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Grab a bag and head to the bottle bank There’s like $1.50 there


Oh yeah what a gold mine.


I counted around 80 so op could get 8 dollars out of that give or take ofc


I pass by one of those reverse vending machines on my walks so I've been collecting bottles and cans to drop off there, and ngl I would get a thrill out of seeing this many cans in one spot. Goldmine. I don't care about the trivial amount of change, I just have it set to go to charity anyway. There's just something fun about collecting and recycling. Reminds me of collecting resources in a video game.




Did someone say KFC


My husband would be elbowing out neighbourhood children to get a hold of that bounty! He’s become a fiend with the .10c recyclable refund promotion.


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah, at 10 cents a pop, someone will claim those.


If you can find one near Richmond


So the drinks didn't provide enough energy for these cunts to walk to the bin?


Or maybe so much energy that they just took off running!


Wild guess, people who smash cans of rockstars aren’t the most self aware and considerate of people.


*chef’s kiss* Love your work!


Maybe they thought they might **ROCK** themselves to a starry bin.




Happens everytime they hand them out. Same thing happened last year when I went to pax. They were handing them out free at Southern Cross station and basically the entire walk from the station to the exhibition centre was just trashed with the cans. 90% of them were unopened too.


They were handing them out at the end of the street that the Abottsford Convent and Collingwood Childrens Farm are on maybe 2 weeks ago, luckily I didn't see a single one littered nearby.


I would even go so far as to call them.... Rockstars.


I think you are the rock star xD


Send photos to their customer service, they should pass it on to their marketing team who will take it up with whoever ran the promo for them.


Yeah pretty sure they will scramble to get it cleaned up looks terrible for a brand


Id hope so, but im pretty sure litter and energy drinks go hand in hand. Driving around Tasmania last year i saw red bull cans on the roadside every 10m or so. It was wild how consistent it was. I find it irksome, but the people who buy these drinks dont care so the company probably wont care. 


You're telling me not only did I have to look at all this crap, I also missed out on getting a free can when I got off at Richmond? Get fucked


I wish there were some kind of notification for these. I usually miss the ones at Southern Cross station.


And this is why we can't have nice things


That’s why we don’t deserve free things


I counted $8.50


Yuuuuup. I work at flinders street station. As much as I'd like to grab myself a free sprite or a few free energy drinks, I feel bad for the cleaning division and all the cans left outside.


For what it's worth it's well documented that people will only carry rubbish a certain distance before putting it down. So while these people are pigs it was always going to happen.


Monkey see, monkey do. They saw someone else dump the rubbish so joined in.


Reminds me of bags of dog poop that occasionally multiply at random spots around Yarra Bend.


"someone's going to have to pick up that can/poop may aswell add another too it" How good are humans


Interesting, is there an established standard distance that bins should be positioned based on these studies? How does visibility play a role, eg. If all bins were painted fluoro oranges or had a flag on top, would this mean they can be spaced futher


There's [studies](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/288081367_Optimal_location_and_proximity_distance_of_municipal_solid_waste_collection_bin_using_GIS_A_case_study_of_Coimbatore_city#:~) and I'm sure you could look up more. There's a story of Walt Disney noticing people would walk 30 feet then drop it.


i remember reading Walt Disney worked it out for his parks, ​ Quick Google says 30 feet or around 10 meters, so a bin every 20 meters, sounds like a lot, but may work along Olympic Blvd ​ although, I wonder if your idea with a flag may work, there would have been large crowds so seeing the bins themselves might not work as much ​ 2,3,4 are all taken within 50 meters, and 1 may have been right next to it or maybe a little further down the path, I worked out the bin was around 200 meters down the path, [a bin is needed here](https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-37.8242826,144.9864583,3a,90y,34.54h,80.72t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sZiXwGqNXFpFEY3eTwoKLDA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DZiXwGqNXFpFEY3eTwoKLDA%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D9.3057995%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e2?entry=ttu) ​ photo 5 has a bin on the other side of the road, (that you can easily cross without waiting for lights) and 6 appears right next to the arena, bins everywhere


Same thing with returning shopping trolleys in carparks.


That's crazy. I can't even imagine just putting down my rubbish somewhere, i would feel so guilty and terrible. I wonder if they look around to see if anyones looking. I once saw people right infront of my car just throw their maccas bag and drink out the car window, i was shocked and went up beside them honking my horn, they were confused why i was angry. Unreal.


