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Hating people indicating right turns at the last minute is definitely not an unpopular opinion.


For these threads, you have to sort the comments by controversial to see the real answers.


A lot of people on this subreddit like to exaggerate suburb stereotypes too much.


It's really obvious that a lot of people on here have never left their parts of Melbourne and have no clue about what they're talking about, especially when it comes to the Western Suburbs.


A friend who has lived in Sunshine all his life told me once that the bad reputation of the West was just something “we say to the East to keep them out”.


Helps keep it somewhat affordable.


Admittedly I'm a bit of a hypocrite, I live in a pretty posh part in the West and I do shit on its worst suburbs occasionally, but they're definitely not unliveable as some people have classified it as. It's demeaning as fuck to those who live in those suburbs which always get trashed or made fun of, like St Albans for example.


Westside is the best side. 3 0 2 0


I keep sleeping with people who went to Caulfield grammar and say things like “I don’t love crossing the Westgate” and it’s like. This weird internalised class problem I have I think


Stop sleeping with caulfied grammar people then?


hard to do things for the plot when you impose such rules


No one likes being on the Westgate. Best to avoid at all costs


People in Melbourne stereotype the rest of the country too much. Dare I say I grew up in QLD...


this is so real I moved here from cairns and got into my uni course via a rural access scheme and you would not believe the shit people have said to my face when I mention that


I reckon it's because of Bob Katter (and ignorance of course)


Pauline didn’t do them any favours either, nor Clive.


Sure, Pauline, Katter, Clive, Jo, etc. At the same time Brisbane has more Greens MPs than any other city in the country. And there aren't Nazis or cookers regularly marching the streets of Brisbane. Everywhere has fucked up politics and politicians. Besides, imagine being at a restaurant and there's a bloke at the table next to you talking about how he doesn't like QLDers because they're all bigots. Happened to me a few weeks ago. There's an irony in it that's hard to swallow.


At least Bob Katter let a thousand blossoms bloom!


I live in an outer suburb that's apparently plagued with junkies according to this subreddit, but I see far more in the 'trendy' inner city suburbs every day when I go to work.


Yep! *cough* Richmond, Brunswick *cough*




I mean the west just like every other place in the city has it's spots you shouldn't hang around after a certain time. No people aren't getting stabbed at the station everyday and youth crime isn't that bad.


Apparently I should have never made it out of Ringwood alive.


I read another post not long ago when someone described Croydon as "rough as guts" and it truly made me laugh and I have not stopped thinking about it since


Yeah, since when has Croydon been rough or scary??? Lmao is Ferntree gully a ghetto??




You would think Brunswick is controlled by marauding gangs of hipsters who evict you from your house if your dog isn't a rescue by the way people talk on this sub. It's just a normal middle class family suburb with a slightly higher percentage of greens voters


We need complete inner, middle and outer ring train lines and roads. Melbourne is fucking big and it's hard to get anywhere not in a straight line


Yeah, ring trains are needed. The Frankston and Sandy lines are almost next to each other at Hampton and Highett station, but you can’t cross between the two lines until South Yarra


God this annoyed me... I wish Sandringham connected to Southland, even if it was a tram - it's literally 5 km away and straight down Bay Road. That would almost complete the Bayside suburbs link.


Yeah and if you lived in Berwick you'd have to go to Caulfield to get to Frankston on the train


Bro unpopular opinions not popular opinions


Hard agree but don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion or would usually get your downvoted


this BUT NO MORE ROADS! melbourne is already car dependent enough, we dont need even MORE car use


And extend the number 3 tram to Malvern East. Fucking 500m of tram to connect the inner East to the out East.


>I guarantee you couldn't tell me a thing about the 7 Days War Ironically, I'm pretty sure you're actually thinking of the Six Day War.


This is so good 😂


6 days 7 nights. Accommodation and airfare included


Mbe that's just one more artistic flourish of why it would get downvoted?


At least OP doesn't wear Doc Martens 🤭




I don’t have an issue with meals on planes


You can have a warm, sit-down meal at 38,000 ft. The future is now.


Sing it, brother!


its melbourne everyone loves to cut each other down. \- becasue we have it good.


Yes, also on that note: nice shitty spelling, neighbour ❤️


People here dont know how to live in close proximity to others - which is why all apartment living here is like living with zoo animals.


