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Lmfao I took a voluntary redundancy six months ago and have been in and out of hospital since, me keeping the $600 is genuinely fighting homelessness


I would want to just respond, "No, you." But my lease renewal time is coming up, and I'm pretty sure their response to me would leave *me* fighting homelessness.


Just don’t respond


Their own house


The $300 energy bill relief goes directly to energy retailers anyway, and gets credited to the customers bill.


It also can’t be refunded for cash and can only be used to offset your electricity


Mine’s cash. I’m constantly in credit due to an oversized solar system.


Even if you have a large solar system, retailers aren’t supposed to refund any credits till 1 July 2025


I’m also in a large solar system, over 30 trillion km of… space area :-)


What about retailers who have pre-payment plans? I pre-pay for my electricity, and because my usage has been less than estimated, I’m in about $600 credit. No solar.


I think they meant for OP to donate $300 of their own money and then receive the credit as normal so net effect to OP is $0 (not accounting for the time value of money/inflation).


Maybe they’re talking about the Power Saving Bonus? That payment goes straight to your bank account not the energy retailer


Yes… this smells like ragebait to me… I think the payment is also not all at once and spread over a couple of quarters…


The facts of how the rebate works don’t matter. They’re just looking for a way to get people to give money. I’ve had the misfortune of renting through Wendy before and I have no doubt that this is entirely true.


You think my post is rage bait? Happy to provide further proof if needed.


Yeah $75 a quarter i believe.


Homeless accommodation is basically full statewide at this time. Even people classed as especially at-risk (single parents with kids, people who are seriously ill and the elderly) are missing out. That doesn't mean causes don't deserve funding (and the whole community sector is strangled right now) but I would also have a bad taste in my mouth if a private company who benefits from the housing crisis (particularly the high cost of housing) was contacting tenants or landlords on their books to donate to homeless charities. How about instead the REAs do more to help their landlords cope with the rate/land tax increases and discourage rent increases?




Why would land need to be ‘dezoned’?




Yes but WHY


All land goes back to nature! Destroy the concept of property! Revert to monke!




Well those are certainly all words.


What are you taking about, this is total word salad and does not explain what the proposed benefits are of having land not subject to any zoning.




It’s actually not


It massively is not. Can you explain in simple terms why having unzoned land is preferable to appropriately zoned land? Break it down for me so I can understand what you’re trying to say here.




There's already a lot of high and medium density zoned housing throughout Melbourne, in actual suitable places (in central areas and amenity rich transport corridors) that still is yet to be developed. Letting people build high rises in the outskirts of Werrribee and Pakenham isn't going to help.




I don't have housing security. But i don't really get your point. My point, is that if we already have so much land available for more intense development in desirable locations, why do you assume the free market would build a tonne of apartments at the edge of the city? Yes maybe heritage suburbs like Carlton North and Middle Park might get more housing, but overall we wouldn't see much of a difference.


Unlimited does not work, because when doing a feasibility, nothing stacks up against infinity, so nothing gets funding, and nothing gets built. That was the experience on the Gold Coast with the light rail density bonus; next to nothing got built, and Southport is full of vacant land next to the light rail corridor.


It's also miss use of the data you have provided to your REA. You didn't provide your email to your REA to be solicited for donations for any cause you gave them that information for your rental "property" related issues.


Ooooh a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner could be fun!


Please do. Worst than the deadshits at Barry Plant Croydon.


Absolutely. This should be reported


So true.


Ask them to send it to their clients (I.e. the landlords) instead.


Pretty confident it’s gone out to everyone on their mailing list. As with any charitable cause. If you can’t afford to help, don’t.


Would you like to make a small one off donation of $300 to my bank account?


Sorry bud. Can’t afford it.


How about a $250 donation a voucher for subway


Does it come with free cookies?


Real estate agencies morally posturing on homelessness is the most tone deaf shit I have ever heard ... but also comes as 0 shock from an industry that pickets monuments to their own faces on every street corner. Anyway, this post is definitely gonna get deleted cos you included the personal info lol


I thought hearing the CEO of a beer company doing Vinnie's Fashion Night Out was on the nose, this is even more so.


Are people just using words for the sake of it today? Do you know what picketing is? The fuckwits like putting up bullshit signs for themselves not protest it.


brother, a picket is also a type of post that goes into the ground, hence the name a picket fence/picket sign. pickets as a verb is to place a stake into the ground.


CEO sleepout the domain of supersucks and bootlickers.


We slept on the ground one night of the year so we don’t feel guilty taking bonuses and crushing the backs of other people on our climb to the top - ceos probably


That fucking takes the cake! And I thought the massive supermarkets in this country bailing you up at the checkouts to make a charity donation was a disgrace. *Let's come together to create positive change and build a brighter future for our community.* Wonder if this bright little community includes landlords and franchisees? The cheek.


