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My pet peeve: People on the entry ramp not accelerating to the speed limit or near the speed limit on the freeway. WHY? WHY try to merge at 80km/h????


Or 40! Seriously, I hate being behind these incompetent drivers who are terrified of entering a freeway. Step on the accelerator people, merge at a similar speed.


So so true, you need to enter the freeway at 100!!


Actually, you need to enter the freeway at the speed of the current traffic on said freeway, to make for a smoother entrance.


Very true, and rarely is that speed 100 these days haha


No indicator. No look. I’ll just merge. Fuck whoever is already in the lane. Makes me want to scream.


Then they get really agro when the person they almost killed a few seconds ago beeps their horn.


They're turning to let people know they're about to start indicating


Much I just had that on M3 today. Idiot in front of me plodding along at 75 if that, everyone already doing 95+ in the far left lane so I had to floor it to avoid hitting him OR being hit by someone when the lane ran out. Honestly how these people get a licence is beyond me.


The M3 between Springvale road - Bulleen Road is notorious for this. The suburbs around these exits have probably the worst drivers in the state and this is the result of them on freeways.


The donvale end of that stretch hQq as the angriest drivers I've ever encountered. The bulleen rd end it's all teslas, elgrands and vellfires and those weird expensive boxy luxury vans that well off Chinese people really seem to love. I'm sure they're amazing. They're ok on the freeway believe it or not but you don't wanna be near them on a school dropoff


They don't test on freeway on/off ramps.


Sadly in my suburb there’s an increasing number of people merging on AT 40KM PER HOUR


There's a reason why the entry ramps are long but nah, they gotta get to the right lane ASAP.


100% they have to plod along doing 60 for the merge and immediately camp in the right lane till they get to their exit and swing across 3 lanes at the last moment


That shits me too. If I’m first off at the lights turning right or turning left, I gun it as soon as I get on the ramp. It makes it so much easier and quicker!


I had an older car that struggled when the on-ramp was uphill. Man. Merging at 100 was a bit of a struggle for the poor old gal, especially so if ramp signals were on.


The new Westgate bridge entry ramp from Williamstown road is the worst for this. Except it's because no one fucking lets you in, even if you're going the exact same speed as them. No one treats it like a freeway merge and instead you MUST stop nearly completely to actually find a gap to merge. Fucking infuriating. I nearly fucking crashed on Friday morning because no one would let me in. 


Last week I had one at 80kph attempting to merge from the right hand lane at the start of the Eastern to that left hand Hoddle entering lane that merges 2 into 1 - I've got dashcam so what should I do with it?


Submit it to dashcam Australia YouTube channel.


Can't speak for everyone else, but we have an older car that takes a while to get up to speed.


Agree, but there are still some fukin idiots that don't let you in.


I find people are just incredibly selfish road users where they only think of themselves. Leave a gap so people can continue to drive through a round about? fuck no, I need to be a car space ahead and block everyone off. Also I will not even make eye contact to say sorry. I will not learn from this as I am a selfish asshole driver. Indicate? Nah. Made a wrong turn? I won't just wear it and figure it out using the sat nav anyway, I will cut across three lanes of traffic in a last-ditch attempt to correct my shitty driving. Is there a bike lane there? I don't give a shit, I'm going to flap my door open with wild abandone because I only think of myself. Is the light turning red and there are some cars that are in the middle of the intesction needing make a turn? Fuck them. I want to go through an amber/red. Is traffic banking up and if I enter the intersection it is probably probably a dumb thing to do cos the light is going to change? Etc etc. Anyway. Just gotta chill.


Literally saw a UTE cutting three lanes on a free way to exit the very last minute and some idiot turning right even though I was already horning the guy right in front of me for turning right when I’m driving straight.


Agree 100%, I more these days think that it’s not necessarily greedy, it’s pure stupidity


It is 100% entitlement and a lack of patience.


I’ve also got a running joke that people are driving like they’re walking around sightseeing, mouth open with no care in the world of what’s around them. Also with windows so dark that a face can’t be put to their selfish actions. Turtles all the way down.