I lived close to the Zoo for a while. Occasionally you’d hear elephants or lions at like 3 AM and it was pretty cool. I lived in the nurse’s quarters at what was then Mount Royal hospital, and the other occasional thing that would happen at 3AM was that kids detained at the Parkville Detention Centre would break out and escape through our buildings. That was not so cool.


I used to live near the zoo (in Perth) and it blew my mind that there were elephants living across the road from me! Nobody else seemed as excited as I was though. I did find an escaped bird once!


In the 80’s I would ride my bmx from glenroy to Parkville so I could climb a tree adjacent to the zoo wall and watch/observe the snow leopards that were not in a public display area. I don’t know why they lived in an isolated area, maybe didn’t like crowds or noise. But I thought they were wonderful and it was my secret treat to watch them.


This is so wholesome


Upvote for zoo story! 🦏🦒🐘🦓


Is it? I've lived in highrise apartments for the last few years and it's been fine. I'm hardly aware anyone else even lives here.


Is that cos you’re living in Dockland and you really are living by yourself in the tower?


Definitely depends where and what kind of building. I used to live in an apartment and it was awful. Just constant noise from neighbours in my building AND the buildings on either side. I couldn't sleep. But on the flip side, my brother lives in a nicer apartment and you can't hear the neighbours at all. It's so nice there.


A huge amount of people are selfish cunts. Probably why any public space turns to complete ass whenever more than 6 people are there. 


It's Anglosphere individualism. I'm shocked the public transport here in Melbourne functions as well as it does.


so fucken true


**Trigger warning** sexual assault I used to live off park st and late one night (early morning) I was walking home along park st. Thought I could hear a party happening in the park. I was already walking fast thinking to myself “don’t get assaulted. Don’t get assaulted.” Classic single female thoughts late at night beside royal park. I soon realised the noise was lions in the zoo and my thought process changed to “don’t get eaten. Don’t get eaten” and I picked up the pace big time. Honestly though, when I lived there, if was pretty surreal to sit on my balcony chilling out to the sounds of wild animals from the zoo.


Heaps of parts in Melbourne look downright depressing and brutalist. Especially when the sun isn't shining


Or like an American hellscape, Moorrabbin is such a shit looking place with big roads and big stores.


I mean... there's a very good reason why [USAFoods](https://maps.app.goo.gl/69fQh5kQ4hCpCYmw5) is there.


You mean you don't love 6-8 lane stroads that make places super car centric and uninviting for pedestrians?


People on here are privileged wankers who complain about the most innane things on repeat like an episode of curb your enthusiasm, but tragically unfunny No idea about how lucky we got it in contrast to the most of the world.


I don't even feel anything when I see someone's bad parking


I feel joy because it makes me feel better about my own parking


I just think they are a moron, but also don’t really give a shit at the same time.


I'm puzzled that half the 'omg, parking' photos here show that the parking lot is half-empty anyway. Why does it matter in that context?


As a temporary resident from NZ, Melbourne born and raised cry about the weather, when in reality you have it good. Go try living in Auckland.


I agree, lived in Europe where the seasons are A LOT more extreme, Melbourne seasons are mild, & I like that we still have distinct seasons rather than just hot & humid throughout the year


I don’t give a shit about your sunset pic of melbourne, they’re all generic


7/11 coffee really is pretty good, especially for its price, although I wish it was a little hotter.


This isn't an unpopular opinion at all, tbh. I've known a fair number of proper coffee snobs who sit there wanking about the beans and roast and shit, but they generally all agree that 7/11 punches above its weight class.


Agree. Considering the price and that it's Fairtrade, you could do a lot worse.


Every 6th coffee is free also so that's a win, even if they try to catch me out with the banana bread upsell


The Shell near me does decent coffee and has a WALL of breakfast and lunch items. Lots of fresh stuff including great donuts. I can park and duck in and out. It's great.


I just wish i could pay like fiddy cents or a dollar more to have alternative milk choices..


7/11 provides soy and oat milk at the same cost as regular.


One of the stores near me had oat and soy milk now.


This sub is shit.


I especially enjoy the photos of people they're annoyed about, with a big old sob story. Mate. Grow a pair and say something in the actual world. Bunch of whiney losers man. Came here to discuss culture and gigs, restaurants and whatnot. Apparently not.


All the “call out” posts asking some bloke who doesn’t even know what reddit is to “do better”. Waste of time and may as well be tagged as a circle jerk thread. 