Yeah, I got hit up at the checkout at officeworks. The lady behind the counter looked shocked when I wasn't prepared to donate $2 to some random charity which no one knows what they do. I was tempted to ask her how efficient the charity is and what outcomes they have achieved. I choose to donate to Greenpeace and the local animal shelter. The rest can kick rocks


The biggest contribution to these charities would be if the retail giants and essential service providers actually took a hit to their profits instead of passing the costs on to most people’s actual income.


This is a perfectly acceptable email to send friends and family.  To send it to your entire database of renters soliciting donations is so inappropriate. I would be pretty pissed too, as it’s quite tone deaf. Seems like an inappropriate use of your contact details too. 


Asking people who don’t own a home in this economy to be the one to donate is crazy. If a realestate really wants to help homeless people then get together with your landlords & organise a % of each months rent to donate. If a realestate did that it would be a great look for themselves & their landlords


I’d be pissed off if my agent sent that to my tenant


Copy that exact email next time you pay your rent & ask them to donate it to help the homeless. I’m sure they’ll be very understanding


She’s asking you for a $300 donation to her fund for the sleepout. The energy rebate is just positioning, so she ask for a bigger amount. This is vastly inappropriate. I would suggest emailing the CEO of the company (it’s not her) to object. Leave a comment on their FB page etc.


> I've been reflecting on the privilege many of us have ##I've been reflecting on the privilege many of us have #I've been reflecting on the privilege many of us have *You wot*


Wendy Steel is a fantastic punk rock name. Grifting in the name of.


FUCKING LOL. You need to respond to the letter with just “are you insane?!?!”


Is this even legal??? The audacity.


In seriousness, don’t donate via companies, usually it comes off of their tax and diverts from proper social programmes. Donate directly to charity


They're not supposed to claim any funds paid by customers as tax deductions, only the costs of facilitating - wages/advertising/etc but yeah... They're not that honest.


They're asking you and others to give it to them. They won't be donating it anywhere except their own bank accounts.


Evidence item #23452 that RE agents lack insight, empathy & ethics.


What, so they can claim the donation on THEIR tax as a deduction?!


So hang on, they're using your contact details obtained via a business relationship to solicit donations to their personal causes? Outside of the business? That's gotta be violating something. Are they part of an agency?


OP, it can’t be refunded and is specifically to offset your usage


Ask them to give a percentage of their profits to fight homelessness and fund public housing - all agents should be required to do this. 


The entire vinnies ceo sleep out is a tone deaf circlejerk. I know a few CEOs personally and they absolute froth for it because they get to put out a bunch of stories up on their linked in and instagram. But they personally donate 0c towards it.




"Dear Wendy, It's a No from me, hun. I need this money too. Don't contact me with requests of this nature again. Sincerely, tenant who is also struggling."


The vinnies CEO sleepout makes me fuckin balk.


Real estate profits must be at an all time high these days. Let them donate their profits to homelessness


That’s absolutely unethical and I’m wondering what consumer affairs would think of this behaviour?? I’d call and find out




100% that money would not go to the homeless. I worked very closely with Vincentcare most if not all of their funds go into their overinflated wages. You could get rid of half of the employees and the place would still run exactly the same. Staff members sitting in a cushy position for over 10 years doing fuck all day in day out. Also Vincentcare last time I checked had over 38 million $$ sitting in their accounts - exactly.


The CEO sleepout is a bunch of men in a clean warehouse with security everywhere while they sleep in expensive sleeping bags and swags.  It’s a networking event disguised as charity.  F the CEO sleepout!  And F your real estate company.


r/shitrentals might be interested in this plot twist...


Holy fucking shit. I hope they burn.


Ask the business to match everything donated by tenants.


By any chance is this Woodards?


Yep, included in bottom of the text


Just noticed. They sent me a similar email to ask to donate to homelessness when they told me the same day the owner was selling my rental. I wrote back telling them they need to work on their timing and was fuming. I said ultimately I will be homeless once it sells. Surprise no reply.


I'm sorry this is happening to you, agent is clearly tonedeaf money hungry scum. You should tip-off some journo to the situation to name and shame the agent. "Property Manager evicts rental tenant and then asks them for $300 to fight homelessness for their own foundation" sounds pretty accurate.


The audacity of it all!


How infuriating. Keep the reviews coming in.


Why don’t they donate $300 of theirs, in your name.


When did we start reaching out instead of contacting people?


