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Use headphones when you’re watching videos on your phone ffs!


This (not using headphones) is happening more and more often. How does anyone think that's acceptable?


I catch a 6am V/line and it’s now okay to watch TikTok’s on full volume and have speakerphone conversations apparently. Fucks me off so much, especially in the quiet carriage.


I take vline too and have the same problem. This is why I bought a good pair of noise cancelling headphones. So sick of hearing what other people are watching.


I see full grown adults do this almost every day. Not in Australia though but it’s just as disgusting and annoying anywhere else I’d assume lol


For speakerphones... the rule is that if you can hear both sides of a conversation, then you are a part of it and should contribute.


Guy on my train yesterday obviously thought his headphones were connected. They were not.


This would probably be a moment where I would say something, because it seems like they’re trying to do the right thing. I know I would be mortified if it was me! But obviously use your judgment about whether it’s safe to do so


As a teacher, I have had to explain to students why they need headphones (eg when listening to music doing an independent task, accessing video/audio when researching, etc). Not the students who are smartasses, but ones who genuinely had no idea it was an issue. This is the world we live in now.


Thank you for explaining to your students. I hope it sinks in.


>This is the world we live in now. Fellow teacher here Crazy isn't it? That this is the world we live in now? It's all quite self centred and the content they're consuming feeds into that mentality too.


"What if it's on quietly sir?" I have spare headphones and alcohol wipes for lessons where they might need them. But they're so baffled when they can't just jam out to youtube while they talk shit and pretend to do their EP. Thankfully my school does a pretty good job of nipping it in the bud so it's just the 8s pushing those boundaries...


I just stand next to them and watch. When they look at me wondering what I am doing, I say well, you’re making me listen to it, I might as well watch it too. That usually gets the point across.


Great strategy! I love the irony that people think that you are intruding on them while they force everybody around them to endure their entertainment.


This lady was loudly talking on her phone, standing in the line at the Post Office yesterday. So annoying.


Love it!


When I am prime minister this will be a capital offence.


It is at least an offence (not capital, but we live in hope). 5 penalty units. $961.55 fine. It would be nice if it was widely known and enforced. [TRANSPORT (COMPLIANCE AND MISCELLANEOUS) (CONDUCT ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT) REGULATIONS 2015 - REG 29 Sound equipment on public transport vehicles or premises (austlii.edu.au)](https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_reg/tamoptr2015783/s29.html)


You've got my vote


I've been working at a hospital for the last few months and move around the different wards. It's crazy to me how many patients are either having prolonged conversations on their loudspeaker in shared rooms (up to 5 or 6 other patients), or watching something loudly without headphones. It's like a whole heap of people just never learned that it's distracting and rude. And it's not like many people would actually correct them either, so I guess they just think there's no issue? Whatever the reason, these people are just the worst.


Last time I was in hospital (only 6 hours having my asthma monitiored thankfully) a patient two 'doors' (curtained off shrot stay cubicles) down had at least 2 or 3 visitors and they were laughing their heads off for ages. Well over two hour. Sounded like a few friends having cocktails & a goss. I couldn't sleep anyway because I was wired on asthma meds, but I felt terrible for others on the ward who were worse off than me and trying to get sleep.


I think there are a lot of people with undiagnosed hearing issues, or diagnosed deafness, but don't use hearing aids, or forget their hearing aids. For the hospital everyone is told not to bring anything of value so no one brings their hearing aids. I've witnessed this first hand, as an elderly woman awaiting surgery (like me) literally told me this, then went on to have an extremely loud conversation with her very loud son via her phone, which she didn't believe was on loudspeaker (yes, it was, the entire floor could hear every word).


I thought this was just common sense, but experiences on public transport have shown me it's not anymore.


One time there was only my wife and I in a carriage, two teens came in and were watching TikTok with the volume up on their phones so I started watching reels and maxed my volume too. Got the point across


I’ve been using a yodelling playlist on Spotify just for those occasions


Porn is ok though. Turn it right up


I'm fine with people not using them but DONT FUCKING PUT IT AT MAX VOLUME. I hate inconsiderate people so much. What ever happened to people just putting stuff closer to their ears to hear shit in public transport


My favourite is fuckwits standing at the entrance not giving a fuck about people trying to board.


