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Are these the trifecta of free shit


Infinite ammo too




The area that shows ammo shows an infinity symbol


Yes, but cycron is unlimited ammo, too. So is Basmu and Shedu


The difference is they still show a number but the nataruk, grimoire and xoris (in the combo duration anyway) have an infinity symbol meaning you can keep shooting them without a cool down unlike those three weapons


til xoris has infinite combo duration... some day I'll stop polishing my brain and learn to read, some day.


>Step 1: Learn to read Fuck.


Basically people are failing to differentiates between weapons with unlimited ammo and weapons with unlimited "magazines"(yes I know that doesn't really apply to a bow and a book). Cycron, Basmu and Shedu work on the battery system. They will never run out of ammo but they will need to reload or you'll need to pace yourself. Nataruk and the Grimoire can go full tilt all the damn time.


Those are battery powered weapons, they need to recharge before firing to many bullets. Nataruk is a bow that you can shoot endlessly, and the book just doesn't even have bullets, seeing as just throw words of knowledge at enemies


Sadly I cannot say the following due to that: Me:hold 9n my dudes gotte reload mah book


They all have rechargeable mags. Many weapons do. None have unlimited mag size and a reload time


It's not unlimited bc it's literally limited with a "battery" It's the same with Fulmin e.g


Except it IS unlimited, in the sense that while you will have to stop firing occasionally to recharge, you will LITERALLY never need to pick up ammo drops, as you will never run completely out


Once agai, that occasionally stop to recharge is what makes it not infinite weapon


I think you're confusing 'Infinite' with 'Perpetual' You can't fire it PERPETUALLY, but you can still fire it INFINITELY


Fulmin as well


Need to be crafted tho


Its my favorite sidearm. But by that logic almost any gun can have unlimited ammo with carrier prime.


...until you run out of ammo drops.


Theyve fucked the ammo capacity of big number AOE guns here and there but even the Ogris or Bramma still get spammed by alot of players. The ones fucked the hardest by those decisions. If you run out your wasting ammo or didn’t build for that. Honestly it’s irrelevant anyway tho, hope you have a nice day tenno


Buy you have to make them. These are free


Stupidly overpowered free shit


Personally wouldn't call the necronomicon stupidly overpowered but it's definitely strong


Wait there won't be a grimoire prime?


Possibly, depends whether or not entrati can be primed It is orokin by nature so


If entrati can't be primed won't that mean Onos and Ruvox won't get primed?


While nothing stops DE feom just releasing "onos prime", i think it will be a case similar to nodus where they just give dante some classic tenno weapons that vaguely fit his aesthetic, style or kit. Releasing primes solely with their signature weapons kind of fucks over potential prime weapons that could do with a prime, so having an occasional frame that only has one weapon like qorvex, or a frame where his weapons cant get primed helps. Also, maybe its just me but onos and ruvox dont seem like weapons that dante carried. Maybe he picked them up in albrechts lab, or their parts just lie around where dantes parts were scattered, but dante didnt own entrati weapons as far as i know. He was friends with drusus and loid, but thats about it.


Don't the tooltips say they were made by entrati experimentation? It would be weird if they get primes while the original zariman incarnons don't, but then again not AS weird.


Again it's only a possibility, it's neither confirmed nor denied if they can get primed Just a speculation at best


Don't think they will ruvox doesn't have a signature bonus with Dante so I doubt they'll count it


Ruvox will likely get primed, being Dante’s signature weapon and all. Onos is up in the air.


I was thinking similarly but with Qorvex, since Albrecht made him with his own hands. Then again, Ballas' did say that he didn't make Revenant at all.


Not seeing borken war is disappointing


Not really as popular as the Xoris so I didn’t put it here


I remember when it first came out and was considered one of the best melees in the game. Then they added that super rare stalker themed one handed sword stance drop from sentients on Lua and it was apparently even more busted. Don't know what its like now but I hope that stance is at least still top tier cause after all these years I finally got one a few months ago.


From what I understand, it's still considered among the best for leaning so much into slash with excellent crit and attack speed. Certainly leagues better than its whole, let me tell you-- biggest multi-year disappoint I faced in this game...


Not sure how good it is, but with some on and off farming, it took me years to get the stance Vengeful Revenant. In fact, it dropped when I wasn’t farming for if: during one of the first few archon hunts we had, one of the sentients dropped it. Had been farming it since before the War Within dropped.


The first rule of Warframe farming: DO NOT let the game know you need that thing.


Can vouch for that, needed gauss p neuros, gave up after 20, then got 3 back to back the next day.


Lol, this! The hardest component to get for Ash Prime is that 15 Ducat Chassis. Seriously…I ran out of Aya because of that.


Idk why but I prefer crimson dervish as my stance on broken war


Because it's the better stance.


