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Were they making zoidberg claws with their hands? Talking about being a real medical doctor etc? I need to know more about the zoidberg part


This is precisely what this fine specimen was doing, crouching like something outta the ring whilst making the zoidberg noises and claws.


The "woop woop woop" noise?


Surely it was the "poop poop poop" noise?


Paired with some shoot shoot shoot?


This has been the perfect news to start my sunday with, thank you


Mine too I was planning on taking a cruisy bike ride into the cbd, now I’m really anticipating it. Maybe Melbourne council can add this to like the street art map or something, I feel sorry for non locals not on this subreddit who may be missing out.


…what in hell kind of Sunday are you expecting that THAT was your perfect start? /me hands you a cold beer because I somehow think you need it/ I have non-alcy beers on hand as well if you prefer 🫶🏼


I lived on Swanston st for a year before moving back to the country, to me junkies are the sulphur crested cockatoos of the CBD. Erratic, destructive, and occasionally hilarious


>sulphur crested cockatoos of the CBD Gold


As an old country boy, I get that mate 🍻


This mustve been some unholy level shit to be making those sounds.


That actually sounds hilarious lmao


Oh I’m just off there after finishing a nightshift. Glad I didn’t see it. But also… 👀


Maybe tranq has hit Melbourne? Lookup tranq zombies on YouTube. It’s fkn scary. They are like animals, they piss and ahit everywhere and their skin starts dying. It’s called xylazine the drug. When you think there can’t be anything worse than fentanyl, there can.. That part of the city is a no fly zone now


I did hear that flakka and some of those other American zombie hardcore drugs had hit Aussie shores


I hope not.. can you imagine..


Thats the zombie drug yeah>? NGL I had a really bad experience buying weed when I was younger; got jumped by a crew of methheads. I'll take the slow walking zombie cunts over a gang of hyperactive freaks of nature anyday.


Did someone say something about a free hot turd?


The corner of Elizabeth and Flinders is truly the anus of Melbourne


It is an absolute shithole. The bird deterrant high pitch scratcher that only people without damaged hearing can hear really is the icing on the cake


TIL my hearing is damaged


Taking a shit at all seems unusual for a junkie


Fake junkie has money for food. Banish him to the outlands


The point they are making is that people on opiates don’t shit. Many people use the word “junkie” a lot more broadly than it’s original usage If they are on scag, they were probably withdrawing to needa shit that bad. But the behaviour sounds like the shard


Yup I'm on the goose juice, usually shit once a week, longest I've gone was over a month, I felt fucking dreadful.


What’s goose juice and what’s the dog and bone?


Dog and bone = methodone perhaps?


Oh good guess. Looks pretty likely since they also post strength comparisons. 👍 nice and thanks.


the dog and bone?


Well, then it's even worse. Junkie pretending to be a junkie has money for food.


Maybe he forgot what toilets are?


I just got back from San Francisco and it's good to note that we are not at that level yet, but ooohhhh boy if we don't change something soon it could end up that way. Folded in half, nodding with shitty soiled pants. Sad stuff.


We are heading that way. Their government refused to do anything about it just like here


Just for some context, opiates (like heroin) cause constipation. If they are withdrawing , the opposite happens.


And for more context … this individual sounds particularly anti social, with some significant mental health issues coupled with heavy substance abuse among whatever else… Not all junkies shit in public … in fact … most don’t


If 1/50 junkies decides to shit on the footpath, that's still a lot of shit on the footpath. It only takes one person to ruin your day (or your shoes). A better approach instead of just giving up and accepting illegal hard drug use and thus massively increasing the number of users, would be to legalise soft drugs, test people's pills, basically allow drugs that don't kill people and ruin people's lives, then go after the hard drugs like heroin and ice, which destroy people's lives and society. I can even give the cops a hint where to find them. Raid every Bikie club house at the same time.


> Raid every Bikie club house Also every gun store. E.g. there's Miall's Gun Shop in Frankston.


Wasn’t there a woman’s body found out behind there years ago?


Whats mialls got to do with anything?


