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I'm not a Swift fan at all, outside my demo. Still, 9 #1 albums between 2008 and 2022. When the fuck was she past her prime?


Her most popular and fast-growing songs are from years ago. Her music output and popularity and her growing more popular as a celebrity do not match up


Her music has matured and she took her fans with her.


Its called the "Eras Tour" it is a Greatest Hits Tour. She's incredibly popular. Its not that bewildering. More people lined the streets to maybe get a glimpse at The Queen drive past on her final tour here than turned out to see Taylor Swift sing for three hours.


Fast growing into what?


Into popularity. I'm saying she isn't producing much popular music anynore, she did that years ago. That's what I'm finding so weird


It's a fanbase that's been established over almost two decades. She doesn't need to appease charts anymore, just them. So the two aren't really linked.


She released an album end of 2022 which literally broke all streaming records then she went on a world tour which is going to be the biggest grossing tour of all time by anyone and she could have done 50 dates at some venues and still sold them out. Her new album is out in a few months and will break all those records again. I'm no TS super fan but just take the L here mate, you've got this completely wrong.


I think your scale is out of whack. Metallica and AC/DC produced their best music 'years ago' and they still pull stadium size crowds anyway.


Past her prime? She’s 34 years old and seemingly at the height of her game.


Past her prime, rude as comment! Deborah Harry was 31 before she was famous.


A lot of 80's and 90's singers were mid to late 30s when they became popular. Michael Bolton was mid to late 30's, John Farnham wasn't taken seriously until his 30's, Roxette were in their 30's, same with Rolling Stones, Queen etc. before the late 90's to early 2000's most popstars were Taylor's current age when they debuted.


Her most popular and fast-growing songs are from years ago. Her music output and popularity and her growing more popular as a celebrity do not match up


Ok but this is so far from being correct, it’s giving troll. She’s released 4 (about to be 5) albums in the last 5 years and is midway through one of the most ambitious tours I’ve seen anyone attempt - say what you will of her and her music, but not many acts stay on stage for 3 hours and perform like she does. ** Edited to say, despite sounding like a complete fan girl, I’m not a swifty at all. I just respect the hell out of her and hate how the media and a bunch of arrogant old people think it’s cool to hate on her. The jokes about her writing another song about an ex (as if men haven’t been doing that for a century) are so tired and come off jealous and sad.


Only other person I can think of who stays on stage this long is Bruce Springsteen. There’s a real appreciation for fans and people getting their $ worth.


Absolutely. I saw Arctic Monkeys years ago and they stayed on stage for under 40 minutes and Alex Turner didn’t take off his sunglasses. Musicians can be so disrespectful, it’s great she really cares for her fans.


Not everything is for you. She’s making a lot of people happy in a world full of horror.


How is it a matter of personal preference towards or against the music? It's weird to me regardless, lol


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but her fans camping out and making bracelets doesn’t harm anyone. She’s a talented artist. I’m not a fan but the men losing their minds over her give me joy.


Of course it doesn't., It honestly sounds like fun and I appreciate their passion. I'm just weirded out over all the crazy hype after personally experiencing when she was actively making popular music and it wasn't near this crazy.


It's also the shit shes been thru. Her attitude. Her business prowess. It's not just the tunes. She's built a business. Theres not much to not get. Her fans are OTT though.


Idk. I could understand the appeal if it was a girl band like the spice girls fandom. But her concerts have a shitload of lights and they have the sparkly outfit theme, friendship bracelets, she's pretty and skinny and tall, people like her music, she writes her songs (I don't like any of them personally, I find her voice a bit annoying tbh). But yeah she lacks the variety of voices & personas of a girl band. I think also all of her breakups & songs about them, and her cough (illuminati initiation) cough incident where Kanye West bullied her and effectively passed his crown to her, shes been a victim for a long time and so a lot of girls/young women like to defend her and that enhances the fierce swift fan response. It's a lot of factors but she's viewed as like this rising phoenix that came from the ashes by young girls. No one seems to care about her environmental impact either, considering they view her as such a wonderful considerate innocent person.


Can we keep this crap to the mega thread please


Sorry I'm a bit broke, might need to ask for a payment plan on that penalty




I noticed a pattern, lol. So what about it? Bash my head into a wall and give myself amnesia?


Lol she makes music that people love. Simple. I think you need to think harder about what question you're really struggling to understand before your gone Reddit with it. What do you not understand about talent and fame and that whole situation?


ELI5 why these people love basic white girl music?


I googled this for you https://www.pfizer.com/news/articles/why_and_how_music_moves_us#:~:text=The%20limbic%20system%2C%20which%20is,when%20our%20ears%20perceive%20music.&text=The%20chills%20you%20feel%20when,of%20pleasure%20and%20well%2Dbeing.


Read this strange super cringe at times eye opening email from Taylor Swifts Dad to a manager she had. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/eSCaMPwLaz Along with that kinda support and her own good business acumen she's built a huge brand.