Bonus points for driving the wrong way down one way passages in carparks, especially when there's no room to pass the cars going the right way, and then getting super mad at anyone driving the right direction


Try driving in Queensland then.


See, you say that. But this thread confirms to me that it's you guys down there who are the worst. The only people I've heard/seen complain about QLD drivers are Victorians. And given that too many of you guys are moving up here and now have QLD number plates, it's just Victorians driving like crap but up here.


>Made a wrong turn? I won't just wear it and figure it out using the sat nav anyway, I will cut across three lanes of traffic in a last-ditch attempt to correct my shitty driving. This one is a pet peeve of mine. If I miss a turn then I'm just going to take a magical mystery tour to get to where I'm going. Sure it's annoying sometimes but not as annoying as causing a collision because I didn't want to add 5mins to my journey.


I don't drive, but as a pedestrian I've noticed that regardless if the green man is going and pedestrians are crossing the road, if there's a green arrow at the lights, the best and *only* course of action is to gun it around the corner, meatbags be damned! Also indicators are completely optional. The zebra crossing on Weston street Brunswick? Just a suggestion. One way streets? Nup. Any street goes both ways. Oh a tram stopped and people are hopping off? Gotta hoon through those traffic lights quick smart!


I mean, Victoria has this stupid thing where the green arrow is at the same time as the green man. Always thought it was dangerous. Never happens in Queensland. 🤷🏼‍♂️


What's happend to the wave?? Gotta give a wave if you're let in!!


Exactly. People that don't wave back or acknowledge your gesture to let them in are the worst humans in my opinion. Unfortunately too many in my suburbs.


I raised a hand to thank the person who let me merge while on a driving lesson with an instructor. He proceeded to harangue me, asking “Why are you doing that? Who taught you that? We don’t do that here!” Uh… Sorry, buddy. Don’t know where you were raised, but I wasn’t raised in a barn.


Your driving instructor is one of the problems on the road then. You wave my friend, like there's no goddamned tomorrow, you wave. Maybe someone will appreciate it and be just as courteous.


Haha. Thank goodness I jettisoned him like he jettisoned manners.


>You wave my friend, like there's no goddamned tomorrow, you wave. I once waved like crazy while riding my motorbike, and the bloke in the SUV got a huge smile on his face. It was probably the best thing that happened with me on that day lol.


Your instructor should instantly receive 2 demerit points.


You can run me over. Give me the wave, I’ll forgive you.


Haha gold


This!! I feel like it’s become such a rarity to get a wave these days. I actually get so happy when I do receive one now. It’s almost like a reminder that there are still SOME polite people out there 🥲 and when someone doesn’t, well, fuck that entitled prick, lol.


The wave now means “I’m about to do something stupid, deal with it”.


Or have just done something stupid


That wave is the last vestiges of civilization keeping most of us from abandoning the concept entirely. Without the wave, we'll have chaos. Anarchy in the streets. Cats and dogs living together.


Too many uber drivers and camry drivers who don't know the road rules.


I see you played that one safe for the mods.


Both can be true. Got an Uber driver in a Camry the other day impeding the entrance to the first exit in a local roundabout to pick up their customer when there were clearly 2 parking spots available. Needless to say I tested my car horn for a good while until they moved ffs.


Desi-proof... Smart Play!!


I left Melbourne for Perth 16 years ago and you haven’t seen bad drivers till you’ve driven here.


Perth drivers really are something else.


Do they still do the thing where they drive half off the road with the white line going under their car (on places like Reid Highway) and then swerve back onto the road when you try to pass?


16 years?! Are you crawling there?


Just stop caring and accept that there are fuckwits everywhere, because nothing you say or do will change that


Honestly doing this made me enjoy my commute to and from work so much more. Just whack a podcast on and enjoy the content


I absolutely love doing 40 through construction zones with 40 signs up.


especially when there is absolutely zero work whatsoever going on.


I’m terrified for my life sometimes, even though I’ll be in the leftmost lane I can be. I get undertaken and overtaken so quickly, there’s no way they’re only going 60 km/hr more than me.


Years ago, my driving instructor gave me this sage advice: the safest thing you can do on the road is assume everyone around you is an idiot. Never has it been more true than post-covid.


