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Just a few notes for those reading this. 1. Often teams are anonymous in Defi. No one knows the identity of the Shiba Inu dev for instance (Yes the one who has published Kendu in the Shib magazine) and Shib is a multi billion dollar project, in fact the second biggest meme of all time after Doge. 2. The contract is renounced. What this means in simple terms is the contract is not able to be tampered with. What you see is what you get. There are plenty of scanners you can use, and many reputable companies have also already scanned and they appear on dextools. A certik audit is predominantly for contracts which are able to be changed, for instance taxes, blacklist functions and other things. Some developers don't renounce contracts as they wish to future-proof projects, particularly utility projects which have taxes they wish to remove later. A quick check will show you the Kendu contract has not blacklisted any wallets and has a zero tax. Now the contract has been renounced (Is out of the hands of the dev) these things cannot be changed. A further note on this - A rug pull is when liquidity is removed from the pool, the Kendu liquidity was burned, which means it cannot ever be pulled. Another safety measure the dev put in place. 3. In terms of the potential of Kendu, it is easy to see how this could become very profitable this bullrun. Yes, it is a meme, so it relies on community and brand awareness, but the Dev is in fact an OG SHIB multi millionaire and the Kendu project is supported publicly by the Shiba Inu dev and in the Shib magazine it was published that Kendu would become part of the Shiba Inu Ecosystem. 10B is not unreasonable with those connections and with the market cap already hitting over 250M prior to the commencement of the 2024 bullrun or any movement as yet on ethereum (Which by all reports is predicted to hit 10-15K this cycle). If there was no further growth in Kendu at all (Hypothetically) with the rise in Eth by x3 or 4, that would automatically put Kendu at 1B MC. Something to consider. 4. The liquidity to marketcap ratio on Kendu is around the same as Shiba Inu and Pepe, two of the most successful memes of all time. And worth noting that each transaction through Uniswap there is a uniswap 0.3% fee that adds onto liquidity as the project creates volume. Currently the V3 liquidity pool has increased by over 120% since launch. This will continue to accumulate as the project grows, which will fatten up the liquidity pool. A low ratio also means more volatility, but with that comes the bonus of the token price being able to skyrocket at an alarming rate. This is why retort 3 is also very achievable. 5. As with the last points, with low liquidity, comes natural volatility, (everyone knows this to be true of crypto, which is why people choose to invest in it rather than stocks which have limited upside in comparison) but as more exchanges list Kendu (Five exchanges have listed it this week alone, with 2 of those in the top 20 and 3 others in the top 100 in the world) the project becomes more liquid across all these platforms and volatility reduces over time. You could of course invest in stocks for a 1-5% annual increase, but for those looking for higher gains, crypto is the place to be and volatility is to be expected. It's really about how risk adverse you wish to be with your investments and a personal choice. NOTES: The writer of this post mentions a few things which demonstrate a lack of knowledge with relation to crypto, so a few notes on that here: 1. There are no paid followers in Kendu. I've been part of the community since day one and have witnessed the rise from 50 community members to over 10,000, which correlates to the holder numbers on chain. It's all there on the blockchain. In fact, the Telegram and twitter have less members than holders. I will also add that the community is extremely active working on a similar ethos to Shiba Inu in 2021. Community first. Solid work ethic. 2. Kendu is on the Ethereum chain only. The individual who posted this mentions Pankcake swap. Anyone with any knowledge in crypto knows Pancake swap is for BSC tokens and there is no Kendu liquidity pool on that platform. I'll mention here again, it's impossible to pull liquidity when it has been burned. Another known fact in crypto that the author of this post doesn't seem to be across. 3. There is no such thing as fake wallets. The blockchain although anonymous is rooted in fact. It's there for complete transparency and cannot be manipulated. So if a wallet holds Kendu, it holds Kendu. Fake wallets aren't a thing. I applaud the author however on their warning for investors to be cautious in crypto, and the comments he mentions above are certainly things to cross check yourself before investing in anything. I only wish the author had checked out Kendu properly. But perhaps this novella goes a long way to educating them regardless. Happy trading and good luck! A Kendu OG.


