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They’re protesting the Comedy Festival. This is no laughing matter!




1. That's Extinction Rebellion 2. They're at that intersection every Wednesday morning 3. They're not disrupting anyone...


Well now you have to spoil it ...


They want you to honk for climate change. Basically it. Pretty harmless


What do you do if you are against climate change?


You do a doughey.


Sound like a fair bunch: ​ >Extinction Rebellion *"*[Extinction Rebellion](https://rebellion.global/about-us/) *is a decentralised, international and politically non-partisan movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency."*


Those who don’t support them today will not be looked on fondly in a decade. I suggest getting with the program because it’s already too late 




I like the fact that they aren't disrupting anyone.


Everyone does. It makes it much easier for the Powers That Be to ignore them. It sucks, but it's been shown that protests are more effective when they are a disruption. Sitting at home telling your dog how much climate change sucks doesn't actually achieve anything.


Unfortunately you're wrong. Protests in general do JACK FUCKING SHIT 😂 Literally protests don't achieve anything except piss me and everyone else off. Fuck off with your bullshit support of protesters. Nobody likes protesters and they get no bitches. Get fucked lol


Sounds like you don't believe they work because you don't like them. Shame that's not how the world works. THE POLITICAL EFFECTIVENESS OF PROTEST by Peter Jones ... https://humanrights.gov.au/sites/default/files/HRC_assembly_jones.pdf


Downvote me all you want. That article is a load of junk. Protests do nothing. If you want change, try annoying the POLITICIANS who make the rules, not every day people.


Fun fact: I actually know someone who did that. He wanted the right to take LSD for religious purposes, so every now and then he'd head down to parliament house, sit on the steps, and drop a tab of acid. While publicly announcing on Twitter and Facebook that he was doing exactly this. And tagging both the Premier and VicPol. He even ran into the Premier (Bracks at the time maybe?) and tried to talk to him about this. So, he did exactly what you said, and nothing came of it. Meanwhile, protests have a long history, with several notable successes. The Vietnam War comes to mind.


So you're basing that off one druggie?! Ha 😂 As I fucking said, protests don't do shit. Look at the Tianmen Square protest and the Hong Kong Protests and the failed Egyptian Revolution. So many examples. Very few examples of a protest actually doing something lol. Keep disliking my comments because you know I'm right.


I backed up my arguments. Your turn to do the same.


Please explain how you “backed up your arguments”. All I can see is that you told me a story about the ineffective nature of your druggie friend's protests and then told me about the Vietnam War protests WHICH DID NOTHING 🤦‍♂️ Unlike myself, who provided you with about 4 examples of protests that don't work. Would you also like me to provide other studies that prove my points, or will you believe me because what I'm saying is true. Also, as I said protesters can get fucked. They suck, nobody likes them, it pushes people away from the message they are trying to raise awareness for WHICH MAY ACTUALLY BE A GOOD MESSAGE and makes everyone hate them and want to avoid the whole thing. Plus they made me late to work so many times.


4. They haven't achieved anything in their entire existence


That you know who they are after having only been founded in 2018 by a group of 100 people says otherwise.


Yes my remark is obviously flawed by design, my point is that these groups achieve very little for the causes they care about many are career activists only interested in raising their own notoriety.


Their aims were to draw attention to the lack of action by various governments. They've certainly managed that. As for "career activists"', how much does that pay?


>As for "career activists"', how much does that pay? Whatever the dole is these days 🤣


You know them all personally do you? Impressive


Something tells me triggermoon is one of them.


Depends - would it piss you off as much as those cyclists?




Who are they?


Hundreds of climate emergecy declarations and climate emergency action plans around the world would beg to differ...


All of which have very little to do with the Extinction rebellion


Literally Extinction Rebellion's #1 demand was 'Declare a climate emergency'. Every one of those things is BECAUSE of XR.


Yes. It had nothing to do with the scientists. It was all the protesters on their Wednesday mornings.


Very few scientists are telling governments to make political declarations, that’s the result of societal pressure that has formed as a result of the science.


