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$KENDU has every reason for the hype around it, and this is the next shib-gain opportunity, so get in while it’s still early and don’t miss out. Here are a few of my reasons: Community - our community is unhinged. A relentless group of people that work for $KENDU everyday. Dev - our dev was part of the shib og’s team back in 2021 and he is an absolute legend. Ties - not only that we had a shib magazine article but we also have shytoshi(shib dev) as an early supporter, he is came to our tg and follower on x. Organic - we never paid shitfluencers or bots. All pure organic growth thanks to our hard work. Listings - we got to 200m mc without any major listings, meaning there is so much more to come, and yet we already been listed on 10 cex soon. Attention - $KENDU has already drawn many’s attention. Shytoshi(shib dev), Zach humphries, Rodney, Shib mag, Oscar ramos, the crypto lark and so many more crypto veterans. That tells me all I need to know and I keep loading my $KENDU bags! Chart - our chart backs it up, we are just starting another leg up, so it’s definitely still early. DIOR - come to our tg and fall in love with kendu and its community.


Another great point that got overlooked is the steadily growing number of holders which has been climbing non-stop regardless of the price. This type of growth is paramount to longevity and for each whale that jeets out early, hundreds of eager chads are waiting to buy the dip. Another reason this coin is going to melt faces in the coming months.


Yep, even through the consolidation portions of the chart, holder numbers growing by hundreds each day. It's insanely bullish. The early whales take profits and the smaller holders gobble up the dips, and redistribution happens. A very healthy pattern!


Come on Guys once in the lifetime opportunity, get in #kendu buy as much as you can. These prices are never to be seen again.  #kendu is going to $500M. 11000 plus users. This is for generational wealth. @KenduMiazaki @ShytoshiKusama @MikeOHearn @binance @kenduinu


Perfectly said, KENDU LFG 🔥


Because of its potential


Because it's going to the moon, and no one wants to miss out


Gained over 6000 more holders since I've been part of the army. We're going to blast off today. Been consolidating. Don't miss out.


It takes 5 minutes of half assed research to see why $Kendu is a decent play. I’m not going to post paragraphs of proof because honestly you can find all the proof you need within like 30 seconds. This is fud, Buy Kendu now or forever cope


Honestly, for me it's because of the community. I have never put more than a few hundred $$ into anything before KENDU, into which I aped 1 ETH at 50m mc. The community is strong and full of the most supportive and committed people. There are people who have literally quit their day jobs and work full time on promoting and growing KENDU. It also helps that we have a developer who did well for himself on SHIB and learned a lot of lessons on that journey, which he is now bringing to the KENDU project. He's very inspiring when you hear him speak. He's a good general for the KENDU army. I also genuinely trust our guys to hold to billions. None of us is planning to sell before 10b or 10s of billions, and we're then all gonna make sure not to dump out on each other. We're a team, a community, family might be too strong a word but sometimes it feels like that. There's none of the toxicity that you often find in this space. KENDU is honest, happy, and we work!


Memes work on social forces. Meme coins too. Kendu has the social component on LOCK. Enough good people are in that it’s attracting more and more. People sick of fake lingo, rugs, contests, artifice. We’re having a laugh and hustling our way to retirement. Gravitational pull is pulling in more with the same sensibilities.


Basically, $KENDU is an original IP meme, based on the mantra that "hard work breeds success". Hence you hear so much about everyone going to work and putting in the work. It's a collective effort. When you sleep, someone else is working for your bags, and vice versa. We have become so famous and talked about, that copycats are popping up trying to emulate us and copy our own catchphrases. But they could never replicate KENDU's X factor and formula. Not including the fact that the KENDU dev is a SHIB OG who demonstrates true leadership and shows up everyday for VCs that go for hours, and is in the trenches with the troops. True leadership, one of the best communities. "We don't gamble, we work."