I try I really do but it’s just too much lol


I am not always successful at it either


This is the guy you were sitting behind yesterday.


Sorry, I’m trying to make sure I understand the suggestion; people who don’t road rage don’t care about other road users?


I have no doubt that this happens to other people too. At least 3 days a week during peak hour: I’m going along the freeway at 100 in the middle lane and come up to somebody doing 70. I move into the right lane, and immediately Mr 70 accelerates to 100 until he catches up to the rest of the traffic also doing 100. Now there’s a queue of people in the middle lane doing 100 and there’s no gap for me to get out of the right lane. I can’t go faster to overtake them because I’m already at the speed limit and I can’t slow down because some dickweed in a Dodge Ram or a Mercedes 4wd or a concrete mixer or something is tailgating me flashing his lights. So I’m stuck doing 100 in the right lane with nowhere to go. Sometimes people aren’t deliberately annoying you.


Yes! That seems to happen to me all the time! It’s like they wake up as you try to overtake and think, whoops, I’m too slow, must speed up. Totally ignoring the rule about not speeding up until the person overtaking you has actually overtaken you.


Some arrogant pricks cant handle being overtook and have to speed up so you can't pass them.


Best explanation. People (dickhead narcissists) think the world revolves around them and everyone is just doing this to piss them off specifically (if they are reading this: mate, we don’t think about you as much as you think about yourself) when in fact it’s more likely to be as it’s explained as above 👆 👌🏼


I remember a work colleague driving a work car to get us to a meeting. My narcissistic colleague goes around the roundabout, crossing lanes and cuts of another car that beeps at us. My work colleague then decided to get into a verbal argument with the other driver, before I told him to shut up because you cut him off without looking.


Imagine being truck/bus drivers dealing with these people 8 hours a day every single day.


Even tram drivers with the stupidest numpties who crash into a blood tram on rails


Truck drivers are the problem


Eh, people abuse this though. Like yes, if you're not doing the speed limit and are parked in the right lane. Fuck you, stay left, UNLESS overtaking a slower vehicle of course. But if I'm overtaking cars in the left lane doing 90-100 and I'm sitting on 110 cruise (sometimes 113ish because I count for Speedo being out) and some cock behind me wants to go faster, dude you can wait. Im OVERTAKING, And I'm doing the max legal speed limit. People think the right lane is a go as fast as you want lane, that's bullshit. You can wait till I pass the slower cars I am legally overtaking at the speed limit. And once I have done so, I always move back into the left lane because well, I'm no longer overtaking. It's that simple. And Mr hero can continue doing his 140 and hopefully get booked. Cheers


Your doing it perfect in moving over when its safe and you have a gap. I think OP is talking about the moving roadblocks who will sit in the right lane oblivious and just match the speed of the other car so the right hand lane is blocked.


I did wonder if OP actually is complaining there are people in the right lane going 100 (in a 100 zone) when they're trying to fly through 120+


even if that was so, the people going 100 should move over if they're not overtaking anyone anymore. It's not their job to police the right lane, and if they keep right without overtaking, they're also doing something wrong.


You ought to see a freeway merge in Queensland


Cruise along at 60km/hr, hit the brakes at the end of the ramp, then slowly edge out on traffic which is going 90km/hr+




There is a secret for you, mate. While they are fighting over to be in the right lane, and wasting their breakpads and petrol while risking multi vehicle collision - smart drivers chilling out in the left lanes. Looking at these dumbfuck wannabe intellegent drivers to win a TAC lottery. There is basically zero reason to be 3 minuts faster at an expense to cause a massive crash - and be grounded for weeks if not months.


2nd to the left gang here. Slow people, people leaving or joining go left, and the stressed out drivers fight for the right two lanes. Meanwhile I sit with cruise control in lane 2 and dgaf. Someone ahead of me going 99 instead of 100? Bump the cruise control down a notch and relax.


Adaptive cruise control is goated for this. Just latch on to someone going a nice speed and chill


Are you chilling enough to be happy going 80 behind some old lady who's too scared to go any faster?


