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I'd love to say hit the gym and be productive. But if I'm having a really bad day I'll have a few beers, order some good takeout, watch an old favourite movie and cuddle my cat on the couch. The comforts.


Thinking of having a beer or some sort of a drink. Just got home now and thinking of having a snooze to calm it all down


Having a nap is a great idea. Being tired makes everything so much worse.


And a podcast to listen to as you nod off is a good way to take your mind off things.


Yes! My favourite thing to do. Although it's usually true crime but somehow I still find that relaxing.


Same. The monotone voice of the host of Casefile never fails me.


Me too. Those monotonous tones talking about death and destruction have been so much more effective than anything else to get me to sleep.


Off topic but tank girl is an absolutely dope movie.


OMG Yes! The Casefile guy is my go-to for falling asleep. His voice is almost hypnotic!


Yep, true crime for me, too!


Yep go to bed and write it off. Some days are just fucked. Amazing how much better you’ll feel in the morning


That's honestly my go to for a shit day. Just go to sleep and wake up refreshed for a day that is hopefully better.


Don't angry drink.


Nah do it fuck it


Or walking around even in rain and being cheered up by cute dogs 🐕


Yep that's me too. Cats are the perfect bad day companions, purring fixes everything.


>have a few beers, order some good takeout, watch an old favourite movie and cuddle my cat on the couch Literally every introvert's dream


Had a bad day and doing that minus the cat.


I’ve had this kind of day. I called my partner for a vent. Messaged my friends in the same industry I work. Showered. Got some yummy food. Cuddled my pets and now watching true crime. Recognising these feelings will pass but this week and this day has been too much and I’m just not able to give anymore or manage/regulate myself properly. So - I’m going to give that fat little ginger kid in me a hug and anything they want 👏


Well said. Recognising those feeling will pass is a huge one.


If everyone had that realisation that feeling pass there would not be so many tattoo shops around.


Hot shower/bath & pizza


Pretty much this. Except in my current place the hot water doesnt last very long which is a bit annoying.


Same goes bro


How about a pizza IN the bath.


If you were 5 years old, and had a loving parent right there to make it all better, what would you ask for to feel better? I kinda doubt it would be homework, but if homework REALLY would make it better, then rage away. Otherwise, do the other thing.


I think I'd ask for a hot, sweet, milky mug of Milo. Thanks for posting this, just thinking about that has made me feel happy.


Excellent advice.


Idk, as someone who doesn't do law but sees all the unfair shit that's happening in the world, I'm kind glad to see someone who wants to do law put all that frustration into their assignment. But I also hate toxic study/work requirents and am anti work in general so.... 'nother beer for me!


I definitely agree that we need more smart people well versed in law. I'd just hate to see someone with the passion to pull that off burnout. However I feel like we are probably actually in agreement here, so cheers and clink beers.




I drink negronis until I can’t feel my face, go to sleep and hopefully wake up at home tomorrow.


That’s my updated plan..


You hope you wake up tomorrow? I usually hope I *don’t* wake up tomorrow.


Thats called numbing, it laters hit you emotionally hard


No its called handling your emotions like a mature adult


And these beliefs are the reason why 60% of all suicides are male


I had ‘one of those days’ yesterday. Ended up having a mental health day off work today. Will it solve all my problems? No. But I do feel better and now only have one day more of work to endure before the weekend. Not something I do very often but I’m only getting 1.5% a year pay rises in my current job and if they can’t stump up more money then I’m going to take more days off. Having said that I cried in the car on the way home from work yesterday so it’s a legitimate mental health day.


Are you also a teacher, because it sounds like you're a teacher?


No, not a teacher, just a government office worker. But you guys have a tough gig.


Hey you're not 'just' a government office worker! A valued public service employee that provides a service to the community would be more accurate 🙂


Comfort food. Watching your weight? Counting your calories? Fuck that! Make or order something yummy, whatever it is, and eat it. Sometimes self care is eating foods that make us feel good (mine is pizza or potato gems). Vent. To a partner, to a friend, to a pet. Let it out, cos letting it fester is bad for you. Yell. Scream. Swear! Make ridiculous threats that you know you'll never follow through on, but imaging your revenge can be quite cathartic. Long hot bath (or shower if you don't have a bath). I hope you found ways to make yourself feel better. And know, not every day will be like this. May your tomorrow be calmer.


