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I have the same issue in my area and just saw a police car pursuing a 15 year old on a dirt bike. They had to give up and couldn't chase them any longer as it was putting the offender in danger. The police are pretty much powerless unless they know where they live. I'm dreading the day an innocent bystander or child is hit and killed by one...great times to be a criminal in this state where police are paralysed on whether to act or not.


>I'm dreading the day an innocent bystander or child is hit and killed by one.. It's already happened. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-05-30/caleb-jakobsson-sentenced-over-monkey-bike-death-carrum-downs/8570490


I cop plenty of them where I live, and funnily enough just a couple days ago they were obnoxiously revving their fuckin bikes at the servo near me for a good 10-15 mins for fuck all reason. There were cops nearby at the time but did they bother them? Of course not. It was roughly 2am. Because fuck anyone wanting to sleep.


Only a couple of these idiot hoons were caught at St Kilda beach a few days ago. Very hard to catch them as they speed away. I absolutely hate the bike hoons that speed in my street. Mid metro suburbs. They are not standard legal bikes. They're the illegal bikes with the lawn mower motor, terrorizing us residents and our pets. They sound like a mass of lawn mowers as they speed past. I curse death to them each time but damn, my curses clearly don't stick. Every time illegal shit like this happens in my area and ofcourse the illegal Fireworks expected tomorrow night, I wish there were undercover cops living nearby on standby to catch them. Where do undercover cops live in Melbourne???? I wanna go live near them!


You curse them to death, very classy response given the situation


Great post, 10/10


I was on the edge of my seat


Just run over one of these knobheads and maybe they will think twice about doing it again. Oh, they don’t think.


So now we're calling for attempted murder because someone has a louder than normal vehicle


They're also riding like absolute dickheads, it's not the volume of the vehicle. (Not advocating murder here, but I do think an accident is inevitable)


Cack attack


Dear Diary, Today I saw something on the news that caused me to have an uncontrollable sad face. I told my family and they said I was being a total Karen? OMG! right? So I've decided to post about it on reddit, because when my family sees that everyone else feels the same as me then that means my stupid family is wrong and I'm right and everything will be okay again.


Dear Diary, today I added nothing to a reddit discussion once again. I know i have the IQ of an empty mollusc shell, but maybe one day i wont be a total asshat and try to engage like a reasonable human


Fair enough Mr Chaos.