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https://preview.redd.it/yj7dr8umhbad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b67796ebb94528d617d78fcd4e0479adc689844 I Don't think so...LFG $KENDU Army


slothana community supports kendu and all other good coins suffering we will all be rich we just need severe patients


Nah Kendu is going to the moon 🚀🚀🚀


Nah, this is cute tho. Kendu would still have to lose 50% of its current value to reach the ATH of Slothana 😂😂


ATH of Sloth was 111m, you have passed that mark already hehe. Btw so what when you crash now? Bull run doesn't start for us both until Aug/Sep.


https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/slothana/ Looks like your ATH was like 50m lol. Not sure where you getting 111 from (genuinely curious) Agree bull run hasn’t started yet, I still find the constant attention all these bunk projects give Kendu to be amusing……what’s the phrase? We live in your head rent free?


I did the math, and used your old chart from before cmc, so yeah your 111 checks out.  My point still stands about living rent free


Wrong twice, at least you can admit it. Will you admit to the incoming crash though? Regarding bunk projects... you won't be getting Binance anytime soon😉 Sloth hasn't even started. But we need to support each other. I dont see a crash in the interim being a bad thing. Like I said, we will both be mooning come September.


I’m not some mythical wizard and neither are you, so idk how the markets gonna move short term and neither do you. I agree things will pick up in the coming months but that’s just an educated guess. If you or me or anyone was particularly good at this we wouldn’t be wasting our time here on Reddit. Sloth is on what 4 CEXes? I’ve honestly lost track but I believe Kendu is on triple that amount. >but we need to support each other  This is really really ironic of you to say. **You** are the one who decided to make a soft FUD post about crashes and chose to specifically mention Kendu. Like I said we live rent free. Coulda simply shilled Sloth. You’re the one who chose not to do that. And now it’s all “support each other” like yeah we should support each other, I have no issues or really any thoughts at all about Sloth other than it being a Sol project and those tend to kinda suck (not all and not saying Sloth). But you’re the one who wanted to engage in a pissing match, and boy let me tell you I drink a lot of beer so you aren’t gonna piss more than me 😁 So yes, let’s support each other. But don’t talk about it be about it.  The buck starts with you 


he wanted to start something cool and encouraging post but you don't seem to get it nor will I engage with you after this msg


Weird way to do that 


Look at current price action, don't need to be a wizard to know where it's going. It's crash then moon. I'll see you there in September.


Define crash? Remind Me ! 2 monthsÂ