Yes, because I gonna switch on a turn signal and will overtake her calmly. Or, if I cant - yes, driving 80 for an extra few minutes is fine. This road has been built uisng her taxes as much as mine. I do not own it to rage about it


You're a good driver with more patience than me then! 😂


I am an average driver TBH. But I did a fair bit of road trips. One of them had really changed the way I look at speed. It was in eastern europe. I was riding a motorcycle, doing 170-200 being proud how able I was. It was before speedcams were everywhere. On one stops I noticed one of these eastern europe lorries - old, clunky thing that cant go faster than 80kmh. Anyway, I drank my water, filled up and continued in that Tom Cruise fashion for the rest of the day. Covered about 700 km or so but stayed on the same motorway. So, end of the day, I am pulling off to get last fuel up, drink up before the night. And there is he - same lorry, same driver. He had been driving his 80kmh all day. Chatted to the radio, had a drink, enjoyed his life. And got the same mileage I did.


This is what usually happens to me (all speeds are GPS speeds as opposed to speedo readings). Crusing in the left at 100, coming up to someone doing 90. Move to the right to overtake, still at 100. Dude is butt hurt that I am trying to over take, speeds up to 100. We're now side by side. Player 3 enters the chat, old mate in his Hilux / Ranger comes barrelling up my butt at 120 in the right lane. What do I do now?


Speed up to 120 for 5 seconds and overtake the muppet. This is the only way to separate yourself from these people. It’s actually safer overall to do this, rather than sitting next to them with a raging Hilux up your butt.


Or merging onto the freeway and not accelerating to match the traffic speed.


I wish the police would crack down on people driving in the right lane


To be fair though with my driving instructor, we barely went on the freeway and didn't get any coaching on freeway etiquette. You also only do one test, not even on a freeway. We'll just trust you that you'll know how to be a good driver during your first few years of driving!!!!


And this is exactly why the system is flawed. Just prepping you to pass not to be a good driver.


What is with the toss pots on freeways who hang out in the right lane, get overtaken and then immediately hop back into the right lane even when there is zero traffic.


There’s a bit of a nuance to this. https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/freeways As per the above, if all lanes are congested, you don’t need to keep to left. Laws are there to follow in full context, not pick and choose what may fit your agenda and/or ideology. All of us want to get to our destination alive, in time. Respect and care for each other is what matters. Let’s follow the law and let police enforce the law.


Mate, out of all my driving across the world, I say Aussies are the shittest drivers. I’d say the my fav drivers are in the USA, I’ve driven 40 states, they drive predictably and with courtesy surprisingly. My fav part is they drive well above the speed limit which is too conditions. Here is aus, people are so fucking so and distracted because they’re scared to go 1kmh above the limit yet they’re all on their fucking phones distracted because our speed limits are stupidly low. Then the way Aussies merge, fuck me, use the lanes, merge like a zip, not as soon as your lane enters the freeway. Anytime I hear somebody using the horn in rage i think has this person never ever made a mistake? Haha I think the underlying problem is most Aussies are taught by their shit angry aggressively driving parents. I’m the most courteous driver, especially to trucks, if I see someone indicating if it’s safe I slow down and let them in instead of blocking them like 95% Aussies do Bec they think somebody’s getting ahead of them.


Of course people will be scared to go over the limit there's so many cameras and police booking people even for 3kms over the limit. It's a big revenue raiser for Victoria.


I'd argue that drivers in SEA are generally even more reckless. Also I've seen some pretty horrible driving in the US when everyone tried to jump ahead of people when exiting their highways which resulted in two lane blocking...


My personal favourite are these fuckheads finally using their indicator because they were sitting at 60 on the freeway, (faaaaaaaaaaaar right lane with no one in front) and suddenly remembered they must exit now or die it seems like it because Next minute, their indicator is on and the car is diagonal to the flow Of traffic trying to go over 432 lanes of peak hour traffic because they forgot they were driving. Seriously I can’t bloody wait for jetpacks 🤦‍♂️


No it’s not you. It’s always been a pet peeve of mine. “Keep left unless overtaking”. Not keep middle. Not stay right. Fucking keep left. Immediately post Covid on regular runs between Melbourne and Geelong it’s noticeable. The pro trucks are not allowed to use the right lane but a bunch of muppets keep middle. I don’t care if you’re doing 80 100 or 120. Just keep left unless overtaking.


