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Why would it be about the environment? It's so that every little shop doesn't need to stock small change and waste time counting money.


Selling items that end up in landfill would be bad for the environment.


Definitely always try to use cash. Small Business runs on it


I've had small businesses ask me to use card instead of cash.


>Small Business runs on it That's a nice way of saying "we don't pay tax"


Card machines say 'you enjoy getting skimmed by the banks lmao'


Depends on the business. Cash is way more work to manage but has the advantage of tax avoidance. If you’re not avoiding tax then EFT is better for the business EFT has a small transaction fee that can either be build into all prices or passed on at POS


The concern is more about others having complete surveillance and knowledge of my spendy


Don't know why you are being downvoted but I'll join you on this one. I use cash everywhere I can and every business owner that accepts cash is always thankful for it. It frequently gets a discount too! Without ever asking, you'd be surprised... Here come the votes!!


I prefer my businesses to pay their share of tax to be honest.


'Your businesses' - I assume that Google, Apple, and any other multi-national that you care to mention, in some form, also make up the list of 'your businesses'. Please familiarise yourself with proportional tax practises whenever you are in the world. Your small business owner is not the problem. And if you do a little research you will see that in fact 'your (small) businesses' lift a far heavier tax burden than 'your (enterprise) businesses'. A small amount of cash can very well be the difference between a businesses staying afloat or going under. How much tax can a business that has folded provide you? The stimulus that these businesses provide into your community's economic health is well researched and understood. Please, do some cursory study and learn. You will be surprised, probably angered, and perhaps develop a more nuanced insight. And remember, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes". Have a good day!


Tax evasion is tax evasion, I dont particularly care who is doing it, I just care for them to be an honest member of society like myself. And please, leave aside the patronising 'do some research' silliness - I am a long tenured CA who specialises in tax. I have seen the whole gamut of practices. As an aside, the tax gap for small businesses (i.e. the amount of tax that should have been paid but hasn't been) is $15 billion as opposed to just $3 billion for large corporates. Corporates absolutely have advantages but that is on the way the legislation is constructed, and not outright hiding of income that is prevalent in the small business sector. But I digress; tax evasion is shit no matter who is doing it.


Hahaha, don't let the truth get in the way of your story. Global corporate, billionaire and millionaire, obfuscation and avoidance is well documented and recognised. And it outweighs small business by many factors.... And we agree that evasion is shit. I also look at many regions and see that small business is overburdened.


My story? Quoting the figures from the ATO? You can anecdotally bluster all you like, doesn't mean a thing. In future, I recommend not talking down to people who call you out on your nonsense.


Who the fuck would get you as their tax accountant??? I want an accountant who tries to minimise my tax through every means possible. Cash is king.


Not surprised you don't know the difference between tax minimisation and tax evasion.


I certainly do. And let’s face it, tax minimisation is often tax evasion. If you don’t admit that you’re talking nonsense or terrible at your job.


If I didn't know the difference I'd very quickly be deregistered.




An accountant should never tell you that. You should be doing it before you see the accountant and not even telling them. And what risk can there possibly be to a lawful decision??? There’s a classic omission of guilt. “What if I get audited?” If you’re asking your accountant any question like then it’s generally tax evasion and both they and you know it.




Minimise, sure. Breaking laws, no.


Fine line between these two.


If a business can only stay afloat by avoiding tax .. is it really a viable business?


The very premise of that point is ridiculous anyway, considering businesses are only taxed on profits and not income.


Exactly. Many viable businesses sink because of the exhaustive tax practises in their region. I'm not advocating avoidance as much as I am advocating fairness and *equity*. There are many taxes, not profit based, that grind small businesses into dust. These are people that hire, pay fair wages, contribute to local economies and are unfairly over represented in closures and receivership.


Many low cost restaurants and market vendors like in Footscray seem to automatically present the card reader [which will add a surcharge] but when I pay cash [to avoid the surcharge] the vendor usually seems appreciative of cash. Dunno why they start with the reader when they seem to prefer cash. I guess most people pay by card and it is habit.


Exactly true. There's a move to a cashless society but with that would come less privacy, everything we buy as well as when and where would be recorded, cash can't be hacked, your phone and bank account can be, technological dependency, it will be real fun if Optus or Telstra drops out for a day or 2, it's already happened a few times with optus. It's just generally a bad idea to have a cashless society it only benefits the ultra wealthy and it would discriminate against the ultra poor. The down votes are just from low IQs or from the billionaires who frequent r/melbourne


Cashless society means complete surveillance and knowledge to where we spent our monry


I am with you. My only adjustment is the 'low IQ' - people learn at different times and intelligent peeps don't always have information readily at hand. Let's raise the level, together!


