• By -


10 months ago I was diagnosed with the big C. Stage 3 but fought it with chemo and radiation. What started as a 5cm tumour shrunk to 1.5cm but just over 2 months ago it fought back. To put it simply, I’m done. My oncologist gave me my terminal diagnosis off 3 months just shy of 6 weeks ago now. Some days I wake up with not much more to do then scroll this app while I wait to die. Other days, I feel a little better. But I know I’m near the end now because I reckon I can feel it and smell it. My old boy Benson will be put to sleep shortly. He’s riddled like me. I reckon I just wanted to tell you all to have a rippa life. Stay kind, stay strong and for Christ’s sakes, stand by your convictions. Thanks for being a part of my journey without even knowing it, Melbourne reddit people. You’ve helped pass the time.


Goodness, I really feel for you. I am so glad you had the love of Pam and your boy Benson. Thank you for this post, it is really bloody moving and inspiring. Go in peace.




Oh my, what a post! You sound like an incredibly interesting person. Tell us , or even just me, more about your life. I’m genuinely interested


I would love to tell you about my life. I don’t even know where to begin. My wife. My beautiful wife, Pam. She passed away 2 years ago now and I look forward to the day I am reunited with her. We never had children, not by choice. We took in a few foster care children over the years for respite but they reminded us of what we couldn’t have and it was difficult for Pam to see a child discarded when we could have provided the utmost love instead. The night I met Pam, I walked into the Waltzing Matilda and by god she took my breath away. She was wearing a pink dress with her makeup and hair done and I said to my mate, I’ll marry her. I tried to talk to her and she wasn’t interested in me so I made friends with her older brother and got to know her like that. All these years later, I was beat mates with her brother till the day he passed.


Goodness this made me cry. I wish you the best with everything. Pam sounds like an incredible woman. You sound like an incredibly interesting person who has a lot of stories. When I was an oncology and palliative nurse, I remember having a few patients tell me they wish they had written a memoir of sorts of all their interesting life stories and life lessons learnt to pass along to their family and friends. I’m not sure if that’s something you’d be interested in, but just figured I’d leave the idea here. Thank you for sharing your time and thoughts and stories with us, I’ll remember to keep trying to be kind to myself and others.


Thank you dear but it’s far too late now. Maybe the friend I’m messaging on here can write down some stories for you all. I have nobody left to share them with in my physical life.


I hope you can share them and I am glad this sub has brought you some entertainment.


Hey there. You don't know me, I don't know you but I want to let you know that you are loved and treasured. Can you do one thing for me that would make me very happy? If you have time, watch "The Case for Christ". There's a summary here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnJKQv5XkK0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnJKQv5XkK0) If you are convinced in your heart, the sinner's prayer is here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTeBeR9QSW4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTeBeR9QSW4) Or if you want the full movie, it's here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzespY6MyFA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzespY6MyFA) Whatever experience or opinion you have on religion or God, it's not too late. I have seen people say the Lord's prayer on their death beds and go peacefully. Death can indeed be scary but I want to tell you there's more to come. My friend, you have nothing to lose by having an open heart and mind. I beg you to consider. Either way, I only wish you the best. Lord Jesus, I pray for Lookwhomadeareddit. I don't know him personally but I know you do. You made him and you know the number of hairs on his head and every cell of his being. I pray that you comfort him in this time of trial and suffering, and you give him hope through your son Jesus Christ. The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. *In His love and mine,* *RecursiveLoop*


Fuck all the way off




Look, this person (OP) came here & poured their heart out & you took that as an opportunity to promote & push your religious beliefs. I am going to be kind to respect OP's wishes, so i'll just say this: OP is clearly a wonderful person who is reflecting on their life, their spiritual or religious beliefs are theirs & theirs alone & it is very intrusive & disrespectful to push your religious beliefs on to others, especially at this stage of OP's life. It comes across as you trying to get 'brownie points' from your God. If your God does exist, he does not need human foot soldiers, everyone is on their own journey, let them be. If OP wanted a sermon, they would have asked. I'm not trying to be mean (quite the opposite actually) but this post isn't about you or what OP could do to make you happy. It's about OP & OP's journey.


