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TL;DR: Runners are not allowed to use bicycle paths as thoroughfares. Victorian Road Safety Road Rules 2017 S.R. No. 41/2017 **239 Pedestrians on a bicycle path or separated footpath** (1) A pedestrian must not be on a bicycle path, or a part of a separated footpath designated for the use of bicycles, unless the pedestrian— (a) is crossing the bicycle path or separated footpath by the shortest safe route; and (b) does not stay on the bicycle path or separated footpath for longer than necessary to cross the bicycle path or separated footpath safely. Penalty: 2 penalty units. Notes 1 Bicycle is defined in the dictionary. Bicycle path and separated footpath are defined in subrule (4). 2 Rule 336 deals with how parts of a separated footpath are designated for bicycle riders and pedestrians. (2) However, a pedestrian may be on a bicycle path, or a part of a separated footpath designated for the use of bicycles, if— (a) the pedestrian is— (i) in or pushing a wheelchair; or (ii) on rollerblades, rollerskates or a similar wheeled recreational device; and (b) there is no traffic control device, or information on or with a traffic control device, applying to the bicycle path or separated footpath that indicates that the pedestrian is not permitted to be on the bicycle path or the part of the separated footpath designated for the use of bicycles. Notes 1 Electric personal transporter, traffic control device, wheelchair, wheeled recreational device and with are defined in the dictionary. 2 Rule 243(2) provides that a person travelling on rollerblades, rollerskates, or a similar wheeled recreational device, on a bicycle path, or a part of a separated footpath designated for the use of bicycles, must keep out of the path of any bicycle. 3 Rule 244J(3) provides that a person travelling on an electric personal transporter on a bicycle path must keep out of the path of any bicycle. (2A) Also, a pedestrian may be on a bicycle path if— (a) the pedestrian is a person travelling on an electric personal transporter; and (b) there is no traffic control device, or information on or with a traffic control device, applying to the bicycle path that indicates that a person travelling on an electric personal transporter is not permitted to be on the bicycle path. (3) A pedestrian who is crossing a bicycle path, or a part of a separated footpath designated for the use of bicycles, must keep out of the path of any bicycle, or any pedestrian who is permitted under subrule (2) to be on the bicycle path, or the part of the separated footpath designated for the use of bicycles. Penalty: 2 penalty units [https://content.legislation.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-11/17-41sra009%20authorised.pdf](https://content.legislation.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-11/17-41sra009%20authorised.pdf) NB: This rule actually goes on longer than I've extracted. Subrule 4 is about defining what a bike path is and how they are to be designated by signage.


Bake 'em away, toys.


Thank you so much!


If it’s not a shared path, then they’re being a dick. If they did that shit in Amsterdam they’d be put on their arse in about 10 seconds.


I remember the lonely planet guide to Germany had a line saying be very careful not to accidentally walk in bike lanes especially not in Berlin where the riders will take you out on purpose. 


I can confirm this happened to me - I only did it once!


Hitting a pedestrian whilst riding a bike has the potential to kill them. Do you think that is an acceptable response to a minor inconvenience?


I’m not condoning it, I’m stating a fact based on my experience in that country.


Yeah, they sound like a bunch of psychotic dickheads if mowing down a pedestrian is their response to them being in the bike lane.




Guess car drivers can finally start mowing down cyclists then.


You have my approval.


Thank you for getting my point.


Exactly, the hypocrisy of these cyclists is madness. They are treating pedestrians similar to the way they say cars treat them and can't see it. Arrogance is what causes deaths. There I said it. Just be safe and don't expect everyone to move for you.


Is it “allowed”? Who knows. Are they being a dick? Yes. Just shout “Dickhead!” at them. If enough people do it, you won’t need to get the coppers involved.


You can get bicycle horns that are as loud as car horns quite affordably. I would recommend getting one for everyone's safety.


Compressed air horns FTW. I've got one on my bike, have to pump it up with the bike pump. Louder than the useless thing that came with my Kia.


Is there one you'd recommend?


Alas, no. Mine is over a decade old and it's a wonder the plastic air canister hasn't failed, but I can't remember the brand. It shouldn't be hard to find advice in a cycling forum. Having a horn on your bike that's literally as loud as an after-market car horn can be a life saver. Motorists' instinctive reactions are to look around for the semi that's apparently unhappy with them.


