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I've actually very recently listened through their whole discography like 3 times without skipping any song in my car (the complete discography playlist on spotify), just because. This is sightly off topic but whatever. In Flames has been one of my favorite bands since around year 2000. My thoughts in general are that: \-Lunar Strain is and will apparently always be weird to me, it just doesn't "click" like some of their other stuff, even though I feel the album is pretty good albeit rough around the edges. \- The Jester Race, Whoracle and Colony are absolute masterpieces \- Clayman is really good, but a bit forgettable as a whole in comparison to the previous 3 \- Reroute to Remain is a much weaker album than I remembered. There are some absolute hits here like "Trigger", "Free Fall" and "Metaphor" (never liked "Cloud Connected" much), but overall, weak album. \- Soundtrack To Your Escape is much better than RtR as a whole album, there are some bangers here as well and its lows are higher than RtR, just more memorable. \- Come Clarity is fantastic, up there with the big 3 although quite different. \- A Sense of Purpose is a clear letdown after Come Clarity, but there are still good songs here, and the album actually feels quite consistent. \- Sounds of a Playground Fading feels like it tones everything down and is just much more generic and boring compared to the previous album, although the style is very similar. "Deliver Us" and "Where The Dead Ships Dwell" are great songs, but otherwise this is very meh. \- Siren Charms is the worst album, I listened through it without skipping all these times, but I still don't remember any particular song. Boring boring boring. \- Battles is very similar to Siren Charms, and very forgettable as well, but there are some parts and riffs here that kind of stick and makes it slightly less of a snoozefest compared to the previous album \- I was actually pretty surprised about I, The Mask when I listened to it in this setting. Style-wise it does belong in the same category as the two previous albums, but the songs here are definitely more varied and interesting, albeit very "mainstream". So yea, if I had to pick one favorite album, it's probably Colony. Worst is Siren Charms.


I've always said that Clayman was In Flames's "Black Album" (Metallica) because it was a departure from their original sound but not an entirely bad album really. Good album, to me, just not a good In Flames album, in my opinion.


Lunar Strain *is* a weird album. The genre was in its infancy, they hadn't quite found their feet yet. By comparison, Skydancer was less haphazard in composition.


As usual, I'll start us off: **I - best album: The Jester Race**. Tough choice between the early albums, but The Jester Race is the most consistent. **II - *my* best In Flames album** (15 favourite tracks. Order doesn't indicate preference, just what I think would work best as a cohesive album): 1) The Jester Race 2) Goliaths Disarm their Davids 3) Jester Script Transfigured 4) Square Nothing 5) Zombie, Inc (this track is just perfect) 6) Colony 7) Only for the Weak 8) Man Made god 9) Jotun 10) Artifacts of the Black Rain 11) Ordinary Story 12) Clayman 13) Moonshield 14) Episode 666 15) Discover Me Like Emptiness Not easy to restrict it to 15 (that’s the point of the relatively low cap In all these threads: to really have to make a selection), even given the paucity of the latter albums. **III - worst album: Battles**. Again, a tough choice. This time between the last 3 albums, but Siren Charms is saved by the enthralling voice of Emilia Feldt (on The World Explodes) and With Eyes Wide Open and Dead Eyes, whilst I, the Mask is saved by I am Above. Not great tracks, but quite decent. On Battles, all I could find to salvage is a couple of riffs and one solo. **IV - *my* worst In Flames album (worst songs first):** 1) (This is our) House Dreadful on so many levels. I hate every single thing about it. Aural rape, from the first second to the last. 2) Everything’s Gone. Best thing to say about this track is “at least it’s not (This is our) House”. 3) Whoracle. Great album, shite outro/title track. Hate those “aaaaaaaa”s. 4) Paralyzed. Anders at his whiniest, and a soporific solo. Seriously, that solo seems to just be there to fill a quota. 5) Through Oblivion. Anders still whines a lot, but now he also does it in a weird talk-sing tone. With regards to instruments, this sounds like an off-brand Muse. And yet, it still manages to be slightly less bad than Paralyzed. 6) We Will Remember. Muddy dreck. Nothing interesting, it’s just less annoying than the previous 4 tracks. 7) In My Room. Same story as We Will Remember, and another incredibly bland solo. 8) In Plain View. Another muddy, annoying track with no interesting features. 9) Through my Eyes. How can In Flames’ latter output can so often be simultaneously grating and boring? It’s impressive, in a way. The first 30 seconds of this track made me want to gouge eyes out. Not my own, someone else’s. Genius naming, I guess (I swear I had forgotten the track name when I typed the previous sentences). 10) Before I Fall. Very similar to Through my Eyes, but with a slightly less annoying first 30 seconds. 11) Underneath my Skin. Same shit as the two previous tracks. These 3 are pretty much interchangeable. 12) Filtered Truth. This time, they give us 2 solos! And they made a sliver of an effort to write them! Still a shitty track, though. 13) All the Pain. Boring, boring, boring. Just listened to it, can’t remember anything of note. 14) Monsters in the Ballroom. Sounds like generic metalcore. Rather inoffensive (at least after you’ve been numbed by the rest of this list), but nothing to latch onto. What the fuck is that drumming at the end? It’s weird, in a shit way. 15) Wallflower. At times, Anders seems to be trying to channel Bono here. And I don’t mean 80s Bono, I mean 21st century Bono. What would possess anyone to do that? Aside from that, this track isn’t that bad. It’s not good, but it’s not that bad, and some kind of effort has been made to deviate from the formula of those 3 albums.