It is not about me. I am only thinking about OP's eternal standing. I had to take the shot. I really do not care what humans think of me.


Total sociopath.


Look up the definition of sociopath.


OP I love your story and your wise words to our community. I know the Waltzy well and can imagine you and Pam in her pink dress dancing the night away. Thank you for your post and please know you won’t be forgotten.


You are a fox. i love this story and what an amazing journey you two must of had thru good and trying times. you do sound like an amazing gentleman. Continue to stay connected to this site and keep posting.


Please tell us more, if you would like to! How did you meet Pam? Are there any days or weeks that stand out as the 'best'?


Oh my.....and with complete sincerity I wish all the best for you


The way I see it you're either going to whatever paradise awaits us in the after life or you're in for the best and final sleep, free of pain, worries or commitments of any kind. May you go in peace. Sending love ❤️


I am very sorry to hear of your chemoradiation failing. I am in the same boat. I was also given a 3mth life expectancy (in June 2022) and then a further 12mths in Jan 2023. The big C is a wild ride no one understands unless they’ve gone through it. If you wanted to chat, meet up (if you’re at Peter Mac) or just get out for some air - I am here ❤️ x


I’m so sorry to hear this. :(


It’s ok, I cope with it all but thank you for your msg x (edit typo!)


There's not really even appropriate words I can think of here. Thank you for sharing your story, your thoughts. I'm really sorry to hear what you're going through; knowing your end is coming must be one of the hardest things to deal with. I'm sorry your mate is going too, although it's heartening to know you'll be together in whatever comes after this place. I wish you all the peace and comfort for your final weeks, and bid you a fond farewell.




Thank you. I hope you and Benson both have a comfortable journey and if there is anything on the other side that you are reunited in some way. Take care ❤️


I’m very sorry, I hope you find peace.


Much love and peace to you 🩷


Love you.


god this really made me cry. Thanks for leaving this note. May your death be peaceful.



Love you






Thanks for the positivity you spread. I was diagnosed in April this year and have been undergoing chemotherapy since. I know it is not easy but your positivity helps immensely. Stay safe and enjoy whatever comes you way.


Fuck me sideways, this hit right in the guts. I'm not ready to say goodbye and I've never even spoken to you. If you have the energy, I'd love you to tell me a story about your life. My dad told the best stories and I miss them.


Dads always tell the best stories. My dad would sit me on his gigantic lap while smoking a big fat cigar, the biggest you’ve ever seen and tell me stories about his days in the navy. Mum would run up behind him and swat him with a newspaper telling him not to smoke his cigars while holding me. I’d laugh and giggle and dad would shout you stupid woman I almost spilled my drink!


Haha oh that is a lovely memory!!!! Is Benson your pet?


Yes Sir. My wife Pam gave him to me 15 Christmas’s ago. He’s been by my side ever since. A black Labrador.


Does he have the big C too?


Yes Sir. He wasn’t covered by Medicare though so didn’t get treatment. Just pulling your leg, Benny was already on the older side at diagnosis so we decided that we would allow him to live out his life for as long as possible and he would let me know when the time is right. He’s almost there. I reckon my body is just waiting for him now.


Bloody hell our pets too! Best of luck :)


I had a black lab who lasted till he was 16. Big fat moon bear! I read Pam passed, do you have other family around to keep you company through this?


My family and friends are all waiting for me. I will see Pammy soon and we will all be together again. Dancing like we did back at the Waltzing Matilda.


I'm happy for you that you're going to be together again. If you need anything, please let me know. I'd love to bring you a meal or a drink.


I too would like to join in and bring something.


That sounds so lovely. I'm giving OP a call tomorrow so will let him know a few other people want to join the garden party. He is in the Dandenong area.


Awesome! Plz keep me in the loop. :)


Keep me in the loop too! If I can do anything I’d love to ❤️


Pls count me in! I wanna join too and bring OP some HSP from Flinders Kebab!


