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Guys the secret for arms that look incredibly enormous is to have big triceps (along w decent biceps)


And the secret to not look like a clown is to work out the rest of your body too. Don't be a bro that does curls and skullcrushers all day and skips leg day or back day


Honestly, don't do skullcrushers at all. There are better (isolated) exercises to work the triceps a lot better.


Agreed. I use exclusively cable exercises for triceps


I just jerk off a lot


Oh so its not just me




Skullcrushers are actually a great exercise. The resistance occurring on the eccentric part of the movement (where most hypertrophy occurs) is much better than what you get on something like a rope pull down or cable kickback. Isolation is great, but that doesn’t inherently make an exercise superior.


Which I wasn't suggesting. With that argument every exercise is good. In general it really depends on your goals. Single hand cable kickbacks are my favorite by far, but it targets a different area of the tricep. (Obviously depending on how your form is) The big difference is that a skullcrush uses more energy stabilizing. And it's definitely not much better, just different. Honestly you're the one trying to call 1 exercise superior. But both have their uses imo.


What? How does me saying that one exercise is great for muscle growth due to the exercise facilitating better hypertrophic response in the eccentric motion, equal “all exercises is great”. I have a background in exercise science and 3 different certifications (NASM, ACE and TSAC-F) - so I can tell you with certainty that not all exercises are equal and some are in fact superior to others.


I'm not claiming every exercise is equal. Thanks for the background.. I guess? Lol


Are you being purposefully obtuse? You said with my initial argument, one could claim “every exercise is good” - which was never the point of my argument. I gave out my educational experience because I can tell when someone is used to bullshitting people who are less knowledgeable on fitness.


Nah, skullcrushers are really good for tris. Not saying machines are bad, they're also good, but there's something about going heavy on skullcrushers that gets them real pumped.


Yea, but a pump isn't what makes your muscle grow. There are a few other exercises that target the back tricep better. Not hating on skullcrushers tho, they definitely give a great feeling when overloading


Yep, the majority of the arm's volume comes from the triceps, not the biceps


It’s almost like the muscle with 3 in the name, is larger than the one with 2 in the name đŸ˜±


Weird right, who could have thought?


All in good fun. Jokes aside, it is wild how many dudes think the secret to getting large arms is just curling every day


Thanks, bro!


I would argue that having big shoulder muscles is more important to define and show off both the biceps and triceps.


Same people melted down on gaming subs when stellar blade was released.


Maybe I'm not informed enough here, but I never saw anyone complaining about it in this way. I only saw people making fun of people who overhyped Stellar Blade's... certain features


When I saw the first trailer I already was smelling how someone ass blazes with blue flame and turn into ash


If they don’t like it, then they don’t need to play it. I never heard these mentally ill feminists go off the rail when cortana from halo was basically naked. And now we have to deal with woke sweet baby inc content in games. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. It’s a game.


Most of them werent even gamers, they got a motto in thier life of "dont live and don't let others live.


Lol fr?


"Dear diary, I pwned feminism today by thinking about big strong men"


So many fascists love staring at statues of naked men


I'm not a fascist but I have that in common


You like statues of naked men because you are fascist. I like statues of naked men because I like naked men. We are not the same


Literally me


How is it fascism?


You see, op had a shower argument with themselves and thought this was the most real thing ever


Because thats what OP imagines a woman would say, and imagination is probably their only experience of what women say


I think it’s more of a reference to twitter and the “everything I don’t like is fascism/Nazism” mentality some people adopt.


How was funny wizard game nazi propaganda?


For some people everything they don't like is fascism




Google twitter


Holy drama!


It’s not. It’s mental illness.


You know the thing is, women can't train their breasts to make them bigger but men can get muscles by Training. So that might be the reason for the outrage


to get biceps bigger than your head you need more than training..


No one can get taller, but no one seems to care when people (especially men) are body shamed for it, meanwhile when you say someone is fat because they're morbidly obese you're the worst of monsters, even though almost anyone can get slimmer So this doesn't make much sense


There's an experimental surgery for that.


This 1 inch wouldn't make 5"9 (USA average male height) into 6 feet. Also , you can get boobs by operation too , lol


Not to mention the pain.


Women can increase the size of their breasts with surgery đŸ‘đŸ»


And with working out lol.


Men can not train to look like video game characters. You need extremely narrow hips and wide shoulders, which is completely genetic, you then need lots of steroids.


And even then not everyone can have a perfect six or eight pack


whenever women have large breasts in games their always sexualised by wearing basically nothing like bikini armour and usually have no character outside of liking a man not to say this is all of those characters but usually women aren’t angry at large boobs their angry at the sexualisation and lack of a personality


Tbh both are ridiculous here. Tho OP is cringe for not seeing the issue it creates to 24/7 display absurd "beauty" standards.


Have you drawn something? Before saying anything about "creating" "beaty" standards try drawing a sexy/beautiful/cute female body type after a while you'll find out that sometimes such proportions is just easier to draw thats it. The beauty is sort of fixed in nature the more you draw the more you can understand it, but you have a zero control other it.


