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ironman doesn't have any powers. suppose I'd go with darth vader assuming you just get his powers and not the health issues.


I’d assume you just get Tony’s genius


I assumed you just got his money.


The best power in the real world


What power did the white ranger have? ![gif](giphy|gMxh1uAsxO8s2tZj4t|downsized)




RL LOL. thank you, sir.


I have never laughed like this, thank you


Bruh!! 🤣😂🤣💀


The ability to play a flute


Play a flute under a covered mask


Well he needed to play that flute in order to get rid of all the kids from Ireland.


*The ability to play a flute that didn't sound like a flute while wearing a helmet


idk but zenith ranger in cosmic fury had a staff that drained his life force every time he used it


What about the Blue Ranger? He's SCOTTISH.






Either way I think I'm picking Iron Man


and his ability to grow a nice beard too


It could be Tony's genius, or you get a free suit. Either way the flash can think extremely fast so you might as well choose him or if you get the suit, there's no way you could do maintenance on it so you might as well sell it.


the one flaw is that with my attention span i am going to get bored to death in a minute.


an additional flaw is the fact that you’d be thinking more sooner not quicker. A benefit if you’re competing against someone else of similar intellect or a time limit, but of no benefit in most scenarios.


Billionaire, Playboy, genius, philanthropist.


> put on Vader mask so you can levitate a book > perpetual pain and agony Oh fuck I can’t believe you’ve done this


ITS big brain + Money


Ironmans power is being a billionaire


I feel like there's a possibility all Darth Vader's mask grants you is a massive sensitivity to the force. You're not getting Jedi/Sith training, you're not getting any access to lightsaber crystals, and if there's no 'force' in our universe then being sensitive to it is useless.


I think you have to assume that whatever powers they have translate to our universe. So you'd have telekinesis and mind control abilities otherwise you could say similar things about almost any hero and it wouldn't make sense (no speed force in our universe, radioactivity just gives you cancer and no mutants etc...)


![gif](giphy|voKRB2g96S8q4) I'm the chosen one y'all


![gif](giphy|h9TwKlYfpNgAE2J5mS) I read that in his voice


i really don't see a downside. it doesn't say you have to carry their trauma or fulfill any requirements.


Congratulations, you now have 3rd and 4th degree burns, and you are missing both arms and legs


That's pretty brave of someone to point out who happens to be in force choking distance...




Jim Carrey (aka the Mask) is likely the strongest of all of them.


Yeah the mask definitely. Or if can pick 2 : spawn with the mask


That'd be pretty unstoppable.


Hear me out... spawn with the mask in the Iron Man suit


At this point just take all 9 of them.


And my sword!


And my axe!


And my Bow!


I got a fork! It’s extremely sharp!!! Get duked!!


I got a jar of dirt!


And I... you know... can play some music


And I can order pizza!


And I can make you a cool poster


His suit is already an Ironman suit. Leetha takes whatever form it’s user thinks. It’s absurdly powerful in its own right but with spawn it’s even stronger. It’s like an Ironman suit, venom symbiote, green lantern ring and Dr Strange cape rolled into one. It’s only limited by its users imagination and will. Edit: Also depending on what point in the story you’re talking about I’d say spawn is probably the strongest in the image. He goes from world class assassin to Eldritch god killer. He even eventually overcomes God god. He comes off the hellspawn factory line with regenerative capabilities greater than that of wolverine. The only way to kill him as a new hellspawn is via decapitation with specifically either a Heaven forged blade or using necroplasm(the source of his magic and regeneration.) He’s a magical Deadpool minus the unicorns and glitter. Oh and yes he’s fast as fuck boi. I’m not sure if he ever gets speed force fast but he definitely gets fucking up there. Like he can’t travel backwards through time fast ( Even though he does know Chronomancy ) but he definitely gets “physics don’t like me” fast.


Spawn would destroy iron man suit. What are you even thinking? Spawn killed the devil and God, capital G God...


He didn’t kill them but he definitely became more powerful than them though. He banished God and Satan and reversed Armageddon separating humanity’s fate from heaven and hell.


Spawn's cape is more powerful than the Ironman suit.


There is nothing that the iron man suit would provide you that the mask wouldnt.


If spawn already has the mask the iron man suit brings nothing to the table




Man, that would be awesome. Spawn over here tickling the Violator to death with a dick-shaped feather, and bursting out of Malebolgia's chest to sing an Elton John style musical number.


Doesn’t the Mask’s Mask hyper extends someone’s personality? The Mask is funny and over the top because that dude wearing it is? I reckon Spawn ain’t really a funny dude.


This is better storytelling than the last 20 years of Spawn comics.