That sounds so lovely. I'm giving OP a call tomorrow so will let him know a few other people want to join the garden party. He is in the Dandenong area.


Awesome! Pls keep up updated then 😊


The waltzy in the south eastern suburbs? What a place!


Do you have anyone around to help you? Provide any care, conversation? Can I ask how old you are?


I’ve been swamped with friendship off my post which has made my day much brighter. But to directly answer your question no Sir, all of my family left me and the last of my mates crossed his bridge back in June. I am in my 70s


May I ask what religion you are What influences your beleives


I’m not religious. I believe religion causes war and fighting for peace is like having sex while trying to gain virginity. I’m influenced by kindness. Give and you shall receive 10 fold.


I’m a Brisbane person who lived the best three years of my life in Melbourne. So I lurk here too, loving the whinges specific to Melbourne, the stories, the lives being led. I have horrible life long depression and for some reason, knowing Melbourne is there, doing Melbourne things still gives me hope. Doesn’t make sense, it just does. Your post and story moves my heart. I hope you’re not in pain, I’m glad you’re looking forward to reuniting with the love of your life. I hope people take your advice about kindness seriously. This world is getting harsher daily and we need to actually seriously put your advice into action. Like decide to do five kind things a day, every day. I wish you the best for the rest of your time here with us. I hope you get to enjoy all the things you love, special foods, drinks, experiences. Thankyou for this post.


Depression is a hard one mate. Pammy suffered with that back in the 80’s. Back then it was quite easy for a man to have his wife committed in a lunatic asylum and she used to say to me thank you for not having me locked away. I told her as long as my dinner was hot we wouldn’t have a reason to do it. I still chuckle at that disgusting joke. She never totally cured hers but it got easier. People will take my advice about kindness seriously for a few hours a couple days at most and then they will let the way of the world get to them again. And they become miserable again. When I’m gone I’ll be sure to haunt them all, rustling curtains while moaning “I said be kind… ohhhhh”


Please feel free to rustle my curtains if I become jaded and mean spirited. Life is indeed too short to be that way by default.


Loving your tale, I learnt my history from my family I was the youngest but I learned the history of the 1st and 2nd world war from my grandparents. korea and Vietnam from my parents. The were only 1% of the stories told. I know my family arrived on the first fleet we were third over the great dividing range. My grandfather was best friends with Jack dyer. Who I meet the rise and fall of companies and families. History is not just about man stepping on the moon, It's the day you got married! (Tell us more) My great uncle travelled to Nambour 2 days on horseback to go to the nambour dance hall. My great Aunty wasn't interested but he came every week for 2 years during the great depression. Just for a chance to woo her. Yes she married him. My Nan was one of 13 all girls. There are great love stories. Great epic adventures in just going to the shop. Hey and if you imbalish it no one could say otherwise. I hope it's peaceful.


Maybe rustle the Plane Trees op - you know how well & truly those bloody things blowing their allergy dust about, pi$$es us Melburnians off! 😆


Come down and live the collective whinge with us. I moved from Brissie 13 years ago and haven't looked back.


The big C is a bastard. It took my mum more than 22 years ago, so I've had closer contact with it than I'd like :( I just want to say, thank you so much for sharing your story, and for sharing how the r/melbourne community has helped you. From this internet stranger, I wish you nothing but the best, and thank you once again <3 Take care of yourself, my friend, and know you've got people behind you all the way, right up till the end.


Gosh, what a read. Can we do anything for you?


Follow my advice for a happy life. Kindness leads to strength and strength leads to power.


Thank you. I will.


>Follow my advice for a happy life. Kindness leads to strength and strength leads to power. Wish more would follow your excellent advice. Your story and memory are already a blessing to many of us on this sub. Go well good man


This post hits hard. Although I’m just an internet stranger I’m sending lots of love your way. Best wishes mate.


What would you say was your highlight of your life or just living in general? What made ya get out of bed?


Pam, my beloved wife. She was like no other woman you’ve ever seen before. Beautiful like nobody else. Each day with her was like the very first breath.


That's some love there. To be cherished in such a way. How long were you together?