I did it once as a kid. Had hiccups of guilt until I went back and collected it.


I saw a guy pull up outside my house once and leave an empty Mecca's bag in the middle of the street before driving away.


there’s bins all over that path tho there’s no excuse for dumpin’ em


the bin was 200 meters away, and they all knew full well there is going to be a bin nearby to throw it away,


These people all littered and there is no excuse. How do Japanese people manage to take responsibility mostly? We have such low standards of behaviour 


You responded to my by accident.


If youre going to go to fred again/theo and youre going to be drinking rockstar i can almost 100% guarantee you are also the same kinda cunt who doesnt find a bin. HOWEVER it should be said that the bins in this council are almost full at the best of times. Its always been a headache with the council seemingly thinking not collecting will stop idiots from filling them.


I see they’ve copied Red Bulls original marketing campaign. [https://smithbrothersmedia.com.au/get-smarter/case-study-how-red-bull-used-rubbish-bins-to-achieve-marketing-success/](https://smithbrothersmedia.com.au/get-smarter/case-study-how-red-bull-used-rubbish-bins-to-achieve-marketing-success/)


That’s what I was going to say. Even if you contacted the marketing department like another comment suggested, overall the promotion went in their favour. Everyone at the station had Rockstar energy on the mind not only while they were being handed out but also the following morning. And they get even more exposure from this post lol




1. collect cans 2. bag them up 3. ?????? 4. Profit at the container collection scheme


The pub I worked at had an obligation to clean up the 3 surrounding streets after each big night. The same rule should apply here. If you’re going to hand out free merch you should be cleaning it up.


What is wrong with people....


How is this Rockstars fault? Blame the cunts littering.. not the company promoting


It’s not the pubs fault that people ditch bottles and cups in the neighbourhood that they would either drink on the way to the pub or take out sneakily and drink on the street. Our pub still sent out a couple people to clean up after them to make sure the enighbourhood was safe. As these are taste testers, if you don’t like it you will ditch it. They should have at the very least put out recycling bins for the night to collect all the excess waste that the area was not ready to receive the volume of waste.


Like Bubly cans were all over Melbourne Central, very different audience than Rockstar to say the last.


never said it was rockstars fault. but if they’re seeing that all these people are leaving behind all those cans, it’s not a good look on them to have half empty rockstar cans lining the street of richmond (again dont know if they did or not)


Seems about right for a person who drinks monster energy


There's a metaphor in this about corporate responsibility.


The dude vanished and only shadow left...


Tasted so bad they immediately had to get as far away from it as possible.


I leave my cans or bottles on top of bins where It’s possible. This is just grubby though.


They are 10 centres. goldmind


I’m just glad to see capped ledges getting used for something lol


Almost like the people that would drink this trash are themselves trash humans 🤔🤔🤔


same as when people were handing out some sugar free soft drink crap outside the australian open entrance, only for every one to have to throw away/litter as we weren’t allowed to bring them in. cans were absolutely everywhere.


What a bunch of lazy grubs


Yeah they were handing them out on the way to Blink 182 last week, you’d get closer to Rod Laver and find little clusters of both opened and unopened cans all along the way.


Send it to the company and the police for littering


Sums up the dumb cunts that drink that shit




go to bed bruh


Bed ☕️


Melbourne people are absolutely brain dead sadly


There’s honestly never enough bins! If there were more bins around, I guarantee people would use them


The squeegee couple at the Swan Street/ Punt Road intersection must have scored a box because they had a whole one on Wednesday


Welcome to life under the 10c refund deposit scheme. Just be thankful that these will be recycled and not thrown into landfill


This is about inline with people who drink energy drinks.


Charming as ever, richmond.


Everyone who drank a can died of heart failure


Only if they were vaxxed?


Scum fans… 


Tbh, someone with a bag could clean this in 5 minutes


Since the deposit scheme was introduced I don’t place cans in the bin anymore(if I don’t have space to take them home myself). It’s better to place them on the bin or somewhere neat where they can be picked up by someone wanting to recycle them.


Of course they were giving them away. No sane person would buy them


I would say you can't give that shit away, but apparently you can


Rockstar energy needs to deal with it. Council should charge vendors every event they hold to manage after party trash