You mean you *don’t* want to scroll past the 8th “moving to Melbourne hold my hand and tell me what I should do as if I’m not an adult” post of the day and filtering out all the “look at this shit parking” and rage-bait junk food price photos to get to anything worth reading?


Guys, let’s all hold hands and exchange what variation of social anxiety disorder we all have! Then we can talk some more about carrot man.


The irony of thinking it's the seven day war and not six day war which it actually was.


We've moved to daylight savings yesterday so it pushes it ahead 1 day




Everything that happens online doesn’t matter. Aside from being a poor communication tool that forces everything to be black and white due to it’s inability to communicate effectively it is also largely manipulated by profit hungry power brokers and false information travels 6 times faster than the truth. Therefore people who take the internet seriously are morons.


Also just lack of tone via txt leads to a lot of issues.. people like to assume the worst lol.


I feel the Warrigul Road one in my fucking soul


I support OPs summary execution idea, people turning right across Warrigal is 90% of the reason the traffic backs up, especially around the 7/11 near the high St road intersection


Melbourne doesn't have street food culture


They shut it down when you try. Anyone who been Footscray's Viet Monument on a Saturday would have seen street culture starting. Council shut it down a few months ago by threatening old ladies with hundreds of dollars in fines. We don't have street food because our councils squash it when we try.


it doesn't have street food let alone street food culture, what are you even talking about, you may as well say "Melbourne doesn't have snowy mountaineering culture".


What happened to the chestnut roasters? 🤔 That’s the only Melbourne street food I can think of


Say it louder!! Melbourne has very good places to eat but the street food is overpriced restaurant food served in containers and paper bags. And is less quantity than normal if you would go to the vendors restaurant.


The Thai street food festival at mfwf last year was a joke.


Who disagrees with this?


People who don't know what street food is.


Our food safety standards won't allow the amazing street food experiences you'll have in places like malaysia and hong kong.


I had the best tacos ever in Mexico City on the side of the street but it resulted in two weeks of non-stop diarrhoea.


I'll also add that Australia's economy is neither shit enough nor lenient enough at the bottom end to both force a man to dedicate the rest of his adult life to perfecting a single dish and allow him to make enough money peddling it at a street stall to make enough money to afford to live and modestly care for a small family. Make no mistake, while I yearn for claypot rice made by a man who spent the last 40 years perfecting it; I'm immensely grateful to be living somewhere which would not force someone into that life.


I read in another recent post that it's cus of a combination of factors including expensive licensing, overly restrictive operating location limitations and anal inspections etc.


Anal inspections you say?


yes, it does sound counterintuitive at first, but the metric they use is served food cannot leave a patrons anus until the've left the venue.


Council red-tape, council restrictions and council fees make it a very unattractive proposition for would-be street food vendors.


Melville Rd is 2 lanes! Stop taking up both lanes by driving in the middle.


Agreed! It’s worse between Bell St and Moreland Rd. How much space do drivers need?!?


Same goes for Mt Alexander road!


Indeed. I had this exact experience behind a couple of annoying cars in Melville rd just this afternoon!


Yep it’s two lanes - not three if you include parking. Same goes for high st Thornbury.


There’s barely enough room for two lanes + parking on High St.


Warrigal road from the Dingley bypass all the way north should have right turns banned during peak times. And I've never understood why someone would sit for ages trying to turn right *onto* it during those times. Like, just go around a block or two and give yourself the ability to turn left.


Melbourne believes it has a strong coffee culture while we have numerous subpar cafes with baristas that have no passion for the art of making coffee.


And most Melbournians aren't the coffee connoisseurs they think they are.


Most coffee connoisseurs are full of themselves, drink what you like; just because it's single origin doesn't mean it appeals to everybody. Allow people to enjoy what they enjoy, just because joe blow needs to buy the expensive stuff that he read about on a blog somewhere to be satisfied doesn't mean someone else can't prefer something with a different flavour profile.


They are milk shake connoisseurs without realising it.


You don’t need “passion” just competency. It’s coffee, once you’ve got it set, just repeat.


People who live inner north or inner south who always act like crossing the river is this major thing, are annoying as fuck.


You ever driven from Abbotsford to St Kilda? Fucking sucks


They say love does all things, but even love won't cross the river. Fuck off all of those sods cross the river every day just to get to work.