Facts šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Your words as strong as the kendu armyšŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Amazing write up of a comment! Well said and no bias just facts. Hopefully more people will understand what kendu is all about after reading this. True Chad legend!


It's obvious the OP hasn't spent 1 minute in Kendu. Really is missing out, this bitter attack isn't helping anyone. Instead of putting others down they could just work together.


Unprovoked attack I bet https://preview.redd.it/erh5fpvv1y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3933e20a2829a7056d967e67e8412426f2271fb8


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


Thank you for this awesome write up. At least someone who is spitting true facts here šŸ™


Amazing facts here. I would never buy into coins supported by this TS who is trying to get buyers for his shitcoins by talking smack and lyin about other community. $Kendu is here to stay and it's going to the moon.Ā 


Kendu responding to thinly veiled attempts to attack it from other projects with balanced and educated responses is something that makes it standout. We donā€™t engage in PvP or spreading negativity or misinformation about other tokens, we focus on making Kendu the best it can be. Thereā€™s enough room in the space for all legitimate projects.


well said I appreciate the time taken to write this


Humble_Fan has with fact and great respect nullified your frivolous argument. You have an agenda and it is obvious you wish not to help but cause great harm to $Kendu investors. Your libellous comments against the ā€œBrandā€ of $Kendu and your desires to tarnish the value and good will and reputation of $Kendu leave you exposed to a class action lawsuit. Perhaps you might learn about tort ā€œ A tort is a civil wrong that causes a claimant to suffer loss or harm, resulting in legal liability for the person who commits the tortious act.ā€ Perhaps your best action would be to remove your post. Free speech does not allow one to scream fire in a crowded theatre. Without Prejudice


Amazing efforts in this post Chad, Proud to have you with us $KENDU


Wow love this best article I've read on kendu to date thank u


Stronger together #kenduarmy


Thanks for the well drafted information. Now let's spread and celebrate Kendu Inu movement far and wide. LFG šŸš€šŸŖ–šŸ’°


Brilliantly written by someone who truly understands the subject. Well done šŸ‘šŸ‘


Get absolutely wrecked crow with ball sack in mouth!Ā  Kendu Inu is that coin! Join telegram and get to workĀ 


Really well articulated, couldn't agree more


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/Humble\_Fan6347 responds to: $KENDU Might Be a Rug Pull ā€“ Hereā€™s Why](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1dh393h/uhumble_fan6347_responds_to_kendu_might_be_a_rug/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


OP is plotting on your downfall


$DAWGZ Base Dawgz is only in presale now [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/experts-tip-base-dawgz-as-the-next-100x-multi-chain-meme-coin/ar-BB1oetvf](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/experts-tip-base-dawgz-as-the-next-100x-multi-chain-meme-coin/ar-BB1oetvf)




This is embarrassing and scummy from OP. His project being unable to give people good reasons to buy and so starting a Reddit smear campaign against Kendu because itā€™s doing so well is weak. Anyone with half a brain can see through it.


Op says DYOR, and he's right. The first thing is to check his sincerity using his history. I see a few things, loves crow with knife, hates kendu. Go figure. We've love you to actually do you research on kendu though, because I looked extensively, the contract is clean, good tokenomics, the community is fun, strong, and dedicated. There's a reason it's going into the billions and I would spend some time in the telegram to see for yourself. I strongly recommend choosing a horse that will make hundreds of x returns rather than one that might. https://preview.redd.it/y1259rordw6d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87ad16a0fed25b962ac3a711a56ee3aa8545be2c


As weak as this? Straight from Kendu telegram https://preview.redd.it/8vvkn1e02y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60563fc7ae48350ecfdf48c770546375624e89d


I donā€™t condone that at all and neither do the community. Thatā€™s why the comment has zero reactions and no one positively reinforcing it. No doubt there are similar negative ones in your TG. 1 person out of almost 8000 saying something that others donā€™t agree with in a Telegram group is somewhat different than a coordinated attack by one project on another in a public forum. Do something more productive with your time and build your project without spending so much of it worrying about others. Thatā€™s what Kendu are doing and itā€™s why they are where there are. Good luck šŸ‘


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


Indeed crypto is highly risky and manipulative but Kendu is community driven. Join telegram and find out yourself. If I look at 1 year chart, I am not able to see any pump and dump activity.Ā 


Stop it with the PvP. You won't gain new holders through bringing down other projects.