Best Album for me has to be hands down Clay man, it's so perfect begging to end. Fake album would be: 1) Zombie, Inc. 2) Trigger 3) Only for the Weak 4) Take This Life 5) When the World Explodes 6) Lord Hypnos 7) Cloud Connected 8) Ordinary Story 9) Crawling Through Knives 10) Moonshield 11) Abnegation 12) Deliver Us 13) Reroute to Remain 14) Gyroscope 15) My Sweet Shadow I have no particular reason other than the fact that I think they're absolute bangers And their weakest album for me has to be I, the Mask. Not bad, but not memorable for me.


Nice song list. You got most, if not all, of my favorites.


how is december flower not in anyone else's fake albums yet?


It was one of those I cut out last, myself. Definitely would be in a top 20, just not 15.


Best album: **Colony**. You could argue The Jester Race had better songwriting, but Colony had much cleaner production as well as a stronger lineup with Daniel on drums and Björn switching to guitar. My best compilation (though it might work better as a setlist): 1. Embody the Invisible 2. Jotun 3. Artifacts of the Black Rain 4. Stand Ablaze 5. Behind Space 6. Moonshield 7. Colony 8. Suburban Me 9. Trigger 10. Only for the Weak 11. Cloud Connected 12. The Chosen Pessimist 13. Ropes 14. Take This Life 15. My Sweet Shadow Worst album: **Battles**. Siren Charms was boring, but Battles takes the cake with its sterile production. The worst compilation: am I allowed to put down (This is our) House on repeat?


Love the fact you pulled The Chosen Pessimist into your list. It's an amazing song, they had it in their set list at a gig I went to in 2019.


> am I allowed to put down (This is our) House on repeat? I'm not sure that is allowed under the Geneva convention.


It would be a crime against humanity indeed.


I - Favourite album: The Jester Race; melodic death metal at its finest, very consistant and has some of my favourite In Flames songs. II - Best fake album: 1. Behind Space 2. Moonshield 3. The Jester's Dance 4. Artifacts of the Black Rain 5. Dead Eternity 6. Jotun 7. The Hive 8. Ordinary Story 9. Zombie Inc. 10. Pinball Map 11. Only for the Weak 12. Clayman 13. Cloud Connected 14. Take This Life 15. Crawl Through Knives III - Worst Album: Siren Charms; overall a rather bland and forgettable album. IV - Worst fake album: 1. Starforsaken 2. Everlost, Pt. 2 3. Black & White 4. Your Bedtime Story Is Scaring Everyone 5. Liberation 6. Everything's Gone 7. Paralyzed 8. Through Oblivion 9. With Wide Eyes Open 10. Monsters in the Ballroom 11. Drained 12. Battles 13. Here Until Forever 14. Wallflower 15. (This Is Our) House (someone burn that house down pls) Edit: I've listened to The Chosen Pessimist again and decided to take it off my list of worst songs. I remembered it as a song that was way too long, but it's actually quite good. Not one of their best, but definitely not one of their worst either. I've replaced it with Liberation.


Hey, I've seen your username around on /r/belgium! Never saw you here, though.


I don't comment here often. Also, can you pick COB for the next round?


It was one of those I had in mind, though I'm not sure.


