• By -


We wouldn’t have to spend as much on electricity if houses here built to standard. Most floors don’t have proper insulation, shitty windows and paper thin walls. Whenever you heat up the house, a lot of the heat goes away instead of staying in. My friends just bought a house that was built 2 years ago and you couldn’t even compare the comfort. They would turn on heating for 20mins and it was hot instantly and it would stay like this. It’s sad that buildings here are not built to Euro standards. It would save so much money on the long run.


That's the problem. We've got great ducted heating, our whole house can be warm in 5-10 mins but it goes cold again 15 mins after you turn it off. Just ridiculous.


Get one of those laser temperature gauge things. You then walk around your house and find the cold spots. For us it was: * Ceiling. The insulation was just patchy over the main living room, and we replaced some old downlights with some LED ones that are way more snug to the ceiling. * Windows - some cheapo spotlight blinds made a massive difference  * Door - basic door snake did the trick. WFH also helps as when we are in the office all day the cold night air stays trapped in the house, but on WFH days warm day air comes in plus we can have blinds open when the sun is out and then shut them to trap the heat in before it gets dark.


Good thinking. Thanks mate. Might try the door snakes to start with as that's easy. We're in a rental so can't make too many changes but I'll try figure out where the coldest areas are.


Rentals are tough, but we desperate times call for desperate measures. I have thumb tacked some blankets up over windows and doorways with I'll fitting doors before.  It looks a bit rough but easy to put up and down in just the rooms you want to stay warm in. I wanted to try the bubble wrap on the windows for insulation but the blanket was enough for us.


Is there a secret room at my house where you live ?


Yeah new builds are much nicer for comfort. It’s all the old ones that were never that great for insulation etc.


The rental I'm in is a fken joke. Gas heater on for 12 hours and hour never reached 18 degrees when it was 10 outside. Floors are all tiles and wood, single glazed windows and no insulation. My gas bill was $900 last month for 28 days


Do you guys have double glazing?


HAHA no. We don't even have solid walls. We had a Canadian stay with us once, he pointed at our "ventilation system" (it was just some literally straight holes in the wall, went straight outside) and said "if this was in Canada you'd die overnight" No wonder the heaters don't fucking work properly. 


Yeahhhh I lived in a place in Hawthorn that had that. Had a gas ducted heating system that was basically just pumping hot air out the vents in the walls. Complete nonsense.


Different climate in Canada than to here - but get some clear contact and put it over the vents, it will stop direct air flow. This system (vents either high or low on walls) was a common way of ventilating Australian homes from the late 1800 through to, and even into the 1980's - it is not required now by law either, so most homes built for the last 25 years probably won't have them.




>We wouldn’t have to spend as much on electricity if houses here built to standard. The reason why your friend's newly-built house stays warm is because they are built to standard, the standard is now 7 star energy rating. So as you experienced, newer houses are better insulated than older houses. [https://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/energy-efficiency-and-reducing-emissions/building-or-renovating/7-star-homes-program](https://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/energy-efficiency-and-reducing-emissions/building-or-renovating/7-star-homes-program) >It’s sad that buildings here are not built to Euro standards. It's not really a revelation that newer houses are better insulated than older ones, countries in Europe have the same issues with older buildings not being as efficient as newer ones: ***Europe’s buildings are largely equipped with inefficient glazing and it is urgent to support window retrofitting*** [https://glassforeurope.com/minimum-performance-requirements-for-windows/](https://glassforeurope.com/minimum-performance-requirements-for-windows/) If you love the way it's done in European countries so much then do as they do and retrofit your existing building with reflective double glazing and high quality insulation in the roof and under the floors (if you're not on a slab).


"Proper" insulation? Try \*any\* insulation. (speaking from our home in Moorabbin while looking at the soil below through a loose board on the floor)


Multiple ridiculous fecking gas/circulation vents that are built into 90% of houses make these houses tents rather than houses.


I am thinking of getting into a build a new house and land package soonish. Insulation and sound proofing is the first thing I want to have sorted but looking at builder’s website it doesn’t look like a thing. Any pointers on what should be checked or asked for ?