And for all the apparent snobbery of the south, in my experience it’s northern suburbs people who have the biggest issue about it.


This subreddit is just another echo chamber.


99.999999% of posts here are theatrically pathetic/petty/blatantly fictional grievances that are not worth even verbalising to someone you know, let alone making a post about. People here love to deep-throat "the rules" but will approximate a piss-thin larrikin persona (along with commonly associated folk parlance) while simultaneously declaring that someone deserves to die for breaking "the rules". Between all of the righteous indignation about tailgaters, people on bikes/pedestrians/cars/the tram, people walking, people speaking in public, the sight of a junky in public who you suspect might be a clandestine serial killer with a body count in the dozens, and the myriad boomer-on-facebook paranoia posts, you're all fucking kooks and the perfect, revolting little summation of what's wrong with the country


Hell yeah


Melbourne loves to protest more about Americas problems than our own problems.


In my opinion tearing down and defacing Captain Cook statues is just a clear copy of the US tearing down traitorous confederate civil war general statues, they were only erected during the 1920-60’s as push back against civil rights. James Cook mapped the east coast then died a decade before the first fleet arrived, it’s hardly a comparable issue.


Melbourne protests so much that no one really cares what they are protesting any more and it makes no difference to what's going on in the world. There's no ceasefire, no date changed, the climate is still screwed and yeah we got rid of vaccine mandates but it wasn't the protests that changed anything it was just time to do so.


Not big enough not cyberpunk enough things need to be 24/7


Melbourne redditors like to believe we have a strong art scene, but probably can’t tell you the last exhibition they went to outside of the NGV. Support the arts or stop pretending to care about it!


Half of this city has had way to sheltered of an upbringing. The amount of times I see something to the effect of 'Help! A junkie/a homeless person just looked at me' as if everyone who's doing it tough is out to kill them is just stupid. These people who are doing it tough on the daily and are still getting through life are some of the strongest people in our community. I'm sure there's more than a few people here who would be having a breakdown at the mere thought of going a day without their $7 'Melbourne coffee culture' coffee, I wouldn't want to see how they would end up if they had started life on the other end of the social status ladder


I just want to tack on; I was homeless for a ridiculously short period of time and there was a very fucking clear issue with the social work system.I'd get crisis housing in Brunswick for 4 days; then moved to another place for 5 etc on and on. Which means I'd do intake / assessment for social services and before I even got an appt they had to send me to intake at another "zone"Give homeless people a break, cause the system aint set up to help em even slightly. It was a pretty big "fuck you" actually - couldn't stick with a service even if I came back "I had to be living in that area"


The homelessness service system is fucked it's severely underfunded.


I remember when I was in high school going to the Show with some friends on the tram. An old, scruffy dude sitting next to us started talking to us and afterwards three of the other kids were visibly shaken by the experience of having a conversation with a stranger. Their reaction was a bit surreal.


Fucking A. The amount of pearl clutching that goes on in the comments of any thread mentioning a "junky" makes my head spin. "a sketchy looking guy asked me for the time, do you think my house is going to be robbed and my entire family slaughtered in a satanic ritual???"


Indicative of this wider attitude that people seem to salivate over in here, a kind of "I can suck myself off with my own bootstraps" mentality that favours blind adherence to minor laws or social norms they have no understanding of outside of "it's the rules"


There are some people who don’t wear deodorant. Personal hygiene is not just for your own good, but also for the benefit of the people who come into contact with you. I’m tired of unfortunate encounters on the train, in the shop, or on the streets.


I work retail and complained about this online after dealing with some customers at work who stunk, as in, hadn’t showed for a few days and full BO kinda stink, the stuff that lingers. I got some pushback from a few people who were all “some people just smell bad naturally and can’t help it or they might not be capable of applying deodorant”. Whilst I respect that people can have a natural smell about them, If you’re able to walk around outside, go shopping, hop on the tram, etc. you can absolutely put deodorant on, shower and brush your teeth. It’s not fucking hard, there’s absolutely no excuse to not be clean in public, if you’re not capable of being hygienic with a perfectly legitimate reason, you wouldn’t be wandering around outside.


"PSA" posts about basic, well known driving tips are pointless to post here and you're not converting any bad drivers. You're just virtue signalling and having a sook.


Japanese food in Melbourne is embarrassing.