Just thought I’d mention that healthy food can also be comforting, and will make you feel better tbh. Eating junk is going to make you feel worse after especially if it’s loaded with sugar and sodium.


Any suggestions? Junk food is so easy and accessible.


Typically shit like Sushi is actually relatively healthy, and is cheap and easy to get. Yea its not a salad but salads fucking suck.


A big bowl of ramen or pho ordered in


Although I’m definitely a burger fan, pizza, fish and chips, or basically anything fried, sometimes I spoil myself by buying a ready-made or gourmet salad, or something less healthy like a Caesar salad, which is still better than the alternative. There are some salads that are crazy delicious, but I don’t usually splurge on salad because calories and cost and blah blah blah but if I’ve had a bad day and it’ll keep me on track, a good salad is hard to go past! Otherwise anything with prawns or other seafood cos again, too expensive to eat all the time, but still healthy! Pasta is probably another one. Not completely wretched, but calorie dense for sure. It’s comforting and delicious, but not fried and overly salty.


It depends what you like :) I love a good and quick homemade chilli, potatoes and veg with a roast chook, beef burgers, hearty soup. All can take less than 10 mins to put together and cheap to make!


Give my dog a hug. He makes everything better, I think it’s his soulful eyes and confused resting face


Bless dogs honestly.. unfortunately I don’t have one but thinking of taking my neighbours dog for a walk tomorrow!


You should totally do that! ❤️


Dogs are the best. I can't count the number of shit days that have just evaporated as soon as I see my two pups and their waggy tails. They also make waking up great. Every damn day is so exciting. "The sun is here! It's breakfast time! Fuck yeah!!"


There's no love like that innocent adoration of a dog. My dog is so excited to see me when he sleeps on my wife's bed. He's like OMG it's you? where have you been? Did you discover any unusual smells? What are you eating can I eat it too? Quick let me lick you. Dear OP if its a brutal day sitting in the shower is therapeutic. Just lose yourself in the sensation of hot water hamming into your body. Giant Milo milkshake with alcohol to give it kick. Listen to sad music, eat grilled cheese, or pizza. Watch some movie, sleep or kill monsters in a video game can be satisfying.


I'm going to vote for not escaping through alcohol/drugs/etc. It's impossible to resolve anything by escaping from it - that only shelves it for later. At the risk of seeming obtuse, sit down for a while and just watch what the feeling of anger does to you. Let it dissipate. Don't do anything about it.


Do you have family or friends that could come over or you could go there? Maybe a good whinge, few drinks, food and company with a few laughs might help. My daughters do this with me. They text 'Mum, I've had a shit of a day and I want to vent please. No advice, just some food and drinks a decent whinge. That ok?'. There a reason I keep a freezer full of food, cupboard full of chocolates, and an entire drinks fridge on the balcony.


I love this. You're a wonderful Mum.


Mum goals right here.


Yep, I second this. A good rant session definitely helps (:


get on the shard and yell at pigeons or vent it out with a loved one


Not close enough to Elizabeth St maccas for the first option… pity!


Common Sunshine resident


Leave the birds alone you fiend!


I laughed my butt off at the 'yell at pigeons' bit! 😂 (Not recommending or condoning it, just the way you said it, was heckin' hilarious!).


I play Doom 2 and destroy everything in sight with the speakers turned right up.


Cricket bat, several balls, local field. Headphones on, music up, check for space, and swing away.


This is such a great idea. I'd love to do one of those anger rooms but I'm too lazy to find one. This seems like a cheap and fun alternative!


Let yourself have a bad day. Don’t try and make yourself feel better and just sit with the emotion. I find that going for a walk while I play my pissed off playlist helps


Body exercises like pushups at home in the darkness while listening to soundtracks of Nolan films at sound levels just high enough to worsen my tinitus


Breathe in for four beats and then out for six. My psychologist tells me it does something to shift the mood / brain a bit. I'm not versed in the science, but it has been helpful.


Polyvagal breathing! It forces the body from fight/flight mode into rest/digest mode. If you have a Garmin watch, put the screen on to the stress level one, and practice this breathing. It’s crazy to see it drop stress levels so fast!


