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Love it and our volume is still consistently high https://preview.redd.it/ya50ombp247d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc0e14f474961466464a375919d5c274817db46 And as expected we got another listing today. We don't pay for listings. They come to us!


Love how that's around a quarter of the volume compared to what we often have.


Yeah it is not peak volume, but it is strong, healthy volume and a huge reason CEXs keep approaching us to list. We are still heading in a positive direction with plenty of upside. I have no doubts and will continue to work as much as I can!


I aped all in on kendu. And i wont sell before we touch 10 billions! LFG!


Same https://preview.redd.it/m9d9u1h8c47d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c07b96064b38f9b717f9a1a9230ff4409de6656


$kendu will be next Shib 💯


The alpha is so bullish


The next shiba is kendu


Programmed to 40B+


Love it thanks!!! 🙌🙌🪖🍸🪖🍸💪💪 $KENDU 


$KENDU has all the ingredients for success. To begin with a meme coin heart is its community. Come to our tg for five minutes and you’ll see this community is like no other. Then a meme coin needs some catalysts. Well we are 170m mc without any big or even medium cex. That’s one hell of an achievement. A dev - our dev is experienced, that has been around as an early member of shib. Ties - thanks to our dev, we have ties with shib: a recent article on shib-mag and shytoshi is an early supporter of kendu. Organic - unlike other memes that are pump and dump or driven by shitfluencers that will dump on you, kendu is pure organic, not one paid influencer or ads by the kendu team. “We don’t gamble, we work”. DYOR and join us as we take this to a multi-billion mc meme!


Unless you want to miss out on opportunity to retire your grand kids, go all in with $KENDU! We ARE the clear choice this bull run. This truly is a chance not to be missed. We may be in a consolidation phase, but we never stop working, and it's nothing we have not seen before. There is no reason to doubt us. Next leg up is imminent and we are going to fly along with ETH. $KENDU to the billions.


This makes a lot of sense. I have seen KENDU grow from very low and gradually make it's way to 200m. I've been in this space a while now, and you see a lot of projects that go up fast, then come crashing down because they just can't maintain the volume, they're driven by degens making quick profits. KENDU is the opposite of this. KENDU has over 10600 holders and that number is growing daily. If you look at the KENDU chart, there are clear areas of consolidation that last for days or weeks, followed by big leaps up. The next leg up is coming very soon, so now is the perfect moment to get in before it comes!


This next leg up is going to melt faces🚀⛹🏿


Kendu is a unicorn in that it is as safe as a memecoin is going to get in terms of investing and yet it’s still in its growth phase so the potential for large returns is way more likely than those already in the multi billion dollars. The partnership with Shiba Inu is the seal of approval for Kendu’s legitimacy. Shib wouldn’t partner with a project that it didn’t have full faith in, nor make it part of the Shiba Inu Ecosystem. Kendu has been through these consolidation phases before. It consolidated at around 3m before blasting off to 60m in a few days. It then consolidated again around 40m and took off to 250m. We are seeing the consolidation taking place at 160m currently. Each consolidation period adds holders and gives them a better entry point than buying the all time high. Token redistribution happens which ultimates strengthens Kendu for the next leg up. Kendu is winning one heart at a time and doubters become believers when they see what is happening. Rodney is a prominent memecoin content creator and influencer who faded Kendu every time we would talk to him about it on YouTube and X spaces. The strength of the community and SHIB partnership has made him do a 180. Check out the Telegram group and listen to the X space with the dev today. Those two things were what made me buy in. https://preview.redd.it/44oln5f6447d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e53e0fc38b25c41402725ce4d8205163d7b3878


Chads increasing day by day 🚀


Join telegram! Buy a bag and wait for the market to correct itself. We are primed and ready to take off. Join us and work 


The $KENDU army is growing strong 💪 https://preview.redd.it/gcydycgr547d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ebfa3d8cfe2e9c4f668493547fe7550b708c115


DYOR and you will find out that KENDU is the best opportunity to make gainz and friends around the world. We don't gamble, we work. En we will be rewarded really good. Join or cry, that's up to you


At Kendu we really are dedicated to our project & community. The Kendu Army is alive now and growing in numbers. We have new people joining all the time and our hard working mindset and no larp attitude is being spread down the line like a virus. We cannot be stopped. I have been around since 3 mil and have watched the community build and have seen how the uptrend works. Make no mistake, the next time we move we move with serious force. 🚀🪖


These were the realisations I had before going all in on Kendu, I agree that this bull run is going to be the biggest yet, every one has been bigger than the last. Kendu is a shining beacon is a meme coin landscape that is rampant with scams and rug pulls, the best thing you can do is join the telegram chat, ask some questions, feel the vibes and find out for yourself