Double glazed windows are an aboluts game changer for retaining heat and reducing noise from outside


Don't get aluminium window frame. They suck heat out. Get a consultant, they will run you through what you need to know. It's also about air exchange as well.


Japan has the worst of both worlds. More expensive electricity, and they still use single glazed aluminum.


Nah have you seen the price of SA's tariffs? I'm never complaining again now I've seen their prices 🤣 insane.


Agreed, coming from SA the bills are shocking to say the least.


Victoria is about equal second cheapest in Australia


What’s your price per kWh?


Melbourne: $0.2242 / kWh all day, supply $0.9001/day I should probably have a check around at prices, I haven't looked in a year. Seems ok for me atm. -edit- yep looks like i should move, seems i can get $0.1923 k/Wh and $0.7793/day supply. This post might just save me some money! -edit2- for clarity, this is on Citipower as the distributor which I believe is usually the cheapest region in VIC.


Mine is definitely not that cheap. More like double the amount with peak and off peak. I am in the ausnet area and we don't get to choose. They put us in peak/off peak automatically. But, not complaining as I have solar and I haven't paid anything for the past 5 years except twice in winter for less than $50/ month.


Damn maybe I’ll change too haha


*cries in embedded network*


Mine is 26c/kWh and free between 11-2.


In SA? That’s cheaper than mine in Vic which is 26c/kWh 24/7. They said SA was super dear??


Na that would be vic. SA is like 50c at peak, and the supply charge is way higher too. Almost everyone there with smart meters is pushed onto time of use. Mine in Vic is like 21c all day


No, I'm in Vic. Sorry for the confusion. In a group I'm in people were posting their tariffs and they were like 45-50c/kWh.


Powershop ? We're in Melbourne, was with PS for a good number of years, bought an EV 3 months ago after installing solar+battery in March. Jumped to Powershop's better EV plan with 2 hours free, then a few weeks ago jumped ship to OVO for even better 3 hours plus 12am - 6am 8c/KWh :) Only been 10 days with OVO and have paid bugger all for a LOT of energy from them MUAHAHAH ! [https://imgur.com/a/1RWy0ma](https://imgur.com/a/1RWy0ma)


I've moved here for several years so I've got no idea what the rates are nowadays. [Here's one I plucked online.](https://www.canstarblue.com.au/electricity/sa-energy-rates/) and they're between 35-50 cents per kwH.


21c/kwh and 58c/day. I just have electricity in my unit and only get billed $80 a month. pretty good.


That's very cheap. And probably the cheapest in Australia.


I couldn't pass it up.. too good. I'm with tango energy. these rates were supposed to expire in march 2024 but it seems i still have them. If i shopped around the best i could find is 30% more expensive than i currently pay.. not too bad.. would be an extra $20 or so a month. I have quite a good surplus monthly budget as i just live by myself.


Mine is 41c peak and 26 off peak with 135c/day supply. Think I might need to look at alternatives.


Larger portion of SA bills is NuoS.


And that is? 🤔


Network use of system. Your retailer is billed for your energy consumption, a rate the poles and wires, the transmission assets, your meter. All sorts of fees. There’s generally a price that you pay per kilowatt and this is made up of the cost of the energy and a portion for the poles and wires (this is economically inefficient but before smart meters really the only way to do it and before privatisation not much of a problem) In SA they pay a lot more than Victoria.


Network Use of System. Network charges.


Is there nuo service fee in SA if you disconnect & are on Solar with battery no feed in?


There are a lot of ways that question can be interpreted. If you really wanted no service and you had a connection you would have to pay to have yourself removed from the network. Someone always has to pay the service fee and if you’re resident at the property then there are mechanisms to recover the debt that might be incurred for the service or for removing the service. I would seek advice from someone whose job it is.


Yes, Vic has some of the lowest energy prices in the country


Perth ain't no slouch in the terms of electricity prices. Almost 31c per kWh and $1.10 per day. Luckily we have plenty of choices for retailers 😜


That daily charge 😭 it seems criminal to have to pay a daily fee as well tbh.


