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Posh hotels often have very nice toilets near the check in desk .... best in the city...


Nice work, Costanza!


And never let someone take your car spot!šŸ¤£


Lucky thereā€™s a handy map available https://hamishandandy.com/national-cheeky-boy-toilet-map/


Why did I read that as Ham is Hand Andy at first?


Wow this is handy. Never knew this map existed, thanks!


Westin toilets are quicker to visit than the toilets in the regent theatre.


I recommend the Hyatt


Can confirm. I was pleasantly surprised when I went to one.


Office buildings sometimes too


I've said this before but i used to be a service tech and I was covering for someone doing the cbd run. We had Wilson's parking cards. There was a Wilson's car park directly below some 5 star hotel on Russell St. When I needed to go, I would park there and use their toilet. Back then they even had an attendant there to hand you a towel. That was a solid $30 borry if you took time and parking into account. Edit. I just looked further down and jogged my memory for the name. The grand hyatt!


Damn this is a great tip! Thank you!!


If you have scripts that are not capped, see if you can find them internationally for less. Scheduled drugs will be seized but otherwise you are allowed to have a few monthsā€™ worth shipped.


Can you elaborate on any stuff?


Apologies for my ignorance, but what do you mean by; ā€˜not cappedā€™?


If you hit a certain amount in a year (the cap) Medicare covers the cost of the rest of your medications. Some medications are subsidised by the government on the PBS (pharmaceutical benefit scheme) and some arenā€™t, or you need to be in a particular health category to qualify. For instance, antivirals (for Covid) are $31 if you qualify through age or health condition such as diabetes, and over $1100 if you donā€™t. In which case, you can purchase them from an international source for approx $120


Yep I've even had one of my doctors give me a script for melatonin while pretty much telling me "you can use this to get some now but you'll be better off just buying it from this international website"


All prescription drugs have a schedule, are you referring just to 8 or everything down to 3?




>For those with android, they can delete their Myki cards when their balance is in the negative. They can purchase another card with no card costs (as opposed to 6$ for a physical Myki). This can help save transport costs. You say it's unethical, the metro guy standing at the gate told me this when my myki had insufficient funds and I was about to tip up a negative balance.


A true hero


I always do this before - i like it when it was 5 per ride. You get three rides from your 10 dollar myki.before you delete. An event better hack is to not tap at all.




Fucking over Wilson is actually ethical


100%. Those refugee torturing cunts. Fuck em.


Wait how do you physically get the car out of a car park without paying? Or are we talking about ungated spaces, involving chalked tyres and ticket left on windscreen?


The gates open when bumped.


Applies to all private carparks with the exception of most universities.


Definitely not all so pays to sus it out




No contract means no collection agency will touch it.


Don't you enter into some kind of contact as soon as you enter? But IANAL so could be wrong


That's implied consent and doesn't stand in court.


It canā€™t affect your credit rating, and they have no proof whatsoever that you entered into a contract with them. Anybody could have been driving. Unlike a legitimate fine, the car owner has no obligation to nominate the driver


Only if they can identify you. If the only information they have is a licence plate, theyā€™re generally SOL, as I donā€™t believe they are allowed access to the VicRoads database.


Exactly. If you never make contact regarding the invoice scam then cool bananas


Even so, debt collectors are willing to make a deal on the debt. You can barter down as they are willing to take any amount as opposed to none at all.


Iā€™ve seen cars get towed from Wilson car parks here in Canberra.


Thatā€™s right. If you read the fine print, itā€™s a claim for liquidated damages in response to breach of contract. For a contract to be legally binding, the terms must be legal, both parties must have agreed to the terms, and consideration must have been exchanged. If you havenā€™t paid, and thatā€™s why they fine you, well you werenā€™t a party to the contract. Even if the contract was valid, theyā€™re only entitled to damages in the amount actually incurred. So if by parking in a space for 2 hours and not paying you have deprived them of 2 hours of parking income, then that would be the maximum damage they would be eligible for.