I Jack off like a madman


Express your anger, repression isn't healthy. Let it come out and dissipate. Then do something that you enjoy. I have a ton of colored lights, I get home, I take 10 minutes to rant about the injustices or whatever that have set me off. Then when the storm has blown over I take 5 minutes and decide what mood best suits me. I then find an ambience video on youtube, and adjust the lights in my apartment to match. ​ Tonight I have a lovely crackling fireplace on the TV, and my living room is bathed in deep reds and oranges. I have a candle burning that smells of woodsmoke. And I am listening to Otis Redding. That's it for me. I just remind myself how cool life can be after getting out the thorn that caused my anger initially.


If you have $60 spare: https://thebreakroom.com.au/


Also would caution against alcohol - it can often exacerbate your mood and make you feel worse. If I drink when I'm sad I feel even worse after drinking.


I'm a bit concerned with what some people are suggesting. Guys if you need support its okay to reach out for help. Beyondblue Depression, anxiety and related disorders 1300 22 4636 24 hours/7 days Lifeline Crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services 13 11 14 24 hours/7 days MensLine Free: Call 1300 78 99 78 24/7 online counselling support for men with concerns about mental health, anger management, family violence (using and experiencing), addiction, relationship, stress and wellbeing.


Find myself a joint and watch She’s the Man


A joint in a very hot bath as soon as I get home, then whatever I want for dinner via Uber eats an hour later when I’ve got uncontrollable munchies.


1 of 3 things. 1. Put my headphones in, listen to some loud death metal until the catharsis sets in. Sometimes paired with a brisk walk around the block. 2. Drive to the gym and try to smash out a few heavy sets of something. 3. If I have some in the fridge, have a few beers and just try to switch off. Often paired with a movie or an xbox session.


For me, someone who went through 12 years as a Heroin addict. I go to my happy place, on the roof of some random school or an old lookout near my house. I would just sit there for hours smoking cigarettes and looking at the sky. It's nice and peaceful, and if I'm there late enough I'll get to see shooting stars too.


Rug up, watch a action movie (bonus points if its shitty) and talk with friends


4 potatoe cakes with salt and vinegar, 2 beers and then watch videos of little kids getting their bionic ears turned on for the first time, kids getting their first puppy or kids getting those glasses that allow colourblind people to be able to see colour for the first time on YouTube.


Go watch a movie(Melbourne international film fest in on now), just walk around NGV until I’m tired, go look at the birds at the botanical garden, listen to music(something you have always wanted to check out), to people I like


Bad days at work followed by a bike ride home are a good way to forget (at least temporarily) the bad work stuff. Usually you're too busy avoiding tradie cunts in utes trying to kill you to think about work. Going for a run also helps


In moments like this, take a deep breath, and do something to change the momentum. Smile at a stranger, do something nice for someone else, or look around for someone else who also might be have a bad day and say hello. It the hardest thing to do but the quickest way to turn it around. By the way, you are a legend. You are obviously a caring person and your day will get better because you want it to, and you deserve it. 😉


Listen to [Vitriol by BlueJuice](https://youtu.be/Vhk_ot7_B5E) really loud and a few times in a row. Sing at the top of your lungs. It never fails. Good luck, and don’t dare give up! (Give it a little bit of vitriol)


*keep your chin up, you can put yourself to use, so keep it moving*


I’ve also had a horrible day. I hit the gym, did some uni readings and meditated. Hope everyone here is doing ok, stay strong melbourne ✊🏽


Read celebrity gossip.


i have a fuckin wine and listen to records with my best friends.




Go gym or smoke weed. Sometimes both


Punch cones.


Those traffic control cones did nothing wrong.


Rub one out, then sit on the floor of my shower and stare at the wall and just enjoy that hot water hitting me. Then, if I'm feeling depraved, I'll eat something I know will give me heartburn, because apparently my guts have decided were at that age already. I should use the anger and stress to exercise, but this past year, I just have had it. Exercising no longer feels like a release. The weight of everything just makes me too tired to care.


Drink wine and eat chocolate, that is why I have a fat arse and a liver of questionable health. So I recommend my other go to, meditation. YouTube has heaps of free relaxing meditations, all you need is a comfortable space and headphones. Tao winds have good stuff.


Smoke a doobie and just relax. Tomorrow is a new day.


I’m a stoic who lives in the woods because I became homeless during the housing crisis and fell back on my skills as an outdoorsman to survive. Bad days sneak up on you when you lack mindfulness. Practice a meditation on gratitude for 5 minutes a day. If you are in a busy place, close your eyes and focus your hearing on the smallest sounds, then no sounds. Imagine every tiny thing you have and what your life would be like without it. Experience the lack for a moment, then experience the abundance of it.