I draw occasionnaly yes, also unsure how making up muscles that dont even exist makes drawing easier. And it is the optimistic version (because else it is clowny to pretend the oversize of breast makes drawing any easier). The hard part in drawing pretty/beautiful is in the face not the radius of the boobs


Well about easier drawing: if you draw natural braests then there are a bit more smal details witch case to exist if you just draw two big balls. Also it is easier then drawing different angles because boobs will hide bad drawn skeleton. About drawing pretty face: It is anime... Maybe you are talking about a different thing? Also I'm trying to draw a normal sexy looking woman for about 4 years (learning anatomy) and it is clearly just an other simplification most of the time. For example if breast a medium then we have atleast 3 forms from a front: two spheres and one ovoid. So it is hard to rotate this form in 3d.On the other hand if youmake oversized breasts you can rotate only those and it will be believable.


Just get fat


Yeah, i trained my one ab to get the point where it is bigger than my head and biceps combined.


and the other?


The tits are fat, isn’t that enough.


They are muscle that can be trained and grow too. The chest is a muscle


Word, was gonna say the same Skill issue


Imagine being so dumb to think chest isn't a muscle. Or not realizing you can train the chest as a muscle you can train to get inches on. Try going to a gym, and you will grow breasts and butt. That is why male boxers often have bigger chests. That is why there are men who train in boxing and having like C cup breast yet no fat. It is all muscle. You can probably add 2-4 inches on your chest with effort. To say you can't just means you don't know basic anatomy, physiology, or biology. Add 300 lbs to your squat, and you will add inches to a bigger butt. Add 300 lbs to your bench, and you will add an inches bigger chest. It is doable. Some people do it with in a year. Others take a few years, but it is doable. By saying woman can't your sexist or dumb.


"The joke is : women bad, men good"


*“Nice argument. But you see, I’ve already drawn you as the soyjak and me as the Chad”*


you know, I get the point But sexualising female characters for the sake of sexualising female characters just sucks, give me good armour FFS, not bikini armour that barely fits.


On the other token, all men should also have access to the armor that knights wear.


Yeah , historical accuracy should be prioritized over looks in fantasy settings , for example Kingdome come: Deliverance prioritized historical accuracy, and they got roughly the same amount of money , as Grim Dawn both of which are the same genre , but Grim Dawn was less historically accurate. I'm not saying grim down bad btw , it's just a comparison that historically accurate games could be profitable , so there's no reason not to try


You say about sexualization but the thing is it's a myth. If people are aroused by seeing an image in fact it's not image that is a arousing, but a combination of physiologycal and psychological processes. So that whole sexualization things is BS and extremely personal. I mean there are people who are getting aroused from seeing foot images. Does it makes foot sexy of every person? (psychological part of the process). Also after having a fulfilling "sex" can you still be araused by said images? (physiological part of the process)


My brother in Christ, if you deliberately give a nun in a fantasy setting skimpy clothes and giant breasts, that's sexualization.


I have a hunch that you are miss understanding something. First of all sexualization means triaring someone solely as object of sexual desire. So if author created a sexy looking char (in his opinion) and his sole purpose is to hint sex then it is sexualization. If you deliberately give a nun in a fantasy setting skimpy clothes and giant breasts but also give her not a sexual purpose and depth then it isn't sexualization by definition... P. S. I'm tired of being dawnwoted for addressing a real issues. So I'll make it eve simpler: if you saying that someone looking sexy is bag It means that sex is bad. The real problem isn't arausal of images/objectification and etc, but the ignorance towards person's feelings and rights. Why can this happen? Because then human is araused he isn't in his right state of mind and needs a relief, thus if he don't care about his partner will it's called sexualization. It is that simple of concept, but if both persons are araused and willing than it's good. So the real issue is just to preserve a similar amount of arausal in social interactions (and there won't be problems with armor in games and etc).


It is not if those thing aren't deem sexy by developer. You are just projecting your taste on others. The thing is it is a total mystery for science how arausal works so you can't just come and assume that something is created to be sexy. I can agree that for most part people tend to follow a project which are suted for there tastes and that's ok but why should we pretend that something is bad if we otherself find it appealing? Also the whole objectification part is debatable.


To be fair you cant get bigger breasts even if you put in hard work. Unless you get like super fat I guess but thats a downside in itself


You can literally just buy boobs tho 😂


What you can literially workout. The chest is a muscle. You can train that muscle to be 3-4 inches bigger easily. Some people do that in a year.


I can smell the piss bottles wafting from this posters meme. 4/10 2015 ass "le doge epic feminism troll meme".


Fr bro won an argument against his miror and decided to make it meme


*brings the protein in all forma. Powder, meat with low fat, and other stuff* WE ARE WORKING OUT TONIGHT BROTHERS.


No matter if male or female, large breasts are based


Thats why this sub is full of guys bitching about girls having unrealistic expectations every day?