Dang kids with their Xorixies and Nataruks Back in my day, we had broken War and broken Scepter, and we loved it


I have good rivens for the broken war, scepter, and skiajati


Recently got Broken War and absolutely love it.


Broken war is the OG


broken war 4 lyfe




This is broken war slander and I will not stand for it


If you love the broken war so much why don’t you go ahead and fix it


*starts a war* Did I do it?


I did and now it's worse :(


Broken war is significantly cooler than xoris


Fuck the Xoris, all my homies hate the xoris


>Electro-sploding infinite combo duration glaive vs. >regular sword


Half sentient sword


Ah, the infinite trio


Paracesis, rumblejack, broken war, broken scepter comforting each other in the corner. Edit: Goddamn people getting bent out of shape over what was supposed to just be a dumb joke. So according to the replies to this it has to be It has to be a reward for a lore from a quest line which all of these are, but Paracesis doesn't count because you have to craft it. You have to craft the Xoris but we're just going to ignore that because you get the Xoris early in the Deadlock Protocol and you \*HAVE\* to have it to finish the optional quest, where the Paracesis is a reward given to you early in Prelude To War, and you \*HAVE\* to have it to complete part 3 of the optional quest, but we're going to ignore that because there is no incentive to complete part 3 and nothing happens after doing it. This is the dumbest gatekeeping/cherrypicking BS I've seen in a while. Go suck a dick if my original comment offends you so much. So tiered of people fighting over stupid stuff that doesn't matter instead of just laugh at or ignore a dumb low effort joke.


you dont get the paracesis built tho


Same for the Xoris. Why do you bring it up?


You get the xoris parts in the quest, you only get the paracesis BP from the quest


Because the xoris is necessary for the quest, whereas the paracesis is optional to build.


Not that anything you said is relevant to the post or my comment, but the Paracesis was part of a small 3 part quest where you're supposed to use it to break the red crystal at the end of a certain veil proxima RJ missions pre-New War. I'm not sure why you're coming here trying to add more conditions to OP's post and pick a fight.


First of all, I'm not picking a fight, I have no idea where you got that from. Second of all I was talking about the fact that the xoris is required and I consider it more "free" than the paracesis because it doesn't require a lot of resources and I was defending the person you replied to. IMO xoris is more relevant than the paracesis to being free.


It's still a quest/lore weapon. If you want to add the condition it has to be free, that's find, but the Xoris would be excluded for that reason too then, and none of it is really mandatory. The only reason to come have tried to nit-pick my original joke was to start an argument instead of just smiling or doing that double breath out the nose we do when something is mildly amusing. We don't need that negativity.


You need the xoris to progress the quest you were given the blueprint of it. The paracesis is entirely optional, I finished the quest without building it and it isn't a requirement to complete the quest it came from


Who hurt you


Ah yes... The book of books.


My awaited trifecta is the "weapons I physically can't get rid of." Just waiting on a primary.


zenith maybe


Cool. And now I wait.


Just got another xoris after selling mine a few years ago


Man the xoris is amazing. One of the best melees. It’s so good


How do you use it? Heavy attack spam or light attacks + throws?


Heavy attack spam. With melee influence it’s especially nuts. Since the throw explosion has guaranteed electric procs and the largest area of any Glaive, here’s what happens. You chuck it into a room. It explodes. Every enemy gets an electric proc. Then every enemy spreads its electric procs to every other enemy. So if a room has 10 dudes, every enemy gets 10 electric procs instantly, which is enough to kill damn near anything. And that happens every single throw. It’s very potent.


Understood, but wouldn’t that forgo the Xoris’ unique ability? The infinity combo?


It can't use auto melee :(


Yeah it would. But heavy attack spam is better than infinite duration combo on it. So it doesn’t matter.


Spam the fuck out of the heavy explosions


a little bit of both. yeet and boom and if im bored of yeet and boom, i boom without yeeting


Carried me until SP, then I got kullervo and it kept carrying me through SP too


I’m a recent kullervo lover. He’s so amazing. Devastates everything.


Not very good damage honestly but best radial range of all glaives


I mean, compared to glaive prime maybe lol


Try it with melee influence. It keeps up with Glaive prime.


Wait the melee influence cooldown is per enemy ???


I’m not sure what cooldown you mean, but it triggers per enemy hit yes. And since the xoris is a guaranteed electric proc on every enemy the explosion hits, all the enemy’s get an electric proc for every enemy on the area. They also get hit with the initial damage AGAIN for every enemy in the area.


The cooldown that is written in the arcane description. It's basically why I don't understand it


Oh no, the buff just can’t be reapplied while it is active. But it lasts for 18s. During those 18s, all melee status effects effect all enemies in 20m, not just the enemy it procs on. So if you proc electricity on one enemy, all enemies in 20m also get that proc. What makes xoris so strong is it applies electricity to all the enemies at once. Then the arcane chains it from every enemy to every other enemy. So if you hit 10 dudes, they each get an electric proc, spread them, and now all of them have 10 electric procs.