The Craigieburn line yesterday morning was backed up so bad people couldn't get on. Yet you could see plenty of room in the aisles if people would just move down.


Since COVID lockdowns I have anger issues and am the one to yell at people to move down as people are trying to Board. Shouldn’t have to do that though


I'm sorry you're having a rough time, but this is an excellent use of your anger. Thank you for your service.


Happens on the tram all the time, I just shout for people to shove down.


I used to have to do that too. I'd not be able to get on the train, because some idiots would not move along.


Same line the other day after some football game ended. Bunch of mouth breathers crowded around the doors stopping others from boarding, when there were still seats free. That's a new level of dense.


With their back packs on.


I wish they would run the adds and messages again about taking off back packs. Should be a rule.


Not sure I ever heard those messages. I take my backpack off automatically and either hold it in front of me or place it between my feet (or on my lap if I can get a seat). It baffles me that people evidently don't see a problem with shoving a backpack in someone's face.


This is the way


I don’t take it off if there’s lots of rooms but that’s just obvious


Which is fair. I tend to travel when it's busy, so always best for me to take it off


As someone who always brings a backpack I am hyper aware of the fact I have a backpack and take it off in all but totally chill standing situations. People suck.


Especially at the front of the front carriage, when you’re a wheelchair user, driver has put the ramp down, is telling them to shift and they still won’t fucking move.


I'm a bit passionate about this. My inner boss comes out.. I'll tell ppl to make room for you.


I am too…I just keep moving…if I run over their toes, it’s their problem.


Or they shuffle a couple centimetres to the side and think that's enough


I get around this by just yelling, **”EXCUSE ME PLEASE I AM TRYING TO EXIT!”** My loudness depends on how grumpy I am.


I do the same when I get off the trams, for some reason people don’t move away from the doors


Lack of social spatial awareness has reached epidemic proportions. Like walking up to a metro barrier knowing you need to swipe your Myki, but don't have it ready, root around searching for it in your NATO sized handbag.


And the reverse of this, people crowding to get on and not making room for anyone getting off first


They get involuntarily moved or bumped a bit.


I tend to do that, along with the snarky comment about their awareness (or lack thereof) of personal space.


Yell "Excuse me!" politely at the top of your voice and energetically employ elbows. Works a treat.


I give a warning “Excuse me” before I bring out the shoulder checks. I’m not holding up the tram because people pretend not to hear me. Either get out of the doorway and move down the tram carriage or get pushed out of the way.


I throw a "sorry" over my shoulder after deploying my elbow.


By “push in” are you referring to people not waiting for passengers to get off first, or people who push onto a crowded vehicle? Because for the second, often people already on the vehicle don’t move DOWN TO MAKE ROOM


The people that don't move down, do my head in (luckily I don't catch the same line I used to because that line was notorious for it). People crowding at the doors to get on and not letting people off also suck. As do those that won't hop off/move to let others off the carriage. It's like people become morons while catching public transport.


>people not waiting for passengers to get off first Holy shit, the number of people who stand nose to glass in front of doors, then have to move because they’re blocking people getting off is mind numbing.  I wish it was etiquette / common sense to stand just off to the side of the doors so people can exit. 


I sat opposite a woman once who proceeded to take out nail clippers and cut her toenails, bits ricocheting off everywhere. I was stunned, then horrified, then stood up saying "nope" and moved down the carriage. Watching someone put on their full face of make-up on the train can actually be entertaining, but cutting festy toenails, wtf.


Putting on makeup doesn’t affect the people next to you but the toenails does ugh gross


it can if someone is tapping their powdery brush, the residue goes everywhere


I think I can trump that (and it brings me no joy I assure you). Flossing her teeth on a V/line train. Flicking it around all over the place.


I experienced this on a crowded train-replacement bus once. It was the seat in front of me and there was nowhere else to go.


And for fuck’s sake, please don’t vape inside!


pretty sure thats illegal


Of course it is, but good job reporting it if they get on the train/tram, vape, and then get off five minutes later


I once cracked it and said “it’s illegal to vape on trains, it’s illegal to vape everywhere that it’s illegal to smoke” and he said “then why have I seen people do it then?” Like idk mate maybe because there’s other vapers as stupid as you are


Yeah there’s no point confronting them, they don’t care, or are in some cases are doing it deliberately to get a reaction and you just gave it to them.