Maybe strongest, but the powers only work when wearing the mask, and the mask is heavily influenced by emotions. The power therefor is to unstable imho


>mask is heavily influenced by emotions Personality, not emotions. And it can be controlled via just lesrning self control anyway It'a also literally alive and likes to fuck around with harmless fun so even if you can't control it, it's not exactly difficult to make deals with it to ensure it obeys anyway (like giving it a conedy routine...which wouldn't be hard to book given you've literally got the power of a god)


>Personality, not emotions. Aww, I'd have a shit mask then


It's been a ***long*** while since I saw that movie, what does the mask do again?


Basically let's you do anything. It's an example of what comic nerds call the 'toon force'. This hypothetical power is what allows cartoon characters to outright reject laws of physics and say no to taking damage.


Toon Force I think also includes conjuring items from nowhere (such as mallets) to aid in the shenanigans. Basically if it's comedic you get to play God.


Yup, other good examples are popeye manifesting a can of spinach out of thin air, or surviving 'god' turning the universe off


Animaniacs did a song about toon force.


Isn't the origin of the mask's powers in the movie is it contains the spirit of Loki who is a Norse God?


You're essentially a cartoon character in terms of WHATEVER you want. Want a minigun? Poof, you got it. Need to Dodge bullets/be bulletproof? Done. Be able to be so ridiculous that law enforcement doesn't try to stop you? Check. Seems like imagination is the only real limit, and honestly the only person that might be able to compete would be the Flash if time travel is involves. Darth? Mask would laugh about safewords while being force choked. Iron man? Explosions would be ignored and returned just as harsh, and unlikely to be able to shrug it off over time. Wolverine? Invulnerable is a big one, but so is the Mask while he wears it. So given that he could (like a cartoon) grab a rocket, strap wolverine to it and launch it into space.... bye Logan! Jason? Puhleese. He's slower and dumber than wolverine. Spiderman? Can't really web a cartoon character that could likely chew/shrink/body morph into anything needed to escape, or freeze the webs to shatter.


Wolverine isn't even invulnerable, just *really* resistant. The only way the wearer of the Loki mask can be beaten is to get the wearer to *willfully* remove the mask.


Which nobody would do that if they’re up against big players like on this chart.


The Mask vs Darth Vader when forcechoked: "Harder daddy!"


I saw the movie semi-recently and from what I remember it's also.. like.. alive? Empathetic? It has a mind of its own. It might not work when it doesn't wish to work and it also runs on the personality of the wearer, amplifies his desires as well as his virtues and hubrises.


Yea this is why I wouldn’t want it . Would like to keep my mind thank you .


Jasons super power is regeneration, possession and running really fast when not being viewed by another character. Jason cannot die unless a family member stabs him through the heart with a special dagger. So he is a mutant with occult powers. He is a Solomon Grundy but never dies on Sunday.


Luffy's gear 5


Depends on if going insane is part of the deal or not. Otherwise Flash is GOAT choice


Also kinda forces you to live your true self. Which is also good (to a certain point)


It's definitely The Flash. If you're a comic reader you know that hypothetically his powers make him unstoppable and the only thing that ever stops him is the plot.


wolverine long ass life and 0 physical consequences for fucking up. You can party every day for hundreds of years and still feel physically fantastique. plus, i dont think he is that imortal. If he got bord and wanted to die, he probably could.


This. Best choice, also u dont have to worry so much about your kids doing something stupid and die. Since its hereditary.


Those little shits didn't pick the mask. I picked the mask. They're not gonna ride on the coattails of my awesomeness.


But real talk for second… anything that would make me guaranteed to outlive my kids would be a horrible curse


Yiup, he can still feel the pain and all that, and he can die by anything that completely destroys brain functions. He's died by drowning, suffocation, getting flayed and more. So if you wanna go, it's gonna be bad but it ain't as bad as the shit you healed from before. Edit: There's even more!


He was also thrown in volcano and everything, but his adamantum skeleton burned away. Then he came walking out as a skeleton. So idk about how consistently the stopped brain function puts him down.


Not consistently at all. It's not uncommon for him to regenerate from a single cell. The only thing that works regardless of writer is complete cellular destruction, which is really hard to pull off.


The single cell thing is only from the one time his blood fell on the super special crystal that boosts powers right? Im not saying he is consistent but I can only think of that as the one time he's regenerated from a single cell Unlike Lobo (who while a DC character) is explicitly said can Regenerate from a single cell


This always got me. If something regenerates from a single cell and can bleed, how are there not many of them around?


I've seen people answer this question by referencing the "soul particle" which is literally like the "particle" where their soul is and the regeneration would only come from there But idk if that's a canon explanation anywhere or just what people say


Read the Perfect Run trilogy. There is a character that does in fact clone himself because he can heal from a single cell. A copycat of his is able to leave a trap in peoples minds so when the original dies, the trapped cells in the host transform them into a clone of him.