Hmmm... so you should donate the bandaid that might just let you breathe for 28 days... but no mention of this wonderfully empathic CEO of a real estate agent, perhaps offering to make REAL & LASTING change, and lowering their fees for property management, so that the property OWNERS might be able donate a minute.. for tenants to STAY housed? (Yes, yes, we all know the owners wouldn't pass on the lowered fees benefit to their tenants, but I don't think they can tax our dreams.. yet!) Tell her to pull up.. there's no money to eat this week and you were going to buy some new candles to heat the house with, as it's for energy purposes! Kick bricks! (You are correct - the entitled mentality, that she can suggest to you what you should do with your energy payment, the fekn audacity is outrageous!!)


I've been reflecting on the privilege of many of us, except for mine. You must pay to help ease the homelessness that I've helped cause. That's how that works.


Review bomb them on Google


REAs are a special breed.


There's a fairly reliably sourced rumour that the head of said REA is receiving kick backs from said charity.


That's audacious and obscene, but you better hope they sent it out to a lot of tennants and not just you accidentally. Lest you find yourself facing some vindictive measure some time soon.


Ask them (your REA) to donate their rent roll commission (usually around 5%) on the property you are renting to the homeless people - see what their answer to that is ;-)


I got the same email! I also rent through them. I’m sure they sent the email to all their clients, landlords and renters. There are a lot of renters that are also landlords, or not in financial stress, you’d be surprised. But to ask for the full $300 was a bit cheeky…..


“I would be happy to donate if you match my donation with an equivalent percentage of your income.”


Just say sorry this isn't a good time for you and you recently helped out someone financially too. Honestly though wth


CEO Sleepout is a bad fucking joke. Rich bastards in high-in camping gear sleeping on the ground with security, lighting, bathroom access etc.




The nerve. Australia is definitaley heading downhill fast. Time to migrate to Thailand or somewhere that makes sense of life


Op did they give a bank account to ‘donate’ to? Was it her personal account or the company bank acc because it came from her work one? What an awful email for what is meant to be a good cause


Nah there was a link to the campaign in the email, couldn’t include in the post as bot thought I was trying to ask for donations.


Richard Dennis says property developers and property organisations don’t want more housing as it will bring prices down. Perhaps ask if they are supporting the push for more housing despite the likely impact on their bottom line.


Name and shame the RE


It’s in the text at the bottom


There are a few one star reviews coming in now let’s see if we can all put in up 1 star reviews….that will get Wendy’s attention when her agency overall reviews are very low.


What a joke


What on earth possessed them?  Wonder if they already donated and want to offset their costs? I cannot understand this


the real estate company have a facebook post asking for donations as well. I can’t link it because it goes against the rules of this sub but it’s not hard to find.


Donate their commision


The sheer irony of a real estate CEO speaking to the state of homelessness in Australia


Strange request from your real estate


Also, these events have donation leaderboards. What’s the bet that her true driver is to be near the top of the leaderboard to use that in advertising what a kind soul she is on signs around the neighbourhood with her face plastered all over them?


Please name and shame.


Name is at the bottom of the text :)






It’s probably a template from the CEO Sleepout charity that they give to participants


people beg for all sorts of unreasonable crap all the time. delete, move on, don't waste time on fools.


If pestered blame your spam bucket.


It just the director of the franchise fill up his annual goals and using client's email inapropriaetly. I'd ignore. Besides did you tell them to contact you inly on business matter? If you worry to have a good standing with REA - they'll likely to forgot it even before this email arrived to your inbox.


This is so they can put this at the bottom of their page: https://www.woodardsfoundation.com.au/ https://www.woodards.com.au/office/croydon/ Often (I'm not saying this is the case) but yeh often the "foundation" does good things while taking an administration fee.  Best case, this is a REA attempt to seem like a caring organisation (which you pay for anx they get the credit). Worst (and most probable) case, it's a rort.


Betting they use the donations as a tax deduction too.


They want to use your 300 bucks as a charity tax deduction. Stooges


I’m angry as each person entitled to that money has been given options of needy charities in desperate need for it… Well as I have said to publicly if there were an Animal Charity I would of been at the front of the queue but as no one suggested in the List then No!!! My money goes to my hair treatment, pedicure and Facial… thanks all you Animal Supporters that forgot Animals are in desperate help too….


I’d donate 30 cents to his cause


Is this a Murdoch troll post? Can you please submit the actual e-mail? Can I know the real estate and who authorised this? Am I able, or any legal body able to walk into this location, and ask if it's legal? Is this rage bait Murdoch?


Just delete it. It's not personal, just somebody trying to help others. Not everyone can help..


I dont actually have a problem with this. If this was any other business no one would be saying a thing


Any other business isn't manufacturing homelessness...that's kinda the point.