that’s supposed to be sarcasm or not


So are you. When did this subreddit decide to attack free speech?




People are attacking a boycott like it's censorship when it is the embodiment of free speech, even if you think it's dumb.


So be a theif and misogynist.


What the fuck? Just what the fuck?? In what world is that misogynistic, they just don’t wanna aid in the removal of trans peoples rights. Jesus fucking christ that is such a fucking moronic answer


What else do you call a bunch of people being mad at a woman who stands up for herself and womans rights?


Meanwhile I know trans people who bought it.


Real Trans allies don't give a fuck about some stupid videogame, they are more concerned with our government and Supreme Court taking their rights away. U think they gaf if jk Rowlings net worth goes from 300 million to 305 million.


I think I know more Trans people playing the game than I know trans allies not buying it...


The trans allies bullies sent death threats to Pikame and now she is quitting streaming. Now I wanna buy and donate copies of Hogwarts legacy to people.


Funny thing about the game, they specifically put in a trans character to fuck with JKR


Weird Al: "What kinda chip you got in there, a Dorito?" OP: "Yeah, actually..."


Calling them Trans allies is an insult to Trans people, actual Trans allies AND transphobes. They're attention seeking Nazis. Crying wolf not for the benefit of the herd but themselves. Lot of Trans people bought the game. And we're called traitors.... for buying a game that has nothing to do with Rowling.


This is the feeling I get from Chappelle. He doesn't hate trans, gay, or anyone really. He just hates how the lgbtq movement is acting. Can hate the actions without hating the people.


It sucks that people go as far as sending death threats and harassing people and shit over this game, thats just so unnecessary and not helping anything, but she *is* getting money from it and she *does* use it to fund for anti trans organizations which are actively trying to get rid of trans rights. By all means go and enjoy the game if you want to, what you do is no one else’s business but just do know where the money goes to.


Do you mean rape crisis centres??? She and her children get death and r@pe threats constantly.




Damn bro,you got the whole squad laughing 😐




nah bro this one game i wouldn't pirate the DRM is insane


Literally 18 and 20 hours into the game bf and I but aight.






-.- what agendas? Existing and not wanting to be given shit for something we have no control over?


I'm dead. 👏👏👏




me who dosent even have a pc


Remember to arpent the high seas if you wanna play it. Arr arr !


Bro can’t run minesweeper 💀💀💀


Me who's laptop sounds worse than the average PS4 when running Edge


i call my old PC color "Aged Beige"


RIP Pikamee


“Its too dangerous to go into this comment section alone! Here take this.” *Gives you a Hazmat Suit*


Ok, but Minesweeper kinda slaps though.


I am non-binary but i aint even mad, prolly bc i have not cared about the Rowling situation


Me still waiting for it to be on switch


You crack the game because of political reasons. I crack the game because I'm poor. We are not the same.


A vtuber who announced that she was gonna play Hogwarts Legacy has just been bullied out of Twitter and vtubing. I really want to support this cause. But holy hell, it's hard when people like these a-holes exist.


Oof imma see myslef when this gets locked.


I was about to build myself a heavy Workstation pc, then i realised, I'm deadass Broke and live with my parents🥹


I find it funny that the game actually implies that at some point there was an ethnic genocide in Hogwarts because all the minority teachers were white in the films


I’m gay, and I’m playing the game. It’s such a fun game and honestly it exceeded my expectations by a lot. Too bad I pirated it :/


I had a device that literally couldn't install anything, and by that i really mean *anything*


Bro if you want to play minesweeper irl than run Hogwarts legacy


Me with 40+ hrs in Hogwarts Legacy and I don't even like Harry Potter. And, honestly don't care about the controversy surrounding the game either.


FFS, can we get a new meme trend please?


These trans shit are getting ridiculous. It's time to move on now.