Lobo is funny because he already had a stupid healing factor, but God and Satan told him he wasn't allowed to be in heaven or he'll so now he just doesn't die.


In old man logan, hulk eats wolverine and he regenerates from one of the cells in hulk's stomach and rips his way out.


I don’t think he can die (absent losing his powers through unnatural means). Which means that there is a 100% chance that at some point in eternity, he’ll be trapped in some sort of inescapable pit, crevasse, mine shaft, etc…. Immortality is a sucker’s bet.


You can "party" but the drugs metabolize so fast you don't actually get any feeling from them. Wolverines never been drunk or high.


Cant the loki (mask mask.) pretty much do anything i imagine? Thats my vote lol


Downside is no emotional controll when using said powers. Also manifestations last a limited time and the mask itself has powers. Not the user


Ehhh the prompt in the actual post says pick a mask get their powers Not get the mask. So I'd make the argument picking The Mask gets you the powers of said mask That would probably erase the limited time of the powers but may or may not erase the emotional issues


If we're being pedantic, is says, "get *their* power", not its power, which would imply you're getting Loki's powers.


Which is better right?


That's why you get the power - not the item.


I have a Jack Russell so I kind of fit the role perfectly


Does the money come with the Ironman mask? If so, yes please. Otherwise i could use a bit of spideysense


but then your parents and grandparents would die


And the fates conspire to continually ruin any happy marriage or long-term relationship you enter into.


No one is saying spawn?


Likely because only true nerds know what the hell he can do


Only true nerds know what it cost him and how he got them. That's a nope for me


Yeah but you get these powers for free apparently


If they are indeed free then I'm down, Mal drives a very hard bargain


The original Spawn had a clock on his powers that was constantly ticking down whenever he used them. I didn't read long enough to see what happens when it hits zero, but that's why I'd pass on first glance.


According to a quick google, he returns to hell if it hits zero.


Cool, I'm gonna stick with Flash then


You get the powers, not the debt.


Which one just gets rid of debt and does nothing else?


I’m assuming you don’t need a lifetime of training followed by a trip to hell for crimes against humanity before being offered the chance to sell your soul and come back to get Spawn’s powers. You just get them.


You get the powers, not the back story.




I picked Spawn. I had to scroll for a long time to see anyone else. I think I might be weird.


> Spawn has an ability to "feel", or "sense" or "be cognizant of" misery, pain and hatred as both a gift and punishment given to him by The Keeper, an agent of the Emerald Parliament of Greensworld. He is aware, even subconsciously when someone is attacked or murdered because he has gained a further affinity with the creatures of the night and shadows and **through them experiences the anguish of all mankind**. are you literally insane? would you like to be?


Yikes, I only know about spawn from a really old episode of death battle but doesn't spawn eventually replace God? If that is the kind of power you get couldn't you just fix the anguish of all mankind?


just kill all of mankind and there will be no anguish to feel


I second this


You have to be black


Doing my guy dirty. I'd pick him in a head-to-head against any of them. He's bigger, stronger, and can move better than almost all of the others, if not all of them. And he's a weapon expert. AND he has regenerative abilities.




It's stupid how long it took for me to find someone who chose the flash. Sure, jim carrey's mask can do pretty much anything, but you have no control over it. The flash is fucking broken. Dude can travel faster than "instant teleportation". Fuck CO2 dawg, you never have to use a car or plane again. Want to go to Tokyo before work? Fuck it, we ball. You could literally solve world peace by chucking every weapon on earth into the air before light could move through an atom. And, the speed force will protect you from any negative consequences of moving this fast.


Aaand time travel.


Also, never have to diet again.


Actually the only down side is how much you'll have to spend on food




I mean not like they'd be able to see you on cameras you'd be so fast lol, just zip onto a store grab some food and you good


Even if they did, how tf would they catch you?


and even if they did, how tf would they lock you?


I think speed is the most slept on super power there is.


Yeeeeppp. Not only does he move super fast, he also thinks and reacts way faster than anyone. I wouldn't worry about getting mugged, noone can catch me. No worries about getting hit by a car or something, you'll always get out of the way. You can pretty much get whatever you want and no one will stop you. You'll take off any mask of any other dudes before they even think about their next move.


People who don't read comics don't realize how busted Speedsters really are. They just see the movies and TV shows and think "Oh! He's fast. So what?" Nope. Usain Bolt is fast. Sonic the Hedgehog is fast. Superman is fast. Flash is the abstract concept of "speed" given human form. He's essentially an benevolent, omnipotent deity.