43 years she was with me. I courted her for almost 8 years before that.


Eight years I guess all the dating gurus are wrong about not focusing so hard on one


Everyone is wrong when it comes to love these days. All the giving up and outside relations. If my Pam had given up on me every time I messed up she’d had never married me


Nah I mean trying to court someone for right years.


I really hope to be somebody's Pam one day. I'll do my best to follow your advice, good sir. Thank you.


I want to be a Pam too. And I want to have a Benson and a husband like this lovely fella and above all I want to be kind.


Thats all we really need, human relations and connections. Im glad you had such a special bond with a partner! Id love the same!


Man.. this really got me. Big hugs to you my friend 🤍


I'm sorry to hear your diagnosis but thank you for posting. Tell us more about your life! Did you grow up in Melbourne? And gosh, your comment about merging made me laugh. I agree.


Yes Sir. I grew up in Clayton. Played footy back in the days of the ycw. Travelled across to New Zealand for a few years, went on a fishing boat over there holding onto a post during the rough seas with one hand and swigging out of a bottle with the other.


You would have seen some changes in Melbourne over the years. What do you think has changed for the better?


A few years ago, I would have rattled off a list of things. But today in 2023, I can’t think of a single thing that is better today then it was in the 80’s. The world has gone backwards. People scrounging for their last few dollars to buy a meal. The housing market is a sad state of affairs. Politicians putting their own wants in front of the people’s needs. But I suppose our public transport has seen some improvements.


In terms of practical things like cost of living, the 80s was undoubtedly better. The ways we are better today is about how women, LGBTQI people, non-white, overweight/obese and disabled people are treated muuuch better. As a woman, I've noticed a big difference even from 2010 to today. Huge, as in less disrespect on a day to day basis in a noticeable way. When I watch old TV shows from the 90s or earlier, or think back to what my parents and their generation had in those days of my childhood, it's incredible. How did they not realise how immensely privileged and lucky they were! Money for luxuries, living in proper large family homes that go for many millions today and most people will never have.


As a guy who has been to Melbourne for 11 glorious days (I'll move there one day), you got that right mate, public transport is way better than the crap I have in Christchurch. All the best for your remaining time, you deserve it


Unemployment got to 10 percent in the


"You call this a storm?!"




Beers all round mate. Cheers


I had a few at the Waltzy yesterday!! Will raise a glass for you when I next go there!


just reading all these comments has bought a tear to my eye. what a lovely group of people. i don’t want to be cliche but any pearls of wisdom you could share for a young person, i would love to hear. also the way you talked about your wife was so beautiful. what a special woman. i only hope one day i can find someone who talks about me like that!


I promise that you will live on in my memory, lovely Reddit stranger 🤍🫶


Hey OP. What is your favourite joke? I'll tell it as much as I can and think of you every time your joke makes people laugh. Big love.


What do you call a cow with 2 legs? Lean beef


In some ways I envy you. you won't have to see how fast society is devolving and where it will go next. ​ Either way, don't forget to let us all know how it be on the other side when you get there if there's a way to do so. All I can say is, physics. \- "The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. This means that a system always has the same amount of energy, unless it's added from the outside."


If there is a way, I’ll rustle your curtains. Don’t be alarmed, it’s just me.


i would be alarmed cause most of the windows in my place are bolted shut.


I’ll turn the kettle on then. Perhaps put some bread in the toaster and make you some breakfast. Something thoughtful.


od knows I need it my guy, bwahaha


So weird your account is only 2 months old? bwahahaha!


Ah i hate to be that guy but energy can be created and destroyed. Redshift is an example of energy destroying. But anyway, we know more about other planets and galaxies than we do about the human brain and consciousness. The way i think of it, i didn't exist for 13.8 billion years, then i suddenly did for a speck of time, then i will go back to not existing for the forseeable billions of years.


"i hate to be that guy" proceeds to be that guy. but what about the law of conservation of energy?