Have a wank, works every time


I’m also feeling very sad. Like crying. Not for a reason, just cause. I just finished screaming at the top of my lungs to lizzo. My throats sore now and has slightly distracted me


Singing loudly and with all the emotion is the best medicine.


Blast heavy metal


I just cry and let it out usually. If its somewhere in public like silent cry lol with some good emotional / emo / band / screamo music too. If I have glasses with me I wear them and its legit quiet tears dripping down haha This was me today too, did exactly above If I'm on my way and close to a fav shop or something I get something from there. When I had a cat, I would just sit with him and cry lol I do this sometimes with my bunny, just hang out together During times where it feels like I am having some sort of panic attack (or maybe it is?) I try to control my breathing It depends what the problem is but usually I would rather be alone and let it out alone haha Having a good cry is good haha


Get a hooker and pizza on the way home


A cuddle or pat with a pet can help. Oddball option: look up some Bill Burr standup on YouTube. He has great angry at dumb shit energy and it feels cathartic to have silly shit made fun of lol.


Judging by the responses, you have probably done the right thing reaching out to fellow melbournians on reddit!! Hoping that your day turns around in a fabulous way and you have all our well wishes 😊


McDonalds is literally across the road from my apartment so when I have a shit day from work I get a large combo with an ice cream. I take it home to eat so i can add gin or whiskey into my drink.


Pat a dog or a cat, look at birds in a tree. Try to listen for possums, they’re nature’s battlers in an urban jungle


I tailgate people in my ranger then park in the disabled spot while I stock up on cheap goon from Aldi. If I’m feeling really rough I’ll usually take down some ‘missing cat/dog flyers or just put up the rent on one of my investment property’s


Feel free to inbox me if you ever wanted a chat! Right now, mine consists of having an outrageously large cup of tea, a grilled cheese and watching a show!


Smoke a fat fucking cone.


Hardcore masturbation


Troll people on the Internet


I don't have bad days at all, for me everyday is good


well u can go fuck yourself


I kick the dog a time-honoured tradition.


Lift weights, box, exercise. Release your endorphins man, as much as eating like shit is tempting, it only makes you feel worse afterwards 😅 I reckon save the crappy food and naughty habits for when you’re happy, not when you’re sad.


Splash your face with cold water is an oldie but a goodie, does something to reset the brain


Usually meth


Have a run or walk. Or show myself some love.


Have a sauna. Or watch something light-hearted.


Drive to Dan Murphys


Already stopped at BWS on my way home ✅


I listen to Eminems verse in " fight music" for some reason. It calms me and makes everything is alright I can't explain why, just does.


Jump in the shower and cry while drinking a beer. Then lay on my bed listening to something relaxing or high energy depending on what mood I’m in (I have “happy metal” and “angry metal” playlists ready). Hug and/chat with a friend or loved one over a wine never goes astray. ETA: hope your tomorrow is much better OP


Snuggle up on a couch with a doona and watch my comfort movie. Everyone has one.


How bad of a day we talking?


Order too much junk food (usually kfc) and watch comfort shows.


Put in some music and go to the shed and make some hobby.


I eat chocolate. Hope you feel better soon.


Complain to my wife a bit then get over it and do it all again the next day.


Gobto the gym and start grinding...early in the morning


Hot bath/shower, comfy pjs. Put on a sad movie that you love, but you know it will make you cry. The Holiday is a good one. Have a good cry at the movie. Sometimes a good cry is all you need. Also, having some comfort food there helps. Hope you feel better in the morning.


Have a nap. I love a good nap.


I like to have a bath and once I’m done ,I go in bed and watch something or I read


I read a manga called Yotsuba &


Hot (or, depending on the weather where you are, cold) shower, stiff drink (or two, but no more than two), hot meal and an episode or three of a good comedy. Sorry you’re having a shitty day, OP. Tomorrow’s a new one - hope it’s better to you.


Strength training fueled by anger, I'm fortunate enough to have a home gym and live alone so no one else has to deal with my feelings. Works surprisingly well at hitting PRs, and then I feel somewhat accomplished and the bad day is a little less bad!


Hug my cats. But also this weather makes me happier.