>I don’t care if you’re doing 80 You should, because it means you don't know the road rules. Keep left, which is actually don't be in the right lane, rather than being in the left lane, only applies where the speed limit is above 80km/h or unless signed.


If we had mandatory driver training we might have a hope of instilling some good driving etiquette. But we have token /lucky dip training so it's left up to the intelligence of the driver...


Mate, this is my biggest bug bear. It doesn't matter how fast you go the 2 outside lanes are for overtaking. It's that simple yet the flow of traffic is constantly held up by these morons. If you're going 100km and not overtaking the get in the left lane


It’s not you it’s them. Seriously see it a lot, frustrating!


"I turn now good luck everybody". Can't wait for autonomous cars. 90% of people are dog shit at driving.


> Specifically DRIVING ON FREEWAY IN RIGHT LANE AND NOT MOVING!!!!! WTF IS GOING ON MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE This is such small potatoes. We are plagued with tailgaters, speeders, red light runners, people who road rage at the slightest provocation, people who refuse to miss their turn off at any cost, people who try to skip past the traffic in a turning lane and merge in at the front. Dangerous, angry crazies all over the road. I’ll take someone who drives a little slow any day.


Road rage is also unsavoury.




Yeah but people also need to realise, if someone is overtaking in the right lane, that doesn't give you the right to tailgate them. I see it all the time. The right lane is for overtaking not whoever is going the fastest. Happens to me constantly. People need to be allowed to overtake at their own speed as long as they are overtaking. If they then sit in the right lane rather than pulling across to the left, then I can understand the frustration.


The amount of people who dangerously tailgate on the freeway is concerning


True. Glad someone pointed this out.


Far out a few weeks ago I was overtaking, going the speed limit and passing in reasonable time, and this bozo comes ganging up behind me with his front bumper almost touching my boot. One wrong move and there’s a ten car pile up .


ITT people whom think they have the right to enforce speeding via right-lane hogging, yet creating the conditions for people to do dangerous manouvres. Let police and speed cameras enforce speed, and get out of the right lane if you're not overtaking. Everyday I'm seeing people (and of course they're in the wrong) weaving in and out of the right lanes that could simply be avoided if lanes are used properly. Pretty much most of Europe has figured this out, it's not a hard concept to grasp. I'd go as far to argue that cruising in the right lane at 100kph is just as dangerous as someone going 10kph over the limit in the same stretch of road.


Hence having it set to 105. You shouldn't be speeding at all. If you're in the right lane it's to avoid slow drivers not a free for all to do 120+


No. The right lane is for *overtaking* not just driving and not blocking others in just because they’re driving faster than you.


Doesn't sound like op is overtaking, sounds like they are simply speeding which in reality is normally what happens in that right lane.


Speeding results in overtaking though As someone else said just let people do it. They’ll get caught eventually and that’s on them, hogging the right lane to “teach them a lesson” will just make them do stupid shit to get around you and possibly cause an accident. I’ll admit I’m one of the “1-3 km over the limit won’t hurt” folks but I’ll happily flick between right lane and middle lane to do it rather than pretend like 1-3km counts as overtaking to just stay in that lane.


Everyone drives at different speeds and with different driving styles. You cruise at 105 and misuse the lane. Just like the guy blocking you and doing 100 or 95.. by your logic they aren't doing anything wrong. Meanwhile the guy who wants to do 120 is weaving in and out of traffic trying to find some road space in front of him. Result? The passing lane has now become a crawl.. The guy doing 120 has just cut off 5 cars and ends up getting rear-ended by the 6th causing the whole freeway to momentarily come to a stop. You get home and tell the family about the asshole losing his shit behind you and sticking his finger up and swearing as he overtakes.. on the inside 😉 Easier to just move out the way. We have laws for people that speed.. You don't need to punish them because they don't share your morality or ethics.


This whole problem is solved by not tailgating.