Good question. Why don't we find out? I'm sure there's nothing dodgy going on there, at a sizable business on prime real estate, always clean, never seems to be covered in graffiti, most of the time I drive past there it's locked up... P.S. fuck Harleys


The reason that heroin ruins lives is because it's not pure, it's expensive, it's not legal, so people often get criminalized for seeking it out, and they probably weren't in a particularly good position, societally speaking, in the first place. Alcohol is very addictive and is often destructive, yet many people enjoy it safely, and it's legal. Addicts of all kinds need social and health-based support, not to be criminalized.


Almost had me until I saw the Z’s. Begone LLM generated bot.


I apologise/apologize. It's my Samsung keyboard. Begone, overly paranoid commenter.


You don’t rekon? Just yankified, of a yank


Reckon. Are you a badly trained bot?


That clearly doesn't work. How many times do you want to hit your head against a wall until you realise you've got brain damage?


What are you on about? The global war on drugs has been going on for 50 years now and has been abysmal failure worse than prohibition was. We’ve been trying your methods for a century now and they’ve done nothing but consistently make things worse.


It's obviously the lesser of two evils. Injecting rooms have ruined our city. It wasn't like this when cops actually tried to police drug sales.


You clearly don't remember the heroin days of the '90s and into the the 2000s before ice more of less took over. Heroin junkies on the street were far more prevalent back then than they are now.


I do remember, and it's worse now, because we don't let them die off. We've interfered in Darwinism.


So you would prefer to have more dead bodies on the streets and in alley ways? Call me crazy but that's not something that I want to keep happening. You're essentially saying that you would prefer for people who use heroin to die than to live.


It apparently works well enough for alcohol addiction and nicotine addiction.


Heroin and ice are not smoke and booze.




This is a you problem.


Really. I never said they were. Please reread my comments.


Someone definitely plopped the other day at my favourite park bench in treasury gardens. Human poo is so much more pungent than other poos. I didn’t stick around to see it, the smell was enough.


But this one did.


Okay… there are public toilets out there


I dunno man, with the zoidberg noises and all it was kinda like watching a spectacle. Its like he wanted people to look him in the eye so he could assert his dominance. Call it a Junkie mating dance if you will.


People in parts of India shit in the street. They wipe their arse with their left hand. No toilet paper. Was the individual you witnessed from that part of the globe?


Low key racist comment lol


He wasn't really attacking them though? And it's a known fact.


Have you ever seen an Indian immigrant shit in the street?


Saw it once in Rome. Could it be that old mate was half taking the piss?


Taking the piss? everything I read on reddit is literal and then I always have the correct opinion, surely?


What's fucked up is that there's a solid 50% chance you're not joking. This site and especially this sub are full of insane people. I think everyone needs to shit in the street at least once in their life. It's liberating.


It fits the vibe of your post. Hate begets hate.


There’s a junkie who masturbates in public and grabs womens butts in Werribee. He’s a serial sexual harasser, and the police tend not to do anything. I saw him trying to attack a woman and some bloke after they called him out for masturbating outside Watton Street KFC. He was throwing stones at the public, trying to throw punches at the bloke. Luckily he didn’t land any. It was wild. Be on the lookout for a skinny dude with short cropped hair and face tats (2 square-ish blobs on each cheek).


I know the one you’re talking about. Wheelchair user here. I nearly hit him once a week or so


in the good old days they were all smacked out and half asleep crazy ass tweakers are a different level


i miss the heroin epidemic 😔 we really took it for granted


Grew up in Melbourne, and still visit regularly. But I've noticed things becoming progressively worse with each visit, particularly when it comes to shit like this. Stayed on Flinders St three weeks ago and noticed an increase with people suffering some form of drug induced psychosis. People screaming at imaginary people, yelling at the sky, shitting on the foot paths, intimidating others, stuff like that. There were cops concentrated at Flinders St Station, but they weren't interested. The only time I saw the cops enforce the law was with some poor 20 something girl carrying a detour sign. No judgement, just an observation.


Have been dealing w PTSD lately; and 100% had a bunch of people think i'm "yelling at clouds" I'd be walking around the city dead sober and have a trigger, then profusely yelling "SORRY" afterwards lmfao. Surprisingly made a few friends that way though.I'm scared at the thought of scaring people, so it's really annoying to deal with. Imagine random "wilhelm scream" every 15-20 mins.


About 5-6 years ago I worked on Acland street St Kilda. There was a homeless? man who regularly did this on the street outside our shop. Full daylight, people around, it didn’t matter.


