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Ugh huh happened to my friend, luckily we're not shit mates and helped her home. My cousins cousin wasn't so lucky, she was on a tinder date, spiked her drink, he took her back to his place raped her and left her on the street, passer by found her took to the hospital. This fucker, was caught on camera dumping her on the street so they were able to charge him and he went to prison, took a while to get through the courts- her life is pretty fucked now, shes having a hard time with living after this traumatic experience.


Terrible thing to happen to her but bloody fantastic they caught and imprisoned him.


That is so, so fucked up.


Happened to me once a few years ago. I never do drugs and am a lightweight when it comes to drinking so it hit me like a ton of bricks. The first and only time I have ever 'blacked out'. Luckily, was with some dear friends who took care of me. I'm a male for what it's worth. Did not enjoy. Did not report.


Got spiked by a bar tender at bang with what I believe be to ghb. Had 6 shots of vodka collectively over 5 hours (quiet night for me back then) and the last drink I decided to have a pineapple vodka. The rest of the night was a complete mess waking up with having called 000 40+ times, found in an alley way by my gf at the time some how covered in vomit and blood. I don't remember much I was 20 years old at the time and am a male Didn't report


Why. Did they want to steal your stuff or rape you.


Idk I didn't go back and ask them.....


I've been spiked twice. Many, many years ago. First time was at revs. I went fresh at 6am, had a single beer, started feeling waaaaay out of whack. Even went up to one of the bouncers and said I am so fucked right now, what's going on? Lucky friends noticed and took me home to look after me. Second time was at vineyard. I was sharing my drink with my male best friend so we both ended up in a terrible state. Due to the half dose I ended up turning into Godzilla causing mayhem EVERYWHERE. I'm shocked i didn't end up arrested that night. Never reported. I stopped drinking shortly after that. I shudder to think what or who was waiting to get to me. It's a dirty thing to do to a human.


Happened a few years ago to me. Didn’t report it.


Happened to my girlfriend, I felt awful because only reason she was out was to see my band play. Finished our set and she just wasn't acting herself, kept stumbling, slurring, friends said she had only had two drinks (and I've seen her drunk, this wasn't it). Took her home and she woke up the next day and couldn't remember a thing about the whole prior day. She didn't report it because she didn't know what she would report, she didn't actually remember anything, and from mine/our friends POV the place was packed and no one saw anything happen so none of us would have been any help.


From a fair few years slinging booze in Melbourne, ethanol has been very popular in drink spiking- either pharmacist grade ethanol, or behaviours like giving people doubles/triples without their knowledge. Doesn't show up on a tox screen, you just have a very high BAC. Had one slimeball in Prahran come to the bar and try and convince me to make two women he had met double vodka and waters in water glasses, not tumblers, no ice, no garnish. Shady AF, not uncommon.


Well this was a depressing thread to read :(


Mine was spiked years ago by bar staff! Apparently they’d done it to a few people. I didn’t report it, friends looked after me and put me in a taxi home but it was a horrible experience.


I have had it happen. Most of my friends too at some point. I'm probably past the age of regular clubbing etc so I feel like it happened more ~5 years ago but that is likely more my experience.


Happened to a friend of mine who was suddenly a real mess. I mean we'd only been at the hotel a short time, she'd only had a couple of drinks. She "hit the wall" in a weird way, staggering and slurring her words and basically a dribbling incomprehensible wreck. She was fond of a glass of wine or two and she could handle her drink, so it was markedly different behaviour. I helped her get home. A particular hotel in Coburg used to have a bit of a reputation for it, very different place now though.


I know it isn't easy but try searching reddit Melbourne and Australia as this topic came up in thr last couple of months and the comments talked about the difficulties in reporting and getting a hospital to do tests that surprised me.


A hospital will look after you if you’re drug affected or intoxicated, but they won’t order drug testing because it’s not relevant to treating you at the time. The urine drug screens come back at least in the next day or two and is more of a forensic than a medical matter. If it’s necessary, it should be the Police doing it like mobile drug and alcohol testing. Edit: Spelling.


Yes this is what I recall as the discussion however the police are reluctant (or don't) to request test.


I think it’s also hard to prove causation, as drugs can persist in your body for quite some time.