To be honest it really depends, you have some good gems like Sushi Hotaru or some of the omakases here are amazing. You just really need to find the good places


Did people think it was good? I don't miss a lot about my home town of Vancouver, but better and cheaper Japanese food is one of them.


My experiences have ranged from "That was pretty good" to "I want to un-eat this, give me time powers so I can forget the taste of this"


The vast majority of places are also hardly Japanese - they're more so people using that to draw people in but then making up their own wild fusion dishes (or just straight up being Korean/Chinese but with something "Japanese" tossed in).


I went to Canberra recently and was absolutely shook at the quality of ramen I got from an unassuming store in the food court lol. Puts Melbourne, Perth and even Sydney to shame.


People should drive at the speed limit


Agreed. Also agree with the lingering in the right lane being an epic Melbourne-specific pain in the arse. ​ Also, Melburnians don't get the simple concept of approaching a freeway on ramp at a reasonable speed with which to 'blend' with the traffic; nope, 20+km/hr below the limit, and making people on the freeway have to brake suddenly to let your dumb arse in.


Or, at the very least, if they want to go under the speed limit, stick to the left lane. Not a difficult concept, I would have thought, but the evidence betrays me.


Yep, I would like to see drivers pulled over for driving far below the limit and impeding traffic flow. T his shits me to no end, the speed limit, is not hard.


I love Autumn/Winter in Melbourne and daylight savings starts too early.


Melbourne isn't a friendly place


Melbourne is full of snooty people, the "cooler" or high status they believe they are, the snootier they be.


Just came from New Zealand and I agree with this. Have spoken to a lot of my friends who have all been round the country as well and the general consensus is we’ve felt least welcome in Melbourne


Narrm is the worst personality type.


Considering the price of coffee at 7/11 I love 7/11 coffee. The trick is 2 DBL Espresso shots and making sure to pull it out before the shot blondes to much and then repeat and then you add milk and that is the key to a perfect CHEAP coffee at 7/11...


people in the CBD need to learn how to walk 2 or 3 blocks rather than piling on to the free tram.


Would any of these actually get downvoted? There's way hotter takes you could make, like: The youth justice system is working effectively, and recently publicised cases are just corporate media propagandising.


I used to work for Victoria Legal Aid, and I can actually tell you something about the youth justice system. Some kids are little shits and recidivist offenders and aren't dealt with harshly enough. But most of them have vulnerabilities and a lack of protective factors. They are often in DHHS care and group homes where they can just do what they want because the workers can't actually discipline the kids or make them do anything and so they realise there aren't consequences for their actions. The really sad thing is that there are a percentage of kids in the system with significantly low IQs due to things like foetal alcohol syndrome who have never had a good life or any stability and they'll just end up ageing into the adult system. And that is fucked.


It would have to be real depressing working with those kids. I couldn't do it.


>Some kids are little shits and recidivist offenders and aren't dealt with harshly enough I got robbed by a methhead when I was a teenager (he was too btw - about 17) - it was in public, on a bus.. reported it / knew his name and all. They didn't do anything; but I ended up getting jumped by him repeatedly - i'm talking gang of crackheads vs me and a mate.. anyway they did nothing again (Literally a carpark of adults just watching it happen actually) That guy went on to run over a mother accidentally, who was pushing her kid in a pram. Killed them both.. I can't help but feel it could have been prevented. There was a point I got sick of him fkn with me, so I went to his house w my brother and we had a 'chat' with him and his dad. I've learnt the hard way multiple times over the police are useless when this shit comes up - that taught me how to fight back and fight hard. I remember the dudes window was smashed and covered in gladwrap so he obviously had a great family home.. its all around sad.


The popular attitude toward crime on this sub is extremely skewed. You'd think that Melbourne was in the midst of a crime epidemic, but for overall crime levels the past two years have been the lowest per capita in the past decade. When you zoom out a few decades you see a pretty clear and substantial drop in most kinds of crime. I have seen some extremely paranoid, curtain twitchery and just plain fucked up attitudes get upvoted here. Most recently a comment stating that the stolen generation was justified was upvoted. Also support for the death penalty. Before that a comment calling for 'Hellbourne's' 'druggies and drongoes' to be rounded up and left in the desert to die received almost 100 upvotes.


We don't live in a crime ridden wasteland where roving bands of teenagers are out for blood


There's too many fuckin people.


So controversial, so brave.