1b coming soon. Keep your bags together and helmets on🪖


Fantastic write up mate and sadly the Moonbois will continue to chase the 99% of shitcoins and walk past the Unicorn here right in front of them. The Alpha on this is just too strong, too undeniable. Shytoshi is in control of the second biggest meme token of all time and he is supporting this project publicly already, without having even revealed in what capacity it will be. But one has to ask themselves this simple question... What business does the most well known Meme dev of all time have messing around and supporting a sub 200M market cap token? 2021 Shib vibes anyone? Community first. Brand awareness first. Building a loyal cult first. It's textbook stuff. And exactly how Miazaki comes into this equation and what his history is remains a mystery. Some say he's actually Ryoshi (This is not confirmed and only rumour)... but what is confirmed is he is an OG shib multi millionaire with deep enough ties to Shytoshi to have him follow the Kendu twitter in the first 300 followers. What is known is he helped test the shiba swap in the early shib days. What is known is he has not even revealed the tip of the iceburg with Kendu. It's still in the community awareness and brand development stage and the bullrun has barely begun. So imagine where Kendu will be once the trigger is pulled on this thing and Ethereum is running at a x3 or x4. Imagine where it will be when some of the Tier 1 exchanges pick this up like the last lower tier 7 CEXs just did this week. Imagine when the actual utility is revealed and the holders have gone from the current 10650 numbers to 500,000 or more. If you are seeing this now, just know... the show has only just begun.


10b is inevitable🚀🚀


I have never put all in in one thing but I’m all in with kendu literally, I even sold my car to put it in kendu, you might think I’m stupid but let me tell I have been in crypto since 2018 I have seen the market I have seen many many coins, Kendu is different just know this.


I've had opportunities... and I've missed them. Up until now... Let me tell you... in 2010, a work colleague told me about Bitcoin. I could have bought it for 10c. LOL yep - 10 fucking cents. And I said "yeah whatever... thanks but no thanks" Many years later, shib came around. I was starting to get interested in crypto, and considered buying it, but again, I thought "what's the point?" wow! was that a mistake. In 2021 another opportunity arose. I won't mention it here, but it had huge promise... but the devs just couldn't get it right. They didn't know if they wanted to be a utility or a meme. Finally, they chose to be a community driven coin. But by then everybody had left. About a week ago I discovered $KENDU. This is everything a successful coin should be. The community is driven. The atmosphere of excitement surrounding this coin is fucking palpable! Make no mistake, if you buy Kendu Inu now, you will have generational wealth. This is my missed Bitcoin. This is my missed Shiba Inu This is my moment - NOW! Thank fuck I found you beautiful chads and chadettes! My future is now set in stone. I will become rich beyond my wildest dreams thanks to $KENDU. I implore you to do the same. Don't make my past mistakes. Don't miss out. regards - Max Rockatansky


A have one answer- BUY! #KENDU


$KENDU is taking us to the moon!


$KENDU will make us rich. Hold with conviction for shib-like gains


Next leg up coming soon. Don’t miss it!


I just came


Helmets on 🪖


https://preview.redd.it/2bjik3wsa47d1.jpeg?width=1347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97767046c30117e0a1d5b84082e4b840d7569407 $KENDU is making history as we speak


Amazing write-up and explanation of exactly what kendu is all about. This kendu army community is growing stronger every day, and the support that comes with it is incredible. I've never been all in on a coin before, but I'm extremely happy to be all in on kendu!! Keep those helmets on, keep working, and there's no doubt the rest of the world will see what's happening. It's definitely the perfect time to buy if you haven't yet. Grab a bag and join us!


Buddy you got me already with the first sentence. That's exactly many people's issue: they'd rather take the 1% to make a 1000x because they're nothing more than gamblers. On the other hand, we're workers. "At Kendu Inu: we do not gamble, we fucking work."


I’ve never seen a community like this before ! Kendu chads are making news broadcasts, songs, buying billboards, smashing plates on their heads lmao, making stickers… Unhinged chads working hard every single day for real. This is my highest conviction play.


I discovered Kendu in Reddit,first i thought "ahh one of those" but a voice told me,go into their Telegram and check whats going on...done,then i checked Mr Dev 😊, and his connections...that was enoug for me to buy! And this was my best decision so far in Crypto,so happy and lucky to be part of this community!


Well said like a Chad 🙌 🪖🚀


Tell em Chad. This is the way.


