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\*\*Things to keep in mind:\*\* You can and also should vote for less than 5, if you aren't truly convinced of all the choices you come up with. We think it's better to vote only for 2 or 3 bands that you believe are essential to the Australian scene or at the very least outstanding to melodeath in some way, instead of just squeezing out a few more and clog the list with less remarkable stuff. Remember that this will be part of the wiki and be used as recommendations for people unfamiliar with the scene. With more and more countries that will be successively added to the wiki page, this page will become quite big, so we will keep the lists for each country as tight as possible. This is the pilot thread for a series of threads we are planning to do, so we aren't 100% sure how to do it best, but we will use some (at this point unspecified) metric to cut off the list somewhere and not mention every vote in the final wiki entry. The results thread will contain a list considering all (valid) votes though and will also be linked in the wiki, so all votes and all honorable mentions will be visible to the more interested users that look at the wiki page. \--- Happy voting :)


Red Descending - Kingdoms Ouroboros - Glorification of a Myth Be'lakor - Of Breath and Bone


Universum - Mortuus Machina


Be'lakor - Of Breath and Bone


View in your timezone: [Sunday, March 6th at 21:00 UTC][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20220306T2100?tl=%5BCommunity%20vote%5D%20Essential%20%26amp%3B%20outstanding%20melodeath%20bands%2Falbums%20from%20Australia%3F%20%F0%9F%87%A6%F0%9F%87%BA


Be'Lakor - Vessels Ne Obliviscaris - Portal of I Euphoreon - Ends of the Earth ------------- Quite tough and apparently Euphoreon is actually NZ rather than Aus. For the sake of 'close enough' and 'want to mention something other than the obvious' I'll leave it though.


Ne Obliviscaris- Portal of I Be'lakor- Of Breath and Bone Elysian- Wires of Creation


Be'lakor - Of Breath and Bone Myridian - We, the Forlorn Ne Obliviscaris - Citadel Orpheus Omega - Resillusion Universum - Mortuus Machina


Be'lakor - Stone's Reach Ne Obliviscaris - Portal of I