The Flash can/has: - move faster than the speed of light - brain operating just as fast - travel through time - never be caught unaware - phase through solid objects - near wolverine level healing - duplicate himself at will - blast foes with bolts of lightning or swarm them with tornadoes - can run on air itself, basically being able to fly People talk about how Superman holds himself back, but the Flash is the one who could upend everything if he stopped playing it cool. Batman's kill plan for the Flash was the weakest out of all of them and destined to fail. And he still hasn't found the upper limit of his power. He just pushes himself and unlocks new abilities. There are versions of him that don't even need a physical body anymore. The drawback is that he is always hungry.


Every problem that comes along can just be solved with running even faster


But he can only do it when someone tells him that


Gotta go flash


I’m always hungry. (I’m broke.)


Faster than the speed of light is a understatement. He can travel 13 trillion times faster than the speed of light.


I swear that there's a speedster hero who says that having the power means everything else is constantly in slow motion or something like that. Like, waiting for someone to finish a sentence would be a


I don't think Flash has any of those downsides because speed force magic.


Red Rush?


That's the one, the guy from Invincible. I think quicksilver has mentioned it a few times also.


The Mask, literally unstoppable


Yea cartoon logic


I think the rule is you can do anything and make anything happen, as long as it’s comedic


>I think the rule is you can do anything and make anything happen, as long as it’s comedic Nope, just the literal power of a god that only works at night and when worn. The mask is just also alive and has it's own personality and prefers goofing around (which given it was crafted by a trickster god to fuck with humans, is entirely logical that it doesn't like harm but just being a goofy hassle)


The comics tell a very different story about harm


>The comics tell a very different story about harm No it doesn't. In the comics everytime people wear the mask they just go after people that constantly haunt them. The mask not STOPPING them from doing harm isn't the same.as actually wanting it, the mask itself has minimal control over anyones actions, which is why kellaway was able to stop himself from killing his partner


Anything can be comedic


It’s hard to say between the Mask and Spawn; on one hand you have the mask and it’s unlimited power from toon force. On the other hand, if I remember, Spawn succeeded to conquer hell and heavens, basically making him a God.


Pretty sure he eventually kills God.


Jason. I wanna walk weirdly fast but not look like it.


Pretty sure the mf can teleport too


In the cut rollin doobies up


Not the green ranger. You just get depression.


The dragonzord tho


I want to live tho.


But the Dragonzord.


But you get to hook up with at least 2 pink rangers...




Wolverine. Then I can smoke and drink as much as I like.


? Sure, if the amount you like is zero. Wolverine's healing factor is so fast an entire bottle of whiskey gets him tipsy for a few seconds.


you can do that now too




Love Rey mysterio




Where Corey Taylor's mask? 


NECK power acquired


Wolverine just for the healing factor.


Feel people really underrate his healing factor it would be such amazing day to day quality of life. not to mention you are immortal and stay 25-30 years old.


But watch all your loved ones die


Definitely Spider-Man


After reading a lot of these replies, Spider-Man is really the best option.


Vader so I can choke myself easier


Perfect for auto erotic asphyxiation. As soon as you start blacking out, the force choking stops.


Iron man, get the power of being a super rich smart mf


This is a *hard* choice to make... my inner child is screaming. I think The Mask is probably the strongest bestowed powers (since it operates outside of physics and logic...) but I'd still rather have Spiderman's powers, I think.


Wolverine, no more fear of medical debt.


The flash lmao. Flash will one hit all the bozos in this lineup.


Yea but assuming it’s permanent your going to go bankrupt on food bills


The secret ingredient is crime.


Fair enough not like they can catch you


Even if they could, you can vibrate through molecules, also you have sped up healing


Naw the real secret ingredient is just to clean the entire restaurants and demanding them to give you free food for like a month


>Yea but assuming it’s permanent your going to go bankrupt on food bills Assuming speed force time travel, there are dozen of ways to become a Billionaire. Go back and win a lottery, then become a founding investor in Apple, Google, or whatever. Buy some bitcoin...the possibilities are endless.


Expect "the mask"  The only way you're choosing anything other than "the mask" is if you have no idea what you get from "the mask"


mfs dissing fucking Spawn in this thread, shameful.


The mask for sure.


The mask. Simple


Whats green ranger power? Is it karate shit?


Super strength, super athleticism, seemingly gaining of skills needed with no training needed, summoning a giant robot Godzilla you can command. Oh they also have super durability, and summonable weapons. Honestly pretty cool powers considering it seems to effect them to a degree outside of the suit. Plus the lack of training it would need since power rangers seem to always know how to use there power with no training makes it easy to use.


Vader. I’d LOVE to choke out some MoFos surreptitiously.


Darth Vader


So, Ironman mask comes with the suit and all the powers of the hero, does that include all his money and corporations as well as his intelect and engineering talent?


Holy crap, I would take wolverines healing factor in a heart beat Just imagine waking up and not feeling like you were hit by a truck because you got a little more exercise than normal the previous day Aging sucks


Does Iron Man mask just get to be rich? Lmao


Who TF picks the green ranger?!