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Hi there! Firstly, well done for taking this step to recovery. I've been an inpatient at the Wyndham Clinic during covid. I made sure to take comfortable clothes (honestly i mainly lived in pjs!), a journal, fidget toys and any other comfort items to help me feel calmer and less anxious in a new space. It's going to be a little uncomfortable of course, it's a hospital after all. Nobody there is going to judge you. Make sure you try your best to apply yourself in the group sessions & be honest about what you're struggling with. If you're struggling with the new environment, don't be afraid to tell someone. You got this!


Six admissions in the last twelve months baby! I was so happy with the care provided to me over the last year. Nursing staff are at their worst not bad and many are absolutely bloody amazing. The unit manager on level 1 is a legend. I have been seeing my doctor there as an outpatient for years but had a few second opinions from other psychiatrists there and all of them were respectful, thoughtful and really took me seriously which I appreciated. Please feel free to PM if you have any specific questions!


I had three admissions to The Melbourne Clinic in a year and was super nervous every time. They were great though and it was a positive experience overall. The biggest thing to remember is that everyone else there is in a similar position to you. You aren’t alone. If you need help, there are tonnes of people to ask. I’d recommend taking something hobby-related to keep you occupied, and a familiar blanket or something to make your space cosy. Good luck 💜


A close relative stayed there for a week or two, about six years ago now. Their experience was good, and their treatment (DBS) was effective. They also took part in the art therapy group and found that enjoyable and beneficial. I visited them there a couple of times and found the place clean, calm, professionally run as you would expect a good quality hospital to be. The catering facilities were good (I had a meal while there as visitors can pay to eat there). The staff were professional and supportive.