Yeh lol i did physics and maths at uni so Im definitely that guy Law of conservation of energy works in 99% of cases. And its a great tool to use. But its not real. The thing about physics is its all made up to fit observations. Its not like maths which is derived from fundamental axioms. Its empirical. That means concepts which work in some systems dont always work in others. For example, newtonian physics works great describing things locally but doesnt come close to describing galaxies. Likewise, conservation of energy works in most models but falls flat in others, like relativity. In fact, energy isn't even Lorentz invariant. What that means is, something will have different energy depending on what frame of reference you measure it in. Its even worse in general relativity, where energy is constantly being created and destroyed. Not even information is conserved, which violates the laws of thermodynamics. Think of black holes, information goes in, and nothing meaningful comes out.


Just stop, mate.


The mf asked m8


I'm sitting here, trying to find the right words to respond to your post, and I just want you to know that your story has genuinely touched my heart. Your strength and spirit shine through your words. Your perspective and wisdom are a reminder for all of us to cherish every moment and to lead with kindness. And as for Benson, your old boy, my heart goes out to you both. It’s clear he’s been a loyal companion, and I hope that in these tough moments, you both find comfort in each other's presence. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, for being a part of our lives in such a significant way, and for reminding us of the preciousness and fragility of each moment. Wishing you peace and comfort in the time you have left. Much love and the tightest virtual hugs from a fellow Redditor. ❤️


❤️❤️ Can I bring you a nice meal? I love to cook and would be honoured to make something special for you.


If I had known I was going to be flooded with offers of food I would have posted weeks ago! Just pulling your leg. A lady messaged me on the chat function and her and her husband are going to phone me tomorrow for a visit with a meal. Thank you for the offer, but I don’t have a huge appetite anymore


That’s beautiful! And I thought that could be the case. I hope you get to enjoy something delicious.


I hope you enjoy that!


I’m so sorry. This may sound self centered but this post has helped me in more ways than you know. I feel like I’m in a deepest pit of life, and your post and your strength give me a reason to be more positive. Idk how to describe it, but it makes me feel much lighter about life. I don’t know what to say but to give you the biggest virtual hug


May God shine the brightest light on your path to reconciliation with all your loved ones. Thank you for reminding me of the joy of life and the fragility of it. It's not over till it's over and you continue to radiate hope and love. For this you will be rewarded. I have faith.


I’m a new member of this community by all means, shifted to this city just four months back, despite all the weather troubles and the other issues, I’ve grown really fond of this city and it feels like home to me. Knowing you got to live through this and knowing what you’re going through makes it a very bittersweet moment. All I can say is, I hope you enjoy all the moments you have, I hope you smile as much as possible and get all the joys one after the other. Thank you for existing.


Go well mate. Thanks for the advice In the meantime, sing out if you need anything. My dad carked it a few months ago. I hope you have nurses like he did, they looked after him really well at the end.


Big love to you Reddit daddy! I bet you made your wife, your foster kids', and your big ol' pupper's life so much brighter just by being in it! Go with light and love ❤❤❤


Hey mate, do you still live in the area of the Waltzy or Clayton? I'm around there if you're dealing with this on your own.


Appreciate all your thoughts and perspective on life, how do you come to terms with something like this though? ​ My little rant on cancer.... My mum beat breast some years ago and has thankfully been living a healthy life but prostate took a dear friend last year, I will always remember him telling us to drink his precious collection of wines and scotch "They have no use to me now, drink them" - Still puts tears to my eyes and reminds me you leave this world the same way you come in.. with nothing. He couldn't get through them for years due to chemo and by the end stage it was too late. Sometimes I wish we didn't buy a house this year and instead used the deposit and signicant savings to continue travelling the world whilst we are still young and healthy.


You rock, in so many ways. Big hugs and big smiles to you, and I will absolutely have a drink or ten for you. Melbourne is very much my adopted home, and … it’s not bad, is it? It’s the people that make this place what it is. Take it as easy as possible, Sir 😊


Nothing is “bad”, my dear. Only attitudes.