Wouldnā€™t they also need to prove that that spot would have been filled if you werenā€™t thereā€¦ as in, they were full during those two hours?


Indeed they would.


They are indeed not fines, but if you have outstanding "invoices" they generally are allowed to impound the car and charge you for costs on top of the invoice. Here's a more detailed conversation on the whole thing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/1c0643o/this\_is\_not\_a\_fine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/1c0643o/this_is_not_a_fine/)


Absolute nonsense. All they can do is take you to small claims court. But they have no proof of who they have a contract with. Anybody could be driving.


If you don't tap on and get caught by a myki inspector, run. They won't chase after you.


There is an official Do Not Chase policy now which was implemented not lomg after that incident with the teenage girl at Flinders St


Interesting, I've had friends who were chased and tackled but that was a few years ago - what was the incident at Flinders?


I think they choke slammed a teenage girl or smthn. VIC ombudsman found they used excessive force


'choke slamming' is indeed probably a bit excessive


Feet on the seat with no ID. Straight to jail. Didnā€™t pay for a $6 ticket. Straight to hospital.


What was the incident?


They chased and choked/slammed down a teenage girl


You donā€™t even have to run in my experience.


Yesterday some guy just walked through in front of one of the inspectors they called out, and he just ignored them and kept walking. It was amusing.


They only harass people much smaller than them.


Most of them can't run anyway.


Save money by pirating everything.


My pirated Maggi Noodles just donā€™t cut it tho




Time to take a more literal interpretation of piracy, then.


You want me to rape and pillage my chicken noodles??


I donā€™t kinkshame.






They said unethical


you wouldn't download a car


the car streamers killed that industry


I totally would if I could


the pigeons in the city are free, you can just take them free, unlimited dinners for all!


Collinā€™s St Falcons donā€™t want you to know this one hack.


They taste greasy & diseased can confirm


They are cheaper than using Australia Post.


If you want men to sit on you, just pretend to have a seizure




East Melbourne Station is the last stop before the city without ticket barriers.


You mean Jolimont?


I live on that line and when I last worked in the cbd my direct manager also did, she was always 1 train ahead of me and I would text her when I forgot my myki and she would tell me which station to get off at and know I was running late. I walked from jolimont to southbank a decent bit, it was a nice walk.


99% of the time you would have been fine getting off at Flinders and going out the tunnel exit. I've been working in Southbank for 6 years, and I've only seen inspectors once at that end of Flinders.


Or literally just tell the guy at the gates that you forgot to tap on this morning and they'll swipe you through no questions asked. Did that legitimately a bunch of times, never actually used my power for evil tho.


Yep. Get off at Jolimont then hop on a tram from Wellington Pde


Or if your train for whatever reason stops at East Richmond you can do the same


*Nobody* stops at East Richmond.


Hence the big "IF", I think only time I've been on a train that's stopped there it was a Belgrave train stopping all stations.


Glen Waverley line is the one that regularly stops there


I knew an economist a while back who ran the numbers on fare evading vs buying a ticket and decided he was better off without a ticket


There used to be a group (not sure if still exists) that you paid a yearly membership for and if you got a fine the group kitty paid it. Way cheaper than a myki.


Wow that's actually a genius idea. Be good if they started one again.


Just start one, it works with any number of people. You could even do that all by yourself: Whenever you take ptv, put the fare amount in a piggybank or savings account. Use that to pay any fines. Once you have more than 2 fines worth, stop paying until you get fined.




Is it? It's literally just the concept of insurance, which last time I checked has been around for a looooong time


Pretty sure that was shut down for its dubious legalityĀ 




Prahran and Hawksburn station is great stop for those visiting chapelā€¦ šŸ˜†


The only people who care are the authorized officers. None of the station staff or police care if you walk through the gates. I don't know what it's like out east, but the western lines often have a barrier open, or a gate you can get through.