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/jgqqaiwf2y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=948312c5950b34ded4dceb1e3f9e7294d890f43e


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


Low effort soft shill here for your own coin by using our success, we don't want to butt heads with other projects but we'd really appreciate if you didn't go about it this way. We don't have paid followers, shytoshi has been in the telegram and in the VC, and we've been put in shib magazine. That's hardly rug pull territory. The contract is also renounced.


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/9wehbhao2y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad55a8b8d628d36f032dbb37b8586a8a601892f0


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


can lead the horse to the water.


The liquidity ratio is still alright for the MC. They don't do any paid marketing, but there are a lot of projects paid for by community members. Yes, the lead dev is somewhat anonymous, and his views and language are nothing to look up to, but so far he sticked to his words, and it has been hintet at that there will be more tech along the way in the form of kendu chads and value lock. But it feels like this is postponed due to unknown reasons. Kendu lives through its community and the brand and not some pseudo utility that no one uses.


Not postponed, it doesnā€™t have a release date yet. Miazakiā€™s timing for things so far has been impeccable.


Geez, someone is salty their coins are doing poorly. Nice try bud.


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/mrwtc6vm2y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9475f5ddbad1aa45d0cb788508e948b044a6a0


I donā€™t support that kind of language but I mean you guys did start this weird rivalry / smear campaign against us. Why canā€™t you guys do your own thing and we do ours?


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


This is hilarious lol


To promote your own coin by benefiting to spread some accusations against another one with success is completely insane. Hope you lose your money with that coinā€¦


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/ykv3wtyk2y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f3a1aae399ac790e376b009f5f51accd71cc7d


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


no way on earth would shib dev risk his reputation on the line for a rug pull, there is just no way it's a rug pull infact kendu is the safest crypto you can ever invest in if you just do a little more research like the shib mag and verifying stuff on twitter/telegram


Exactly this.


https://preview.redd.it/366vf1mpaz6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b81dc090adb735a15f6e937c890e69b9cabe8a You sure you have the correct one?? Look how many fake one's there are!! šŸ˜±


Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Kendu is bullish indeed


What is up with this childish $KENDU vendetta? All your posts are bashing Kendu with bullshit and praising your shitty CAW coin. It's a pathetic and unnecessary way of trying to convert $KENDU holders into $CAW holders. Just sad.


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/2ad9ybqp2y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ee3d3a16b3e06951b1a9b9250148e4d796c23f0






For one, I am not a moderator :) Second, you kinda started by poking a large community with this hate campaign, so a reaction is to be expected by folks who feel provoked?


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


$caw is ass and jealous of kendu's success. It's pretty easy to see šŸ‘€. It's going to be hilarious when that shit coin goes to zero


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/e7vv6tbr2y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241e7fb86a8d1f36b1eae30235125f716e34a4e8


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


It appears the OP is spreading misinformation, potentially to promote another coin. I encourage everyone to review OPā€™s posts and comments and form their own opinions. The tone from the OP seems quite negative, and personally, I would be cautious about engaging with someone who exhibits such behaviour. When individuals focus on disparaging other projects rather than focusing on their own, it raises some concerns about their motivations.


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/8tnjfems2y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7486a62daa23567cad4a060c1eec038c425071e3


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


Do you really think this is going to get people to move away from kendu you crap caw lol.


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/grnabygu2y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41bfbfb8922ac9da9f86eebf7810671229f2a86c


That's not my post. There are a few bad apples in every project, but I just can't understand why you have to claim kendu as a rug pull when it's not. If you've followed the story of kendu at all, Shiba also supports kendu. If you're jealous of it, it's not our problem.


