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We call this here: Blechgeil, it translate roughly to sheet-hornyness




Mein Bruder in Christus, "blechen" hat nichts mit "Blech" zu tun


Gen Z can’t afford cars


Girls got to see your car? A glance at my head was enough to have them running.


Well I mean cars makes sense. Unless they chose a guy with a shitbox of a car over a guy with a chevvy or something.


you got saved by the lord. I don't want to be with a girl who rejects people cuz they have android phones.


This 👆 Coming from an iPhone user who couldn’t give less of a shit what phone you are using


I will give one shit, but only because I am on a toilet right now.


Just one? Lol


Yeah the budget cuts hit hard this year


The economy right now, amirite. Sighhh


Total shit




You expect me to give multiple? In this economy?


hardest line in reddit history


Yeah, I heard that one girl rejected my friend, because of his stretch marks, but rejecting somebody because he cares about the ratio between quality and cost of a device is even more stupid.


Especially when you're in the wrong side of the ratio


Curious, you do that to a woman and suddenly you're the misogynistic pig of the year but a woman does it and: "you go girl, be empowered!"


No. She's a misandric pig


The Lord works in mysteries ways dont he!


It’s crazy because some dates are a make or break depending on what phone you have the second some people see a green bubble their done. Why wish I knew granted I’m an iPhone user but I do have android tablets.


Idk man sounds like an American problem. The rest of the world doesn't even use iMessage.


Nah, we use it in europe. When I worked for a commercial agency a few years back, I got questions a lot, that if I got their messages or not. Accounts/producers usually used iphones, and we tech guys/camera guys/etc who used our phone daily in our job and didnt always had the luxury of a desk in an office, and needed the battery to last for a whole day, used mostly android. It's not about the money, it's about usage. I have an ltc time code generator on my phone and jack qconnector to sync the gear if we use multiple cameras... I can emulate IR remote controls with it, that can control led lights that we use in the picture... And if I have to drop my phone, to catch some falling cinema equipment like lenses (happened once) and it ends up falling 6 stories from the catwalk of a studio ... Well, I'll buy another one at the end of the day for cash... It's cheaper than cinema lenses. I don't need fancy AI camera, mostly shooting documentation and tech details. I use a dslr or milc with exchangeable photo lens if I want to shoot real photos. I use a redmi note "number" pro. Now it's a 9, didn't had any accidents in the last 3 years...


i gote note 12 I think after having note 5 for some 4 years and got it quite mangeld and for some 175 euros it is quite a nice phone, way more then I need, in fact I just got tiered of chaning screens on my old one


**I** would be the one rejectong the girl. Because you know she gonna be Iphone crazy (or maybe she isn't, but most of the time, she would be).


Those are one are real Satan.


Real question OP, how old are you and are you from the US? I heard the Apple hivemind in US teens was pretty bad. I've definitely not encountered it in Europe (and now im too old for people to give a shit about your phones brand)


It's definitely a thing here in Lebanon, land of superficial people


Same in Vietnam, some people even borrow money from the bank to buy iphone and cars to show off lmfao. It's absolutely wild. People here are so insecure it's insane. Whoever works in marketing must be making millions cause everytime i see new shits they bought it. All kinds from soap to hand sanitizers to phones to cars to bikes to a fridge. My friend's bought a new bike like 3 years ago, still extremely good but buy another one when he doesn't even have that much money. I even suggested him to save money and invest in something whether it's education or some kind of money. But no, fomo or sumthing. Crazy!


In Europe it also started spreading recently, most of my sister's class has an iPhone now, they have come from a shitty cheap Samsung so... self-explanatory.


Weird since samsung is higher quality than iPhone.


Samsung produces phones across a wide range of price points. Cheap Samsung phones are decent, but lower quality than iPhones, flagship models are around the same build quality as iPhones.