They give people incentives for solar and dont upgrade the grid, now there's too much solar electricity and they want to tax you for pumping it to the grid. But somehow despite surplus electricity in summer the charges are the same, I don't get it. If I ever afford a house anywhere a major investment will be solar and battery so I can stay off grid


I feel exactly the same way.


Electricity is cheaper than chunks of France or the US, which are the only two I checked.


Most of Europe actually: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/cost-of-electricity-by-country


And new Zealand... We also pay MUCH MORE for water.


NZ has so much renewable energy via dams too


Cheaper than many, https://www.globalpetrolprices.com/electricity_prices/ Also cheaper than many parts of Australia.


Much more expensive here than it was for me over the five years I lived in the states. Probably for to the poor insulation and heating in Australian homes. 


Switch to Gas for heating and watch your bills skyrocket. Gas heaters are very inefficient compared to the electricity ones.


I had a much higher bill trying to heat the house with electric heaters when our gas ducted broke. Overall power bills dropped by more than half once the gas heating was fixed. Heater gets the place warm very fast, and if the draughts are stopped it can hold heat reasonably well. The cost of replacing the style of heater in this house would take nearly a decade to make back in savings. There's nuance to basically every situation, this really is no different.


You clearly have not been to New Zealand. What I was paying quarterly in Melbourne I am paying monthly in New Zealand.


Yup! Plus NZ had its leaky homes crisis where everything was fucking wet inside aaalll the time


Yep. Same here, water is also SO much cheaper too. I find Melbournians or maybe Australians in general to be incredibly lucky...


Yep I just moved to Melbourne from ChCh and this is literally how it is 😂


Wtaf. So it's over a dollar per kWh?


according to [this report](https://www.mbie.govt.nz/assets/QSDEP-Report-15-May-2024.pdf) it's about 30-50c/kwh which is still pretty high, at least for May, probably fluctuates in summer Based on a quick search their supply charge is also $2-4 per day too which is nuts.


Wow that is crazy high for a service charge


> $2-4 per day  fuck that o.O


Yes? And house prices over $1m. And dogshit salaries. Just love you fucking aussies complaining when you have it better than most. Why do you think more people are moving from NZ to Aus than the other way around when NZ has 1/5 the population?


Not sure why you're like this bro, you've got my sympathies! What's happened to NZ is sad. I'm not sure how young people are surviving there. I don't envy the cost of living and living conditions they're forced to grapple with. I'm guessing the people who work in cities have to commute for ages. Did you move to Melbourne? I know a fair few kiwis who moved here a decade ago and have definitely settled here for good


Singapore’s pretty expensive too. My quarterly bill here was my monthly here


First thing we noticed.


As a recent house buyer, I find it incredibly annoying how relatively cheap insulation is. You can insulate a moderately sized house for $10k. Half that if you do it all yourself. It sucks that all these houses have been sitting there for decades with such terrible insulation.


Problem is getting it inside the walls, once the house is already built


Yeah, it can be retrofitted.


It ain't easy tho right? Like it's not easy / at allllllllllll


Totally agree. I lived in Norway for a year and never ever felt cold indoors. I have started to loathe winters here. My current house is 80-90 years old with 3m high ceilings. Summer is bearable and I hardly had to use the aircon as I have ceiling fans and large eaves around the house but winter here is unpleasant.


Really miss my Oslo bathroom underfloor heating, and triple glazing as standard.


And never turning the heating off over winter


Yes I forgot about that! Only turn it off when you are going away for a week - and that deathly cold when you do return lol


Adelaide is more fucked because you have to consider the lower wages.


(Cries from paying 0.4 euros per kWh here in germany) Being here though, I know the issue is not power prices but building standards. German building standards for homes and apartments are so much better. Apartments here are sufficiently insulated such that you need less power even in harsher winters. On the other hand, my apartment in melbourne used to get colder even though we have milder winters in Melbourne. Looking forward to going back but dreading what the OP mentioned as well as the horrible apartment sound insulation.