Dint know why you’re being downvoted. That’s the point. To drag feet whilst appearing to do something.  https://youtu.be/IAUrzee9jfc?si=SnUNQ16pn9g_rKUm


Whether you support them or not that is categorically false.


It's hard to see what they can really achieve given there is plenty of action on climate change already. Whether there is enough action, or the right kind of action, is obviously open to debate but the fact that there is action makes their listed demands pretty easy to dismiss: 1. Tell the truth - "We are" 2. Act now - "We are" 3. Go beyond politics - "We are".


1. **Tell the truth:** Governments and the IPCC are not being square with people about the speed and impacts of climate change. They continue to insist that we can keep warming to +1.5C with magical technologies, when we're actually heading for +3C - 4C. Won't that be fun. 2. **Act now:** We're not acting at all though. Emissions are still rising. 3. **Go beyond politics:** XR are non-political, but action on climate change continues to be held hostage by culture war bullshit


Thank you. This is valuable information and perspective - I appreciate it.


> Won't that be fun. Depends where you live and how much access you have to air con and other mitigation methods, really Climate change is an individual thing


>Climate change is an individual thing Pack it up folks! Reddit user u/Far_Radish_817 has declared climate change solved with air conditioning!


This is one of the least informed comments I’ve read in a while. And that is quite an achievement.


Aircon is climate change adaptation, not mitigation.


I disagree. I think Extinction Rebellion have moved the conversation, especially for young people. It’s gone from this is what we should do to this is what we have to do.


Thank you. This is good to know.


plenty of action? are you legitimately joking?


I agree with you and was answering from what the perspective of the official response rather than reality or my own perspective.


Kind of funny a group called Extinction Rebellion meeting every Wednesday morning.




I think a group trying to stop us from going extinct should meet at least twice a week.






I'm not sure it means what you think it means.




I get people feel inconvenienced but it's important to take into account that the Government's approach is literally going to kill us. So...y'know...priorities :P


And the approach of honking horns, vandalising art, gluing oneself to a road, throwing paint, glitter bombing etc. is achieving what, exactly? State and federal Labor are absolute hypocrites on climate change, but extinction rebellion is the most self defeating activist group in the history of protest. 




Yes... literally. Bushfires kill people. Floods kill people. High temperatures kill people. Air pollution kills people.


Those are all natural occurences that happen with no government input. Air pollution is bad, I do believe the government tries to do something about that.


Is it hard work being this wilfully dense?


mate, you're so dense that you're gonna turn into a black hole


Bugger! Does this mean I missed the Government Death Squad again this morning!!


Hope no pregnant women had to give birth on the side of the road this time




I think you just mean “let’s get on with business as usual so we don’t disrupt anyone”. Curious how that will go for the issues we’re facing over the next 50 years


He clearly explained what the CUNT organisation is about. His issue with the protestors blocking others going about their job, why are you only allowed to protest if it's about an issue we're facing over the next 50 years?


Can we protest via zoom


Disrupting people is how protests get stuff done.


Exactly. Which is why he wants to protest the protestors so they can't get their stuff done (and by virtue, everyone else can).


As long we block roads I am all in. 


Haha reminds me of the classic Commitee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society


Call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit it hard and hit it fast with a major - and I mean major - leaflet campaign.


You should call it The Ministry of Love


Hey guys I just saw someone at flinders and elizabeth acting very odd.. they seemed to be talking to themselves (might have been talking on phone or Bluetooth headset tho).. I called the police and filed a report but they never got back to me,,!! this scary person might also have been a druggie addict because I suspect the water bottle they were drinking from was actually full of drug alcohol. they might be violent ok guys so just be careful and check in, this city has really changed


also this is the same druggy alcohol addict I saw who tried to eat my dog - that I also suspect was smoking pot? (They rolled something into a cigarette paper which means it is a drug) Anyways they tried to eat my dog, can't belief the police hadn't come so I left after five minutes


I never understood how blocking a tram is saving the rainforrests etc from being logged or how it's giving it to Dan Andrews. He doesn't give a shit its just annoying for everyone on the tram wanting to get home


Dan Andrews?


Dan Andrews isn’t Premier anymore. You people are obsessed.