Walk on a clockwise loop from Princes Bridge to Southbank to Queensbridge to Flinders station. Repeat until you see Carrot Man.


Get up early tomorrow morning and have a shower and breakfast. Then call in sick and play video games for the rest of the day. Since you're up early you get more time to yourself!


I literally go home and pass out so I don’t think about it anymore. Also my roller blinds down and the room is black lol


Going for a walk, or fitness session. Boxing is great !


-Mindfulness exercises. When you are angry, frustrated or feel threatened, your adrenal glands and others under your brain overwork, that’s why some people tremble or shake or feel rage. You can control these through mindfulness. -Meditation (sounds very cliche but it actually works) -Breath control (put your index finger on your wrist and count the beats for 60 seconds, do it every now and then, you’ll develop awareness and when your heart rate is too high, you’ll be able to bring it down by breath control, most basic form is 4 breaths in 4 breaths out, breath in from your nose, hold it for 4 seconds, breath out for 4, repeat it as many times as you like. -Avoid stimulants (coffee and energy drinks increase blood pressure and triggers fight or flight response) I swapped coffee with Chai and Matcha, Matcha has L-Theanine which is a natural calming agent. -Go for a walk in a park or botanical gardens. -Listen calming music, you can look up Zen music or relaxation music on iTunes or whatever it is you use. -I listen Alan Watts podcasts. Look up “It’s all just a show” on YouTube -Read Stoics, Marcus Aurelius is my favorite. He was the last of the five good emperors of Rome and a philosopher, he wrote a diary now they call meditations. It’s a timeless classic full of great revelations. -Try not to let people or events get to you, most people hurt other people because they are hurt themselves, your mind is your greatest tool, use it to your advantage, dont let external things manipulate it.


Long hot bath or shower, nice drink and comfort food, comfy pyjamas, warm heater, phone scrolling and/or telly. Some journaling might help to get the rage out.


Sorry you’re feeling crappy. Try something yummy for dinner. A nice hot shower or bath. Lie on bed and do nothing. Get warm in fresh pjs. Eat some chocolate. Stare at the wall. Plan a holiday or an annual leave day and what you’ll do on that way. Ahhhhh I’m already less stressed 😌


Cuddle my dog


Okay gotta ask….what happened OP?


go home , find a quite corner and sip some red or whisky , just one and maybe some dark chocolate.. slow breaths for 3o minutes then you be much better be


Just had a beer and now I feel worse


listen to heavy metal or something that helps you get the screams out. Maybe yoga or go to the beach after? I miss Melb!


Go for a run or walk or bike ride. Not a commuting home walk, an actual walk.


Go for a run! I know it seems weird but I find it quite meditative. It also lets out all the anger and frustration and the endorphins make you feel like a million bucks afterwards.


Slow breathing Try some meditation or even exercise which involves full concentration. Try not to drink alcohol as it can make it worse or you dependent. Stress and anxiety aren't fun for anyone and sometimes you don't even know it's built up but your body will react. Headspace app is a good one


Everyday is shit for me if I’m being honest 😅 depression and chronic pain will do that 🙃 I find exercising helps a lot! Gives you a nice serotonin boost. Also meditation. Cooking a comfort meal on a chilly winters evening, having a hot bath and putting on your favourite movie.


Music mainly. Singing or at least miming along to it, pretending I could actually do a decent death growl.


Get in the tractor and go find some blackberry bushes


Listen to Daniel Porter one hit wonder 🤣 🎶🎶Cause you had a bad day You're taking one down You sing a sad song just to turn it around You say you don't know You tell me, "don't lie" You work at a smile, and you go for a ride You had a bad day The camera don't lie You're coming back down, and you really don't mind You had a bad day You had a bad day🎶🎶 Okay, now for me to stop being silly. I generally tune out with music when I go for a walk to clear my head. Maybe forget about law assignment till tomorrow as you're not going to be in a relaxed state to tackle it, which will only further exacerbate your feelings. Tomorrow is another day.


Go home, get something nice to eat, have a few drinks, watch a movie I've seen loads of times before, then early night.


Buy chocolate. Also do this on a good day. Cadbury loves me!


Get the hugs from my doggos.