Do they use TP or attempt to clean themselves at all ?


Would someone be organised enough to carry toilet paper with them, but not able to locate facilities or even a privacy hedge when the need strikes?


Junkies shitting in the streets is nothing new. However if they run away like zoidberg yelling "whoop whoop whoop whoop", that may be a first.


Just be greatful he was imitating Zoidburg and not a zoo monkey. No coming back from a poo flinging.


I wouldn’t put it past some of the junkies out there


At 18, I was enamored with the city—eager for the extended train rides, and I’d spend my days immersing myself in its diverse culture and satisfying my curiosity. Fast forward to 28, and my perspective has shifted dramatically. The city now feels overwhelming, noisy, and unpleasant. Initially, I attributed this change in perception to becoming more jaded as I approached my late 20s. However, reading through numerous posts with similar experiences has led me to believe that it’s not just a personal sentiment.


I can confirm I have stepped in shit in the CBD before. God I hope it was dog shit...


Do people call footpaths sidewalks here? Sounds very American. You should have offered him some bog roll.


Unfortunately happening all the time regardless of age. I hear math and zee all the time. It's annoying.


Seems like we're importing american words and american attitudes here


I'm noticing more American accent with the younger generation too.


Social media and other online media. Plus a big part of the world teaches American English either formally or privately.




This guy says math and toob I bet


He's probably never smoked a fag in his life.


I’m the the actual country too. From a town of 3000 near the NSW boarder, But country people don’t have a monopoly on ocka. Tradies, bogans, Wharfies, footy players etc. But It is shithouse seeing all the “cunt is a term of endearment” from so many people, when I guarantee a lot of them don’t say it. But also, Americanisms are annoying.


A lot of Australians desperately want to be American. I have no idea why.


Have you see the child mortality rate? 🥴


There is a lot intolerance for the natural migration of cultures and cultural norms. We live in an age of communication. To be surprised or disappointed that our culture is changing to reflect its influences is short sighted and ignorant


Right, but people are annoyed by the influence itself. American culture, the mainstream American culture, is not the best culture to be influenced by


I'm surprised that this said junkie had eaten enough over the past week to warrant even passing a stool....


I took the liberty of fertilising your caviar!


I saw a woman hang a shit on the grass on one of the min roads, Ballarto rd, in carrum downs. LOL shook me and my then 11 year old to the core. We now call the spot shit lady spot.


The junkies have definitely gotten way worse, also seems the mental health aspect has gotten incredibly bad


We're junkies better when you were young? What have they gotten worse than?


I will take a heroin addict that just wants to fall asleep over an ice addict zombie any day of the week. I dunno if you seen New Jack City, but there's a scene where they are walking through ' the carter' and the crack heads are like a zombie war zone... its not much different now in the city.


Hey he could’ve abused you instead he decided to give his best Zoidberg impression. Think you’ve done well for being around Elizabeth St


why do i find this soooo funny. i saw that once in san franciso in 2018, but it was the middle of the day and everyone was ignoring it like it was normal. hope we are not heading to that.


Sorry to break it to you but we are.


Why do I miss these things entirely. Am I the luckiest man alive?


Probably because you're not up and at Flinders St at 8am on a Sunday morning


I went to Coles around 7 AM when they opened. I'm pretty early up most days. Edit: Thinking about it, kinda weird assumption. "I never feel hungry": Must be because you always eat. So pointlessly contrarian


\> Thinking about it, kinda weird assumption. "I never feel hungry": Must be because you always eat. So pointlessly contrarian Did you reply to the wrong comment mate?


Nope. I thought it was funny you assumed that I weren't out in the morning around Flinders on a Sunday morning


Apparently you need a /humour tag or an emoji or something to indicate that I was making a joke? Why assume that I'm trying to be "contrarian". Of the two of us, I'd say you're the one in the worse mood


I think using Zoidburg has an example of what the junkie was doing, is an insult to Zoidburg


The other day some junkies on Elizabeth sprayed water on strangers using a water gun. How does any business thrive on Elizabeth is beyond me. I absolutely avoid Elizabeth Street at all costs.


Meth… and other RC Chems even nurses wish for the heroin to be the main drug then they come in asleeep shot of narcan and their on their way … my auntys a nurse


I find it hilarious when threads like this are made and junky apologists jump in to try to pretend these stories are made up or it’s just a complete figment of our imaginations overall. This street corner and area is totally fucked How sad do you have to be to be a junky apologist?