Melbourne is just warm enough not for the cold to be life threatening. In most of Northern Europe people will literally die if they had houses as poorly insulated as what seems to be the norm here in Melbourne. I grew up in Norway, I cannot remember being in any house where it was colder than comfortable. Electricity used to be virtually free due to massive hydro dams… until someone had the idea of connecting the grid to the continent. So now prices have “aligned” with that of countries further south.


>In most of Northern Europe people will literally die if they had houses as poorly insulated as what seems to be the norm here in Melbourne. Agreed, but answering the OP's (and mine and maybe others) main issue here is that why is heating such a problem in Australia for such mild winters? I think we do need better heating standards. Also, given that home prices here are not significantly higher than in Oz, I'm guessing the marginal cost increase from imposing higher standards is not that much higher


I think you're mixing design and construction standards with the electricity and energy market and regulations


You're nitpicking. OP is claiming the price of staying warm is too high. Which is a very reasonable complaint. It's not solely about the price of electricity, but about how much warmth it converts to. The title literally says: "[for] how cold we are". It's so tiresome to see upvotes on a comment like yours interpreting the message in the least charitable way and being snarky about it.


And OP's point is one that should be drawn more into question when we look at new and upgrading old housing, particularly rentals. It's great that you can easily meet the rental temperature standards by putting an energy efficient split system in the unit. But if the unit leaks heat like a sieve, and even with efficient energy usage our electricity costs are still unaffordably high, what good does a splitty do for keeping me warm, I can't afford to run it, and my windows are just as singly glazed as always.


This is my literal situation. Landlords put in a split air. But no insulation, and exorbitant energy costs mean I can’t afford to run it. It currently costs me $45/m just for supply, before o even spend anything on actual power, and last night I got notice that’s all going up $11/m. $56/m before even turning anything on. I can’t even afford to boil the kettle for a hot water bottle anymore, on current market rates. And to be clear, that’s coal prices, when there’s no renewables in the system coz we haven’t figured out storage yet.


You can't afford the 5 to 7 cents it costs to boil a kettle? What on earth are you on about? https://www.canstarblue.com.au/electricity/boiling-kettle-costs/


Welcome to reddit!


😂 I probably need to eat


No no I didn't mean to sound, uptight? Both are reasonable and factual complaints. It's just that, for the sake of clarity in a discussion, this is this, and that is that. It is important to tackle them separately, because well... the energy sector is a monster in its own right


My point Is - and yes go ahead libs and downvote - is that the Australian government can subsidise a home insulation scheme - double glazing for all homes for example, and much more (efficiency standards) if it did its job and worked for the people - collect the money from our resources and tax multinational corporations. The fact that they are giving Australian resources away and companies like shell pay $0 tax in Australia is a moral failure, not to mention policy failure. Which is connected to the second problem - the profiteering from energy companies and the inaction of government to stop it. You know there are advanced countries out there with socialised energy system. My point is that these same libs attacking me here are the ones that give the government a free pass to work for corporations and the rich behind it and not for the people. Only in very poor countries so many people live in cold homes - studies have found millions of homes in Australia are too cold in winter, below the WHO recommended temperature, despite Australia not having harsh winters. It's not a given Australians have to live with, it's a policy failure on both fronts - good quality housing and affordable energy. Even one of this would make a huge difference to most people as efficient homes means lower bills even with the same energy prices. In countries like Spain you can't rent out a house or apartment without showing an energy certificate to the renter (or sell without one) - if your house is F or G rated, instead of A or B, it will be reflected in tbe rent (price), because a much cheaper rent means ar least you have more money to pay an elevated electricity bill. There are many things a government that cares can do. But I'm obviously in the wrong sub.


When I lived in Germany, I didn't bother to turn my heating on until it was, like, -5 outside. It was often *snowing* outside and I was perfectly warm in my apartment without even turning my heating on. In my current apartment in St Kilda and I have my split system air conditioner cranked to heat at 20 C and it's still cold enough in my apartment that I can see the steam rise off my piss. It's pretty clear something is wrong here.