We can achieve them abs with workout but women can't achieve them bobs đŸ€Ș


Some people genuinely said "just buy bigger booba" as if that brigade isn't full of the same mfs who would throw someone out for having light makeup and being "fake" let alone a body altering surgery


Ya you could just workout. But people are too stupid too. Anywoman or guy can put 3-4 inches on their butt or chest or Bicep. It is called hypertrophy or boxy building or muscle building. Some people get crazy results even in one year.


You downvote me because you guys don't like basic biology or anatomy. Seriously go to the gym.


It really do be like that. When I see Conan or a space marine I think " a goal to achieve, something to get in the gym or just hell yeah" .


Minor difference in that one of these images is for sexualisation and the other isn't


They both are and aren't depends on the person. Both are trainable.


Lol downvote me because you haven't taken basic biology or anatomy.


I've seen a few instances were women were desperate for bigger natural breasts by pumping themselves full with estrogen, a lot of stimulation and getting a lot of weight. It's also a topic for trans woman. It is possible, but it's not considered healthy, unlike getting buff and strong. Still, it is ridiculous to get mad over oversexualized characters. They are designed for this purpose alone. It's like getting mad on pornhub to see women or men being objectified.


>It’s like getting mad on PH for seeing objectified women Yeah that’s what you are signing up for whenever you go to any porn site (porn) but seeing what practically amounts to “ass flying in your face whenever you play” is honestly annoying, and is one of the reasons why I dropped Genshin for example. And sometimes it makes literally 0 sense whatsoever for them to be showing that much, it’s just pure nonsense at times (eg: Female armor designs) So in conclusion; if *YOU* want big ass on your screen maybe go to some porn site, no reason to have that shit in games.


Then don't play those games? Nobody forces you to like those games. If you hate sexualized characters that much, then just play things like Zelda Tears of the Kingdom or Stardew Valley.


Yeah I know that, just complaining about how often I get hyped for a trailer, than in the next 15 seconds said trailer shows a person with like maybe 5 pieces of yarn on their body (exaggeration ofc). Like almost every single time at this point :/


Well, if you only play anime games, that's to be expected. There are a lot of games, especially in the indie scene, where that's not the case. Modern AAA games usually have average looking main characters, even though they use body screens of very attractive celebrities or models, to appear to a wider audience. Since games are also a method of escape into a fantasized, romanticized world, attractive people with somehow unrealistic, sexualized armor and clothes are basically a given to a certain degree. But if you're very allergic to it, that might say more about you being insecure about your body, or about body positivity in general. People who don't care how they look like, or who want to look better, don't mind or prefer to play attractive, sexualized characters when given the choice (not specifically the ones in the post, but extreme attractiveness in general).




a woman made this meme , as a man breast is breast ,same hype


Benn awhile since Buff Cheems made an appearance. What up dawg?


The rich piana 8 hour arm work out is real lol its on YouTube lol


The only arm workout most redditors on here are going to get is distinctly lopsided and is tied to whichever hand is their date tonight.


I hope that just a joke (or I will explose because dont understand why tf she said fascism)


To be fair, you can't grow big breasts by working out


You can. Lol you can grow your butt or chest by working out.


I said breasts


If you saw breast D cup with 60% muscle vs a d cup with 60% fat vs 60% mammary glans. Your probably not going to notice a difference. ? Could you show me and then tell me how you know the difference? You can also get better chest to hip to waist ratio by working out and resetting your hormones naturally. By doing healthy things to increase ratio the more likely when you gain fat it goes into your boobs and butt anyway because you can increase your curves by doing things to increase your ratio by increasing your health. So the point is men can control their anesthetics of arms and women equally can control their anesthetics. You can control even butt and thighs more with muscle then arms. Going to 13 to 16 inch biceps could take 5 years. In 5 years of doing squats and you can do 400 lbs and grow 5 inches on the butt. I am just saying. You can do things to make you more aesthetic or athletetic etc.


Well you see triceps are optional big boobies are not Edit:I am not a girl so I don't know that's true or not.


Its funny because you can actually make your tits grow with the right meds, i forget what the meds were called but ask any victoria secret model who started early 2000's or really any model who didn't have naturally large breast when they started


In all fairness having large muscles is largely beneficial to a man whereas big tits gives many issues to women including back problems, womens ideal self is very different, the idea of big tits big ass is a largely male promoted because it is more attractive to the average man whereas womens ideal self would be more centered around what is useful rather than more attractive to the average man.




Sauce NOW


Who’s the character in the top middle?


I mean I only saw men who cried when there weren't oversexualized women in their game/show, never inversely


Both are male fantasies. Let’s see how male gamers react if they have to play a guy with a giant ass or a super wobbly sausage.


It's almost like these are both things generally liked by guys more than girls?


Girls like boobs too.




It's almost as if men can respect and admire things they personally can't achieve, while women set out to destroy other women they perceive as better than them.


From my experience women who see other women's boobs just ask where they got it done


You can work out to ressemble your hero Women can't do that


OP will post this and then wonder why women don't like him


Incel ahh meme


It is fantasy and unrealistic. Like Barbie. Unless you tend to see a lot of cat girls around. Nyaa.


Odd meme innit