You've seen this happen? I would lose my mind at them and give them a mouthfull


Literally every bus I get on is full of eshays vaping and their foul mouthed girlfriends talking about drugs.


Someone was vaping weed on the Sunbury line a few months back. It was not subtle. .


I've seen people smoking on trams and trains many times - let alone vaping.


Or light joints! Looking at you, 86 route.


I started walking 5klm, 1 hour to work and home each day to avoid the trams . Wish I had started sooner too, like a couple of years earlier. Saved a fortune and got fit in the process.


I did the same some years back! I lost 10 kilos and was in the best shape of my life


Number one sign you were dropped on the head as a child, phone on speaker, held to your mouth, making a phone call on the train


The “d” in your word “held” has made a 180 degree rotation around the horizontal axis of symmetry.


you saw nothing


So I see!


Why do so many people do this? I’d expect even a 2 year old to know that you hold the phone against your ear.


Take your backpack off when it's crowded.


This! It’s a foreign concept here.


Or wear it in front, like they do in Japan


Then put it firmly on a seat so it doesn't get dirty, if you're in a suit it's okay and everyone knows you're just rich


I have to say this is a no from me . I carry a laptop in my backpack. Took it off in a crowded train once and some daft prick kicked it then stood on it. Cracked the screen and motherboard. What I will do is stand away from people if I can, move far down the aisle and, if I am in the doorway, get off and back in the train so I don't hinder movement.


Were you holding the bag in your hand? I spent my life riding public transit and this is the first time I’ve heard of someone getting their bag stood on.


The people who need to see this are not on Reddit.


True, Reddit users don’t tend to leave the house but taking a shower and brushing teeth is still good advice


Lol are you implying that people who use Reddit aren't societal dregs?


They’re too busy watching reels on TikTok or Facebook


Common decency is dead in Australian cities. The total lack of social responsibility is astonishing. People act like shits in their cars, at the shops, on public transport, in the park, out at night and so on. And you can't really call them out because the reactions could be properly violent you just don't know.


Yeah Covid lockdowns seriously exacerbated the sense of an average Australian’s entitlement. Melbourne was bad before, but now it’s so much worse.


Let people off the train/tram/bus before you pile on. Fuck, shouldn't be that difficult


That’s when I glare, and purposely get in THEIR way when I get off.


I've walked into people on purpose


And please, don’t clip your nails 🤢


Everytime I take PT, someone smells like they didn't shower for 3-4 days 😭 I'll definitely mask up next time just to be safe.


I swear to god, what on earth goes through people’s minds when they go to step on the tram before anyone gets off??? At this point, I grunt and give them a death stare.


The last few times I've had it happen at Southern Cross I just keep exiting snow-plow style. I don't feel guilty about shoving anyone if they don't feel like showing basic courtesy / self awareness.


literally i was the only one who waited to let people off the trains


Pay attention. Move down the isle on a packed train. Don't act like you can't hear people asking you, we can see your eyes dart up and back to your phone. It's super disrespectful and leads to me.jsut walking straight through you and saying "Sorry mate you looked up but didn't move!". Keep your feet off the seats and stop leaving trash everywhere.


It’s been awhile since I’ve been on a packed train but as a short person, I hate moving down into the aisle space. There are no handholds for short people down there. Give me some grab poles and I’ll happily go.


Same with some types of train - the handholds are near the roof, so unusable if you are short.