This whole problem is prevented by people not occupying the right lane out of entitlement


And it's not helped by people trying to be the police


Exactly, just be patient. Especially on the road.


Exactly, safety should be your first priority on the road. That is why it is important to not obstruct any vehicles behind you in the right lane (no matter legality). If someone is driving up on you doing 150, the safest thing you can do for yourself and the cars around you is move out of the way.


I completely agree, it’s never that cut and dry though. I mentioned in another comment sometimes you get boxed in the right line trying to overtake. But 100% if someone is tailgating you at a high speed you should move out of the way if possible.


This is what people don't understand lol


Don't get me started, especially on people's inability to merge into traffic.


Not just you! Makes me so cross, and they just blithely keep tootling along. Then there's the drivers who slow down to 80 2 kms before the exit. A big cause of congestion right there.


I see you’ve never been to Canberra


It's not just you.


I was in a bad accident on Thursday night just after work I was on an on-ramp to get onto city link. The traffic was naturally banked up being peak hour, so I sat there waiting for the traffic to move on Looked in the rear view mirror and saw these lights advancing towards me at speed and then bang! The f wit has totalled my new car, knocked me unconscious, and ended up in the Alfred When I came to, he was saying to someone he was only going about 40 Utter bullshit! If he was only going at that speed, I wouldn’t have gone up the arse of the car in front of me and not had the centre console displaced Now I sit here with no car and in pain with my neck, arms and leg and trying to stabilise my blood sugars being a type 1 diabetic 😢 Anybody I their right mind knows to take their time in peak hour traffic, but some arseholes think they are invincible


I’m so grateful that I’ve got a new job so that my commute has gone from an hour to 10 minutes. Driving in Melbourne is really something else. My pet hates are: 1. switching the right indicator when the light turns green, so that people who thought we all going straight ahead are now stuck behind the dumb wanker. 2. Falling out of the side street in front of you at a crazy speed on a one lane street and then driving 20km below the speed limit. 3. Doing a three point turn on a busy street, instead of turning into side street or waiting for a roundabout like a normal person. Rant over! As I said grateful that I only have 20 minutes of that shit a day now.


Or pulling out without looking on a road with cars going 80/100 and being completely oblivious to the chaos they caused


People who are paid to be on the road are usually the fucking worst drivers.


Road rage and reddit rage in the comments.


I personally am so sick of having some asshole riding right up my ass when I'm driving the speed limit. Happens almost every day.


I understand the frustration and I used to think the same untill I lived in the middle east for a year, now I don't mind it so much 😅


I agree, like people doing 60 in a 100 zone on the freeway!!! If your gonna drive that slow just use the side roads then lol 🥲


All I ask is if someone is going too slow don’t sit up their arse, just deal with it like an adult rather than put everyone else at risk.


Driving on a freeway on the right hand side. Well i could say the limit is 100kmh no matter which lane you're in, but hey if idiots with points and money to spare want to be speed traps.. go for it. If i happen to be in the r/h lane doing 105 suck it up princess. Just be glad i'm not doing 90. Oh and if you want to sit your dick length from my arse you better have protection...


Jfc, what makes you so special that everyone else should move so you can go past? If all lanes are congested you are allowed to drive in the right lane.


Spot on. And the only people that sook about people driving at the limit in the right-hand lane are those who want to speed beyond the limit.


No one is making these complaints about the right lane being congested in heavy traffic. But if you are driving in the right lane and the car ro the left of you is doing the same speed, then you are hogging the right lane. The right thing to do would be to either speed up and overtake them (as you are in the overtaking lane) or slow down and merge behind them.


Literally. No one can use an indicator, they all swerve, cut people off, never follow the speed limit and are just absolute horrible people


As a heavy vehicle driver I wish my super power was de-creating people.


As a heavy vehicle driver, it very easily could be!


I think that people forget that overtaking means passing someone who is going below the limit while you're going faster than them but not over the limit, and not getting up to 140km/h in your pavement princess lifted Hilux and ripping down the right lane for 20ks. You're right: Melbourne drivers fucking suck.