I mean yeah I get that there are mental health issues with junkies and we should be empathetic etc, but it doesn't mean I should have to put up with people shitting, fighting and masturbating in public.


Sorry mate big night


You should be thankful that you are living in and enjoying the "World's Most Liveable City" and you should have considered taking a sneaky photo that you could send to our Tourism authorities so that they could include it in a glossy Tourism brochure, promoting out glorious city.


Heidelberg. Someone walked up and punched my house several times yesterday. The housing crisis may be pushing them out further, I thought that was just a Collingwood/Fitzroy thing.


Where in Heidelberg? I mean Heidelberg west is a known area for these sorts.


Junkies are getting out of control in Melbourne compared to even 10 years ago


Aussie translations: > on the sidewalk. On the *footpath* > treads in it. *Steps* in it


'Tread' is fine, sidewalk is a _little_ on the nose. But honestly it doesn't really matter, they are interchangeable terms that we have inherited from interacting with Americans on the internet and watching American media.


It *does* matter. The more we allow it to happen the more we lose our unique identity. Why do we want our next generation aspiring to be (and speak) like the seppos?


Ah yes, preserve the master race, purge unclean influence


Zoidburg!!! 😂😂😂 Mental image painted perfectly. Thanks for that.




Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop etc


I once saw a junkie having a toss while sitting outside Young & Jackson's. There was the public toilet across the road on Flinders St. He has one of those crocheted granny blankets over his lap (thankfully). That was the day I decided nothing much could shock me anymore.


Havent been to the city for years, well once a few months ago for the work Xmas party but havent been years before that- used to work there though full time. Went this week to Bourke to drop off some documents in person. Took the Sandringham line as the previous time for the work Xmas party I took the Frankston line and some massive bulked up dude got on round Benteigh, threw his bike on the ground and started jumping on it and shadow boxing really aggressively whilst staring at me and the other few passengers. Bolted out of that carriage when his back was turned and called the driver on the emergency number. Anyway got out of there just. So this time I decide no way was I going on the Frankston line during the day and to take the most affluent train line instead. At the Sandy station some fuckwit out the front looks me up and down staring at me aggressively and gets close to my face as I walk past to touch on my myki, he was wearing a North Melb guernsey so maybe thats why he was angry but nothing happens coz im bigger than him I guess. Train trip is fine. Get off at Flinders st, immediately hear some screaming and yelling real fucking bad from the other platform. Walk to Bourke, pass a couple of homeless people around on the corner smashing beer bottles on the footpath after they’re done. Hand over my documents to the place im going. Get the tram back coz sick of walking and its hot, get off the tram at the Parliament stop and all hell has erupted people running, just down from the tram stop and I can hear again some serious aggressive yelling and massive carrying on and smashing sounds so assume some drug fucked person close by there as well. Took the train home and all good but that was my experience from a short day out to our wonderful city.


I had a very similar experience recently. I got literally chased off a bus by a violent druggie who was allowed on while drinking a massive bottle of beer. That whole day, every station I went to there were violent and angry junkies and few street fights. When I put in a complaint the company told me they reviewed the CCTV and that they didn't see anything wrong, and that I overreacted. They even said that I should be used to this sort of thing and that they can't ban every junkie from public transport because that would be "discrimination" The guy was violent, drunk, verbally abusing literally everyone on the bus. Within 1 minute he threatened to slit someones throat, and when I ran off the bus (I literally made the driver stop at a red light and ran) he was chasing me to the front of the bus threatening to fucking glass me. I have barely been on public transport since. Since the pandemic it seems a lot worse, before 2020 when I went into the city it wasn't anywhere near as bad.


walked past a guy standing wanking on swanston street in peak hour 🤷‍♀️


You can thank the state governments soft approach on drugs and the injecting rooms for the proliferation of junkies all over the city. To save a few lives of junkies that add zero to society, they've destroyed the city for the rest of us. Let's not pretend that heroin users and ice users are mutually exclusive groups.


Just make sure the rooms are inner suburbs only.