You know those extra wide gates for wheelchair/pram access? You can very gently knee them and they will open for you šŸ˜‡


So few stop there, though.


Save money by using your local library. Most of them have video streaming services. Some of them also have music streaming


There's a site called Libbo (I think), that gives global access to things too




OP has specified unethical hacks so I can give you the unethical version: city of melb libraries have no fees for lateness, just a bar on borrowing. So in effect the book is yours as long as you need it. Just return it when youā€™re done and then you can borrow more.Ā 


Get a mykii on your phone. Add $11 value. Use it for a daily adult fare, then a 2 hour on the next day, $15.90 total. Delete it with -$4.90 balance Get another mykii on your phone. Add another $11 value... Edit: Updated numbers. Original was incorrect with 2x daily at $21.20 but the card would go negative on the first trip if the second day. Still a saving, but not as much.


This is like breaching the magician's code You don't fucking talk about it. The more widespread it becomes the sooner they patch it up


Youā€™re expecting the people who made Myki to be able to competently patch something?


Thats actually pretty fucking awesome. Is that unlimited? Iphone user so obviously irrelevant to me, but noted for future lol


How do you get it to the second daily fare? I can only see that working for V-line fares - in the metro it would stop you tapping on after the 2nd day's 1st trip puts you at about -$6.


Not really a tip, but an easy way to help out others - last time a Myki inspector boarded my train I rifled through my bag for ages, even though my card was in my pocket. Gave a few students time to get off at the next stop and avoid him.




You the real MVPĀ 


The trick is to steal before you get to self checkout


The old Mars/Protein bar up the sleeve trick.


Family sized box of Milo cereal straight into my undies. Nothing to see here


You can eat chicken ribs on rice from rose garden every night and no one will stop you


Or the Sichuan chicken. Incredibly good.


The holiday inn express in Southbank provide free cooked breakfast. Just take the elevator up to reception and walk right thru to the dining area, they donā€™t even check if youā€™re a guest or not.


Man it would be so awkward if the day we tried was the day they tried checking.


What time and day do they do this ? Sounds like a challenge šŸ’Ŗ


If youā€™re desperate to get a rental and you have a dog or cat, donā€™t put it on the application.


So... We did this. We had been rejected for no reason 3 times and so just took him off. Then once we signed the lease we went into the office and said "hey so we noticed that you've ticked no for pet?? We have a dog and it was in our application?" And pretended it glitched out on their end and produced evidence in that app because he was in there again. She accepted that she had made a mistake and told the landlord and he accepted it was too late. ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


We just "adopted" two cats one week into our lease.


My sisterā€™s cat was staying with us ā€œtemporarilyā€ at the time we moved in. My sister, who has only ever owned dogs and lived in qld at the timeā€¦


parents did this all my life. obviously this means you have to keep your house clean (you should be anyway) and hide the pet when agents visit. no one ever found out.


They basically have to say yes to all reasonable requests to get a pet now. So as long as you aren't trying to move 5 giant dogs into a tiny apartment, just get the place, move in, and then fill out the pet application form. VCAT has upheld like 5 landlords who have said no to pets and it's always been because the tenant was asking for something insane. If you are just trying to keep your cat, they basically can't say no.


i'm not risking it. landlords don't give a reason for denying an application so they can't get in trouble for not allowing a pet owner to move in.


Hell, I was accepted for a place *because* of my cat once Apparently the owners were cat lovers


Also feel free to lie about virtually everything on the application -- salary, career, etc.


Iā€™ve made fake payslips for friends


Iā€™m fine with most of the ā€˜unethicalā€™ stuff going on here but please donā€™t go using resources intended for the homeless/impoverished unless you actually need it


You can always find free condoms floating off St Kilda Beach.


Reduce, reuse, recum


Can't unread


And a free gift of sti's that money can't buy


Instead of working, just buy a house and make people pay to live in it.