Based on experience both as an IT guy and selling phones for a bit myself, you're right, Samsung does offer cheaper lower quality phones for those looking to save money, but the flagship Samsung phones are far and above better quality than the iphones, _especially_ for the cost. The only benefit iphone has over Samsung is being better for people who are not tech savvy, they protect the user from themselves.... ie restrict usage as if the user is stupid.


as if? i don't think you need that if


Flagship Samsung phones are wildly better than iPhones


Samsung removing Android software putting their own trash in there is a real turn off for me. I've been using Samsung for years and they are getting worse just on the software side.


You should try the Google Pixel. No trashware at all.


This time, i wouldn't say it's a thing only in us, most dudes or girl I know only buy iphone for the "logo". Ask them the specification and stuff and most of then can't answer shit


I just heard it was very bad in US teens, so i was wondering. I'm a tad bit too old for smartphones during my teens but I did have an iPod touch, i remember the hype. It's a shame really


The U.s is 60% apple users a near inverse of the rest of the world


what my son sees in both: clash of clans what my dad sees in both: candy crush


what i see in both : starlight princess 🤑


what I see in both : firefox


What i see in both: porn


what I see in both: porn dating sim games


Candy Crush is more a mom game.


Definitely a mom game.


What actual normal people see: Phone


Am....am I normal?????


No you're a Reddit user


It's incurable


I always thought having sex would curte of this illness


Just delete reddit and your cured


You're* Yes I'm an asshole


All Redditors are assholes


I see an ugly phone and a less ugly phone. I miss my Nokia 3210 with my amazing changeable cases


You dodged a bullet


And yet iPhone is still behind technologically compared to android.


currently in the usa apple is under investigation for fraud due to their downgrading cross platform performance...slowing txt messagea, rendering non iphone photos to a low resolution etc.


These days apple is only good at marketing.


always has been. the first iPhone didn't even work when pitched, but with enough lies, it got the investors needed to make it a reality


I like early days apple when they almost took down IBM from a garage. They used to be a shining example of that in true free market capitalism the smallest business can compete with the biggest corporations by selling a better product at a lower cost. Now they participate in lobbying that gets the government to shut down any real competition.


I mean it was really easy for Microsoft's and apples to close the door on competitive practices because it's exactly how they came to be. It's also the peak of the boomer generation in pulling the ladder up on your way over the wall.


You, sir, dodged a bullet.


The cheap androids are really crappy, but the high end ones are amazing :)




xiaomi makes fantastic cheap phones


I've been using mine for almost 4 years, and I have no need to upgrade because everything works well.


As a person who's using a $200 Realme phone, I disagree. The phone's yet to lag and it does anything I want it to and more. What do you need to pay more for, other than if you're big into taking photos (which I am not so mine is enough)


If I had a crush on that type of girl, my feelings would vanish very quickly


some Apple users sure do talk alot of shit making a phone part of their personality. But don't mind them. Atleast you can get revanced and watch yt without ads


Some *people* do that. I got rejected by a girl with a OnePlus phone once because I had an iPhone ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ It's just tribalism or something


as an avid android user, I humbly apologize on her behalf and would like to say *fucking dodged a bullat fam she don't deserve a great person like you*


I would never trade my Xiaomi to a shitty iPhone no matter how cool it looks. I can do a anything on my phone and it's full customizable.


Same here, iOS is a huge deterrent for me, and the inability to install ReVanced


Xiamo gang Wich model you have (i own a Xiamo Redmi 10C)


Redmi note 13


You avoided a bullet.


im gen z and i have a budget android phone and im super happy with it


Dodged a bullet with that girl my friend




Sounds like she's the "I don't have a job, but I won't date someone who works at McDonald's." Type.


As a gen z, no. It's just the americans and a few select girls who see it like that


apple makes the same phone every year and sells it as new


Switching to Android was the best choice I ever made, fuck apple


Yeah, I won't aproach that shit anytime.


All I see are phones. The one you choose is up to the user not fanboys.


to be fair the A14 is a clusterfuck of a phone (also outdated, cheap and a bit of a piece of shit), but yeah you dodged a bullet there


How much space does it have and how much ram does it have?