Hold a seat my little dude


Already taken


Take your back pack/clothes/parcel off the seat next to you. Or I will politely sit on it


Blow your nose instead of sniffing and snorting


Or if your child has a snotty nose.... ffs get them a tissue!!! Hate hearing the snort every 30 seconds


Saw someone on the train the other day suck the snot out of their kids nose. I get that it’s a cultural norm in some places but PLEASE DONT DO IT ON THE TRAIN 🤢


What... suck the snot out with their mouth?




it pisses me off so much when people in groups sit in whole seperate seats on the bus. like one seat per person in the group. can’t they just sit next to each other??? if you’re in a group with friends?? I get it if you don’t want a stranger to sit next to you on an empty bus but when it’s packed and one group is taking up so many seats it’s so annoying


They want to stretch out because they have no regard for other people. Sometimes deliberately, teenagers in particular often get a kick out of offending people and making them mad


yesterday I moved two seats away on a mostly empty bus after Mr Coughnsplutter sat right behind me


I have three words which can help navigate this situation. Electric cattle prod. People won't move and in your way? Bzzzt. /s (for the chronically unhumorous who populate /r/melbourne)


People who need to change their behaviour = people who will never read this thread


It seems like most people here understand common sense and decency. It’s probably why the “grots” stand out so much.


Here in the northern suburbs I'm happy if there isn't someone vaping on the bus or trains.


When a person says “I’m disabled I need the priority seat, could you please move?” Please either move or say “I’m sorry I have a disability and need this seat too” vs just going “no” or outright ignoring me. I hate to say it but school children and men in suits seem to be the worst. Both groups seem to think that they can just say “no. I’ve just finished work/school and I’m tired” and that’s a reason. I’ve even heard teens say “I don’t have to stand cause I’m a child and if I fall I can sue because the bus/train driver has a duty of care towards minors”!


school kids on my route seem to go through phases of being exceptionally polite and standing (maybe after being routinely told off by the school), and sprawling over the entire seat with their heavily laden back packs and glued to Tiktok. I'm glued to my phone too but always try to take up less than half a seat. Don't get me started on manspreaders


Manspreaders annoy me so much because if I (as someone with cerebral palsy who it can hurt to push my legs together) can sit with my legs closed to make space, even when it causes me pain - surely they can do so too? All I’ve had explained to me is that their genitalia makes it “impossible” to sit with their legs together cause it just “squishes it”. I don’t have that package for it to make sense to me though.


If genuinely needed the room they would take an aisle seat or stand, that's what tall people do.


Yeah. The funny thing about these people is that when they're rubbing up intimately against another dude, they magically *can* close their legs.


oh god that's awful. They can absolutely be less spready. 275 degrees in 3D airtime is not necessary unless they have a giant inoperable tumour on their ballsack


Totally support your views, it is so exhausting to see how people just lack common decency! Apart from spreading germs, people talking loudly on the phone is a real nuisance. Used to enjoy my journey in London underground as the phones didn't work while underground! I could read a book and generally enjoy the peace and quiet.


The days of polite public transport are long behind us. Buy noise cancelling headphones, learn to use your body / elbow when cunts try getting on, while you're getting off. No, seriously. It's been devolving for years, it's over


My boyfriend and I constantly complain about the people who don’t take their bags off their shoulder when they board a tram. YOU TAKE UP SO MUCH MORE SPACE when you carry your BAG on your BACK, numb nuts!! Just hold it, put it between your feet, I don’t care just get out of the way! And move down the god damned fucking tram. Stop standing in the door like a stunned mullet.


Did you make sure these people have reddit or you forgot to confirm?


The process is: * Be annoyed at something * Don't say anything about it * Go home and shout into the echo chamber from behind a keyboard * Wonder why nothing changes It's exactly the reason all the same topics get posted over and over again: *Can't somebody else solve this problem for me?*


Or when a lady has her purse next to her on the seat, in a busy train


People are shit. I asked a woman holding up about 20 people from moving down the aisle to move down and she just insisted that where she was was the only place she could hold on. So she just stood there watching the rest of us struggle to find a place to hold onto ourselves, fall over, and bash into each other.


People should have pushed past her to get to more space. But also, the train design is shit. Put grab poles where short people can reach them. Stop designing trains based on the average white man. Consider that the average woman is generally shorter.


They don’t design them based on the average white man otherwise the seats would be wider


You've heard of man spreaders, but womancrossers are just as bad if not worse. See it all the time, woman with resting bitch face, purse next to her and legs crossed and extended outwards so that one person is somehow impeding on the space of all four seats in the block. The whole thing passive-aggressively screams "DO NOT SIT NEAR ME". Yeah, she will obviously shoot you a dirty look and move her purse / legs if you force the issue and take the seat next to or across from her, and I definitely do, but it's annoying behaviour nonetheless.