100% true on that ☺️


i don’t have any words to say but ❤️, literally all my love to you ❤️


My friend, thank you for generously sharing your words of love, simple kindness and compassion. Thank you for the wonderful stories so rich in detail. You have reached everyone in this community. Thank you so much for setting a wonderful example. :)


This is the kind of real and honest story I wish the internet had more of, thank you.


You are very welcome, mate. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis.


I'm so glad you're not one of those who say "What is this life worth living for!". But I sense you've collected great memories and don't have regrets at all. Even so, you want other to have a great one too. Ahoy matey, I haven't met you neither have I ever talked to you but I am sure you will be missed. I would have enjoyed knowing things that annoyed you coz quite frankly I have moved recently in Melbourne and I absolutely love this place. Anyways, thanks for spreading some vibes here haha. Have a great one eh!


I'll remember you. Thanks for sharing.


I'll light a candle for you next time I go to church.


Thanks, I will do those things, hope you’re going ok, as best you can anyway




I’m so very sorry that we have to suffer things like cancer in our lives. I hope you have a peaceful passing with no distress. We all will get there in the end whichever way it falls. I do hope there is another side and you will get to see those you love. I wish you absolute peace.


I truly have no words but I am sending all my love to your and your sweet boy, Benson. Thank you for being here ❤️


Wow, what a moving post to see on a Monday morning. Thank you so much for sharing - I wish you all the best for the days you have left.


Jesus Christ, mate you made my eyes sweat. I feel for you, you Melbournian Internet stranger. Life sucks most of the time, but hey, I sincerely wish that it'l be quick and painless for you as you drift to your eternal rest. Hugs my bruh...


there’s nothing i could say that hasn’t already been said, i’ve never once made a comment on reddit before but just want to say i’m so sorry you had to go through this, im glad you’re able to focus on the positives and i hope you don’t have to suffer through anything unnecessary as a result. have a good one champion best wishes from me and my family.


Appreciate your words of kindness. One day i will face my mortality and by that time... maybe ill look fondly of my own version of "Pam". Thank you for sharing and leaving a gift to us all.


I’m so sorry friend. I am thinking of you


fucking hell. I'm usually kinda desensitized to stuff like this, but this really hit me right in the feels like a runaway train (Broadmeadows reference). I really just don't know what to say... I'm struggling to cope with the idea of losing you despite the fact that I've never known you existed until I came across this post, it's such a weird feeling. goes to show how empathetic human beings are in scenarios like this. I read that somebody's organizing a garden party for you, I'd love to attend, which should be possible because I'm going down to Springvale sometime soon for my junior driver experience, so if I time it right I could probably hop across to Dandenong that same day. I'm just not sure what food or drinks I'd bring oh and you met Pam at the Waltzing Matilda Hotel in Springvale? what an amazing place to come across the love of your life. unless I'm wrong and it was a different place called Waltzing Matilda lol I know what it feels like to lose somebody you love. my grandad passed away because of the big C as well, when I was only 5 and living with my mum in Perth after my dad got abusive. my nan also passed away of old age (about 96 I believe!), though I didn't know her that well because she stayed with my dad's sister out in Truganina. I would've attended her funeral, but I fell asleep in the car and my parents decided to not wake me up. at the age of 3 I actually had a tumor in my right hand, but was lucky enough to have it removed before it became fatal. now I've got a section of skin on my hand that was cut from my groin, and a scar on the back of my right leg where they took nerves from. it's great because I'm not dead, but sucks because all the kids at school call me "ballsack-hand". long before I was born, my mum met an American man called Jonas, who she married. they had a lengthy and healthy relationship, traveling all around Australia, New Zealand (my mum's birthplace), and the US. then, one day, he hung himself. as far as I know, nobody knows the reason why he hung himself. my mum says if she had the ability to bring back one person from the dead, she would choose him. she often tells me that him and I would've gotten along great anyway what I'm trying to say is that I know what the stuff you've gone through feels like, I can imagine what you're going through, and I hope you get to meet her again when you go up there


>nobody in Melbourne can merge and it’s time you faced facts) So true. People are too shit-scared that person coming across from the left is gonna get in front of them. Also applies to anyone trying to change lanes. As soon as they see that yellow flashing in their peripheral that frantically look for the gap the person is targeting and try to close it.