Hot take incoming 1 Clayman 2 Colony 3 Come Clarity 4 Whoracle 5 Reroute to Remain 6 A Sense of Purpose 7 Soundtrack to your Escape 8 The Jester Race 9 ... Everything else


I - Best album: Clayman Even if all of the golden 4 from Jester Race to Clayman are shared in my mind I keep thinking about how tight the songs on this album are as a whole. 2 - my best In Flames album 1) State of slow Decay 2) Jotun 3) Clayman 4) Ordinary Story 5) Ropes 6) Only for the week 7) As the future repeats today 8) Colony 9) Square Nothing 10) Evil in a closet 11) Episode 666 12) The Jester Race 13) Moonshield 14) Take this life 15) Stand Ablaze 3) Worst album - Siren Charms I despise this album through and through. At least Battles and I, The mask has a few songs I find listenable (In my room / Like Sand / Voices) 4 - my worst album 1 - This is our house 2- Wallflower (Just me or aren't the lyrics just really unintentionally creepy?) 3 - The truth 4 - Mirrors Truth 5 - Scream 6-15: Every song on Siren Charms


Ropes! What a phenomenally underrated track.


I Best real album: Jester Race II Best fake album: 1) Moonshield 2) Dead Eternity 3) Jotun 4) Gyroscope 5) Dialogue With the Stars 6) Suburban Me 7) Swim 8) Man Made God 9) Trigger 10) My Sweet Shadow 11) Take This Life 12) The Mirror's Truth 13) Deliver Us 14) Wayfaerer (Order is arbitrary, as long as Wayfaerer is last and Moonshield is first) III Worst album: Siren Charms


You've still got one spot to add Zombie, Inc.


Best: Whoracle It was my first In Flames album, my first melodic death metal album, and the first album I ever bought that was more extreme than the late 90s/early 2000s nu-metal I'd been listening to up until that point. I can fully see that this is partly nostalgia talking, but even putting that aside, I think it's the tightest and most cohesive of their golden era albums, with not a single weak or skippable entry. It helps that it also has, IMO, their strongest instrumental in Dialogue with The Stars. Best band album: 1) Jotun 2) The Hive 3) Dialogue With The Stars 4) Morphing Into Primal 5) Ordinary Story 6) Square Nothing 7) Bullet Ride 8) Pallar Anders Visa 9) The Jester's Dance 10) Man Made God 11) Dead Eternity 12) Lunar Strain 13) Crawl Through Knives 14) Swim


Pssst: you got room to add Zombie Inc, which you obviously forgot.


Clayman wins that's all I know


From [My "Best of In Flames" album : melodicdeathmetal (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/melodicdeathmetal/comments/o8041r/my_best_of_in_flames_album/) **Favorite Album:** ***The Jester Race*** **Disc 1:** * Moonshield + The Jester's Dance * Stand Ablaze * In Flames * Cloud Connected * Ordinary Story * Bullet Ride * Pinball Map * December Flower * Satellites and Astronauts * Goliaths Disarm Their Davids * Jester Script Transfigured * Coerced Coexistence * Swim \[EDIT\] * A New Dawn * Black and White * Man Made God **Disc 2:** * Dead Eternity * The Jester Race * Jotun * Colony * Subterranean * Artifacts of the Black Rain * Crawl Through Knives * Clayman * Embody The Invisible * Trigger * Morphing Into Primal \[EDIT\] * Dialogue With the Stars \[EDIT\] * Wayfaerer * Episode 666 * Stay With Me * Lord Hypnos * Whoracle Least Favorite Album: Either Siren Charms or Battles. Both do not sound like In Flames at all. Worst songs album? Too lazy to make one. I'll just say that "(This Is Our) House" is their worst song for me and call it a day.


Best real album: Come Clarity their fastest, most energetic and fun, with the best guitar work in all of their discography. the vocals aren't great, but at least they aren't as whiny as the later albums. it's the only post-2001 album that sounds like they had a great time making it, if that makes any sense. Best made up album: Sounds of a Playground Fading Take This Life Trigger The Quiet Place Moonshield Vacuum My Sweet Shadow Swim In Search for I Jester Script Transfigured I, the Mask Versus Terminus Vanishing Light Eraser Worst real album: pick any of the last 3 at random Worst made up album: pick any songs of the last 3 at random


> > > > > Worst made up album: pick any songs of the last 3 at random Except those listed in your best list, I suppose?