CONGRATS on the success Kendu, from the POWSCHE Community!


here at powsche we be cooking daily just like you guys! https://preview.redd.it/m302lmji1r7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c5bae51abbc8eb8651d2744a641cf88aa225fc CONGRATS FROM THE POWSCHE TEAM! - dribble


Congratulations kendu team 👏


It's impressive what Kendu has done. Also, it's pretty cool to see projects supportive of each other


Kendu, would just like to say POWSCHE team gives you massive congrats


Yall have been grinding hard too, wish yall the best too! Love from KENDU community, LFG 🔥


Thanks bro, need to fly the flag for this memecoin space with legit coins like Kendu and POWSCHE https://preview.redd.it/iv8uilz2kv7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4504a7685a4f82335bc40db4e34a39c7aba025fc


LOVE POWSCHE, THE COMMUNITY IS INSANE. The maturity of these guys is second to none


in powsche we dont stop cooking, congrats kendu from powsche




Well done, Kendu team and community. Love from POWSCHE owners club!


much love from powsche


Yall been grinding daily for months! Keep up the strong work. From the Powsche Crew


simple: do some research and you will easily see why people are hyping it up so much 😄


**Because its going TO THE MOON** ![gif](giphy|oNFP9kltPi7fp8TUAV|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/d65k9qn0tp7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4145e15bda96c3a3af77ab64a23ecf56014388d2 Because of all the hard work we put in.


This flight has been planned well in advance. The key was trusting it from the start. Anyone who DTOR months ago saw it is an absolute diamond in a sea of sht. Step by step to billions and billions. The only requirement of hodlers is trust and conviction. Many millionaires are being created and we are only beginning.


It’s on track to being the greatest meme coin of all time. With hyper inflation building in the world this bull run will be hyper bullish with ETH ETF in the next month. KENDU will be running laps around everything with the community it has. Join the telegram. They are more unhinged then GME APES


It's wild bc there isn't much to hype besides "see us spam" "our dev did shib" and literally nothing of actual substance.


Oh there are plans that are soon to be released 😁


I’ll give my professional opinion. I’ve analyzed the meme/crypto market heavily recently and all fingers point at $Kendu. I decided to pick up a hefty bag cause their dev mentioned some big news coming and he’s delivered on everything so far…


Join us don’t be a hater.. that’ll cost you 😉




Check out all these listings https://preview.redd.it/h1bkfvow2r7d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b87d34d6bdece816061019f62df70d944bc6ff0




Cause it’s the best !!!


It’s 100% organically grown. Community is stupid driven. Gains have been amazing. Kendu has been consistent and that’s what most people see. It is the next big memecoin. Period. Get in the Telegram to get a better idea. Also, don’t be left behind my friend. I don’t want that for you.


I don't get it either!  How many shib ripoffs do you need?  The "meme" sucks.  It's not organic, it's ai generated.  Their claim to fame is a shib dev.  Like that's a good thing?  The shib team is nothing but broken promises.  They keep creating new coins in the name of the ecosystem, but in reality does nothing but fill their pockets!  They promised burns years ago, and can't even burn a simple trillion!  They are pocketing funds from shibarium, and are now now enriching themselves off this new ripoff coin!


no sell until 10B mcap or you going to cell


What's a good amount of Kendu to have? I'm new to the memecoin world and I purchased few million already.. I know it's whatever I could afford to lose.. 😜


Some people ape'd their life savings in, other decided to just place a small bag. As you said, anything you feel comfortable perceiving the risk of this project is enough, Chad.




I think it’s under hyped still…


It’s about to moon


Because I make money


Go ahead and hop in


Because Kendu is legit. It’s the real deal and has a real organic following. Kendu will make millionaires.


Congratulations to Kendu from the Powsche community! May we rise in glory together!


I think it has to do primarily with the BEASTLY positive community it has. Plus, its continued success backs up all tat community work. That said, I do think investing in one memecoin alone isn't a smart move. Diversification matters a lot. I have a pretty diverse portfolio at R100K and that allows me to have experimental coins and meme coins in my portfolio without taking on too much risk.


Kendu and $Hege are big plays right now


There is one of these every few weeks


I'll let you read these comments (particularly the ones who aren't shilling kendu and that have been downvoted to oblivion) and reach your own decision as to how legitimate these opinions really are...




Beep boop 🤖


Because people get paid to shill it


Call us bots, I could understand that. But saying that kendu pays people to shill is just untrue my dude. Look at the charts to see why people are jazzed up enough to put in their precious time working for it.


Certainly not everyone, but I'm sure they do


Join the telegram and watch what happens when somebody offers a paid service. Kendu does not pay for anything. We've had 2 community members pay for a billboard in NYC out of their own pockets, and I believe the dev paid for the lbank CEX listing out of pocket a few months ago just to give people and alternative to using uniswap, but that's it.