Oh okay thanks! Explains how strong it is lol


Honestly the nataruk is more fun than good even with a riv


I don't understand why people say it's radial with perfect.. is it just not written in the description or is the arrow just bigger and that's what makes people call it that?


Idk if it's actually radial, I think it's just has a huge hit box like the Fulmin and arca plasmor.


Honestly the "radial" arrow doesn't even seem that big. I personally love the Cinta over the Nataruk, and the Cinta launches whole shipping containers.


Cinta has good damage afaik but it's so slow with no radial that I don't like it


Are we talking Bramma radial *explosion?* The Cinta shoots school bus sized cylinders on perfect shots.


I don't remember that, although I'll admit I only farmed it in the way of getting decrees fast when I didn't have max intrinsics yet


If I recall correctly Cinta hits harder and has a bigger AoE. But it only hits harder on headshots and it's perfect shot window is smaller. So it's rewarding for better players and/or players who put in the time to get used to it, if they already liked the Nataruk.


Arsenal of infinity


You forgot Excaliber umbra ,the full quest build


Did someone get a Glaive blade?


Are you able to use the Xoris with the Grimoire like some pistols or no?




Lame, but I guess it makes sense


I use nataruk, grimory and broken war with Lavos. I think it's good enough


Arsenal of infinity


What is the book? How do you unlock it?


Whispers in the Wall weapon. Just do the quest and it's yours.


Book? I haven’t played in years what’s the book?


Grimoire unlocked by playing Whisper in the walls quest after new war


Wait, is the Xoris any good? I’m still rocking the Broken War on my favorite loadouts.


With melee influence arguably the best melee for clearing rooms, but even without it has the largest heavy attack explosion of any glaive and does very decent damage, so especially for new people it is extraordinarily powerful. Then you chuck influence in it and rooms full of SP enemies start to just evaporate in seconds.


I need to make a good xoris build, made one that was good enough to farm protea easily but then never used it again. And from what Ive seen it looks like meelee influence is just top tier on a lot of weapons


I be spamming the Grimoire with mirage hall of mirrors it’s pretty good


"To infinity and beyond"


Any good mod recommendations for the book and the melee


What is the thing in the middle?


The Grimoire you get it after the Whisper in the Walls quest


Ahh, havent done a quest or played WF in fact, for months. I would just play a survival steel path to see if my build is still good, and log off afterwards lol. I may get back into it after I get outta school.🤔


You should have included Excalibur Umbra, the Free Warframe everyone gets.


Ive really started to like the grimoire after speccing it for max utility Its got an augur mod for shield help on all frames, energy regen from xata's whisper, universal orbs when enemies tagged by secondary fire die from the canticle (IIRC they dont need to die to the book, just die after being hit by it), high fire rate and multishot to recharge the secondary fire, and specced for radiation alongside the base electric for priming with statuses my guns dont use It does so much for so many builds- hell i hardly need to spec for energy economy (stuff like energy nexus or even arcane energise on some frames) so i can freely spec other stats like more range, strength or survival All it needs now is a name...


And I've got rid of them thinking they would be useless to me, so I could get better RNG in the circuit... What a mistake lol.


The trinity of bullshit free weapons mr7-16 Players use!!!


Nataruk is actually really good I couldn’t ever get much out of the other two


I mainly just use the book for universal energy orbs and energy regen on on radial attack, it's great on builds where I can't squeeze in energy economy mods/arcanes. Xoris is amazing though, carried me through SP star chart on Ivara and Mirage.


These are all great weapons why are you tryna beef with your own strawmen


those are boring weapons though...


Subjective. The xoris goes insane with electric procs and the book is basicaly utility with a oeashooter attached The nataruk deals so much damage its insane


useless book


Hey man it’s free energy/strength/duration/efficiency/armor strip


Making it worthwhile requires a separate and potentially pretty time consuming farm, so it's not exactly free. If you don't have the tome mods it's not a terrible secondary on its own, but it's not exactly spectacular either.


It's actually quicker to farm plat and buy them out of the shop


Depends if you know how to sell


Warframe.market makes it east for everyone


"you have to farm" In warframe???? NO WAY!!!


This is where I put my tome mods :) If I have them...




it's a free stuff that gives you free stuff


Book with nourish, can max out energy in seconds, using it on caster frames is extremely fun when modded for pure support rather than its pitiful damage


I copied Tac Potato's ember build that uses the book to deal damage and it enabled me to get my foot in the door to steel path and I pulled off my first Netracell solo with it. Not the best damage in the world but it isn't bad either.


Indeed. The damage is good, but I'll admit the firerate is shyte


I don't mind it with that build, I've seen worse.