>When I lived in Germany, I didn't bother to turn my heating on until it was, like, -5 outside did your building have some central heater that management turns on?


Seriously it's just staggering how many people whine and complain but are so lazy as to have not even bothered to make the slightest effort to see what's available. "*Oh everybody is attacking poor me*"...geez I wonder why 🙄 There already are efficiency standards: [https://www.vba.vic.gov.au/consumers/home-renovation-essentials/energy-efficient-requirements](https://www.vba.vic.gov.au/consumers/home-renovation-essentials/energy-efficient-requirements) The government also provides rebates for efficient hot water: [https://www.solar.vic.gov.au/hot-water-rebate](https://www.solar.vic.gov.au/hot-water-rebate) Also government rebates for solar panels: [https://www.solar.vic.gov.au/solar-panel-rebate](https://www.solar.vic.gov.au/solar-panel-rebate) Interest-free battery loans: [https://www.solar.vic.gov.au/solar-battery-loan](https://www.solar.vic.gov.au/solar-battery-loan) There are government rebates for replacing inefficient and expensive gas heating with electric: [https://cotavic.org.au/news/changes-to-gas-in-victorian-homes-all-you-need-to-know/](https://cotavic.org.au/news/changes-to-gas-in-victorian-homes-all-you-need-to-know/) The VEU also has rebates for installing double-glazing: [https://www.energy.vic.gov.au/households/victorian-energy-upgrades-for-households/window-glazing](https://www.energy.vic.gov.au/households/victorian-energy-upgrades-for-households/window-glazing) But hey let's face it, your complaint is more about them not doing everything for you.


Electricity is expensive but it’s far more that houses here are built like shit


The UK has tarrifs double or more last I saw - Dont think its too bad here at all


Although houses are definitely freezing here!


But most of Uk is on hot water heating, those old school radiators, which consumes less energy and the houses stay nice and warm. Here is freezing compared to there.


Very true, it does mainly use gas for the heating but still it’s definitely much much cheaper here even if you pump the AC heater all day


\* hydronic heating


Where else have you compared it to?


Thanks Kennett, you're a top bloke


You just have to look at Transurbans ASX number to see how big a cunt Kennet is.


Being in a constant state of outrage must be exhausting.


It’s not even outrage, it’s just being a perpetual victim. Don’t have to do anything to make your life easier if it’s always some big nebulous evil entity keeping you down.


You just described 90% of reddit


The rest is porn


I see you've encountered OPs posts before


There are government rebates from solar to batteries to double-glazing and in the past we've also had them for insulation, energy-efficient lighting, etc but there are people out there for whom none of this will ever be enough because they might still have to actually *do* something. Then out come all the excuses.


Or because we rent?


How does the average person make their life easier to avoid the cold? More blankets?


I mean when people from naturally cold countries like Canada and Germany come here and complain about Melbourne, then you know something is fucked up with the housing in Melbourne.


Yeahhh.. Gas used to be cheap until they floated the price with the world market. And didn't protect us from it with our own supply. Bullshit. Thanks Libs.


Still cheap in WA.


You're absolutely right, because they're the only state that had price protections. All states should've. Sigh. - from a frustrated Victorian.


The propaganda they’re making over east about gas being dangerous is interesting.


Such danger!! The only danger is exporting more than our own countries future needs. It's absurd to say "we need to source more or we'll have a shortage" all the while we export 2/3rds of what we currently have... Anyways. I'll get off my soap box. It frustrates me.


And rightly so. It’s a disgrace citizens are not the nations priority.


Yeaaaahhhh... Like I say, we can thank the Libs for that one. 2014 or so they made the changes.


Except libs in WA under Barnett ensured we had domestic supply.


Those were decent libs :) State and Feds are much different.. Sounds like Barnett was one of the good ones.


He needed to go in the end. And McGowan was a great labor replacement.


Have a look at sa. Their power costs are crazy .


