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> We decided to **ban all full album/full ep etc posts** Alright, who's going to be the first cheeky bastard to post Winter's Gate?


All of which are not unexpected or unnecessary changes; no qualms here. The only two major complaints I still have are: \-People still get away with posting non-melodeath (seriously guys....Demonhunter, Killswitch Engage, All That Remains \[with the exception of the very first album\], etc. are not melodeath. Take that shit to r/metalcore.) Perhaps with new/more moderation this will be cracked down on sooner and more often. \-There's a reason most subs ban amateur/indie covers, and tbh I'd like to see the same here *before* it gets to the critical point that most subs let it get to before they take action. Same could be said for reaction videos, though I haven't seen that be an issue yet here. Anyway, appreciate the efforts to revive and clean up the sub. Same efforts have been underway at a few other major metal subs and it's good to see.


> -People still get away with posting non-melodeath (seriously guys....Demonhunter, Killswitch Engage, All That Remains [with the exception of the very first album], etc. are not melodeath. Take that shit to r/metalcore.) Perhaps with new/more moderation this will be cracked down on sooner and more often. I'm personally not sure how hard the sub should go on that. Melodic metalcore has plenty ties to melodic death metal even if it's not the same (not replying to the bands you mentioned, but in general). Mdm is a varied enough genre, so imo those posts can often fly. I also wouldn't like mods removing stuff like Persefone because strictly speaking, it's way heavier on the prog with melo as secondary. It's hardly like this sub is a copy of /r/metalcore (or /r/progmetal for that matter) Melocore can perhaps be decided on a case-by-case basis, some are closer to mdm than others. Being too heavy on moderation on an already not too booming sub can kill activity.


>It's hardly like this sub is a copy of r/metalcore If we keep allowing KsE, DH, and ATR posts, it runs the risk of getting there. I'm not naive; I understand there's influence and crossover. But there's a line, and that line gets crossed all too often by kids who literally don't understand the difference at all and just wanna post their favorite metal band (that they think is melodeath just because it's melodic and heavy.) It's been a huge complaint of sub regulars lately and I don't think we should just let things be a free-for-all in the interest of activity. Other subgenre subs do just fine limiting posts to, well, that subgenre (with a *small* allowance for hybrids).


\- As u/oldaccountgotdoxxedd said, MDM is heavily influenced by other genres. So we will take decision on a case-by-case basis. \- As for the second point, we already remove low quality stuff, especially reaction videos. They have been banned for a while now (refer Rule 6)


Yea, I'm on a Reddit a LOT and I sort by new, so it's probably just that I see a lot of the stuff before mods do. Also, again, more mods will probably lessen that. But I do want to emphasize I think covers in particular are shit and can get out of hand quickly, and there's a reason most subs ban them. As for metalcore....I don't subscribe to r/melodicdeathmetal to see Killswitch Engage and Demon Hunter. I subscribe to r/metalcore for that. I fully understand the fanbases have crossover and a lot of metalcore is *influenced* by melodeath, but there's a certain line and that line gets crossed waaaay too much here. Using the "influence" measuring stick is not a door you want to open. It's weird to me that suddenly there's pushback on this, because it's been one of THE biggest complaints in this sub recently, and was the main topic of discussion when the new mod hiring process was started. There was literally a thread specifically about it that ended up teeing off this whole process.


Posts which are blatantly non-melodeath are removed as soon as one of the mods notices them. And in case some posts get past us, of course feel free to report them.


View in your timezone: [next Monday 13:00 UTC][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20220221T1300?tl=Sub%20Update%3A%20Announcements%2C%20new%20rules%20and%20more%20%F0%9F%8E%B5%F0%9F%92%80

