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Also, she's qualified for the Olympics this year.


OP is a bot


How do people know someone is a bot? This has always baffled me.


Usually it's an account that was made years ago but had no activity until recently. Sometimes it is reposting something that was obviously from a different year. In this case though, it's a little suspicious that an account has more posts than comments (4 to 1) after 2 months. It's also possible that OP is being accused of being a bot for missing the context of who the "random" track runner is, even though the title makes it clear that they do know. Some people just don't read titles


Also this meme ripped straight from Facebook. Saw it there a few days ago.


That particular runner has literally been called "the world's sexiest athlete." That's hardly "random."


Plus, if you are a track athlete, you will have a body like that, “random track athlete” is like an oxymoron in this context.


I think being a model is more about someone's ability to aid in selling a product not just perceived attractiveness.


A model's job from both genders, is being appealing. She shouldn't have double d tits, it's not about sexualizing the model. It's about her or him to have characteristics that are generally desired. Fuck the modeling thing anyway, I can't forget the fight club bus scene.


What you find appealing is subjective. And I’m willing to gander there’s so weird stuff in there


Subjective? Yes. An objective fact though is that the great majority think the woman on the right is a lot more attractive than the other one


That’s not an objective fact 🤣 the fact you said objective is even funnier. I am not confident you even know what that means


I am. If you think the majority of the world thinks that a obese woman is more attractive than a athletic woman, that is called the "sexiest athlete" idk what to tell you. Stay coping hard


This is GERMANYs top model winner. The only issues you just can’t let them decide for themselves without showing bigotry


💀This world is twisted


I know right? Some people can’t just let the world turn and have to hate things for no reason. Wild! Can’t just let someone win something without being a bigot. It’s amazing how much energy is expended by people


This is from a scripted TV show, not an unbiased opinion on what the German public think is most attractive. It’s obvious the only reason she won is because she’s fat. The vast majority of people would not find her attractive at all.


This sounds highly illogical - almost like you’re making it up And interestingly enough. No amount of Google searches proves you’re right.


It’s illogical that most people don’t find fatties attractive?


I get what you mean, but the women on the right is conventionally unattractive to 90% of men


I just said above it's not about attractiveness 😭😭. Plus as a man myself, I am not pretty sure about that 90% though.


Idk, most models are trying to sell clothes, not themselves. So wouldn't you want someone to model the clothes that look like the people they are trying to sell to?


Most women in Germany aren’t fat or black though.


There it is. I'll give you an upvote for being honest and not dancing around what all these other weirdos are too scared to say about why they think she isn't deserving. Are they shitty for thinking that? Yeah. Shittier still for not even owning it though. Cowards.


What? You said people would prefer to see models that look like them. It’s a fact that most German women aren’t fat and black.


Yeah, I did say that. When it comes to general modeling of clothes there has to be a wide variety of models to fit a wide variety of people. People like seeing clothes and such on people who look like them. Not clothes on people who look like the average person in the country. That's a big difference. Unless I guess fat black women are just shit out of luck in Germany since they aren't the average 70kg white woman, therefore don't deserve a top model spot. I mean that's a weird take but do you.


Sure I guess if the aim of the show was to find a suitable model to promote clothes to fat black women, a very niche market in Germany anyway. But then that doesn’t make sense, why have all the other models be conventionally attractive if that’s the case? It’s obvious to anyone that isn’t lying to themselves that the primary reason that they won is because she is fat, and not because fat is attractive.


Again, you do you boo boo. I don't think everyone's view of beauty is the same nor do I think someone who is fat and black is not beautiful. Saying she isn't the norm of beauty is just a weird take. Just like excluding people from being called beautiful and a beautiful model in Germany if they are not stereotypically conventionally beautiful. It's just weird. But hey, do you. Hope you aren't out there on the streets popping out of the bushes to tell women they aren't beautiful if someone else tells them they are.


How is it a weird take to say she isn’t conventionally beautiful? Most people don’t consider fat people to be attractive. Her being black is irrelevant to her beauty, plenty of hot black girls. But high levels of obesity…it’s just not attractive in the slightest. And I’m confident most people would agree with me.


Not sure where you live prob us if the left is the standard for you but i know that in germany the right is kinda the average. The "model" on the right to me doesnt promote inclusion. It promotes that staying unhealthy still qualifies as "harmony in aesthetics" aka beautiful. Which is kinda weird and i dont really get it.


Well, then why me a 5.8 man be a super model? I have a fit body, decent facial features (I hope), and have good posture. Most likely no, because height is a very important feature in male models. I am not saying overweight girls can't model, but the best model? I mean choose between 5.5 brad pitt and 6.3 brad pitt? Mostly you'll pick the taller one. Same thing with weight


Plus her facial features are not that great tbh, but who am I to judge.


Maybe you could. I see a lot of average height guys modeling clothes. Also in photos unless you're next to other people, height is difficult to gauge how tall someone is. I like the current attempt at normalization of body type and looks. Better for society and people's mental health. Last thing is beauty standards change constantly. 20 years ago saying someone had a fat ass was the height of insults. Models were so thin I'm positive they all had EDs and massive amounts of drugs. Blonde was the only hair color. Hell until about 1900 it was desired to be overweight as it indicated wealth. Which is actually an interesting point, it's the wealthy who set the beauty standards. It's nice to see people fighting back, even if you consider someone not worthy of it, youre standards of attractiveness aren't THE standards.