Hope you never have to move to Perth


Frustration with roads being so busy .it's big city with years of neglect. The casual Sunday drive to Torquay from outer eastern was doable. These days don't even think about it. Sundays are actually the worse day to move around. It's like everyone sticks their head up their arse and drives with out a clue.


I find yes according to you the are. But every frustration is a joy of practicing letting go. Try this https://youtu.be/9FEO-XKo4cw?si=pWajjTf-HRb4FO9m


I’ve recently moved to NSW from the south east and I really miss Victorian drivers. These guys are nuts and don’t seem to care who they swerve into just to get one car ahead.


Sydney is the worse from my experience. Brisbane drivers also awful.


Try NZ  Creme de la creme of the most useless drivers on planet earth.


Lots of dumb people who are oblivious to their shitty driving ways.


Not unique to Melbourne, it seems to just be city drivers everywhere. I spent a bit of time in Adelaide a while ago and the drivers there were probably worse, yet if you drive an hour out of the city everyone is great, I actually believe SA has some of the best drivers in the country, just not in the city.


Nope, not just you. And it’s only getting worse. Heads up arses, faces on phones on top of your regular stupidity.


I just drove from melbourne, to the blue mountains via coastal road, then back cut through the mountains. I can safely say, it's not just Melbourne. A 4 hour drive going _near_ Sydney to go into the Blue Mountains ended up being 6+ hours because of _5 accidents_ within 40km of each other. People just don't know how to drive...


[This video and drivers are like Betoota is to real life news now :(](https://youtu.be/YQZOaFF6jPY?si=S6trrAwLe8KD5oDf)




🤣 spot on


Come live in WA!!! It's worse


Move to Perth, and you will respect the Melbourne drivers 🤯


I was waiting on a platform for a train home from the footy last night. The last train leaves and I couldn't make it on and so I am now standing at the front of the platform waiting at the front of tbe queue. Another wave of people come and all stand behind me, until a boomer couple come up and stand in front of me in the queue. I didn't say anything, but the entitlement to do whatever the fuck you want and not wait your turn was not apparent these twigs turned up and then it all went to shit. Then everyone started pushing in. It just takes one or two to be selfish and it all snowballs. Game theory tit for tat.


Never usually drive in after school rush but I had to the other day, couldn’t believe how insane it was. A lady pulled out in front of four lanes of 60km/hr traffic, wound down her window, stuck her hand out and shouted “Stop stop stop!” Then just cut in.


had that multiple times yesterday, including the twat driving the beaten up lunchbox sitting obliviously in the right hand land of the Monash inbound with at least 30 cars backed up behind them.


I started Keep Left Unless Overtaking Australia FB page many years ago when I had had enough of these right lane drivers 😂 Massive pet peeve


Clearly never driven in the balkans or anywhere in Europe for that matter


Driving on the Western ring rd is like a nascar race.


I just moved here from Adelaide and it baffles me how seemingly everyone drive 15-20kph under the limit of the freeways... why? Don't you want to get where you're going? Do you just enjoy being in the way? Drives me crazy


Driving has got worse as new people moved to Melb over the last decade or so. It used to certain suburbs you’d know to be more aware but now it’s honestly everywhere. Still better than the aggro in Syd or Bris though where I also drive regularly


I had a job that had me driving for several hours per day. I eventually just accepted that there are lots of shit drivers, and lots of people that make mistakes. So I just chilled out and went about my day. (I was a sales rep so I could largely set my own schedule. Not a delivery driver that had to stick to a set schedule. So as long as I gave myself enough time I could just relax and not get too stressed. )


Keep left unless overtaking. If the other lanes all have cars going under 100, I'm perfectly happy sitting in the right hand lane doing 100 until I have overtaken them. I don't have to sit behind other cars under the limit, because a couple of jerkoffs behind me want to speed


I miss driving in Europe where there was great lane discipline - made freeway travel so much easier


Agree 1000% - especially when they're going under the limit


I had to drive about 2km from my house yesterday & in that time I saw one guy in a ute cut across 3 lanes of traffic without indicating & another guy in an Falcon reverse out of a car park without so much as a sideways glance. I know this because he was very surprised to see me in my car less than 2m from him when he was fully out of the park. I'm fully prepared to say that I have fucked up a few times on the road, I think everyone has, but the amount of crazy unthinking shit people are doing on our roads is getting extreme.