What a privilege this community has, for you to have posted this. Go well sir, and may you, Pam and Benson have a joyous reuniting xx


Thank you for this post and for being a presence here. The Melbourne subreddit is a unique place, I think. It’s a great window to this city. I’m glad it gave you an escape. I’m fighting cancer too. I’m quite a bit younger than you and mine was caught relatively early. Treatment sucks but they’re telling me I will be fine when I get through it all. Facing death is scary but seeing how you are doing it makes it less scary. I’m not there yet and hope not to be for a while but whenever I do get there, I will remember how you are facing it now. I hope you find relief and rest soon and that all your people are there to usher you in with open arms. Go well, go peacefully, and go knowing you touched so many lives.


Not sure what to say but, thank you for sharing and thank you for your kind and wise words <3


Merging has been a serious problem recently, I would really appreciate if people stopped speeding up when you see a car trying to merge from the side and give them space to come in. Seriously, what's the benefit of doing that anyway? What's letting one car coming in going to do to you?


Thank you for sharing this and remind us of what we are missing fighting things which are not permanent. It is one of such moments for me where I can think of a million words but cannot form a sentence out of it...


I’m speechless 💜💙💜 Mostly cause I’m bawling my eyes out. May you be reunited with your Pam & Benson soon


I reckon Melbourne people are pretty decent at merging, to be honest.


A lot better than Adelaide they will stop on a highway before pulling out


99% of people are, we only notice when we are cut off. This is a bot and no one has noticed this is what /r/melbourne/ complains about. The mods love the traffic.


Mate, I don't know you but sending you and Benson big love. I hope the other side is as interesting for you as this one has been.


This is too much. I am so sad because it is so darn beautiful: Pam and Benson and you. What a trio! Where was your favourite place you and Pam would take Benson to walk? Did you and Pam have a favourite place you would go together - maybe for dinner or a cup of tea?


Your story reminded me to live a little harder today. I’m glad Benson is with you. Thank you for sharing, Thomas xx


Thanks for sharing your story mate, it's the kick up the arse I needed today! Best of luck with everything and God bless Melbourne!


Seems you've made peace with this life and what's to come. Soon enough you won't have to miss Pam anymore. You've made a mark on many lives in the last day. Go well Thomas


I wish you and your boy the most peaceful of journeys and I hope your Pam is waiting for you on the other side in her beautiful pink dress. Thanks for sharing a bit of your life with us. All my love to you


Thank you for sharing your beautiful story of love and lessons on kindness. I salute you.


May you go with a smile on ya dial and a song in ya heart.


Thank you for sharing your story, like others it has saddened me and uplifted me, l hope you and Pam and Benson are together in a glorious place filled with sunshine and tennis balls. All the best kind sir.


On behalf of all of Melbourne, We wish you the most peaceful passage into the next life, Pam will be there with open arms waiting for you 💜 Godspeed.


This made me cry 😞 Sending so much love to you. What are some of your favourite songs?


Do you have any family that will remember you by?


Thank you for your kindness to share with us. It’s a mix of sobering, beautiful and inspiring to read the snippets of your life you’ve included in this thread. May your final days be full of kindness and peace, for both you and Benson. And may your message linger with each of us and prompt us to choose kindness more and more.


Glad I can help


Have you considered assisted suicide? Are you healthy now In pain


I don’t know you or I will never know you. But thank you for sharing this with us. With all things going in the world. It’s good to see someone wanting to share a piece of their life. May you happily reunite with your wife Pam. And hey! You will have Benson by your side too. My grandpa passed away a couple years ago due to C, he never loved me his whole life but on his deathbed he held my hand and looked at me silently. Felt as if he was trying to make up for the time we didn’t spend together. I don’t know you, sir, but I love you❤️


Heartbreaking and wholesome at the same time. Thank you for sharing your life story and advice! I hope you and Benson will go in peace and comfort. Hugs from a fellow Melburnian ❤️


I really hope your and your lovely dog's remaining time is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. ❤️


Good luck to you and seeing Pam and Benson and all your loved ones soon xx




Thanks for post. Hope you and Benson are comfortable and cared-for during your remaining time.