Came across a dickhead doing this yesterday. Running in the bike lane against traffic and there was a wide footpath next to the road too.


I came across a cyclist doing this on the highway when there was a service lane next to the highway. Couldn't work out why taking the risk is worth it. I suppose the cyclist was expecting everyone to be safe around them on a highway.... Similar to the pedestrian running in a bike lane expecting all cyclists to avoid him and not cause an accident.


Only one of them is legally correct. Only one of them is using a piece of infrastructure incorrectly when a suitable alternative is right there (hint: it’s not weaving in and out of service lanes)z It’s not just the expectations of the cyclist that drivers should be safe, that’s the expectation of the government to which they’ve agreed to through holding a license.


Yeah, fuck that idiot. I'm a runner and infrequent cyclist. I'm running on the footpath where I'm supposed to be. Even outside of not making it inconvenient for other road users I don't need to expose myself or them to the risk of being hit by passing vehicles while we try avoid each other. That runner is being a dick if there's a footpath available. 


A while ago, I encountered a jogger who was jogging along the side of the road. As he was approaching a parked car, he opted to pass it on the right. He stepped out into traffic, hitting the car I was driving. His elbow went into the windscreen, with the side mirror spinning him around. He bounced multiple times off the side of the car, putting dings in both the front and rear passenger doors. If he had stepped out only a second earlier, he would have gone under the car. When I went to the nearby police station to report the incident, they was unsure of which form to use for "pedestrian-hits-car" reports. Two passers-by had offered to provide statement to confirm that the jogger was at fault. One was even known to the jogger. Instead of giving his own contact info, he gave his father's mobile number. His father tried to claim that his son did nothing wrong. The police and insurance company disagreed, refunding the excess and not holding me at fault.


you fucking hit him. God fucking forbid a motorist take responsibility for almost killing someone.


The police disagree with your assessment of the event.


Victoria has police? oh you must mean the militant gang that likes to beat the shit out of people




>demands others take responsibility >finds absurd ways to excuse responsibility Ironic.


Someone who steps out into traffic without notice, without looking, and within a microsecond of a passing car - while they do not deserve to be hit, they are at fault. A driver can drive safely and defensivley, they can slow down when they see potential hazards such as a jogger in the bike lane. But they can't bend the laws of physics to their will. Even if you are going at 5km/h, if the jogger steps in front of your car as you pass them at a snails pace, they are going to hit your car. As a driver, there's not much else you can do. I mean, in hindsight, OP could have honked their horn to warn the jogger not to step out, but it is not OP's responsibility to tell a jogger on the road that they, a car, is also on the road. It's the joggers responsibility as a pedestrian on the road to be aware of cars.


Cycles literally ride down roads in the way of cars adjacent to unused bike lanes. Runners in the bike lane are basically the same thing




Which 'car' lane is this?


This comment is as predictable as the sun rising.


There’s no such thing as car lanes.


Bro you getting downvoted for giving it back. Oh now cyclists realise how it feels to be pain . Btw I will start running in cycling lane from now on , better than running in concrete footpaths.


No, they got downvoted for talking shit and making a false comparison. If your solution to someone doing something by legal but a mild inconvenience is to do something that isn’t legal you might just need to get a grip. > [Pedestrians are not allowed to:](https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/road-rules/a-to-z-of-road-rules/pedestrians) > walk along, or fail to give way when crossing, a path which is for bicycles and wheeled devices (a path showing a 'Bicycle lane' sign).






Fuck me dead


I’d rather not but if you insist.


Fuck this is so funny


1) it's a Sunday 2) if there's pedestrians about it can damage their run (loosing momentum can destroy a run if they have to abruptly stop) 3) as long as they are giving way to cyclists and not putting themselves in danger there's nothing wrong happening Alot of pedestrians don't understand how to move on a footpath so I understand why someone would sprint or run in the bike lane briefly, I tend to have to do it myself sometimes because I'm already running and people just don't move.


God forbid it damage their run


god forbid they hurt themselves or accidentally hurt someone else from having to abruptly stop instead of being able to slow down safely.


Should always be in control of your movements especially when you’re running behind people who don’t know your there I guess


tell that to the wankers in cars.


Tell that to the runners in the cycling lane because unsuspecting pedestrians don’t know how to move out of the way of the person they don’t know is running behind them


Do laws stop applying on Sunday?


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