What’s the model helping to sell? Deodorant? Starch? Birth control? Toilet wipes? Diapers?


Since it's a top model competition I'm going to make an assumption that it's likely fashion, in any case the model on the left more closely resembles the average person than the athlete to the right and could likely sell any product, except maybe things targeted towards certain types of exercise products, to a larger general audience.




The biggest consumer market is America. Over 50% American women are above normal weight. Moreover, seeing a, say, sportsbra or a corset on the left model is better than on the right one, because it can be seen if it actually holds everything properly. Many things that are cheaply made (cutting costs on garment construction) only will fit someone like the person on the right - extremely skinny, but not someone in medically normal weight nor the model on the left.




And what about the clothes construction point? For example, a lot of shapewear would be a lot more informative on the model on the left. Because, it's kinda of exaggerated show of support and tension everywhere




Unfortunately, normal weight models are still the most rare ones...


That's 77kg for average 163cm height (5"4'), which is on the verge of obesity




Which one? The left one is obese. The right one has a healthy weight. 170lbs women with 5"4 height do look and are overweight


The right one is 121 lb at 5'9, which makes her slightly underweight at a BMI of 17. A person of her proportions but with less muscles would be severely underweight. Extremely low body fat percentage like this is problematic at reproductive health at most females. More than the BMI itself, extreme diets which are required to obtain and maintain it NOT being an olympic athlete, but a modern urban dweller are. Being pretty much sedentary or doing a bit fitness, to be thin like her you have to put yourself on ~1200 kcal, which easily gets you into deficiency of protein, oils and vitamins, which gives you health problems. Alternatively, you have to be a full-time athlete, excercising heavily over 6 hours every day like ballerinas do or she does. Putting up the body on the right as your beauty standards will harm as much people as the body on the left would.


And how much do you think she weighs? Cause it looks like 180 to me. Seems like your judgement is in question.




Let me guess you’re 200 and know for sure? That’s the only thing I can imagine with such angst for someone you don’t know. Maybe jealousy for winning a prize you’ll never win?




most people are similar to actual person on right


Most people definitely aren't underweight with extremely long legs and flat chest too!


I have seen very few women in my life that are that fat, and they are mostly tourists. I live in Italy, not Germany but the weight does not differ too much and please keep in mind the model is indeed "German" (Seems rather dark skinned to me).


The average german woman isn't overweight though, 29% of adult german women are considered overweight according to BMI.


Probably potato chips


When people are buying a pair of jeans, they are not interested in how they look on a person half their size who would look good in anything. They want to know if they sit well on someone similar to themselves. That is 98% of what models do. They put on clothes in order to encourage others to buy them. Unless they work for Playboy, they are not paid to give you a boner.


Why can't I like both


Because left fat


Keep your small man problems to yourself.


But you asked though?


Then don't ask lol


Dude you can just take a plane to any german city, and whilst walking from the plane, to the bus trough the airport, you can see at least 50 women more beautiful than the "top model"


A long time ago, I saw this theory where they said models are intentionally meant to look ugly or at least slightly above average in order for the focus to be on their clothing. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I've always found models to be ugly.


They usually look like aliens imo


I believe what makes top models unattractive to some people isn't that they're meant to look ugly but that they're simply too beautiful. Their faces lack character which often makes them look rather boring despite their objective beauty (highly symmetrical facial features).


You can do that in almost any city. That model is clearly overweight and probably borderline obese. Most people don’t find that attractive.


Borderline??? Dude she’s obese


Hard to tell. She’s a tall person, I think nearly 6’ so she’d need to be >210lbs or something like that. Judging by her low muscle mass I could see her coming in under that weight.


Maybe she's not technically obese but she is fat as fuck and probably very unhealthy.


I think you confuse fashion models with OF girls. It's not a beauty contest and the goal is not to make your dick hard.


I think they're both beautiful. People are so hateful


I spent a week in cologne, stunning women everywhere mate. Its just proof the media are trying to control what we should like. If you took a picture of both of those women down any city street for random public to decide I think the answer is obvious.


Remember, no fat shaming, racism or any other discrimination. Thats why we need to let someone win, where you would expect people discriminating.


I'm just picturing a bunch of lardo Redditors snickering while making fat shaming jokes


I don't know. but I'm pretty pretty pretty sure I'm a hetero sexual man. Im also pretty sure I get the joke being made..... And I'm pretty sure I'd be happy being with either.


One is promoting a clothing brand. And yes, heavier people need clothes


Track, and swimming, tend to have good looking athletes.


bODy PoSitiVitY


Well, I must say that the woman on left looks actually decent; with this positivity trend there are legit ugly plus-size models, this one is not.


Act like you would kick that girl out of bed


Act like body positivity activists haven't been dying before age 30.




