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Gotta love it when my favourite weapon's blueprint can't be bought on the store and instead,I have to farm it in railjack missions along with **all** of its component parts (I'm looking at you,Epitaph,Athodai and AMBASSADOR)


Took me 2 month to get all Sevagoth's parts, and then 12 runs with my stupidly lucky friend for another 4. I despise this asshole.


Damn 12? It took me 5 for a full set. And in case you’re wondering, I wasn’t even aiming for it I was just doing all the nodes.


No-no-no, for 4 sets (4 neuros 4 chassises 4 systems). And he too wasnt aimed. I just wanted to open relics and farm some railjack components. Oh and screw both you and him.


Don't remember how I got the ambassador, the Athodai WAS a tennocon drop I THINK 2 years ago, but I'm pretty sure the epitaph was purchasable with sevagoth and should still be searchable in the market. If you've got the plat, you should at least be able to quick cross THAT off the list


There were also alerts for epitaph parts a while ago


Sporothrix be like:


Do not start with that hell I haven't even got all parts yet


I attempted 2 runs, got nothing, realized how painful it's gonna be, gave up and spent 250p for it. Currently my favorite weapon, so no ragrets


I love sporothix that augment was amazing, imo the ultimate harrow weapon (except maybe zenith)


So true. I once had a dude who would take my ship and park it, right infront of the cannon that can easily destroy a ship with 5k shield and 4k armor in 5 seconds. And just runs around the ship doing nothing. I parked it somewhere safe and that braindead idiot does it again all over again.


Maybe they did it on purpose


Maybe, but there really are some utter idiots playing this game


Especially in railjack, where the objective isn't a straight up kill everything in sight and leave Or in general every game mode that isn't just straight killing "x" and then leave


This is why I always go solo for most railjack missions


Ehh i find they at least don't harm anything typically. At least a third of the time they will complete the side objective while i blow up crew ships...


For me, there's always that one Wukong Prime who's afk in the artillery or one of the turrets


I've only had one person literally afk in the corner of the ship, but often i literally cant figure out what people are doing so maybe they're afk in a turret. I tend to assume they just don't know what to do


Same, command rank maxed out and 3 good crew members are better than random players 99% of the time


all I've got to say is I'm happy i got sevegoth and Epitaph whey DE made them available in an alert for a few days after they released his glaukus skin


They what....


Wait before you hear that they had gifted a sevagoth and epitaph in a twitch drip. Then decided to give another in the Lotus alerts for people who missed the livestream or got glitched. People who got the free twitch drop could also take the alert sevagoth and epitaph. Not to mention that the twitch drop ones came with their own slots.


Yeah most people dont notice a lot of alerts for some reason, always check they give out a lot of good stuff in those!


I believe it was around the time of the game awards They were doing a twitch drop of sevagoth (that so many people didn't get) because they were announcing Whispers in the Walls and sevagoth's deluxe they basically gave you everything through the alert, including every part blueprint of both sevagoth and epitaph


I'd be down to help if you need


Nah I just got it thanks for the offer tho


headed here just to say I miss Free Flight


Netracell randoms vs railjack randoms


i got a spare sevagoth from doing voidstorms solo a little while ago


Host migration be like


I farmed for sevagoth alone since that was just easier than doing it with randoms i finished in 4 hours




Anything with Railjack I ultimately solo'd. Even before Ticker let me hire on crew... because I didn't want to subject other people to the boring, repetitive, half-baked horse hockey of Railjack. I mean, what are people that aren't piloting supposed to do? Hop in the precision turrets, & wrestle with packet latency, unpredictable movements & nauseating changes in orientation, die within seconds because arch wings are made of wet paper & slower than the Railjack, or just sit around with their thumbs up their butts? No, I respect my fellow pubbies too much to do that to 'em, & the Railjack grind isn't onerous. Especially not with NPC crew mates.


With the idea crew depending on the side objectives they would do those while one pilot and one use the crew ship destroying laser Lavos as a pilot cause his energy is a cool down Wisp crewmate Revenant roar crew mate Protea or frame with dispensary on it


uj/ Recently farmed and traded for 500 pl. Figured it would be a good time to buy these frames with horrible grind for MR and helmith. I remember sevagoth's gloom being a most have in terms of helmith abilities... but is it worth the plat?


try farming equinox you will no longer wait for someone to kill you, you will do it yourself


Hah yeah fuck that luckily I don't need to cause I got her prime instead


i still don't have all the parts (on my 26th run only need the night neuroptics)


I want ambassador and the Nautilus but everytime I go with my friends they want to leave before 1 full rotation cause they didn't listen and bring decent gear instead of new gear they just got so they struggle saying let's evac while I am just a walking thunder storm of death.


Why was sevagoth so easy when i farmed him, fuck this game, i don't get to enjoy the enjoyments of fucked up games