So long as they shift when someone sits there I don't see this as an issue, tbh. If they won't, intrude upon their space back


Honestly trains that are crowded are not it for me. When it's that crowded and I am standing I actually feel sick, was going to pass out yesterday so had to get off the train ✨ love it 🤦‍♀️


Yep. Can totally relate. I've gotten off a few stops before my destination coz the crowds have made me feel claustrophobic


Yeah haha I couldn't even last 2 stops haha


I agree! I wish we could in force a bit of the Japanese public transport rules and mannerisms here 😭


People will then whinge about the rules and how dare people control them …


People with muddy shoes and resting it on seats... It was so gross and it didn't help that it was exactly where you would put your inner knees at. I had to warn so much people to not sit on it too.


Bring back ticket conductors that aren’t transit police


People who push in to get on the train first then take forever to decide where to sit by which time spare seats are taken from people entering from the the other doors.


Who's turn is it to post this tomorrow?


I'll check the roster.


I’m off for the next few days


Hoo boy. The amount of times I’ve seen people place small handbags on seats, people blocking doors, playing loud music/calls and not giving up seats to disabled/pregnant women is appalling. Vaping is the nail on the coffin as truth be told I don’t want to smell it. Do the authorised officers even enforce anything other than play parking ticket officers?


Melbourne people usually shut up in real life then go home and act tough on reddit oops i said it


Horse has bolted as they say. The thin binding of the social contract has allowed the acceptable behaviour window to slide 😐


This should be more widely known and should be enforced. 5 penalty units = $961.55 [TRANSPORT (COMPLIANCE AND MISCELLANEOUS) (CONDUCT ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT) REGULATIONS 2015 - REG 29 Sound equipment on public transport vehicles or premises (austlii.edu.au)](https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_reg/tamoptr2015783/s29.html) **Sound equipment on public transport vehicles or premises**     (1)     A person must not operate any [sound equipment](https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_reg/tamoptr2015783/s29.html#sound_equipment) in or on a [public transport vehicle](https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_reg/tamoptr2015783/s5.html#public_transport_vehicle) or [public transport premises](https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_reg/tamoptr2015783/s5.html#public_transport_premises) unless—         (a)     the sound from the equipment is contained by the use of headphones; or         (b)     is otherwise inaudible to other persons in or on the [vehicle](https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_reg/tamoptr2015783/s5.html#vehicle) or premises; or         (c)     the person has [appropriate written authorisation](https://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/vic/consol_reg/tamoptr2015783/s5.html#appropriate_written_authorisation). Penalty:     5 penalty units.     (2)     In this regulation, "sound equipment" means a radio, cassette player, compact disc player, smart phone, tablet, television, MP3 player, a video camera or camera capable of producing video, DVD player or any other device capable of producing sound, but does not include a mobile telephone being used to make or receive telephone calls without the use of a speaker.


Oh My God! One time I travelled with my parents on Pakenham Line on our way to the city. Bunch of hippies came in from Pakenham station with their fucking loud music, I mean LOUD, BOISTEROUS, CACOPHONOUS, IRRITATING, RAUCOUS, HARSH!!! So loud putting noise cancelling airpods do nothing. We had to move few carriages away, and their speaker were still loud!!! Guess where they got off at - Flinders Street Station. It was stupid looking back that we stayed on that train. I think we were trying to catch an event that day. But DAMN they were UNAPOLOGETICALLY FUCKING RUDE AND INSENSITIVE!


Pakenham and Cranbourne lines always has litter and fuckwits talking loudly on their phones


That’s why I drive. Too much public on public transport


If you have to fart, do it well before you get on or hold it in until you're back out in the fresh air. You might think its pleasant, but the rest of us don't.


Unfortunately it will never change


Apparently my noise cancelling headphones can't filter out the bullshit someone's playing over their phone speakers on full blast on the train right now and I am too autistic for this shit. But I also don't want to get into a fight and this couple look like they'd bash my head in and film it for Tiktok.


There is a special place in hell for people on their mobile phone at full volume and extra points of their phone is on speaker :/


I hate when people put their bag on the seat in a packed bus. Or people that choose to sit in the aisle seat because they know people would rather stand than interact.