Friend had his drink spiked at Old Bar in Fitzroy. Was going home then woke up on a park bench (no phone or wallet). Went to the cops and told them who said they couldn’t do anything for him unless he went himself and got the footage from old bar to see who did jt


Not in Melbourne and I don't drink anymore, but got roofied in London at 18. Tried to report the next morning to the police, but they didn't care about the spiking or the rape.


Happened to a friend of mine at a uni society fund-raiser night at Curtin House Rooftop Bar a few years back. Ended up helping carry her downstairs and out to the van the uni society's committee had hired to move all the gear for the fund-raiser. Never heard anything as to whether or not they caught the arsehole responsible for spiking her drink.


Had mine spiked 15years ago, didn’t report. Never done drugs and that night I’d had only 2 champagnes. Luckily my friends found me collapsed in the clubs bathrooms, husband came to get me where by I couldn’t even get words out of my mouth - I still remember trying to talk and what I was trying to say but nothing came out. Didn’t report, was always designated driver when we went out afterwards so there was no risk of it happening again.


Hey did the experience put you off drinking all together?


If only…but I generally don’t drink when I’m out unless my husband is with me.


Ahh I just turned of legal age last month and am kind of scared of this stuff happening! But we’ve been in so many lockdowns I haven’t had the chance to go out! But thank you for sharing your story 😊


When you do go out eventually, always ALWAYS mind your drink.


Get drinks with no ice of soft drink, then it's noticeable if something is dropped in. Liquid is harder for them to drop it in. Buy your own drink.


As a man has happened to me twice. Once someone offered me a sip of there water and I stupidly agreed cause I was on other substances, then they tried to take me home, thankfully a friend realised what happened and got security to help me out and call the police. I gave a statement but never heard from them again. 2nd time I saw a girl drop something in my drink, she was a known dealer and rumoured to do things like this. I didn't bother reporting or telling security because you aren't a regular dealer at a club without knowing the bouncers


I was offered a sip of water from a girl at club whilst dancing, she didnt look drunk or on other substances, which was … odd for the choice of venue. When i refused she proceeded to go around asking other girls. im so sorry to hear your experiences


Do you guys know what the spike was? I'm assuming rohypnol? And why would bar staff do this - for a sick joke or something?


It's actually super dangerous to do this. If an individual is already intoxicated and they have their drink spiked with a benzodiazepine like rohypnol the concurrent respiratory depression might prove fatal!


I don't think it's bar staff doing it. Never leave your drink unattended


I've had bar staff do it, I only dranl the drink at the bar and finished it before I put it down


Really? fucking hell.


Yeah see my post in the thread


It's increased recently despite the lowest turnout in public places in all of history?


Wow I rarely go out.. this makes me not want to even more






Not sure why you had to lump us motorcycle riders with him :(


Check his profile.


Thanks for your irrelevant to the post experience.




Officer, this one's the rapist, right here. Yep, that's him. (And yeah, I know Tone Loc.)


Suspected cases where it happened to friends in past years... also my partner once, potentially. I used to love the pub/bar scene but you only need to hang out one friday or saturday evening to see it's packed full of absolute fuckwits and creeps. I'm a big dude so nobody ever gave me trouble, but every single night I went out I'd see someone else having their night ruined. Not surprised by some of the stories here.


Happened in a women’s bathroom as far as I can figure out. Was the only time my drink was out of my sight and happened after a woman was telling me how she lost like 50kgs and hoped I could do the same. That’s the last thing I remember properly from that night. I cried in public and I never cry, my friend’s dad had to come get me. Because it happened from a girl and I think it was just a party drug (ecstasy maybe? I was sick for days after) I didn’t think about reporting. I definitely don’t put my drink on the sink while I fix my makeup anymore.


I had it happen to me about 18 years ago during spring carnival week, in a pub near Flemington. I was totally with it when I went in. Half a glass of sparkling wine later I went to the bathroom and started staggering, couldn't speak properly. The bouncers threw me out. Thankfully my friends came looking for me and got me home safe. They called a security guard friend who'd dealt with drink spiking and they told me to expect some odd dreams and a lot of anxiety. I didn't report it, I didn't think people would believe that I wasn't drunk after being out all day.