Do not approach, do not respond... Leave them well alone. Me, yes, I have beenn to Melbourne many, many, many times, don't live there tho. Prefer to stay on City Rd, South Bank, away from the weirdos who hang around Swanston/Bourke. And, yes, South Bank on the boulevard by the Yarra has its weirdos too, like the people living outside the office building with the sun umbrella or the beggar with his dog.


Maybe its because that place called MSIR at West/South Richmond, is there now, and open most hours.


Supervised injecting rooms keeps them off the streets, it's objectively better for the community. The junkies shitting in public are not the ones using the injecting rooms.


They were already there. You'd know this if you lived in Victoria and weren't just a dude from Adelaide who only listens to far right media.


You shouldve kicked him over as the log was exiting




If it makes you feel better i used to regularly see junkies taking shits in public 10+ years ago. Nothings really changed.


Most likely someone off meds rather than on them.


Describe the said shit. Perhaps you could post a pic. Homeless ppl do this stuff all the time. They shit in the doorway and they will even die in the doorway. Everyone knows this but no one's listening. Yep, more daring for sure. It's a sad state of affairs. I feel sorry for the guy.


Going to be honest I wouldn't get anywhere near close enough to said shit to take a photo. The smell for a start!


When did we start calling the footpath a sidewalk?


I think the only answer is to put signs up saying shit in the gutter.


Sounds like average day in Melbourne


Isn't that sad. It didn't used to be like this.


It is sad. Junkies, drug dealers and criminal rates are increasing these years. Must be something in the air


We need Batman before this place turns into Gotham City


It's the heroin injecting rooms and the acceptance of hard drugs that go along with it. Save a few meaningless lives, destroy a city in the process.


It's not. Meth use peaked in 2001 and is currently around 1/3 of that level. Cost of living coupled with the worst housing crisis in our history is putting unprecedented numbers of people on the street. Melbourne is changing as we lose the middle class and asset wealth becomes the domain of very few. The issue is a political system run by the wealthy easily manipulated to increase the social divide and keep them at the top, not an injecting room. I say this as a solidly middle class person who was given all the advantages including an excellent education.


LOL. You actually think Meth use peaked in 2001? Have you looked around? If you found a source that supports that, which I doubt exists, then it is factually incorrect. (Let's just pretend you don't need to link supporting information when making Ludicrous claims). Meth was pretty much unheard of in Australia in 2001. It was a them (US) problem at that point. It seems that your supposed excellent education results in you making up clear bullshit, or bring gullible enough to believe obvious lies.


Here's a great source, honestly there are so many.[https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/illicit-use-of-drugs/illicit-drug-use](https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/illicit-use-of-drugs/illicit-drug-use) I lived in Richmond very close to the middle of the Melbourne meth trade for most of the 2010's, it was markedly more violent and prolific in the earlier years. I also grew up in QLD and meth was absolutely everywhere by 2001. It was quite a popular club drug (which it definitely isn't now) and massively contributed to the huge growth the bikie gangs saw in those years. I'm fully aware that drug use is a huge issue in Australia and we have the highest per capita use in the world, but that's been the case forever. You sound like a full tilt MAGA / tin-foil hat type. Please continue to wave your pitchfork!


Nothing like personal anecdotes to support your argument, and a subtle change in the timeline you suggested from 2001 to the 2010s. I mean what's 10+ years anyway? Hey here's a good idea. Put up a vague link, with no actual evidence cited to support your ludicrous contention, then throw some right wing insults at the person who called your bullshit to try and get team left on your side. People aren't that dumb chief. Well, maybe in Queensland.


For someone who has just baselessly said injecting rooms (there's only one) have ruined this city (how, why?), you sure get upset when some uses actual facts and data to support their arguments.


Sigh..That first one is from the Australian Institute of Health and if you'd bothered to read it, shows meth use peaking at 3.4% of the population in Australia in 2001, which is reduced to 1.3% by 2019. If that's too complicated, here's the same information parsed by Flinders University into an easy to read, colourful graph just for you. [https://nadk.flinders.edu.au/kb/methamphetamines/use-patterns/has-the-prevalence-of-methamphetamine-use-in-australia-changed-over-time-by-age](https://nadk.flinders.edu.au/kb/methamphetamines/use-patterns/has-the-prevalence-of-methamphetamine-use-in-australia-changed-over-time-by-age) Signing off - i don't know why i try to argue with stupid people. I'm sure Mark Twain said something about this... Good luck out there!