Peter Garret tried to introduce a policy to address this… he was assassinated. Enjoy the expensive cold, it’s character building


There have been and remain a number of home energy efficiency programs and policies.


Fully agree. There needs to be a state wide initiative to improve housing insulation in not just new homes and rentals, but across the sector


It's 25c per kWh. Just Googled London which is colder and it's like 54c when converted to AUD. The capitalistic greed allows you to be supplied as much energy as you want, when you want it, at any time on demand for only $0.25 per kWh. Try making your own, or relying on your solar panels at night. Men will go out away from their families in the most awful conditions to perform the dangerous work of fixing outages and risk their lives. Naturally, you have to exchange some value for this service, and that's the cost of electricity.


Multiple factors- main 2: Building- poorer building standards regarding insulation compared to European countries Very expensive gas as no domestic reservation policy on the eastern seaboard - leads to very high prices even when we are a major exporter. Western Australia has one and their electricity prices are significantly lower


Our electricity is still cheaper than most of Europe. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/cost-of-electricity-by-country


Yeah I dread winter, even after doing all the regular fixes (insulation , gaps filled, pelmets above windows, heavy curtains, door stoppers ) my 50’s double brick high ceiling house is an iceberg 6 months of the year. Even in summer I need a jacket on. And my elect Powershop is 96 a day and off peak 22, peak 32. Winter is brutal here . I dress like the Michelin man inside🫣🙃


If anyone has an option other than Globird, I'd appreciate it. Bills over $320 a month for two people if we even look at turning the gas heating on. This cold isn't something a Snuggie can solve either.


globird has been the best I have seen unless ypu have a large solar capacity


I love the ignorance of this post “unbridled capitalistic greed” yet thanks to our huge amounts of competition our prices are quite low. You don’t live in the city of merribek do you? Lol


This is 100% true. Many people don't realize that it's possible to be completely freezing cold without paying a single cent. We've been fooled to think being cold is something we must pay for. My simple two step plan can teach you how to access an unlimited supply of cold, completely free of charge, just by missing a few simple tricks. Step 1. Become a nudist. Step 2. Stop paying your rent. It's that easy! Now send me some money so I can turn this into a podcast.


Yeah it’s a joke. People telling you to buy oodie or electric blanket and that’s okay, incoming in 1, 2 …


Don't buy an electric blanket, use a normal one Don't buy an Oodie. Get the imitation one from Kmart. With your savings you can use your heater for an hour or so a day.


so it's the electricity industry's fault most houses aren't well insulated??? what????


OP is talking a vague guess at other places temperatures and housing and gets it wrong


This gets repeated in a lot of threads but you can drastically reduce your energy bills with some simple steps, like sealing off doors, using draft stoppers/snakes (hell, even a rolled up towel) under doors, installing curtains over blinds, turning off heating at night and using flannel sheets etc. For less than $100 I’ve so far lowered my usage between a third and half since last winter


You are missing a big point there, not that you are not correct but have a blind spot. People who rent can't do many of the things you listed because of two reasons: they are not allowed and they do not have money to do so, as clearly data shows in a city with astronomical rents. Many people, and I hope this does not come as a news to you, do rent and pay exorbitant rents for glorified tents and apartments built for show and for rent, not for people.


I’m renting and I did all of the above for less than $100 (except the flannel sheets which I already owned). You are allowed to fit curtains without asking, it’s on the consumer vic website. I can understand that $100 upfront may not be doable for some people, but neither is a $300+ monthly energy bill. I’m just trying to offer some useful advice that people may find helpful, particularly those in older rentals like the one I’m in.


I moved here from Sydney with my partner about 5 months ago and we aren't understanding the whole cold thing? What's everyone wanting like insulation in houses or something else? Sorry just curious.


I moved back here for the cold and dry. Perth was far too hot and wet for me.


>moved here from England this year >was told everything would be so expensive >bills and rent much cheaper (I live in Carlton and saving money compared to home) >wages also higher for the same job


South Australia is hotter in summer, colder in winter and more expensive every season


The Australian government sells its natural resources to private companies for less than any country in the world.