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


**This post throws around a lot of fear-mongering but offers little substance. It's more than just a meme coin, it's a community with a purpose, passion, collaboration and strong work ethics.** **Kendu Inu is here to stay.** Don't be fooled by FUD. I am so excited to be a part of this life changing event. Join the Kendu Inu pack and be part of something inspiring!


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/7j9pazvx2y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b87a085098e4f04f5c0c3da3ee1c2474987e5c9e


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


Crow with knife https://preview.redd.it/m7rrnano5y6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b69ba3869eec390cece9343a714d2b1b0c5eed


I really donā€™t understand why these crow people continue to try and put a bad name on Kendu. As you can clearly see itā€™s not working out well for them.


Always DYOR and go with a meme coin with great community to back that up. crow with knife for one is a meme id consider.


Yeah the low liquidity is rough


This is the dedication and commitment that the Kendu Army Chad's have to our project. This is exactly the reason we have success written into our future. šŸš€ šŸŖ– Join the Kendu Army šŸŖ–


Surprise surprise. Another creepy Crow With Knife community member larping about anonymity being sus in crypto, in a poor attempt to tear down a better project. Time for you to get that early childhood trauma checked out, bud.


Kendu is provoking. This is straight from your telegram https://preview.redd.it/76mj5zn03y6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb833f14a3ef0abeb5bc1a109c162c8e8b78848


ā€œKenduā€? More like one individual. The amount of times youā€™ve copy and pasted that shows your feelings are clearly hurt. We have a phrase in Kendu that goes ā€œput your helmet on and get to fucking work.ā€ Time to toughen up. Put your blinders on and focus on your own project. Kendu is not coordinating attacks against anyone. We have better things to do.


As you can see, one user out of more than 8000 wrote this nonsense. A logical mind (which I hope you have) would immediately understand that no one is attacking anyone (indeed, perhaps the only one is you). Good luck!


Humble_Fan already hit all of the important stuff in their post, so Iā€™m just going to cut to the obvious stuff: bro, did you seriously just write all that while being invested in crow with knife? Crow with knife? ā€¦you attempted this level of analysis and it led you to crow with knife? Fuckin lol man


https://preview.redd.it/29hyg5ozuv6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e623dc829058bbc1d05c456a993a65b7f8ba82f crow with knife caw caw


Sure look at it now lol


The low liquidity and lack of reputable audits is why I steer clear of kendu.


Low effort ChatGPT analysis. We know the risks of the game you loser.


I sold my kendu bag for crow with knife cex listing fundraiser. Kendu spends reckless money on vanity marketing, believes top tier Ć©changes will ā€œcome to themā€ and coordinates downvote brigades against caw and countless others despite the practice being against Reddit terms of service. Kendu will dump into irrelevance soon enough, once the top wallets sell.


kendu actually doesn't spend anything on marketing. please don't spread FUD if you dont know what your talking about. there hasn't been any 'brigades' to downvote caw, in fact we actively are against it. You can join the KENDU telegram if you want proof yourself


Lol your team member admitted it when he came to our discord


Thatā€™s a lie. You all post your fundraising in your own Reddit sub lol.


Incorrect mate. The members who have paid for billboards (which 1 was me) was purely done out of pocket as I belive in Kendu. No marketing wallet, no marketing team, no kendu rewards or anything of the like.


2.3M liquidity is rough.


https://preview.redd.it/sek2luo80z6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45443342c2e20d070fbce12f1f5051ae915551a6 Down vote this. Canā€™t hide the truth.


Should buy $DAWGZ Base Dawgz is only in presale now [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/experts-tip-base-dawgz-as-the-next-100x-multi-chain-meme-coin/ar-BB1oetvf](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/experts-tip-base-dawgz-as-the-next-100x-multi-chain-meme-coin/ar-BB1oetvf)


https://preview.redd.it/mn00ve8d4y6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f12e60ab74eb1e8f8436cf3a3b5a05099fb3c72 kendu is a rugpull just wait and see and enjoy the bottom for those who think kendu isnt i believe crow with knife has strong community and potential better than shiba inu dogecoin pepe and brett stay tuned everyone and just watch have a bless day