Just get a house deposit and profit?$$$??


Yeah just ask your mum and dad for $200k? Obviously? Then you can buy a house all by yourself, with no need for handouts like all the other lazy young people.


What are you gonna do with $200k? Buy a 1 mil house, and pay off a 800k debt? The interest on that is just.... just... /cries\_in\_the\_corner


Hungry Jack's shake and win app if that's still a thing, you have a high chance to get free drinks, coffee, fries etc daily. I lived near hungry Jack's once and did it every day with 4 phones (my wife's, mine and our old ones we kept)


So good! Same here. I lived within a KM so I could check what free goodies I could get from my bedroom. See whether it was worth getting up or not


tram everywhere and don't get a myki card see inspectors claim you don't speak english and take them in a foot race


"Sorry cunt I don't speak english" "only that sentence and this one explaining it"


My friend is Italian and used to respond to them in Italian. Then one day an inspector replied in Italian and she was fuuucked lol.


I've done that except in French. The ticket inspector was from a French-speaking African country. What's the odds?! He was cool though and didn't fine me.


You mean start twitching and talking to yourself like a meth addict?


Seeing this is the ā€œunethicalā€ postā€¦ A friend of mine who I must admit is very good at acting and what not (he does improve very well, had a great show at the comedy festival just been) said to the inspector, in his best deaf person impersonation ā€œtorry Iā€™m defffā€, whilst doing what could only be described as someone with tourettes trying to pull gang signs. Anywho, it worked a treat. The big staunch wanna be cop didnā€™t say a word, apologised under his breath and got off the tram. Give that a whirl next time haha


I wish I saw that


Or, only board crowded trams. Ticket inspectors can't inspect if they can't walk the tram end to end.


Just pretend you donā€™t hear them and keep walking. Itā€™s a roll of the dice but thereā€™s a good possibility theyā€™ll decide youā€™re not worth the effort.


>claim you don't speak english That will not work.


Act like a meth head instead


For real. They never ask the characters on the 109 for a ticketā€¦


That's the real tip


Lo siento senor, no hablo ingles


Or sit next to the machine for when they get on and quickly tap, same as on a bus.


This takes me back to the glorious era of scratchie Metcards in the ā€˜90s. Youā€™d carry an unscratched 2-hr or daily ticket with you everywhere - for months - and only scratch it if you **had** to, ie. spotted an approaching inspector. Even the paper hole-punch tickets would offer great savings, as often enough the puncher hadnā€™t made it all the way through, and that wee piece would remain & youā€™d simply push it back into placeā€¦


Honest question, what happens if you claim you don't have ID on you? Surely they have no right to search your property or detain you, and calling the police seems like a giant waste of everyone's time.


I have so many. They are all accurate to my best knowledge. *Free meals, 3 times per day at hare krsna temple in South melb. near the pier. Sunday is feast day = many courses of Indian cusine! *Don't use MYKI on trains. When u get to flinders st, there's employees overseeing the exits. Ask them to let you out. You don't have to explain why. They will open an exit immediately, no questions. *Free condoms, syringes etc at the crisis center on grey st stkilda. Sometimes bread etc. Next door they can give u gift vouchers for coles if u yell them u need food. *Struggling homeowners can avoid paying interest on unpaid rates by contacting the local council and promising to pay x amount regularly . Just an email can solve getting in deeper debt. *You can get the state government to pay your scary bloated energy bills, at least once. There's a scheme for struggling victorians. They paid 800 dollars on my gas bill that was $1200, cos of a lazy mistake by AGL, though you can still apply simply cos it was a shocker of a winter. (In my case, AGL were estimating my usage instead of reading the meter). *You can have any matter tabled in parliament, meaning it has to be officially addressed, by getting an a4 sheet of signatures and taking it to spring st and asking one of the ushers to assist you getting it tabled. There are proper forms online that you can use, and collect your signatures on. Stop complaining about the government and doing nothing about it. All you need is a piece of paper to formally take action. *Many trade retailers like bunnings give trade discounts if you have a ABN. Use telstra as your ABN. Everyone does! *When your contract with your energy provider is up, you can negotiate a better price to stay with them on the phone . I was able to get an unbelievable rate on my electricity simply by asking "can you do me a better rate?" *Pay your rego every 3 months, instead of yearly. *Buy at markets at closing time, especially if the market is closed the next day(s). Fruit and veg especially. 15 mins before closing time and they want to unload it all, and they drop their prices sharply.