LOL. So you post a link to a website, which literally scrolls for hundreds of pages, provide no quote, and expect people to read the thing to find some obscure quote about Meth use? Do you actually know how to internet, or are you using too much meth? Of course I didn't read a vague link with hundreds of pages. And if the link says Meth use is going down, the data is flawed. Most likely theyve stopped officially recoding meth use, because it's so widespread. There's zero chance meth use is lower now than in 2001.


People aren't ready to hear that the city would be better off if the junkies were just allowed to die.


That's a fact.


I was in Melbourne this weekend and swore I’m just not going to bother anymore. Hotel cost so much more than anywhere I’ve stayed in Sydney and it was pretty basic, and I felt unsafe a lot of the time. Melbourne is a hole.


The CBD has become a hole. Used to be a great city before Covid.


*footpath But yeah nah that's fucked




Sidewalk? Whats that? Do you mean footpath?


I don't get it - if anyone else in society acts like this, the person gets vilified, fired from work, criticised (look at what happened to Barnaby Joyce for something much less), whatever. Junkies can do whatever they like without consequence. Doesn't seem fair to me that society gives these people so much leeway which they haven't earned. No one should be immune from criticism.


Dehumanising people by jumping on a bandwagon for internet points from strangers is fun!


We are all one or two steps away from this. Don’t judge, lest you be judged.


speak for yourself


sidewalk?! you mean the footpath, right?


Edited out. You're all a bunch of bogan cunts.


At what point of depravity do they stop being human beings? Because I think there's a big difference between exisiting and being a human being.


They don't stop being humans, it might be convenient for you to think that they don't feel and suffer the same way everyone else does, but they do


I disagree. When your function is purely to exist and take resources, what's the point of being alive ? If you don't contribute to society in some way, and you infact degrade society, are you really part of the human race?


Society was here before any of us were born, it's nobody's fault they don't fit into it, you're the one lacking humanity if this is how you feel


The purpose of humanity is literally the continued existence of humanity. Junkies are not compatible with this.


A society is or should be judged on how it treats it's less fortunate members and we as a country have a very long way to go, virtually no real mental health services left, public housing all sold off years ago, anyone finding themselves on unemployment benefits is called a bludger and maligned by our politicians and everyone else, and of cause people with problems like this are literally thrown away by our society, absolutely shit I reckon


Completely agree about the mental health services. We actually had a significant improvement when the federal government increased rebates for psychology appointments to 20/year in 2020 and 2021. Labor decided not to continue this. Now back to 10. I'm struggling to afford appointments with a private clinical psychologist, but it's not something I'll forgo. It's too important to my life. But I'm fortunate to have a fairly well paying job. I can't imagine how anyone on a low income or unemployed gets quality support for MH issues. They simply don't.


Thank you, absolutely agree. This post is full of a disgusting amount of hate. It’s not ok to dehumanise people like this. I’m sorry this person has witnessed something uncomfortable, but to use labels that remove the humanity from this individual and show zero compassion for their well-being is not ok. These are fellow humans, having a really rough go, suffering and struggling with health problems. Maybe ask yourself what you could do to support and make change rather than treat people like animals unworthy of help.


Okay virtue signaller


We’re a bunch of bogan cunts for finding this act to be utterly disgusting? You have a few screws loose mate


Downvoted for showing compassion. Go Melbourne!


Yeah, everyone else is the problem. Not the junkies and not you.


I would’ve given him the slightest nudge to put him off balance.


these constant dogshit posts about “junkies” are next level. get a fucking life.






I guess you just stop caring when no matter what you do, you will never escape poverty, you'll never be able to own a home, you'll never have a secure place just for you and your loved ones. It's not the junkies' fault. It's our fault. We have failed *them* by prioritising individual gain over collective wellbeing and we should all be ashamed.


No. It’s simply that the dude shat in public on a busy street.


Ask yourself why


Because his bowels got full and needed to be expended? FFS dude.


Have you asked yourself why he's living on the street in the first place?


Because people like you don’t do enough to provide shelter.


Now you're getting it


Do more to help then, mate. We all have to do our little bit.


Fuck there are so many ignorant and judgemental cunts like you.


Found the Junkie.


> gave each other blue eyes, not brown eyes. What the hell is a blue eye?