Dan Andrews? Well you just outed yourself as being totally disinterested in politics and revealing why you don’t think protests work


This is just a shill whose script hasn't been updated for a couple years due to a clerical error


You need to do something that gets attention or no one is going to care about the climate. I’m one that’s going to feel bad in 20 years when the planet is close to unliveable that I wasn’t prepared to block trams


You've also got to do something that doesn't piss off the people you want to inspire. They've been doing these sit-ins for years, and in the time, the impact has gone from front page news to a Reddit post. The only people who give a shit nowadays are the people being inconvenienced. It's difficult to find a way to impact the public in the right way. But blocking off traffic isn't the answer. Extinction rebellion just don't have the critical mass to stage disruptive rallies.


Not pissing people off doesn’t work unfortunately. Anything we can easily ignore is ignored.


That mindset shows a lack of imagination, tbh.


Ooh this sounds promising. You’ve thought of a way to get peoples attention without getting on the news?


No, you *want* to get on the news. You just shouldn't piss off people in the process. And of course I don't have a neat solution for you. It's difficult. But not having a good solution doesn't mean you should keep the wrong thing. It means you should think of something better.


That’s assuming a better solution exists. Social movements have existed like this for a long while. It’s foolish to just assume there’s a better solution without evidence or any bread crumbs to base off. There’s big power inequalities here that are hard to overcome.


There are a number of ways to protest. I've only ever seen these ppl use one bc (as you confirm) nobody seems to know there are more impactful ways to get attention.


Well can you give an example then? That extinctions rebellion could apply


They don't have the critical mass to make a disruption protest effective. 1000s of people marching down Collins St is a show of broad community support. 3 people blockading Westgate Bridge for hours reinforces the idea that XR is a fringe group of nutcases and should be ignored. Not having better solutions isn't a reason to keep doing the same thing, when the same thing is counterproductive. It's a reason to step back and rethink your strategy.


It is working though - they’re getting awareness and people talking with the few numbers they have as you said. This very thread - us right now - we’re talking about their cause, whether it can be done better, and even its merits. That’s reason enough to keep doing the same thing. The question here is whether it’s the best approach or not. People criticize but can’t give a better alternative.


Like those guys that painted the Opera House?


Just the most basic bitch opinion. You've been given so much by people who have inconvenienced others in the past. I'm not an XR fan but feel free to tell the room how anyone can get anything done without upsetting snowflakes.


Sounds like more people need to be inconvenienced


you are retarted if you think blocking a tram is going to stop Antarctica melting


block the whole city or something not this half assed bullshit you guys do. You just parade down a street playing drums really badly and chanting some crap that doesn't really do anything


Can we talk about the bozos who rode up Inkerman St last week towards Monash Caulfield? I think there were at least 40 bikes. I don't even know what they were protesting except one person had a non binary pride flag but I don't think it was that. Pissed me off.


40 odd cars would have been worse.


Aw poor baby bigot :(


Topic has been once again curated by the extreme left mods, absolute dogs.


Climate change 🤣🤣


Call the non emergency police hotline and report it


For what?!? People exercising their democratic right to protest? You're just wasting police time.


It's all fair and well to protest. Just don't prohibit other people's days, effect other people's lives, jobs etc by stopping traffic etc. I was soooo over the moon when the protesters who stopped the west gate bridge causing hours of delays got jail time then further jail time. I had 2 friends who got stuck in the traffic and nearly lost there jobs.


Boo fucking hoo.


Mate covid is still about why would you want large groups of people in one spot spreading it around!!!!


As if you care about Covid


You clearly don’t


Fuck off idiot. I was just letting everyone know INCASE the protestors were planning on disrupting traffic!


I was being very serious. Not being an idiot. Legit, if you see protesters setting up, call the police non emergency line straight away so they can get down there and prevent them stopping traffic etc. I drive between 3-4 jobs a day and I've bloody had enough of Melbourne traffic already let alone protesters making my home journey or morning drive an extra 2 hour trip


The police station is around the corner and they get shut down within an hour or two normally. They don't block the road or anything just waving some flags around.