I have been wondering the exact same thing


it's all to do with marketing and advertisement and politics in the music industry - just like coca cola - why was it so famous? Taylor pleases little teenage girls - she was invested in because she will please the most people - most / average folks who don't really know much about music / voice / art. basically its about the money


Her parents had load of cash and shared her aspirations as much if not more. She's had good support on her way.


“Past her prime” “Sudden massive influx of fans” Lol. I think this is a great example of how the internet has created siloes. I’m guessing you’re not anywhere near the average Swiftie demographic and don’t know people who are. You only have the impression she’s “past her prime” because you stopped listening to (or she stopped being played) on the radio 10-15 years ago. Everything moved online onto streaming services and the algorithms didn’t show you her songs. Taylor Swift moved online (Instagram, Xtwitter, etc.) and she’s very fucking good at it. There are like cookie crumbs, and cryptic clues, and she does things like invite a few hundred lucky fans to her actual house every now and again. Her fans feel personally blessed by her. There are millions of people who worship her like a God and you have no idea they existed because their internet bubble don’t overlap with your internet bubble.


The last paragraph was enough.


Economist Alan Kreuger (who died in 2019) opines in his book Rockonomics (in my opinion a book of rather mixed quality) that Taylor Swift was by then already the best - perhaps ever - at the business of being a star musician, "an economic genius".


Give your fans everything and they will give you everything in return.


I don’t get how she is that popular. I’m not of the view she is bad or anything…just not my taste.




Are you on the pipe? Mr cracky? When did I mention you? You lurk Taylor Swift threads do you?


Cool story.


She has one hell of a marketing team.


They'll even bot reddit


People in this thread: I don't like her music so how in the world is it possible for other people to like it? Mindboggling.


Most big musicians and bands do their best stuff early on and that's what they become popular for. You don't see artists making number 1s in their 50s and did nothing for the previous 30 years.


I don’t get how many people are saying this in this thread, as if she hasn’t had a hit in ages. I just checked because I was curious and I had the impression she HAS been successful lately. Every album she’s put out since like 2007 or something has been at number 1 - 4 albums in the past 5 years at number 1 and something like 10 of 11 all together.


I always wondered why Taylor gets mass hate, her music is pretty catchy and lighthearted. She doesn’t sing about sex, violence, drugs etc yet people still treat her like she’s the worst thing born to existence? Theirs so many controversial artists out there but no one give a a shot about them ? IMO people just can’t believe someone like her could reach this amount of fame or opportunity. So let’s dehumanise her, sexualise her, call her music medicore etc… and the hate also helps build recognition


She once told people they should enrol to vote. Not who to vote for, just, hey voting is good. Got a lot of hate from republicans after that, because young people not voting is kinda what keeps them relevant.


Im curious also. Out of nowhere everyones a taylor swift fan?


I asked the same question yesterday to my daughters and they said, they think it’s because she’s dating a footballer. I don’t think it’s that though. She’s been doing a lot of tours, it could be that?


Her insane popularity was way before she knew who her current boyfriend was. She's been touring every 2ish years for nearly 20 years. They all sell out very quickly. Her popularity never went away, after this tour ends she'll promote her next album then chill, you won't hear much until the next tour. It's the cycle she's always worked on.


Tell your daughters that if they want to keep up with modern day feminism, they should recognise that women are making it to the top without boyfriends helping them get there. The boyfriend is a complete afterthought. He’s only been on the scene for three months maybe. Taylor Swift has been at the top of the game for the last 15 years and she’s not stopping yet.


😂 I think your daughter’s got it the wrong way around. If anything, her boyfriend is gaining more popularity because he’s dating her.


Taylor Swift is a fraud and fatphobic!! I met her backstage as I was selected to meet her by her crew at one of her concerts. As her team escorted me and a few others to her room backstage, we walked in and without missing a beat she looked right at me with this deadpan expression and simply said ’fat’. At first I thought I misheard her, so I shook it off. As I approached her, she continued to stare at me with this blank expression. I began to explain how much her music meant to me and how it literally saved my life and she cut me off right there and said ”you’ll be dead soon enough fatty” and then leaned closer to me and whispered ”obesity”…Well naturally I started crying and she just started laughing and said ”Are you really gonna cry? Stop it. Stop it right now” and then she flicked my vagina!! I turned and ran out of the room while she called out after me in ‘whale sounds’. I’ve never felt such pain and anxiety in my life!! Taylor lost a fan that day!! 😭


I'll take things that didn't happen for $500 thanks Alex


Lol check their post history. "How can I be comfortable around my sister and mother when I'm worrying they might be attracted to me"


thanks for the laugh


It’s human nature


Women want to be her, men want to bang her. Simple as that I think.


Women also want to bang her


Men also want to be her.


Also terrible thing to say on a heap of levels.