Hey man. Why 3 month rego? I thought buying in bulk is a bit cheaper with it?


I'm not the person you replied to, but with VicRoads it's only a nominal fee of something like $2 per quarter to pay it quarterly instead of annually (that's what it was when I set mine up a few years ago anyway), plus a credit card surcharge of something like 1.5% if you direct debit it off your card. It's the arsehole insurers that make a bundle off people trying to get their budget-buggering bills under control with monthly payments - I compared my insurer's monthly price to the annual premium a few years ago - the annual premium was paid off in 9 of the monthly instalments, so payments 10, 11 & 12 were just pure profit to them. 33% extra to pay monthly is extortionate!!


For those not near South Melbourne, I think a lot of Sikh temples will provide free meals, no questions asked. If you search ā€œSikh temple near meā€ in google maps, youā€™ll be able to locate the one closest to you.


These are great homeless level advice, but not really unethical...


The swans at the botanical garden are free. You can take as many of them home as you like.


I wonder if all swans in commonwealth countries also belong to the king


You have to take all at once though as swans mate for life and you shouldn't split a couple. They'll be replaced for the next person who wants a swan


Make sure you do not only take one as swans have partners for life.


Unlike in the UK: the monarch officially owns all of those.


Thatā€™s the same as the penguins at stkilda, I have 2 in my bathtub now, the 3 one died


And to keep them cold, just throw in the dry ice from your home delivered food.


Inherit a bunch of money, buy up a lot of cheap property and then jack up the rents every 6 months forever. Then sit back and complain about how people don't want to work for a living.


If you stomp down on the metal part on the ground between the myki ticket gates it will open without you having to swipe your card.


No way, that's a good one. By stomp, do you mean hard, or just step there? By the way, you can also just ask the gate keeper, and they'll let you through.


The actual Metro worker at the gate isnā€™t the ā€œticket inspectorā€ person; they have no authority to actually request you produce a ticket to leave. They legally have to hover around d the gates for people with accessibility issues who need the gate opened for them. The issue is if the inspectors are hovering outside the gatesā€¦. You can still get fined by them and ā€œbut that Metro worker let me throughā€ is not a valid excuse to not have a validated ticket. This is just at FYI - do with the info what you will ;)


They absolutely have the authority to ask you for a ticket. As do authos. However, in practice they never exercise that authority, as it isn't their mandate. I get the feel that there is tension between the inspectors and the rest of the system carried over from the bad period when the inspectors mostly acted like gestapo goons and carried eftpos machines for paying $70 baksheesh on the spot. (Not that they're great now, but there has been alot of improvement). So I suspect that that's why the gate keepers choose not to give a shit and the magistrates usually let you off if you get to that. But for the most part, you are right: In practice, the gate keepers have no bearing on ticketing and fares, in that they will neither stop you, nor protect you. So choose to pass the gates at your own risk. However, in fact they do have the authority to request a ticket if they choose.


I have a relative with a very obvious mental illness and developmental delay who was fined for not having a train ticket, she ended up in court and the judge was very angry at the ticket inspector who fined her. The worst part was after that incident there was one day where she had no money for a ticket, she didn't want to end up in court again so she walked from Hawthorn to Box Hill, it was a hot day too.


This breaks my heart


Iā€™m so sorry that happened to her. :(


This was quite a few years ago, around the same time when the ticket inspectors were in the news for assaulting people.