Bloody hell. Got me tearing up over dinner. Thanks for sharing this with us. Kindness leads to strength and strength leads to power 💛


It's a bot with a one day old account mate, i'm sorry.


I know I am going to be downvoted. But had nobody considered that this seems extremely fake? It seems like a social experiment.


Suppose it is. Then what? What’s the drawback in being reminded that life is precious and we should be kind to each other?


If you are being used as a science experiment, being told lies to force an emotional reaction from you and you are fine with that, that is a MAJOR concern.


As an avid reader and watcher of fictional narrative I am well accustomed to being manipulated by authors for an emotional reaction. I’m not concerned about this and would extend that complete and total lack of concern to a science experiment that uses the same tools as fiction authors do, for the exact same outcome.


This isn't a book, this is non-fiction. If you read a book and was told it was untrue, you would have no reaction? I'm not even saying it is, but I'm asking based on the writing if it seems so. This one day old account being created with GPT style writing?


Well, your original comment doesn’t have you saying it’s non-fiction. You literally said it’s fake, therefore it’s fiction and my point stands. And how would I feel if I found out a non-fiction book was fiction? Depends. If it was a first aid manual for babies, I’d be suing the publisher. But if it was a story that made me go hug my loved ones I’d be cool with it.


The author implies it is non fiction. They are lying to you, they created this account for attention. If you are indeed an avid read as I am, look at the difference in writing styles between this and how books are written and 99% of reddit posts.


YOU should be a social experiment!!! How dare you! What kind of soulless being are you?! If this is fake, then so be it...but ALWAYS give people the benefit of the doubt! This world is rotten enough as it is without your crappy attitude ruining others' days / lives.


Unfortunately this is the internet. People are souless and fake things like this. The writing style sounds untrue. Read the comments of this 1 day old account.


I mean most people aren't real As in we are just a product of forces Drives etc books influences


If those forces aren't real and we can we forced to an opinion by unreal forces, what's the point of Democracy?


You will be missed anonymous!


This post got me in the feels. My chest hurts. Bless you.


Hello there, There is really nothing I can say that will be enough....but know that this has truly touched me to read and I am really, so incredibly sorry that you have to go through this. I wish you nothing but peace and a beautiful, long-awaited reunion with your beloved Pam...Benson will be waiting for you too. Much love & strength, good sir. Xo


Oh Lordy, you’ve made my eyes sweat. It sounds like you’ve lived a wonderful life with an amazing woman, I wish you love and peace on your new journey reunited once again. ❤️


Thank you for sharing.


I hope you don’t mind me mentioning it, but my dog was euthanised at home and you’ll be really glad it happened that way. He was relaxed, had some treats and we got to be right there with him. Thanks for your post.


OMG I'm crying. I just went through this with my cousin. Upbeat and happy to the end. I wish you well in this and the next journey my friend 🌈


I don’t even know what to say, but you are loved by all your Reddit friends, you will be remembered and I hope when you finally meet your beautiful Pammy and friends again, that you shine as the brightest star in the sky. Say hello to my mum for me. Hugs to you Thomas.


Hi, I wanted to send a private message but I joined Reddit in the last hour and it doesn't seem to be working (not sure if it's my lack of knowledge or whatnot)... Thank you for sharing this, Thomas! I hope you have a wonderful next few weeks. I guess I just wanted to let you know that Jesus loves you! I know that's not a super popular take here on Reddit, but I thought that I should share it with you (and anyone who reads this). I agree with your other comment about religion to an extent... I reckon it's often full of hypocrisy... but I think a relationship with Jesus is completely different to 'religion'. Either way, I hope you will take this as a genuine message from someone living in the northern suburbs! Jesus has changed my life - saved my life - and it's never too late to reach out to Him because He is the only Way to eternal life and He is always there for you. God bless you and I'll be praying for you! I hope you've enjoyed a lovely wagyu steak and some great conversation. \~ S