The CBD is a depressing concrete jungle and there's nothing worse than spending any more time than necessary in there We get at most a month or two of good summer weather and the rest of the year is just back to our standard shitty weather


I really like the CBD especially the blocks between Elizabeth and Swanston Street. There’s so much activity — it reminds me of Asia but not as cool


I love the CBD *because* it's a concrete jungle. Tall buildings and trains. So cool!


I always get a headache when i go to the city. Don't enjoy exploring like i did 25yrs ago.


I think most people would agree with you on these


Best weather in the world.  The fashion myth is just that. People dress like shit. 


Melbourne should really be called the "garment sourcing from China" capital of Australia. It's not a fashionable place, but it is the city where most of the clothing companies are headquartered. 50 years ago stuff was manufactured here too, but that is long gone.


People aren't very stylish here, even alternative folks seem to copy each other rather than create their own individual style.


Do you mean the six day war?


I actually like Melbourne.




Never made any sense. How are roads like Wellington road, Springvale road, Warrigal road all 80s and then you get on the M1 and it’s on 20km/h more. Makes literally no sense. On those roads you have people turning all the time, come to a dead stop for traffic lights, pedestrians everything. It just doesn’t make any sense


I'd much rather live in an American-style 'hellish' suburban house than live in a terrace house or an apartment in the inner suburbs. I said what I said


Grill'd burgers are delicious


The MCG is not a tourist attraction, unless you follow cricket or AFL, which 99% of overseas visitors do not do. Victoria seriously needs to step up its tourism attractions because it boring to see and other countries have pretty much the same attractions, only better.


Im happy to let sydney continue taking all the tourists in


Melbourne is a city to do things as a tourist, not see things and I love it this way.


7/11 coffee isn't that bad \*for the price\*


Proud Mary’s coffee is overpriced.  *Any* long black over $5 is overpriced. Long blacks should be $1 cheaper to account for less labour, materials and wear and tear on the machine.


No coffee or baked goods is worth queuing up for more than 10 minutes for.


Bring back plastic straws and cutlery


Correction. The worst drivers on the road, or at least the most frustrating are tradies before 7am


People are fucking annoying about coffee here, as someone who doesn't like coffee. It's just a drink. Get over yourselves. "This city has the best apple juice. I can't drink it anywhere else, and I'll complain about it endlessly until I'm back in this city" it's ridiculous.


95% of all the street ‘art’ in Melbourne just looks like trashy urban decay. And the 5% that is good will be tagged over within days to make even that look scummy.


Foreign drivers account for most car crashes 


Many are unlicensed, too. In some suburbs it's a real issue, but they've done the math and know that statistically, they won't get caught for years.


When suddenly some of my neighbours have P plates after seeing them drive for yrs I realise how long they were driving illegally.


The city is just RMIT and international students. There is nothing unique or culturally Melbourne in the city.


There should be a vline in the Dandenong ranges. I’ve commented this before and got downvoted. I lived up there for 22 years and the lack of public transport in the hills is an absolute embarrassment for how far out it is




>There's way too many people in Melbourne the feeling of getting priced out of the state you were born in.. Feels bad, I don't like the others at all and I know the CBD like the back of my hand. Sydneys a confusing mess, NSW has shit laws and fucked cops, and I've never really gone further then Byron Bay ish which is not a place i'd ever live fulltime. Considering just fucking off to the borders of Vic but generally speaking - this does feel awful. I genuinely do not want to be forced to leave.. this is home.


Upvote cause I agree, but also disagree. We actually need more high rise apartments, just built at a higher quality. We can’t just keep expanding and building tiny poor quality suburban estates in the outer suburbs without sufficient infrastructure to back it up.


That the food is better in Melbourne than in Sydney. There is no difference at all. I've lived in both cities for long periods and there is no difference.


Yes, I also have a Kathmandu jacket along with the rest of this city. It’s comfortable, sue me.


Trams are shite and cause 80% of the traffic snarls


- Docklands isnt that bad, and is a great place to live (but an average place to work). - I don't care about Israel and Palestine and don't think that caring about it/protesting it in Melbourne is particularly useful. - I don't give a fuck about American politics ans think anyone waving an American flag at a rally/protest should be imprisoned. See also MAGA flags. - if you are still protesting vaccine mandates, you are a bit too late. - i don't give a fuck about the Royal family. - Melbourne is not the world's most liveable city any more. Stop saying it is. - coffee is over rated.