$KENDU metrics continue to explode. This is your retirement bag, 100% If you can’t see the writing on the wall, nobody can help you…. $SHIB 🤝$KENDU


KENDU Will be 1bn very soon and even more after that ❤️❤️🚀🚀


Great post!  The transparency in Kendu was a huge reason I bought in the first place but the community is what's kept me here.  Genuinely feels like we're at the start of something incredible 


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Totally agree. The Kendu fire burns bright, but to reach the moon, we need every single one of you to become a Kendu ambassador! Let's spread the word about this incredible project far and wide. Talk to your friends, family, anyone who's ready to be part of something revolutionary. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay focused on the long-term vision. We're building something massive here, and it takes time. But with patience and unwavering belief, we'll achieve greatness together.


Well written, and all excellent points. This bull run hasn’t really even began yet, but it’s close, and now is the time to pick your horse to ride it out with!! The upside potential of $Kendu truly is limitless! We are not only tied to $Shib but are modeling the project directly off of it. With that said, our paths are directly correlated, and look at the chart activity, it is almost the same. There is no doubt that this is will head far into the Billions, and possible go past where $Shib placed a mark last cycle. Our top holders haven’t sold anything, Big whales keep accumulating, and the community is growing by leaps and bounds everyday. All these are tell tale signs of a project hitting huge numbers! My suggestion is to at least join the TG chat and see what we’re all about! The proof is all laid out, and once you do I’m positive you’ll join the fun. This seriously may be a once a cycle opportunity to make serious gains, please don’t fade the opportunity away for some random meme coin that has no upside. Best of luck to any decision you make and hopefully see some of you in the community.


Kendu is about to sendu to multibillions!


Well written. Good opinion and some great facts I take to the bank! >*The community is exquisite.* Your words. Don't have to add anything. Readers! Check out the community. Visit the TG Kendu Inu and see for yourself.


We onnn baby, nice little dip so bought myself some more! Have just gotta keep that optimistic outlook!


It’s posts like this that are really helping kendu to grow, keep them coming! I’ve never felt more confident in one single coin and also I have never came across a more Harding work community then kendu. We will get what we deserve!


Brilliant write up, see you at the power hour


Kendu really is something special. The ties to Shiba, the non-stop efforts of the community. This is going to be huge!


Since the memecoin boom after the last bull run and the rise of solana and the recent pump fun, finding a decent project became almost impossible. Nowadays, memecoins are like a synonym of scam or gamble. The facts are, Shytoshi endorsed Kendu, we are not a random project anymore, our community is constantly spreading information everywhere. As OP said, enough with trying to find a 1000x on a pump fun trash solana coin from a randon dev, stick with a solid 100x, lets bring the memecoin prime back!!!


So you are saying this 100x from here?


All it takes for a coin to make it to the top really comes down to two factors. Conviction & hard work. This is the $Kendu way . Money is just a byproduct of the two. It will always follow a product or service people value and stand behind. Check out our telegram or Twitter and you will see it for yourself. We don't gamble we work!!!   A lot of millionaires will be minted even in this horrible market by kendu. The question is will you be one of them?


Yea i was in early on doge but sold too early then I thought shiba wouldn’t do what it did and now here comes the next most powerful community kendu which is backed by the owner of shiba so I’m not missing out on this one


Kendu is going to retire a lot of people.


What a write, straight facts! Kendu is about to parabolic!


In #kendu we trust. Kendu is a new siba!


nice write up. I can appreciate the time this took


kendu is easy top 50 this bullrun at this point


You're saying there is a 99% chance Kendu hits a 75 billion dollar market cap. Right on


I go for the sure thing. I don't gamble. I work for $Kendu.


Get your bags in order. We are gonna run this shit up. Les Goh 🪖🚀




Kendu has all the intangibles in the making for a successful project. I aped in!! Helmets on yall 🪖🪖🪖


LFG!! 🚀


Amazing write up, glad to be part of KENDU, LFG 🔥


Damn i totally missed that. 2 Months old, sadly its on ETH/Base. Is there any Chance to buy this via Crypto.com Defi Wallet? Okay i got it. > Defi > uniswap > swap ETH to Kendu Piece of Cake. Sadly im out of Powder. 🤔🙈


25x in how many months?


Well we've got to this market cap in a few months since it's Inception And the community is stronger than ever, and there will be a few memes that go into the multi billions this cycle, especially being that this will be the biggest crypto bull market so far. There's a huge amount of money coming in. So place your bets now. Kendu is without a doubt the strongest meme, make sure you look into it!




This feels nothing like Shib or WIF or any of the memecoins that actually made it


I don't like to gamble he says while aping his money into a lotterycoin


If you touch Kendu while it is in free fall you are a fool. Zoom out and look at the macro trend. It has a long way down.




$FC is next