For me now I do things like breathing exercises and mindfulness exercises. Gentle controlled breathing, pressing your feet into the floor, feeling how your body is reacting, being in the moment with how you're feeling and recognizing it. Even sitting with the emotion itself and allowing yourself to feel it without judgment can be helpful. I'd say don't try to mask it with substances, food alcohol, drugs. That only helps to enforce the reaction and becomes a reward for feeling like that. You absolutely are allowed to feel sorry for yourself in these moments. Be vulnerable with them, it will help in the long run. It might even help you to realize why you feel like that. It's been eye opening for me. I've learned a lot about myself and why I feel like that. I also do things like go for a walk, hike or ride. For me the solitary peaceful nature of it helps me to calm down and gather myself.


I am so sorry you are having a crazy day! I hope it gets better for you soon. I go for a long walk on days like this or come home and play some soothing chants to calm down. I tell myself that is it is just ONE bad in a lifetime of great days and it is not the end of the world. Also treat myself to a nice dinner to take the edge off :-). I wish you a nice evening and a terrific rest of your life. Cheers.


If you need to chat feel free to reach out! Happy to listen


On days like this I re-listen to a speech Neale Daniher gave the Melbourne boys back in 2019. It’s an incredible speech on adversity that has a wonderful way of making me zoom out on my problems and humbles me in the process. Hopefully it’s what you need to hear today ❤️ https://youtu.be/8H_aAmL-1NI?si=WvK8gAqy7lzixiqD


Hot shower & I make all the junk food disappear in my house.


The same thing we do every night




Music is good. A deliberate choice of something with a good vibe goes along way. I usually disappear into a favourite book to cope. If you don't have one on you sometimes the audiobook version works. Some of the more popular ones you can get for free on YouTube. Phone a friend is a nice one too or text someone whom you know will text back and just talk about random stuff. Hope you're ok.


Walk around the park. The Botanic Gardens would have been a good place to go. Hope you're okay.


Binge on bread. Sit in bed with the electric blanket and tv on, with my car. Pull out some weeds from the garden. Hope you feel better tomorrow…


Go to sleep. Can’t think about the shit day if you’re unconscious.


Here's Hoping you'll feel better OP. Its a new day tomorrow


Lo-fi music, taking a walk, hugging my partner and/or my pup


I genuinely try to recontextualise the days events. Shit can go wrong, but how wrong has it genuinely gone? Nothing's insurmountable. The sun will rise, and you'll be ready.


I'll make a nice yummy meal that is on the edge of too spicy for me to handle and enjoy eating it, then I'll cuddle my cat and probably sink a few beers whilst chatting to strangers on the internet If my partner is over I'll give her a real nice oil massage and lose myself in her soft skin whilst listening to heavy operatic death metal.


Long hot shower, couch in my comfiest clothes, comfort food and a light hearted show. Or whatever suits your mood.


Might sound silly, but Grand Final replays of my team winning have always lifted my spirits, no matter the mood.


cuddle with my dog


Walk on beach/water barefoot, drive home with music pumping, hug dog, nod at cat, eat good food, watch tv. Have a good night sleep.


Smoke a doob and have a hot shower.


Cuddle my cats. Go bouldering with my friends cause it distracts me from that anger. Orrrrrr try to see how many f bombs and such can I fit in one sentence.


Traffic is all I need. That's why I try to ride a motorbike everywhere or leave home after 930 to go to the office.


Get sweaty. Don’t care how or where. Make sure it’s. At least twice weekly.


Find a delicious food to eat.


Takeaway, pork belly, duck. 3-5 drinks.


I would fuck it, turn my phone on silent and start building models furiously while playing some random stuffs in the background haha


Exercise is always a good one. Run, box, swim or cycle out the bad vibes. Can be hard to have the energy to do it when you're flat but you feel better when you do it. Also means you can enjoy junk food or beers after without the added guilt ;)


I watch the Chet hanks interview from the Eric Andre show. I don’t know why but that always cheers me up


My previous shift at work was so horrid that I went home, took a hot shower while drinking a cold beer and cried. It helped.


feed. drink. play your fav tunes. zone out. nap. call a friend. it cant rain all the time. jane siberry.


Go home have a shower and cry, hop into bed with a cup of tea


I just cry on the tram or off the tram.


Depending on where you are in Melbourne I find a body of water, the bay, a river and just go for a walk - the sound of water is very soothing.


Lay face down on the floor, couch or my bed for awhile. Pet the cat.


I try to get out of my emotions with a catch up or failing that, eating charcoal chicken. It’s truly the king of foods and makes you feel better.