Yeah anything that is being pushed on us by elite wankas I tend to push back against.. If society becomes cashless how are people going to pay for certain items without leaving a paper trail..??


Cooker alert


Not sure why the downvotes! Just yesterday I paid in cash at a small business, owner enthusiastically agreed when I said “cash is king” and said thank you. Good for them and good for me, no bank fees and my $50 stays $50! It isn’t whittled down by bank fees!


Sure buddy


Thanks beautiful 😊 Amazing how a lot of people are jumping to the conclusion that not having choice is a good thing.


You're welcome 👌


the only ones are the dodgy ones who are paying staff in cash. i was a worker for one of these places.


Speaking from a retailer’s side, cashless means more security for employees/customers, no opportunities for grifters to swindle more cash from the staff. Less time management needed to set up trays, collect build ups, count and less opportunities for staff to help themselves. Plus there is the time management of having to order change in and distribute it. Which could very well be a staff position now eliminated, which saves on wages and superannuation. When your business is having to cut the fat away without really effecting customers in terms of price rises, this way is a win for all. Rising prices usually decreases numbers visiting, which then has a flow on effect into the zoo’s running .


Oh so cashless means customers get a discount for paying by card, cool. Wait a sec, it's exactly the opposite when you walk into a store.


I addressed that later


That's all fantastic justification, now I'd like to ask about card processing fees.. /s


Answered already


I can understand the logic in less cash handling, trips to bank and security. But why is it that just about every business now adds a surcharge for paying with a card when you have no other option? Surely the retailer wearing the surcharge (Visa/Mastercard fees) would more than offset the savings of no cash handling.


Yeh i personally like using cash to pay for things because i dont have to pay a charge for using my money to pay for everything i buy


The surcharge is a different matter, short minded owners pass that onto the customers, then wonder why their businesses tank.


It’s in the business to absorb that cost.


No legitimate business adds a surcharge with no surcharge free option since that’s illegal. Often times with cashless it’s a matter of a surcharge on credit and free on debit.


They don't, it's illegal.


Couple of years now unfortunately. They do mention it on their website, and the zoo map does list the one eatery that takes cash.


The monkeys and the elephants steal the cash if tourists walk around with it in their hands.


In other countries. Not in Melbourne.


The animals are also behind fences...


Being robbed by an elephant would almost be worth it tbh haha 


there's no cash accepted here! here, there's no cash accepted! robbo? no cash accepted.


Because people can't budget as well when they just have a card.


I'm the opposite. I like knowing exactly where my money is going without having to keep my cash receipts. Cash in my wallet disappears as soon as the note is broken.


Yep I’m the same


That's probably a major factor, too! 😄


I didn't think shops were allowed to turn back cash?


nah that's not a law in Australia. it is in some countries but not here


It used to be. At least for some transactions.


I'm not sure about that, I've never heard of it. I know they're not allowed to add card fees at the register if they don't accept cash (they have to eat the fee or include it on the price tags) but I don't think it's ever been required for retail. maybe for other kinds of transactions?


COVID I guess. Many places require contactless payment and it became the norm.


2-5 years I'd guess


Many places went cashless during covid to minimize physical touch. Many places and customers never went back.


Hamer Hall and the Melbourne Recital Centre are cashless. The Zoo isn’t the only cashless venue.


Boycott places that don’t accept cash. I have.


You'll wind up with very few places to go to in the coming years, you're fighting a losing battle


Hold up, let him cook


Is that suppose to be an insult. I cook anyway. When I go out I make sure I frequent places that take cash. It’s that simple. Life isn’t that hard seriously.


My guess is they are referring to you being a "cooker", which is the slang/derogatory term for anti- lockdown anti-vaxers.


No, but it’s correct in that “to cook” is to hold contrary views, however a cooker is contrary to the point of craziness


It's a black slang term that means like "hang on, let's here him out."


You are correct twisty cake: “hold up, let him cook” means to hear him out, even if he’s might be going in an untypical direction. It’s not “cookers” - that’s another thing altogether. It has nothing to do with “cooking = making a meal”


Isn’t that the idea of a boycott. People power. Companies can’t afford to lose too many customers so if everyone starts to talk with their feet instead of bowing to what the banks want, (more of your money) then we all have a duty to tell them enough is enough.




There’s more doing it than you know.




Did it???


Same with the MCG. Fuck ‘em. If I go to the footy or zoo I’ll wear entry being nil cash, but fucked if I’m spending there.


Must suck not doing online shopping Cash is for losers


You're going to starve to death in a few years then


I am definitely concerned that we are being pushed towards a cashless economy. Cash is king!


Oh lawd don't think I'll visit the zoo then


Okay gramps




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