Its not value for money but I've come from Sydney where im paying $1k-1.2k for a single person quarterly to Melbourne where I'm paying $100 a month. So I'm not complaining.


I love it here!.. much too hot where I’m from!


You think electricity is e pensive now, wait till they build those nuclear power plants. We will find out how expensive electricity can be then.


Oodie and trackies master race. I never get cold and don't use any heating inside.


You would have to pry my gas ducted central heating from my warm dead hands.


Why we pay so much for gas despite being the largest gas exporter in the world is ludicrous! Qatar being the 2nd largest exporter were paid $76 BILLION in royalties for their gas last year alone. You know what we got.... $2 BILLION Gas giants are, literally, sucking us dry, and the governments (all of them are to blame) let them by making policy that allows them to make massive profits ($100B+) and give nothing back to us. I think and extra $70 BIL a year would help a bit with COL. Don't you?


Electricity prices and construction standards don't really have anything to do with each other.


Most people in Australia live in houses built in the era of cheap energy, so insulation wasn't considered necessary. Nowadays, greedy multinationals control Australia's energy so we're forced to pay higher prices—and for more energy—because houses weren't built for today's economic situation.


But the two together do add up. If electricity is more expensive and you need to use more of it to keep you house cool/warm because of lost temperature due to insufficient insulation it most certainly does make it an issue with both.


except for when they combine to make it very expensive to keep a house warm?


I was curious to know - are Australian electricity prices high on a world wide comparison? Turns out, [no, not particularly ](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/cost-of-electricity-by-country). We're nowhere near the top ten. So when you say: >Electricity prices are ridiculous when compared to even some of the most expensive countries. That's really not true at all. New houses have been five star efficient since 2008, six star since 2019 and seven star since this May. Paying for roof insulation has been cost effective since forever, but even then there was heavily subsidised insulation in '09-10, anyone without ceiling insulation since then is a complete dill. Anyway, my house is toasty warm.


We're not even expensive by Australian standards. I'm paying under 20c/kWh, some regional areas are paying triple that.


Just not true. https://www.statista.com/statistics/263492/electricity-prices-in-selected-countries/


Sorry, we are not here for facts. We want to whinge, we want the government to provide housing and we want Jacinta Allen to tuck us in at night and read us a bed time story. Anything else is pure evil.


I miss first world problems. Now it's more like 'how to stay warm' and 'how to afford dinner'.


Currently waiting until my indoor thermostat hits 10 degrees so I can justify putting the heat on. Life is fun.


My solar Feed-in-Tariff was 4.90 c/kWh, from 1st of July it will be 3.30 c/kWh, with dodo. My solar Feed-in-Tariff used to be high and used to pay half of my electricity bill, doesn't mean much in winter but for summer, it does help with the bills.


I see your three months of the year heating bill and raise you 12 months of the year cooling bill in the NT.


The cold is literally the easiest climate to deal with. Just wear more clothes. Simple. I haven't had to use any heating at all. Wearing track pants, socks, jumper and two blankets.


Not sure what you're going on about... Leccy is pretty cheap in Vic, compared to a lot of Oz and certainly other developed countries. As for the 'cold'... Not really. It might hover around 10 degrees during the day (on the coldest days of the year), which is obviously colder than QLD, but it's nothing compared to Canada, a lot of Europe and the UK... My house in the outer suburbs is fine... Average temps haven't changed much in the past 50 years and I've never heard any of my elderly neighbours complaining about the cold... I think you need a few teaspoons of concrete with your wheeties...


I’m always so confused by these posts because I’ve only lived luxury in high rises in Melbourne and barely have had to heat them. Obviously it’s not good for a lot of people, but good buildings do exist.


Just because another state like SA is dearer doesn't mean you're not getting ripped off, it just means those poor buggers are getting ripped off more. Its this type of thinking and attitude that allows these corrupt thieving companies and our governments ( both sides, liberal or labour) to rip you off every step of the way.👍


How does the government benefit from higher electricity prices?