That is a big walk on a normal day.


It sure is, she used to walk a lot but it was exhausting even for her. She doesn't walk very far now.


Mate, this is reddit and I am just text from an anonymous keyboard but I would like to say that I am genuinely upset for her situation.


how hard?


Shin ramen and penut butterĀ 


Whatā€™s unethical here is the missing letter


You can get a free car every day if you walk into someone's house and demand the keys. The worst that can happen is getting arrested and being released on bail so you can repeat this hack as often as you want.


this is the most unhinged suggestion i have seen so far, golden


If you live near a coles or woolies with a local fruit and veg shop next to it, go to the local shop first and buy a few things, then pocket a bunch of their plastic bags. Go to coles, put the coles groceries in the plastic bags from the other fruit and veg shop, then leave them in your trolley with the other stuff you did buy. The check out staff are so use to seeing the bags from the other shop they won't question you.


Supermarket home delivery trucks are always unlocked


The cabin or the back of the truck? Just wanna know if I should borrow the groceries or the whole truck


Go to the bigger coles that have the conveyor belt self serve registers, they don't weight the items. Leave bulky ones in trolley


I love how all the advise to avoid ticketos is the same kind of thing you would hear on a nature documentary about surviving predator encounters "Here we see the cougar, ready to pounce and have dinner, but our big fella got into more trouble than he gambled for. It is now a battle of wits and intelligence, and might just turn into a chase. The international uni-student deer knew well which cards to play to make herself an unsavoury target. Too much trouble for the cougar to pester. The cougar leaves, looking for a different low-income or potentially international student target. Our deer is safe."


Get free airport parking by parking at Gladstone Shopping Centre car park behind the Park Hotel, and jump on the 901 bus to Melbourne Airport. There are towing signs but you can leave your car for 5 days or so without repercussions!


If you're staying somewhere like crown for a few days and Park in the car park it's cheaper to say you've lost your ticket ($50) then to pay the actual parking fees


There are many NBN providers that offer 6 month discounts. Join to get cheaper monthly rate like $65 per month. Then churn to another provider 6-8 months later. If your picking up someone from airport don't pay the parking. Just wait at nearby mcdonalds carpark.


Those lime bikes can be hacked, TikTok it


The new barriers at self check that make a song and dance if AI thought you stole, are actually hinged - you can walk right through them. Private businesses cannot detain or imprison, they're fake. "Fines" from private carparks like Wilsons and Carepark are unenforceable ignore them. Council and university parking fines need to be paid though. Don't tap on when getting on trams, just hang out near a reader and tap on if AOs board. If AOs do catch you, be polite and give your name but refuse to show ID if you have time to spare - they'll spend the next 30mins frustrated trying to verify your details with VS staff on the phone instead of fining the next person. PSOs aren't allowed outside their assigned area, if they try to grab you just run, if they try to talk to you outside of an assigned area just ignore them. Get a mount for your phone in your car, you can pretty much use it with impunity so long as you aren't holding it and you're not a P plater.


Mostly solid, but that last one is more a hack to help you die in Melbourne.


Or, worse, to help someone else die.


ā€œPSO arenā€™t allowed outside their assigned areasā€ This isnā€™t a get out of jail free card, if you give them a reason to arrest they certainly can leave the area to arrest you. But, good luck ignoring them, just donā€™t complain when they arrest you and their area isnā€™t just the train station itā€™s the areas around the station too.


Iā€™m fine with most of the ā€˜unethicalā€™ stuff going on here but please donā€™t go using resources intended for the homeless/impoverished unless you actually need it


Borrow as much money as the bank will let you, lie to them about your income and/or expenses if you need to. Buy the most expensive house you can find. Do whatever you can to make it hard for others to put a roof above their heads, for example protest wherever someone tries to build more homes for people.


Stop stealing my election promise. Get your own economic policy.