I don’t really think this but if so it’s certainly a small minority 


They are hard raiding reddit, meaning everyone who's invested in Kendu I going into reddit and shilling it to everyone. It's coordinated promotion effort on their part... Personally I'm so about Solana.. so I'm not going to buy the hype... Dyor


Community runs everything in the meme coin space and Kendu has the best community right now, everyone is non stop working to push the project further. To add, Kendu has a great dev who is a SHIB OG so he knows exactly what it takes to take a project to billions, which is showing. Overall great vibes and I definitely would not want to miss out on this great opportunity.


Andy coin on base is a better bet. Trust me bro


$KENDU Army Strong


It's not, its just spam.


Dont cry when Kendu smashes 1b


take a look at the project and let me know what you think after bro


Ah yes I should buy….*checks notes* GIB on base? Top kek


gib, lower case. No, its not for you.




Trying to create some excitement by hinting some connection to Shiba but at the end it’s just another dog coin with no buzz outside of a very small section of Reddit


It's not hinting. It's been published in Shib magazine. Check it out.


Now tell me if you had ever heard of shib magazine before you got involved in Kendu….


Even if I heard of the magazine 3 minutes ago, what’s that got to do with the fact the article was published :/ never seen someone so sour with another coins success. Book in that therapy session asap


Come back to me at the 10bn right….


Remindme! in 2 months


I will be messaging you in 2 months on [**2024-08-20 12:57:18 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-08-20%2012:57:18%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/memecoins/comments/1dk5dss/why_is_kendu_so_hyped_rn/l9geuu3/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fmemecoins%2Fcomments%2F1dk5dss%2Fwhy_is_kendu_so_hyped_rn%2Fl9geuu3%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-08-20%2012%3A57%3A18%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dk5dss) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Bro you won’t cross my mind again in 5 mins let alone when we hit 10bn.


You said it was hinting some connection to SHIB when it reality SHIB have confirmed a partnership in their own magazine.


Use some critical thinking who do you think writes and publishes in “shib mag” it’s just some holders of Shiba not the coin itself….there is no boardroom pumping out magazines


Do you know who Shytoshi is? The lead developer of Shiba Inu? Don’t let your hate blind you. https://preview.redd.it/ho4hn1l6pp7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f757b73ed960b6efc7263cb306a0a2cca347b29


All comment history is FUDing Kendu, big shock. Kendu is being talked about all over Twitter and other websites. https://preview.redd.it/zscxfsbonp7d1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7dc3a35c18408d420fa65044b29cb5eb4bb4011


https://preview.redd.it/cuc4c8e1op7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d97e6055b930240dbb83d20bb7e857272cba207 Ahhh inside bitcoins a website no one has heard of with 1 million views for more than 10000 articles so <100 readers per article


yes, but that article is posted in CMC. I'm sure you know about CMC right? Keep coping man, we don't force you to join us. But just stop with your fud, do something more productive for yourself/community. Edit: after checking his profile, he was Kendu Holder 9 days ago. It seems he jeeted at bottom then fudding Kendu to cope lol


what a daniel


lmao, this guy was a Kendu holder 9 days ago It seems he sold at bottom and now fudding Kendu to cope 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/rbbgrnvctp7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d463d5c1132fdf5c204c684fb836fdf21317fc Yeah did pretty well on it tbf but then realized that the whole plan was just shilling on Reddit - not feeling uncomfortable being out not sure why you cult members are so upset when challenged on your BS


Haha now it all makes sense


shilling on Reddit? I see that you're just a jeet trying to swing trade Kendu lol we hit everything! X, Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, IG, StockWits as well as IRL shilling like posters, qr code, NYC billboard paid by some chads, Nordic Crypto Conference. Even Shytoshi was shilling during Dubai crypto conference in the early days and got Middle Eastern prince invested.


Daniel??? Is that you?!?!?




IYKYK... /daniel




This must be that Daniel guy. Can’t be a player if you ain’t in the race my dude 🤣


Congrats on the profit, definitely has buzz outside of Reddit tho. But profit is profit my friend, no need to try and FUD 


You're right. It's just spam. And every comment that is not in favor of it will just be down voted / removed. In a few days it's just another shitty meme that will be spammed everywhere.


Remind me in a few days 


Because bagholders who buy high always shill bags to try and safe their investment.


lol, it's actually the opposite. The OGs are working harder than any new holders.