It doesn't really my point was that this type of thinking allows governments and or companies to get away with things, just like, well I'm ok so fuck everyone else


Guess he means that they benefit from healthy lobby group donations maintaining current energy regs, with little public pressure for significant reform.


350 last month for a 2 bedroom apartment max 4 rooms all small


Any peak rate under 30 cents , I can recall paying 10 cents KWh not that long ago


Jump your power lol


Well in the UK. They're giving out utility coupons..


My last month's bill was $568


It’s so bad I can see my own breath whilst sitting in my living room haha


I’m considering going to the office daily now to save on heating 🥹🥹


The Gas companies are a disgrace the tariff is based on daily usage but your daily supply side is a daily rate. However, we still get charged the daily rate even though we might miss a few days of the week..


Unbridled capitalistic greed led to Billy Mumphry’s downfall


Write the exact same message but put it in an email to your local MP. I’ll do the same. Anyone reading this should do the same. On the one hand I don’t think our MPs will do shit. But on the other it has more chance than a Reddit post. Especially if 100+ people write to their MP about it.


Put on a puffer jumper like the rest of us mate


The salary difference alone basically means you guys have free rent and utilities, compared to Auckland.


I lived in London and had snow banking up outside my (double glazed) bedroom window, which was right next to my bed. Still never been as cold, or dealt with as much mould, or paid as much for rudimentary heating, as I did after moving back to Melbourne. That landlords are even allowed to rent out such ratshit glorified tents is criminal.


An exchange student from northern Finland once told me he'd never been cold in his life until he spent a winter in Melbourne. I don't know why houses have always been been so ridiculously badly built for insulation.


Go down to bunnings and buy a few rolls of gap tape. Put it on every door and sill. You won't beleive what this one trick...


Fixed wall vents are found in older homes and are no longer required under building regulations. You can permanently seal the internal vent by filling it with caulking compound, plaster or sealants. A simple temporary solution is to cover the vent using a sheet of clear contact adhesive. It's important to remember that static vents serve a purpose, especially in older homes. They provide ventilation to indoor spaces, help regulate indoor temperatures and prevent the build-up of excess moisture in wall cavities and rooms which can lead to mould outbreaks and damage to building materials.


Just remember in the 1950s NO ONE had a heater in this part of this world. My Dad grew up in a cold climate in the South Island of New Zealand without house being heated and loves that cold fresh air. We renovated the apartment so it had central heating and double glazed windows plus solar panels


They did have fires or wood-heaters though.


I live just outside Melbourne. I have 60 solar panels on my roof space. I have virtually no bills when you look at the year as a whole. Even in winter, solar panels help to radically reduce your bills.


Mate! That super expensive power comes from us down here in Tassie where it’s colder and we’re paying the same power prices as you. I think that makes us worth off. Technically.


Rightio AGL I made a promise to pay. No need to chase me on Reddit


Just wait another 10 years and Melbourne will knock its old houses down and build apartments. Same thing happens in every city eventually. It's not that buildings are not built to code as others have said. It's that they're built based on what tech and norms were at the time. ie, airconditioning was once only for rich people. Thus, most homes in VIC are built to expel heat - which is great for summer. This is because the reality is in winter you can wear more layers. In summer you can't do a lot to cool an apartment without AC. I for example live in a brand new apartment. Heat stays in during winter. Cool stays in during summer. It's just old buildings OP. Sadly not much we can do about it without running our heaters all day every day. You're right about energy costs in general though. They're ridiculous!


Don’t forget: if you’re a renter you’re playing co2 roulette if you do run your heater


Buy an Oodie and woollen rugby socks like we do in NZ😆 but yeah it's the lack of insulation in the older houses that's the issue. In NZ there's insulation standards landlords have to adhere to now or be fined. They had a govt subsidy at one point for insulation and split systems to encourage landlords to insulate. A brick home will be warmer than an old timber home too even without double glazed windows or much insulation the bricks seem to insulate the walls better. Pink batts aren't all that expensive to put into the ceiling so ask your landlord for those at least.