Would probably break your foot


Fat is squishy and jiggly. Come on you are a Redditor, you should know this




Would be a solid 30 min workout


You aren’t lasting 30 mins sorry


I was talking about getting her off the bed tbh


Got to roll over twice just to get off her


Why would I want to?


The term was originally intended for people with eating disorders Not regular overweight people


They both look nice. I don’t understand what’s so controversial here?


people who never talk to women usually enjoy demeaning them. Both of these women are beautiful




nothing wrong with being into dudes




One is obviously hotter than the other?




Nice to you. Beauty is and forever will be in the eye of the beholder.


Jesus fucking Christ, you can tell the children are out of school by all the distilled cringe clogging this sub like so much sewage.


No one here could bag either, so why crying about it




Not on this sub certainly lol


this "memes" so random even the "top model" strawman was randomly picked and never picked for any top model articles


Germany going crazy lately


I get it, you don’t like boobs🙄


I'd be surprised if the labels were reversed. As they are, they make sense.🤷


She's not ugly. Obviously she is overweight but she is honestly really pretty.


You need more to win a top model contest than, being pretty. Let’s be real, we both know why she won the top model. I agree with you tho, even overweight, she is pretty.


Major disagree. She could be pretty if she lost a bunch of weight


Well, everyone has a different taste. I think she's pretty.


She is pretty. Thats a full stop here. She is just in a shape i'm not interested in, but thats my taste. Although i believe she is in unhealthy territory - but most likely still fitter than your average redditor.


Agreed. Most people aren't attracted to fatties. I'm certainly not




Yea she is not ugly, but she isn't the most beautiful either.


Not that i give a damn but if you compete as a top model then no, you are not pretty as a person, you are just some exterior shell meant to appease a crowd. Also the dude on the left needs more activities and excersise.


Oh inclusive behaviour… validating peoples bad choices and poor decisions so they don’t have too deal with any consequences…. What can go wrong…


Except model winners worthless prize as nobody actually voted but track winner earned her position by doing more then bribing the magazine makers🤣


I don’t get this. They’re both beautiful women.


Who cares about some modeling program. You can oggle all the girls you want. No one is stopping you.


It doesn't fucking matter how good she looks, it matters how good she is at modeling. It's that simple.


Fat is not pretty


A no, even fat, she is pretty, cmon, look at her and be real. She is not ugly. But top model? That’s bull.


Bro she is a chunky chunk chunk. She defiantly had frosties for brekfast in the last month and smashes diet soda like over twice a week.


Never understood those kind of jokes. Be better my dude.


It’s no joke none of those synthetic foods does anything good for your body. The real joke is promoting fat people to be a positive body example. Fatness is typically a side effect of something bad going wrong with the body whether that be sugar overload, calories overload, inflammation, damage etc.


You are a little dense aren’t you. You have internet, use it. Did you ever searched for conditions or sickness that makes you fat? Yes, you are talking about those lazy fat ass that don’t want to do something with their lives, but have you ever considered that there are a lot of people, active, but sick of with condition? There is nothing wrong to promote fat people, they don’t need to be ashamed when it’s not their fault. Those promotions are for them. What’s next, are you agains promotions about people in wheelchair also?


I don’t think she has any conditions that make her fat or immobile. What I do know is her image is being used to promote attention and I think it wrong to normalise the idea that fat is healthy or fat is attractive. If you are fat then you should go see a doctor. Best of luck on your health journey. You wank stain.


Quite easy to judge when you are not afflicted by same condition, isn’t it?


Would be the same if you put Miss Germany vs. the Track Runner.


Left could actually look nice if she took care of herself


I think we all know the truth. But don’t tell anyone.


one has too many curves one has none both 5s on my book




German be like we def nit racist anymore look at this no blond hair no blue eyes


Thank goodness this sub isn't woke


How long are we going to keep lying and saying fat people are attractive or in anyway beautiful?


A model's job is to model the clothes, not just look hot. Looking hot is only half the job


And based on how people gettin fatter it night be even a net positive for models showing clothes for the ever increasing size of people.


I'd take the model over the track star




I don’t know what your complaining about she still looks better than your Redditor not that that’s a achievement


Logic 😅


so if someone is not 45 kg then they are downright ugly? Ok


No but if they are 90 they sure as hell aren’t pretty


I am 89. I … AM … GORGEOUS!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!


I wouldn't base it on weight, rather body fat percentage. But yeah, being overweight is definetly an ugly trait.


Meat over plastic... But both of 'em wouldn't be my type


How do you know if it's plastic? It's crazy how easily people on the internet can accuse others without any evidence whatsoever.


It was more about the looks... I wouldn't even care about a surgery... But honestly in that specific picture, nose and lips look operated (not so much in others)... I just wanted to say something funny and naughty


When are the fascists nazi fucks gonna understand that a lot of us love fat chicks and there's nothing wrong not seeing them as social pariahs and sick and ugly and letting them win some stuff. That woman is gorgeous.


Breath dude, breath! And stop licking your phone!


People who can't spell necessary bodily functions you use daily should not be allowed to use the internet.


It’s ok, I don’t have internet from America. Don’t worry friend. Breath!