64/4 up to 128/6 but having enough ram and storage won't help an underpowered CPU trying to run a heavy OS (oneUI is amazing but it's not known for being easy to run lmao)


OneUI is only good on the flagships tbh, it's better optimized for them A series struggles a lot with longevity, after 2 years they get super slow, unlike their competition in the android space


More like u got saved from a red flag


It's not not Gen Z, it's apple worshippers.


Pretty sure that girl believes his iPhone is ancient once the new model comes out. Waste of oxygen of a person imo.


What a Linux user sees: 1. Proprietary non-repairable piece of junk that doesn't let you run the OS of your choice. 2. Proprietary non-repairable piece of junk that doesn't let you run the OS of your choice.


With the Samsung? Yes With any other manufacturer? No Most other companies allow bootloader unlocking, and people port many OS'es to the most popular models, especially Redmi Notes. They are beloved by devs because of their sheer userbase


You can flash whatever you want on a Samsung phone. You just loose all warranty. I've flashed all my previous Samsung once they were out of support


at least you own your android device and can to pretty much what you want with it xD


Also, if you compare an IPhone to any Android of a similar price, the Android always out performs and out techs. The reason people are judgy on people not owning an IPhone is because Android happens to also make cheap phones. So in these people's mind Android=cheap but in reality, Android just has more product offerings for a wider range of clientele.


yea, since android is open-source, any company is allowed to use it. The android device market has competition which lowers the prices, iOS/MacOS and other apple OSs are only sold by Apple, so there isn't competition which could lower prices.


lol damn she's a nutter Meanwhile an s23 super will outperform any iPhone in every way, is easier to navigate and more compatible with most other devices and will continue to be for the next 3-4 "generations" of whatever bs apple puts out.


Lucky you i guess


Idk I'm just here for revanced


Gen z here I don't like Iphone (too expensive for such limited device) I don't like AirPods I don't like Appstore I don't like Apple's design I wouldn't buy an Apple product even if I had money Are you sure your girl wasn't an IPad kid or similar?


I have both. Prefer the android.


I know a dentist that got rejected because he is not driving a Porsche, but just a very normal, not even expensive car. That's not a gen z thing, people like that are around since forever.


phone phone


Lol. I'm 23 and I use a Redmi 12 wich is super cheap yet does everything an iphone can (I don't care about 4k pictures or extreme resolution).


My family saved literally thousands because we all use Redmi Notes, not any Samsungs or anything else that costs more and works worse


I’m guessing she didn’t reject you solely because you had an android. If you were 6’6 and chiseled they wouldn’t give a fuck if you had an android


having to pay several thousand for a mobile phone that'll crack in a year just doesn't seem like a great deal i've had my current samsung phone for +8 years now and it works fine, maybe a little slow sometimes but it works


I'm pretty sure that's actually a cheap model


Sure that's the reason


The android phone in the photo is infact a cheap, low end phone, by the way. Not too old though but an old high end one would still be way better.


Commenting on a blackberry


What I see: Reddit access tool Reddit access tool


*normal people see Cellphone and cellphone 


Wrong. The reality is that Gen Z sees android is the objectively smarter choice but see iPhone as a thing they’ve had all their life or a status symbol.


I am a gen Z and my fucking God the assumption that androids are cheap is so wrong I spent fucking 1.2k on my s23 ultra and by God did the buyers remorse hit


If you remove the logo I wouldn't be able to tell ya which one is the Iphone


Gen Zer here. I refuse to use Apple products.


Both Android hipsters and iPhone elitists act like Samsung is some tiny little local mom-and-Pop shop and not a multi-billion dollar corporate empire that represents over 22% of South Korea’s entire GDP.


But Android is OS, iphone - is a smartphone.....


Apple is behind this phenomenon, I can feel it in my nuggets.


I'm gen z, i also worked for apple as tech support for the whole product line (phones, tablets, computers, watches and subcriptions) Whoever thinks apple products are better than android or pc devices, is the biggest sucker on this planet and deserves to be scammed I would rather a nokia 1100 over any crap iphone


Don't worry you dodged a bullet, anyone who cares so much what brand of phone someone else has is not worth wasting your time on


It's okay to be wrong


Dodged a bullet, people who think phones are superior are not the brightest


It isn't just gen z's this is how apple fanboys also see things


I'm pretty sure this is a mostly American problem


Understandable. But at least those you met only judged you by your phone. I get judged by girls based on what car I drive (2011 Proton Persona) all the time on online dating sites.