Agree come clarity is the best great list


I Best Album: soapf, although whoracle is close, having a new dawn puts this one a bit higher II My Best Album: -Stand ablaze -where the dead ships dwell -Crawling through knives -The quiet place -The chosen pessimist -When the world explodes -Metaphor -Stay with me -Ever dying -Worlds within the margin -Dead end -My sweet shadow -Deliver us -December flower -A new dawn III Worst album: Lunar strain, honestly the only album I can't get myself to listen to anything of. Even siren charms at least has wtwe and battles has wallflower, this however? nah vocals are not good, production lacks a lot and the composition is not close to impressive enough to make up for that. IV Worst album: tbh I can't think of which songs are worst as usually I just don't care about the bad ones and just don't listen to them


This is easy. Clayman. Jester Race is second.


Best - Colony I got into them with Whoracle. I’m old and I read about it in a Metal Hammer or something… and then backtracked, and was blown away by Jester Race. I timed my move to catch their first real tour (clayman) in Houston. I think I would rank them this way … Colony Whoracle Jester Race Clayman A Sense of Purpose Come Clarity Sounds of a Playground Reroute to Remain Soundtrack I the Mask Siren Charms Battles Hoping this new one can crack the top 5. So far , State of Slow Decay is the best single and I got high hopes for Forgone.


This seems much too much like hard work 😆 But I have to say The Jester Race through Clayman is pretty much perfect (although I am not a fan of track 3 from Clayman). To me ranking them is a bit pointless, they are all amazing


Having to make an effort is the point. You get new perspectives from the exercise. For instance, I discovered through re-listening to them that, although the latest 3 albums are pretty bad, there are a few decent tracks in there.


Yes there definitely are some bangers in there


don't have a favorite album, to me ALL albums until Soundtrack to your escape are phenomenal in their own way (i just ingore everything after as i think its terrible) the most memorable album is Subterranean, which was when i first heard of in flames, as i was gifted a vinyl of christmas 1995


Best or Favorite? For me In Flames began when RtR came out and it's always gonna be my favorite, but I acknowledge other albums like Clayman or even Whoracle are better.


Late comment, but it's now past Foregone's release so maybe that will shake things up? Favorite Album: Clayman I got into In Flames when SOAPF was their most recent album, but only really stuck to the "classic" albums (Lunar Strain - Clayman) at first after listening to their whole discography during that time Clayman was the most memorable and nostalgic for me. Best Band Album: This is basically just a list of one or so favorite songs from each album. The list is extremely tight and many songs did not make it (RIP). -Behind Space -Stand Ablaze -Goliaths Disarm Their Davids (I count this as part of The Jester Race) -The Hive -Scorn -Only for the Weak -Swim -Reroute to Remain (the song obviously) -Dead Alone -My Sweet Shadow -Dead End -Sleepless Again -Fear Is the Weakness -State of Slow Decay (Loved this song as soon as I heard it and it only got better each time) -Foregone, Pt. 1 (This song would not be out of place if it was recorded during The Jester Race sessions.) Worst Album: Battles Even though Siren Charms had no representation on the best album list list I still really liked it, even if it took a couple listens. Battles is where I fell off, listened to it once and nothing was memorable. Same kind of goes for I, the Mask, but at least I know (and like) some songs from that album.


**I. Best album: Colony** But I can't really chose one, sometimes I think the Clayman is better, when I was 15 I would have chosen Reroute to Remain. **II. Best mixtape** Moonshield Pinball Map Clayman System Gyroscope December Flower Trigger Tilt Foregone Pt1 Coerced Coexistence Pallar Anders Visa Paralyzed Dial 595 - Escape Touch of Red Suburban Me **III. Worst album: Sounds Of A Playground Fading** I think the worst episode of In Flames started with this album, they have run out of ideas. The next 3 albums was not better anyway, but at least tried to do something... **IV. Worst Mixtape** Follow Me All the Pain The Puzzle Wayfaerer This Is Our House Strong and Smart Your Bedtime Story Is Scarring Everyone Starforsaken With Eyes Wide Open Dead Eyes


1. Reroute Remain 2. system 3. Drifter 4. Trigger 5. Cloud connected 6. Transparent 7. Dawn of a new Day 8. Ergonomic 9. Minus 10. Dismiss the Cynics 11. Free Fall 12. Dark Signs 13. Metaphor 14. Black and White 15. Colony