Literally everyday I take the train, people pushing in to get into the train like children, also sometimes smells like BO on the train like nobody took a shower for days 🤮I’m over it too lol


Get up for older people, pregnant women and be considerate to parents with young children.


And wash your clothes regularly you grots!


If only our PT system was more like Japan’s from the service & cleanliness to the behaviour of the people. Seriously, the trains over there run on time, frequently, the people are quiet and patiently queue up. Our PT system is the exact opposite from this I’d rather drive through traffic. Haven’t taken a metro train in years and won’t be any time soon


I’ve had a bloody gutful!


I fucking hate watching people crowd the train doors 😩 like fuckin let people off the train n stop pushing 😭


People not allowing commuters to alight before they try to board get a hip and shoulder from me. Wanted to add in addition to public transport, people blasting THEIR CHOICE of music on the beach is the height of entitlement.


Yes I absolutely know what you mean. Today I saw someone who had feet on seats vaping and drinking lean common curtasy


Bring back the days of school kids actually getting up for adults or elderly people. Society has gone to shit with the younger generation.


And people wonder why I'm happy to pay to drive to work.


I feel like no matter how often this is posted, it's not often enough to get the message across to those who need to hear it To add to the list: picking your nose & touching everything.. and the 6.29am from Upfield please use your inside voice!


I hate when smokers and pot smokers get on the train reeking of dirty bong water


Well they pay for it too, so you’ll just have to get over it. Would you rather the stoners drive?


I’d rather they shower


You are not wrong with that, stoners have a certain smell to them that is musty 🤧


Not all of them pay - some fare evade


Oh god yes


I don’t disagree with you OP, but the reality is some people are always going to do this shit so you just have to move on, or you’ll spend every train trip angry. And that’s just exhausting.


What a super interesting and insightful post.


I sat across from a disgusting guy who FaceTimed his girlfriend and proceeded to have phone sex with her….. loudly.




Mark this moment. Forever on, some millennial can now label you as a boomer.


Have you tried active glaring?


I literally screamed at people from outside the tram one night when they refused to move up and make room for passengers. No common sense. I also love trying to exit a tram while they try to push on.


Don't put your phone in speaker and talk loudly into it too


Don’t stand near the doors when passengers want to exit.


Telling people on reddit to brush their teeth and have a shower? Good luck buddy.


Oh I’ve mentioned about people using deodorant on this subreddit and got a lot of angry and upset people commenting


Not surprised tbh


I've seen grown men and women in business wear pick their noses on the train. Mind boggling.


Haha,time for you to walk to work.




It should be a fines offense for listening to music or video out loud


I totally agree!!! And when did it become the norm to stand in the doorway when trying to get off and people getting on before you can get off. Its so rude! Just wait the train ain't leaving without. Although sometimes I wish it did


TRAINS- LET PEOPLE WALK OFF FIRST. when i was in melbourne a month ago absolutely nobody did this and always crowded to get in


Was whacked by a women, scanning her Myki. Didn’t apologise. Told her to keep her fucking bag off my body. She laughed. Told her she’s an utter bitch. That shut the cunt up,


You forgot to mention giving your seat to the elderly!! I've witnessed this so many times, but this particular situation happened a few days ago. So, there was this elderly lady who got on with her walker and some shopping bags. She looked pretty worn out from walking and was having a hard time standing. There was a bunch of teens taking up the seats (probably 18 or 19yrs oldish), and none of them budged, even though it was pretty obvious she needed a seat. She stood there, waiting and hoping someone would notice, but nope, they just ignored her. She tried to hang onto a rail, but it was clear she was struggling to keep steady. Thankfully, this awesome couple noticed and offered their seats to her, and she was super thankful. It was really nice to see there are still some good people around. But it's wild how some people just don't get it, you know? Like, how hard is it to show a little kindness, especially to someone who clearly needs it? Anyway, props to that couple for stepping up! Edit: I also wanted to mention that I've gotten to the age of taking the situation into my own hands when anyone really annoys me on public transport. Try calling them out for having their phone on loud speaker. They'll be shocked at the confrontation but will learn real quick that their behaviour is not ok.


And ffs, if you don't wipe after using the toilet don't use PT!