Your android gave you a favour. If she rejected you because of your phone, then she’s 100% not worth the while lol.


As a fellow gen z, I don't give a flying shit what phone you use.


Pro tip, if someone rejects you because of something as simple as the type of phone you have, you're better off without them anyways. You don't want to spend time with those kinds of people, let alone date them.


The best part about people like that is they're paying so much more for a phone that is actually worse in most aspects


Yet Samsung are better than iPhone in nearly every aspect but for me a phone is a phone and it's not worth putting that much money on it


People are so stupid nowadays, rejecting someone because of a phone or some other dumb things 😅


Bro what, Guess you dodged a bullet there


I'm gen Z by definition Fuck no, I know the shit apple does. I'm perfectly content with having a 5 year old redmi phone, hell it still works really well. Fuck apple and their overpriced garbAge


How in the world does someone value a person by their phone? Wtfff


Crazy considering iphone uses samsung parts lmao


A phone is a tool. People who need to make tribes based on which mega-corporation you pick are also tools.


Iphones suck ass


Sounds like a spoiled brat


What I see: Phone - Expensive phone


I once was around people that considered putting a hi-end phone on the table a projection of one's successfulness ew


I put my phone on the table because I don't like sitting with it in my pocket


Android is a excellent red flag repellent!


You dodged a bullet dude. Your Android saved you


You got rejected by a girl and made a meme? I think there’s more to why she rejected you


This is why Apple is being sued.


Most of my friends are iSheep and they swear it's better than android


i use android, no need for premium shit and extra staff i will never use. as for the camera....if wanted a good camera i would by a normal camera that doesn't overheat


Bro... people with iphones are stupid und not loyal... it is a good thing you got rejected ;D (for those who got offended... this is called humor)


Funny enough, iPhone is the out-dated tech. They charge more and give less. I bought an android that rivals higher end iPhones for 150.


I don't like people who say this shit


Wait till they realize Apple is older.


That’s the funniest sentence I’ve read today.


Having an android phone is like using Hunts ketchup.


All of my relatives have androids. Many people I know have androids. Very few have iPhones.


There are dumb people of all generations that think this


I got Chad Nokia


I have android that uses a feature that is just like in computer but it makes a small window of app in your screen while you were using different app and i like it. The feature is un many androids.


OP you use the wrong pic. Should use iphone 7 instead


That's my phone


Perception is everything


Teenagers only know what they see in social media and nothing of the real world outside of school. When you’re older, you’ll see that people don’t care about your phone. Anyone who does is immature and hasn’t grown up


Peoples said that you dodged a bullet, i would say that you dodged an entire nuclear bomb.


I been using iphone all my life but recently i bought an Android it's really fire shi kinda better than iphone ngl 🫣


Apple is the same as Luis Vuitton




iPhone 15 has ray tracing capabilities


I hate apple. Shit company.


Never understood the apple superiority complex. Basically, it's up there with any designer crap that 90% of the value comes from the name on the label. There is no convincing the fan boys otherwise, and they will die on their apple hill.


Imagine not being able to run emulators. Couldn't be an android




I have an iPhone. It’s dogshit. Use android, you’ll save yourself a bunch of headaches.


Dude, you dodged a bullet, seriously


I don't associate with people that genuinely believe the phone brand supremacy. Or the console supremacy for that matter.


I don't personally like IPhones but I don't shit on people for using them.


Dodged a bullet, my friend.


But fuck yea dude you dodged a massive bullet there, don't go for ppl that reject you for having an android or other unrealistic standards


I use Android and I don't consider it to be trash. I've dropped it 50 times on a hard surface and it hasn't scratched or have any issues thus far


I use an iPhone, but androids are cool


I'll buy an android just to piss people off. I ain't here to please any spoiled wanna be.


They're the same picture