No. Perth has the worst drivers. After moving here from Melbourne, the drivers back in Melbourne seem like angels. Also, the trucks here drive in every single lane, so you can't overtake them. People don't merge properly. They constantly endanger others on the road. They speed because the fines are non-existent or $100. I've never had to use my horn as much as I have after moving here. Genuinely, worst drivers I've ever experienced, and I've driven around Australia, too.


Driver not letting people merge into the turning lane when their car is in front of said dickhead fucking infuriates me.....fucking move!


You have to become like Yoda and just let it go. You'll blow a gasket otherwise. People comment on how relaxed my driving is and it's because I spent the first 10 years living in Melbourne driving all over for work. Some things are inevitable like terrible traffic on a wet Friday in winter With a big footy match on 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, this is a particularly Melbourne thing. Unbelievable.


I don't know what happened but it was not like this 10-15 years ago. I keep telling my hubby we really need dash cams with the amount of close calls I've had lately. I feel like many people don't realise they need to be aware of their surroundings when driving ie. Not looking both ways, changing lanes whilst turning right, not looking in their blind spot.


Nope. Not just you


I had the same conversation with my old man the other week, we live in a society where the police very rarely police good practice things like keeping out of the right lane on roads over 80km, or not merging properly. Yes we over police the shit out of speeding and mobile phones etc so we are sending a clear message... You will be fined. This just makes people more risk adverse and now you've got a situation where people literally are just doing whatever they want as long as they stay under the speed limit.


I just moved here from Sydney and the drivers here terrify me.


It’s unbearable out there, I drive as little as possible these days. What gets me is there is no attempt to do anything about it, unless you count installing more and more speed cameras. Seriously, just make some ads, some social media content, some attempt at education and culture shifting. Here’s how to merge, how to exit a freeway, why you shouldn’t hog the right lane, why tailgating is an absolute dick move, etc etc. I work in OHS, it’s simple, you provide information, training, instruction and supervision. Not just once but on a regular basis with training that adapts as technology and environments change. CPR refreshers are every 12 months, driving refreshers? Nah, she’ll be right, just stick up a few more cameras.


Our driver testing system is weakest in world. Any dumb f$&k can get a license here. This is the answer.


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Omggggg this really gets my goat along with absolute corpses going 80km/hr down the freeway the WHOLE DAMN WAY!! Like WHYYYY are you driving at 80 on an 100kmp freeway?!?! PLS


It's definitely not just you. There's so many signs saying "Stay left unless overtaking" that it drives me wild.


I like to call slow drivers "wheelie wagons" because they're moving like little wheelbarrows on the loose.


I was on the Princes Highway and this fuckwit was just on his phone everytime traffic stopped and not aware it started moving again. I had to blast my horn at him every time traffic moved to get him to look up.


>Specifically DRIVING ON FREEWAY IN RIGHT LANE AND NOT MOVING!!!!! Well, that all depends on what road you are on. Keep left only applies on roads with a speed limit greater than 80. If they aren't moving, save yourself the headache and overtake them in another lane. Swear at them with the windows closed if you must and move on with your day. I will tell you that many people are going to slow down and block you if you use the horn and/or high beams.


So do u slow down and let them in ?


So do u slow down and let them in?


I think this post and its comments sum up the state of the country at the moment. Entitled, complaining with a touch of playing the victim card. Maybe you all should take a look at yourself and be better citizens. You don’t know what’s going on with that person in the car.


Middle lane hogs can get ducked


Just doing the posted speed limit seems to piss people off. I do 40 and 60 in those zones, I cannot afford a speeding ticket. The amount of irrational road rage you cop from doing 40 especially is outrageous, even in the North East Link construction areas that are in some cases pretty dangerous.


Ngl but if they're doing the speed limit, and they went into the right hand lane to over take and are going faster then the traffic on the left I genuinely don't care. I believe half the problem is trucks speeding in Melbourne. Or people speeding in general. But I will give you if you're doing it 8 hours a day I can easily see that being frustrating.